My Bully Has a Crush on Me

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ah I can't believe we're back here summer blew by way too fast I can't wait to go back to school seriously yep I can't wait to not have any free time anymore and spend every day here ugh ew what do you mean my mom took me back to school shopping look at this sick backpack I just got whoa that is pretty cool how much is that uh I don't know do you think they have it in red uh maybe whatever guys we have to go wait in the cafeteria until class starts I'm sorry excited for school because it's in the lunch food well I don't know I just don't get good grades I think that might be why it's okay cash Maybe This Year oh yeah you guys all want to sit together yeah let's do it let's sit over here do you think they're serving breakfast here uh maybe but I think we have to go up there yeah I'm kind of too lazy to go up there yeah and I'm probably gonna get a pickled sandwich or something a pickled sandwich uh yeah actually that doesn't really sound that bad oh gosh don't look now but there's a new girl over there what seriously don't look you oh my gosh gosh keep a little cover gasha that is the new girl I remember hearing that she was gonna join the school yeah she's gonna know you're looking at her though no she won't uh look I'm staring at her without her knowing how you doing that yeah wait what I'm in perspective mode you guys should try it wait how do you even do that guys come on oh you know what whatever we should invite her to our friend group you know what no no we don't need more people in our friend group Nico I mean why would it hurt because it's gonna be way too chaotic we already have me you Zoe Mia shady and Nebo we don't need more people the more the better though that's not true and there's only three of us today so what hurts about one day I'm good I think we should just go to class fine you Debbie Downer yeah whatever cash I'm neither a Debbie or a downer he's definitely a Debbie Downer I don't even know what a Debbie is you guys are silly ah you know the one thing I do like about this semester is that we all got the same first class uh yeah that's amazing yeah that's awesome I'm going the wrong way what the heck cash you stood on your way around here I swear they changed the layout of the school what's the point of that little thing uh I don't know but I heard the upgrade in the school scene oh seriously yeah I wonder what they're gonna add why is the lunch lady the teacher hello it down please are you sure we're in the right class what what is this class again lunch class now see now what okay okay okay fine I'm sitting down you got in trouble yeah why are you sitting behind oh sorry am I late oh welcome sit down okay thank you yeah that's the new girl you were talking about remember oh wait yeah that is she's in their class Mia why'd you just throw a piece of string out to the side it keeps showing up in my inventory that's weird I know so for our first lesson today we will learn why gravy does not belong on mashed potatoes what this is gonna be an interesting subject all right hey punk what Nico Nico I'm not a punk I'm attacking you well I heard ah what the heck turn around yeah that's what I thought oh wait it's the new girl what the heck um hello I guess what are you wearing I'm just wearing my regular clothes that I always wear yeah but does it have to be red you also have a red backpack I mean really yeah so what I like red well I hate red well I didn't ask well too bad and you know what I'm taking your money for that oh oh what the heck I don't even have any money now what is this then wait why do you have an apple pie just in your backpack my mom gave it to me too bad it's out the window now hey what the heck why are you being mean well you know I hate red so I hate you um Nico I think the new girl hates me I could kind of agree with her on that what it was so much better uh Mia are you hearing this yeah she seems kind of aggressive can you do something about it hey sit down wow wow what the heck okay fine no no don't say don't kick me out I'll sit down please I'll sit down geez why'd she sneak up on me like that that scared me gravy is bad okay let's just get back to the lesson I think I see the word potato right there and gravy bad yeah I have no idea what's going on there's a face there yeah that's kind of weird Nico what that's not me that's me yeah why do you keep Whispering oh it's Mia what what what Mia I don't think the new girl likes you at all yeah no kidding did you just see that interaction we had yeah she took your money and through your apple pie gosh hey shut up science nerd you what's up bro oh geez you want some oh you want to go right now Mia sit down that's what I thought yeah sit back down oh my gosh Mia try not to square up at Square City too much okay I got that Nico also it's kind of breaking my neck looking back at you right now it's it's like so hard to switch between Nico and Mia um what is this class over I don't know excuse me wait one dollar fee per student uh excuse me hey we should have been paying for things you know yeah this is a school classroom gravy do it right now wow wow wow she's aggressive she's aggressive get me out of this class get me out of here oh what the heck uh yeah cash you probably should go in there again look why is