KIDNAPPED by a FANGIRL in Minecraft!

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I'm too tired for anything right now I need to get my coffee before I get my day started and I think I'm heading to the beach later oh yeah this is gonna be super fun let me just order my coffee Ella please why are you hitting yourself why are you hitting yourself while you're hitting yourself Ella why are your customers fighting over there I don't know they've been doing that all day and you didn't do anything to like stop it I don't get paid enough to stop every fight oh my gosh hey dude dude leave her alone what's wrong with you um what's your issue man move it my issue is that you're hurting this innocent person and she didn't even do anything um yes she did not what'd she do she didn't give me her money why does she need to give you her money dude just get over here bro hey oh my gosh you can't just take money from people and Bully them when they don't give it to you get get out of here go whatever go are you okay I am thank you oh uh you're welcome okay if that bully ever comes back again then you know who to call okay all right um what's your name uh cash okay my name is Maria and I'm the protector of the city I'm just kidding oh you're so cool yeah I know I am Ella you need to do better about protecting your customers that was just messed up are you gonna pay me to protect my customers uh no I'm not your boss exactly whatever happens in this shop happens what okay you know whatever can I just get a coffee I need to wake up for the morning of course I'll make one thank you Ella I'm just gonna go sit down over here goodness I swear there's always something going on in this town and I'm always the one that has to deal with it Mom excuse me oh what you again yeah I guess so but you know there's empty seats across the entire place you don't really need to sit here exactly I don't seem pretty empty I mean full to me okay I guess you could sit with me what's your name again oh Mariah oh okay nice to meet you Maria oh Ella is my coffee ready here are the drinks for the lovely couple wait what couple we're definitely not a couple whatever I'm just gonna drink my coffee and go if that's okay okay I have to go head out to my friends they're all probably hanging out without me oh geez this is totally not good okay well it was nice meeting you Maria but I gotta bounce oh wait soon uh yeah I gotta go sorry uh probably not bye sorry guys I'm late I had to go get my morning coffee as usual yeah yeah it was actually decaf so I don't really know why I had to get it did you get my hot chocolate no definitely not Nico but my hot Jack ET I'm not your servant I'm not just gonna go get stuff for you oh my gosh yeah anyways whatever we all came to the beach to hang out didn't we yeah yeah I say we all have a sand castle competition I bet you I could build the best one Castle competition yes let's do it let's do it where do you guys think we should start it um I don't know but I think I'm gonna make mine in the water switch it up a little bit wait what how are you gonna do that I don't know you'll see okay uh Shady where are you gonna build yours um maybe on top of this lifeguard Hut uh that's a weird spot to put a sand castle what about you Mia um I'm just gonna build mine in the sand oh yeah me too I think that's the best spot I chewed over here okay I think I need to put it in like a pattern like this oh my gosh this looks super cool already and then up like this and then out and boom the sand castle looks so awesome I should probably add some little details around it like this too and for the Finishing Touch guys I'm done with my sand castle guys guys hello Nico Shady hey cash look up here where's your sand castle I can't really build it on the wood wait you can't no can you help me no I'm not gonna help you we're opponents remember oh right uh maybe I just gotta do this and bang that's it um hang on let me just fix it and oh oh dang it bro let me just check out yours no not yet we have to gather everyone come here Shady wait wait wait wait wait wait before we go what I'm thinking uh we could partner up what do you mean you and me yeah you build the sand and I'll advertise it are you sure yeah okay I guess we could do that fine this is me and Shady sand castle truce okay Nico are you done yes done uh that's your puny little sand castle well uh explain to me how I got it there uh you just built up two blocks of sand right here in the middle and then put the castle on top it's possible look at the little cute sand oh geez Shady oh God okay whatever let's go check out Mia's now come on yeah it builds a mansion whoa this is a pretty cool Mansion oh I can even see inside there's more castles in there wait so you're saying we should have a sand War oh gosh everyone come to judge me and shadies it's much better oh okay wait someone else is here excuse me hey aren't you the girl from the coffee shop um yeah that's me oh Maria right yeah yeah Maria hey uh did you want to enter our sand castle build competition oh no no I'm I'm good I just wanted to say thank you to cash oh uh oh yeah for saving you at the coffee shop right yeah it really means a lot um it was nothing well uh oh okay I guess uh cash who is that Mario person uh I don't know she was just some person getting bullied at the coffee shop so I stopped the bully huh okay whatever anyways I think me and Shady definitely win this look at our sand castle it's so unique wow this does look pretty cool guys step on it they broke bye no no no no whatever we still won Shady yeah let's go home I've had enough of the beach I have sand everywhere and when I mean everywhere I mean everywhere ew I don't think you got enough cash come over here gosh we're Shady with the snacks yeah I don't know he's been taking so long I swear you tell him to do one thing and he just decides not to do it oh oh hey Shady what you doing what were you saying um I was just saying how shady is such a good friend and how he always listens to us I brought us some giant eggplants what we told you to get a good snack Oh I thought that was good uh no this