What A NIGHT At Work Looks Like | Yacht Arience

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[Music] welcome to the night before the chato it's currently 10:00 to 2:00 in the morning I am on Nightwatch for this trip Nightwatch meaning I'm the guy that sits up the butt as best as possible while the majority of the guests are asleep so we have no guest on board right now with a Night Watch guy okay and myself always starts the night before to get into the rhythm does this I can just to kind of set up for when the guests to arrive tomorrow and I will be on night shift for the entire trip 11 days give or take on this trip trip starting tomorrow and ending actually I'm living really short I snow it's by 11 days and my night watch time start at 12 midnight and they run through until 8 o'clock in the morning I then get a three hour break so 8:00 until 11 back on at 11:00 until 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon try and sleep from 3 p.m. in the afternoon until midnight and then start again this is the start of the second light watch those summer things decided on this one I'm gonna do the best I can to take I hate wind out papaya [Music] all righty well you've got the jacuzzi filling up in here this is all uncovered all the windows are done on all three decks four decks so last little bit stein cover there's a bit of due out tonight so kind of delaying that uncovering otherwise the cushions get all wet looking really good for setup it's now 4:30 a.m. so I feel like I'm a little bit ahead of the game here tonight which is great it's gonna be doing the last bits and pieces and wait for sunrise and then if you get my three hours break somewhere on a clock well good evening everybody it is not the same day as the last couple of clips that you have just seen a few days of pass probably four or five days because all the guests on board the most incredible bunch of people just so I don't know just sort open to chatting to all the crew and asking those questions about our family and we're we from and just the most down-to-earth people you will ever meet so it's an honor to people like that and we usually as crew like beg for them to come back I'm just doing the same old same old very similar to what you just saw in the clips prior to this which is set up and the reason why it's so repetitive is on Nightwatch is all just about setting up the road for the next day and that can only be so different you know you've got the flat switch all the paint work boots I gotta make sure that that's all done and all the footprints are gone and everything is pretty much as clean as it can be the stainless making sure that we mark from which people are touching and putting their hands in everywhere as that leaves marks and then because we're moving every single day you get salt spray and salt marks all over the windows which is probably the most time-consuming thing is to get all these windows done and sorted for the morning so a pretty repetitive job and not always the funnest but thankfully this Night Watch allows me to have daytime I've worked on boats which is like you're only on from nights and then you miss pretty much all the sunlight so I still get the majority of the day as well until three o'clock pretty grateful for that we've got these um these fish food golf balls so they are completely biodegradable in a couple of hours golf balls and we've got the clubs and everything that we set up on the bow on that section of the bird's eye forward so we set that up for the guests today with our rangefinder so it kind of allows you to see how far you're hitting the ball at the same time and our first officer Nick had a crack at it and it's a good thing we had the rangefinder because you got such distance [Music] so so that was this afternoon I'm glad we got a little bit of footage showing that but we have been to some of the most beautiful places here in Croatia it's certainly one of my favorite parts of the Med got a couple of drone flips of where we anchored the other day I'll roll that now as well [Music] okay so if 3 a.m. in the morning now time to do that hourly log so pretty much every single hour we just have to make sure that we check out the wind make sure that that's not increasing drastically and where the swing of the boat is because of where we anchor is normally next to islands or other birds yeah let me just show you barometric pressure so this one of you here the radar we just check on the cable so we make sure that this perhaps isn't overlapping and touching the land meaning that we dragging and then over here on this one so we've got an orange square and we're like sort of anchor chain is currently moving so we need to just keep an eye on on that and that ring that goes around that the captain said I need to wake him up in the event that that our anchor drags outside that ring keep the boat secure cold if any boats inside of the cables or if any boats anchor within that section I need to then wake the captain as well and call if orange track is outside the ring so then that way we know pretty much that the boat is dragging and then I need to wait the captain so the time the barometric pressures are the visibility the wind speed and direction and then our GPS coordinates and comics [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] today the wife of Jared got me does he really do any work I don't know you tell me chain wash the school come on so I know Josh is ready and here's a little Ron for you rub your holes with grease which is run great nor yellow pull food with white grease cream and that's the writer we tell how much change is down based on the color that painted on the chain after that putting up now is economic each jacqueline 27 so you can tell now the chain is straight up and down it's one shackle and it's only 20 meters deep between sets now off the bottom altar bottom row below no for the anchor is now home okay Nick that's the anchor just free of the waterline free to maneuver now I'm waiting for Josh to turn the anchor wash off so I know he's out of the bin and then I can bring the anchor all the way home there go my slab dang coming [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening so on average takes up a little over two hours but let's say two hours to do the three dicks above me and then we usually do the sundeck later on but let's say just the bridge deck off the upper deck and this main deck here takes me about two hours today is day 12 the last and final day of the Night Watch tomorrow or today later today is guests drop off but if we do the quick math two hours at 12 days give or take I have done 24 straight hours of Windows after doing this law squeegee a day well spent as much as possible we're gonna be getting all of the toys art and making sure that their last day is it just ends on a really big high note so waiting for the Sun to come up a little bit more and then I will show you guys what that sort of entails when it comes to getting all the toys ready which are the jet skis and blow ups and the trampolines and the tender and the sea Bob's so like literally as much as they want to do tomorrow is the last day of them and usually charter contracts start at 12 o'clock midday and they end at 12 o'clock midday so that means as far as I know tomorrow 12 o'clock is drop-off time and we've got until then to make sure that they will never forget this trip as a last and final little hoorah so let the Sun come up let me finish up my set up and then I will show you what it takes to do the set up downstairs which is at the swim platform [Music] hey in this global ladies and gentlemen it has been a massive pleasure taking me around the last few days it's pretty scary to me that this video is probably gonna send me over 100,000 subscriber mark and I can't thank you enough for that there will be a hundred thousand video as soon as I get the chance to make it I'm really proud we're going through this channel and I'm really proud of the people that have decided to follow me so thank you so much thank you so much for watching please smash that subscribe button if you'd like this day up to date on a day-to-day basis the Instagram accounts are linked in the description below I would suggest you follow it if you would like to see more than just sort of once a week videos guys thank you so much and I really I owe everything to you guys because I don't know if I'd be on this boat right now if it wasn't for you guys and I'm pretty much here because of you I feel like half the reason I came back to y'all Aryan salty yachting at all you said that I could keep filming so thank you very much and we will see you guys on the next [Music]
Channel: Jared Watney
Views: 764,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yacht crew, boats, super yachts, yachts, working on a super yacht, yacht crew duties, how to get a job on a yacht, below deck, real life below deck, working on yachts, how to, day in the life of yacht crew, day in the life, yachting, jared watney, crew duties, jon olsson, sailing la vagabonde, super yacht training, yacht arience, best yacht to charter, yacht for charter, night watch, night at work, croatia 2019, yacht work, yacht guests, yacht vlogs, sailing
Id: CEhsAsV1Iqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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