she just staring at me like that Mia be careful she's so creep whoa whoa she's running at us right finally we ran away from that Grandma yeah I know I don't even think she was a real teacher to be honest uh yeah she was probably just trying to get money from us oh no kidding she probably wanted to teach us about how gravy is so bad so she started her own class on it but I love gravy and what do you guys think about that Regina girl the new girl she was super mean she was so mean well I actually had to talk with her you know what you had to talk with her I set up a hangout between you two so you guys could talk things out why would you do that Nico because what do you mean don't cost no it's her Regina give me a give us one second okay I need to explain it real quick look just just stay over there okay Nico why are you friends with her I basically said it because I don't want you being bullied you're my best friend cash well why would you set up a hangout with my my bully to stop me from getting bullied do you not see the logic there because everybody what you mean well Nico that's just not how it works well I'm gonna face a wall now and you talk to her good luck wait what no Nico do not go face a wallet nickel come back here oh my gosh Mia you're on my side right I am but you're on your own she scares me what the heck hey no I'm facing the wall no Mia come back here what are you guys doing oh my gosh both of my friends are just ignoring me now I know you guys can still hear me uh oh Coach Frank uh you know what guys I think we should cancel the hangout I think you guys should hang out yeah why are you a part of this conversation no one's even talking to you I just thought I would give my input am I not allowed to do that I guess you are okay anyways I'm going back to play basketball that's not where the basketball court is um okay why'd you get up again Nico um so why am I here um I have no idea and how did Nico go back to sitting down at the wall uh listen I I don't know what's happening but whatever you came out here for um it's canceled nobody's hanging out with anyone what yeah so I came all this way for nothing yeah I don't know I guess he lied to you you should take it on him though come on Mia let's go we're getting out of here Nico we're leaving did you guys work things out think I'll run run oh thank goodness that's all over I could finally just be home and watch my own TV by myself my social battery definitely ran out I like being alone this is so much nicer than before holy smokes what ah Nico what do you want I just said I wanted them alone time uh me and me are coming to dinner do you want to come you mean Mia and I me and I okay yeah you guys are going to a dinner why because we're hungry oh I guess that makes sense uh let me just finish the show you're not even watching anything I'm watching the news oh my gosh here sit down Nico let's watch it together okay I don't even know what he's talking about to be honest blah blah blah hurricane killed like 50 people and yeah in other news uh we're going to war with another country yeah yeah this news is pretty boring today what it's so bad anyways you want to go to that dinner okay yeah sure where's Mia is she just waiting for us there yeah she is what the heck why would you leave her alone in the restaurant uh because she is her own individual uh yeah I guess so but it's always good to have friends nearby you never know what can happen true all right Nico walk faster come on uh I'm trying my best yeah well you're taking too long hey what even right behind you please you don't think you can give me any food literally just food traps I'll eat the leftovers on your plate leave me alone Nico I told you I should have left me by yourself hey hey put me down when you guys leave your table I'm coming back here and I'm eating your food well we're not leaving any leftovers yes you will oh my gosh just go to your Shack Dodge why is the hobo being so weird today I have no idea he's nice you know ah yeah I'm sorry about that Mia I blame Nico for that one me too sorry I thought this was a safe restaurant guys guys don't look now but that mean bully from school is sitting over at that table it's where where yeah don't know oh guys I said don't look now oh my gosh she's gonna realize uh hi Nico I'm just gonna look away me too Nico I can't believe she's sitting alone there I never would have thought this would happen what why are you acting so surprised never would have expected it in a million years you know that sounds kind of sarcastic speaking of which cash you should go sit with her why would I do that yeah why would he you still haven't made things up with her well I don't care about making anything up with her she's a bully yeah she's mean yeah maybe it would be different in a non-school setting wait a second Nico you set this all up didn't you no what are you talking about this dinner you probably told her to come to dinner and then and then Mia and then the hobo did you tell the hobo to come to dinner Nico I would never do that yeah I feel like this is all fake I know I'm very sister suspicious of you Nico yeah me too uh well that for some reason I really need to go pee so I have to go what Goodbye Oh my gosh I don't think that's the bathroom yeah I think that was the kitchen oh no I'm so bored why is no one sitting here do you hear what she's saying yeah she's saying it quite loud so that we hear her yeah I kind of feel like that's like fake she's trying to set us up or something I'm just gonna ignore her if only someone who would just come sit with me why is she acting so sad maybe she wants me to sit with her someone who's not wearing orange oh okay I'm guessing that's me uh I'm not saying I'm not gonna stay with her though she's a bully I'm so alone and misunderstood now why is she so sad it's making me feel bad I know but I can't sit with her I'm wearing orange okay fine fine you know what I guess I'll do it fine I'll sit with her okay well if I'm not back by five minutes call the police okay I'll have my phone ready okay hello Regina oh hey uh hey please don't hurt me I'm just here to sit because you're lonely no no I wouldn't hurt you don't worry are you serious are you not like hiding a knife under the table or something of course not no I only have this this um this I guess I could bash your head no no no no no no I don't know why do you still have your backpack though you know you got out of school like hours ago well I came here from school so you've been here for like four hours what are you guys ready to eat yo I know that's you who's Nico oh my gosh uh yes whatever we're ready to eat well anyways here's our menus here you go just redo them diligently since when was our menu for this recipe it's blank do you have the white chicken chili yes I do actually there's literally nothing on the menu what do you mean you gotta use your imagination no I'm not oh my gosh you know I'll just have a water a water's got it Twitter man I told you I'm always serving them tonight what what the heck anyways I'm so glad you came on this date what hold on hold on take a couple back steps what'd you say what this date this is not a date what do you mean this obviously is hold on we're getting served our food by the robot waiter thank you Mr Robo Robo I had it anyways as I was saying this is not a date what no no no no no come on I've been dropping hints all week dropping hints how have you dropped any hints well that one time I picked up your pencil and then the other time I took your lunch money that's a good hint right no it's not that literally just feels like you're bullying me what oh okay what about the time I took your homework come on what's that's not a good thing you know if you want to get someone to like you you should be nice to them not mean I didn't know that my bad I just didn't know I had any other ways away just to show you I had a crush what I'm sorry I have to go sit down uh for a second meow meow we gotta get out of here what was she talking about I couldn't hear her she has a crush on me wait wait well do you have a crush on her no no definitely not finally I'm done with the bathroom Nico we're getting out of here I blame you for all of this what do you mean I did nothing let's go we gotta figure out a way to get her to stop liking me I cannot have my own bully have a crush on me I mean it's not that bad right it is pretty bad Nico she tries to flirt by throwing pizzas at me and stealing my pencils maybe this could be a good thing you know I don't think it's a good but Mia what do you think this is terrible we need to make her stop that's what I'm saying this is terrible and we need to make her stop I think this is a good situation Nico you're just not thinking broadly okay I would love if Zoe threw pencils at me what what you know I'm just gonna ignore whatever he said Mia you're gonna have to help me get this girl to stop you could try not showering for a week what no I'm not doing that that's disgusting I know and then she'll be like ew he's sticky I don't like him I think I have a better idea but first i'm gonna take a power nap okay me too I'll see you guys in a sec okay just a quick two minute power nap and uh what I told you I'd get your leftovers hey hey fridge oh my gosh there's no way he just he just went away with that did he take all get out of here what the heck it's empty oh my gosh you know what I'm getting locked doors next time I come over here I need to reinforce those things with like iron you know what whatever I'm going to sleep good night morning all right wait why am I sleeping on the couch I swear I went to bed upstairs what the heck okay you know what whatever it's time to set this plan into motion let's go wait why is Nico sleeping on the ground Nico [Music] why are you sleeping here do wait did you wake up in an unusual spot as well no like that you just said we took a power nap so I took one on the spot wait seriously yes I didn't even see you I was walking home oh wow okay I'm going back to sleep no Nico wake up okay well what are we gonna do today remember we have to set the plan into motion guys today's the day today you sort things out with Regina uh no definitely not that anyways guys come on let's go we're going to the movie theater okay they better have some new releases today I swear we've been watching the same movie like all the time uh yeah you're right hey Clyde wait you are not not Clyde there you are wrong I'm Clyde's fiancee yeah uh I know that Juliet why are you here and where is Clyde Clyde's on vacation visiting his family since I got banned from visiting them are you serious why'd you get banned apparently I'm too much yeah um I don't disagree anyways uh can we just get some tickets oh yeah all right what are we watching um let's see whoa hey uh Juliet is one of the other employees wearing a bag on their head that might be one of our other workers I don't really know who works here excuse me were you spying on me um no why do you have a bag on your head why do you not have a bag on your head because I like seeing stuff it's a new style uh Mia suspicion yeah I have no idea come on guys let's just go into the movie come on thanks Juliet what sorry why why uh sorry okay thank you thank you guys that person in the window is super suspicious yeah why are they looking at us right now I kind of have a feeling we know who that is yeah I kind of feel like I do too Nico you got me into this mess gosh I'm sorry I didn't know this was because this was chaosa I can't believe you'd set up a date with me and my bully that's like the worst plan anyone has ever had yeah it wasn't very smart on my end but it's all right it's whatever maybe we could just forget about it and watch this movie True when is it gonna start uh I don't know gosh I think we might have came in too early guys wait what I think Regina just bought a ticket I think I saw a girl that looked familiar walk by why does she have a camera out you're not allowed to have a camera in movie theaters camera what camera um what's what is going on she's following us she's taking a picture of me guys we're getting out of here yeah we're leaving I've had enough of this oh wait ah darn it oh my gosh all right guys we gotta do something about this this is ridiculous yeah I think this is kind of getting out of hand I kind of take the blame for this a little bit yeah she's stalking me now because of this oh gosh How could somebody like someone else so much that they stalked them that's crazy I don't know we gotta figure out a way to get her to stop yeah Mia I was hoping you had an idea you're kind of like you know a scientist maybe you could cook up a potion or something oh that's actually fairly smart I'm gonna do that seriously yep I'm gonna make a non-love potion um your lab has security clearance right yeah there's no way she gets in there all right I'm staying in there with you then let's go all right here we go ah Mia how much longer is this potion gonna take well it's not easy to make I've only ever made love potions yeah well you could probably make the opposite of a love potion what is that called like a hate potion oh yeah probably not the hate potion that's a little more aggressive okay well I guess while you're making this potion I'm gonna go grab some snacks from my house okay well be careful she might be out there no don't scare me like that hey Mia your robot's in here hi bro to watch out for cash just in case up yes Robo can you be my bodyguard he's not really programmed to do that but he'll try cash I would be a better bodyguard Nico I don't know you kind of got me into this mess so I don't really trust you yeah oh oh gosh uh uh come on Robo let's just go I just need to grab some snacks from my house real quick oh man um Mr Robo why are you always doing that robot walk can't you just walk normally okay thank you I guess oh uh what are you doing at my house I'm moving in what you're not moving into my house I thought we would move forward in our relationship so I'm moving in no no no no no no we are double cut okay uh Rubble come here what do you think I should do we gotta figure this out I gotta find a way to not make her hate me but then also not make her love me I can't understand anything you're saying are you even saying anything you're just silent I feel like I'm talking to a wall right now I'm sorry I didn't mean that Robo okay you know what uh hey Regina yeah wait we can definitely move in together I guess really do not engage just go with the flow uh yes you can move into my house sure oh my I'm so I hate moving into my boyfriend's house let's go oh my gosh just don't use the word boyfriend why not because okay fine you could use the word but whatever okay are you gonna keep your stuff in the house obviously to be honest there's not that much room uh what is it Robo what why are you shaking no she's gotta stay here yes you can stay here just ignore him sorry yeah you know what first thing let's take this thing out you know it's kind of garbage no that's my robot he's not garbage hey you don't need a robot yes I do come on we can just hang out no no this is mine cash drop the robot right now no get away from me I'm not dropping him I'm going to break it I'm gonna break it I'm gonna break it right now whoa was that in your hand drop the robot give it to me what's wrong with you hey get this woman away from me give me the robot no get away get away you're not touching me or my robots get away Jada yes what's going on uh hello ew what are you doing here is she talking to me yep she's talking to you let's go why are you wearing red come on I only love the color blue what what hello uh oh gosh oh gosh I think we need another potion if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys foreign
Channel: Cash
Views: 3,975,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, My Bully Has a Crush on Me
Id: q1aQ6CCqCEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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