is oh it actually is pretty good I don't feel good oh I mean it's not that bad but do you guys want some candied kumquats instead no I think I'm good that doesn't really sound too good these are so yummy I swear eating food after the beach is like the best feeling ever what about glowing calamari glowing color is probably even better oh my goodness this is disgusting okay guys um I don't mean this in a mean way or anything but can all of you get out of my house wait why because I want to go to sleep I'm gonna go upstairs in my bedroom brush my teeth and then take a nap are you kicking me out yes I am there's the door oh my gosh you guys should head to bed too we all need to wake up pretty early tomorrow sleepover here no Nico you need to get out oh my okay fine gosh I think I'll just sit with Mia I'm pouring the my shoes on your carpet good job oh my gosh and Shady you too I'm leaving I'm leaving oh my gosh thank goodness it enough to lift him being me is so tiring holy smokes at least I get to take a rest now oh my gosh what's the use I can't even fall asleep right now I have too much energy in my body you know what maybe I could just go get a glass of milk that always usually puts me to sleep and all my friends are probably asleep without me too I hate being the only one awake at night gosh can't believe stupid oh wait what hey is there someone outside my house right now hey what what are you doing out here Maria wait wait wait what oh oh geez whoa wait what where am I no no no no no am I in jail I swear I didn't do it officer wait this is not a jail this is a house and hey I just opened these doors time to check on my cache oh geez oh gosh [Music] oh he's still asleep I'll just leave this burger for him oh my gosh wait what it's that girl Maria are you serious am I in her house right now and why am I laying on a cold floor I should at least be in a bed or something with a blanket oh my gosh I'm so hungry though I'm eating this burger okay hold on I gotta check out what's going on right now did she just capture me and put me in her bedroom or something oh gosh I need to wait for her to leave this area she's gonna catch me maybe I could sneak around oh gosh oh yes okay maybe I can go up these stairs there's got to be an answer to this somehow hmm I think yes oh oh uh hey Maria well why am I here what are you doing out nothing I was just exploring you can't explore go back to your room oh okay yes I'll go back to my room right now wait can I just uh leave though I need to get back home okay why is there no lever on the front door how are you supposed to get in and out oh you see I got rid of the lever oh okay okay no worries I'll just go back to my room now oh gosh oh just please leave me alone what is wrong with that girl why does she have the doors blocked off there's no way I can open those things oh geez and why was she blocking me from going upstairs I feel like there's something up there I should be worried about maybe I could just wait for her to leave again I gotta explore without her seeing me what is she doing what's in her hand oh perfect is she painting wait what okay I should probably just wait for her put this here too cash in Maria what is that even how you pronounce her name I think it might be Mariah okay whatever while she's distracted I'm running upstairs gosh this place is so creepy looks like some weird sort of wall here oh wait is this her bedroom I think it is and there's a giant hole in the wall maybe that's how I can escape let me keep exploring this place there seems to be a game room area and why are all these windows blocked off with iron bars could she not just use regular windows for once oh geez the a bathroom with one toilet that's super weird okay and I'm guessing another bedroom gosh if she had a guest bedroom why couldn't I go in here would have been much more comfortable in that cold floor huh maybe I can find a way to get out of this room though there's a hole in the wall that I could easily Escape out of I just gotta find a way to maybe parkour or something wait what Nico we've come to save you Mia what are you guys doing here what do you mean what am I doing here like how did you find me oh well I have a tracker on you wait really is that shady behind you yes sir oh my gosh thank you guys for coming to see you pick it up here but I can't look there's no way to parkour oh gosh does any of you have ladders no we should try the front door what if it's unlocked no guys listen her front door is blocked off with iron doors and there's no levers there oh gosh I think we should get some ladders yeah that would be best just I'll try and distract her you guys go grab some ladders real quick okay uh okay got it all right I need to make sure she doesn't come up here um um Mariah Mariah what is wait why are you out um because I'm really thirsty do you have any water for me oh uh yeah of course let me get you some okay perfect oh my gosh those guys better hurry up they need to bring me my ladders already I'm getting really thirsty over here Mariah do you got that water by any chance yes I'm getting it I'm getting it if you don't give me water I could die but thirst you know oh gosh I don't want you to die here oh thank you I guess uh oh yeah this is some good water hey now I gotta use the bathroom though I kind of drink a lot of water oh that's a lot of bottles you don't want any more are you sure no I'm good I just need to use the bathroom where could that be oh it's upstairs come on follow me oh okay cool where over there oh okay got it um listen I can't really use the bathroom with someone up here near me so can you go to the farthest point downstairs as possible uh no I can't you might leave I'm Not Gonna Leave You already blocked off all the windows with iron bars how would I leave no I don't okay you can you know what you can just stand at the front door okay okay I'll stand right here how about that uh no I need you at the front door I can't pee when someone's upstairs no no all the way there is this good no no all the way yeah much better okay okay so does she know I'm not actually gonna use the bathroom I'm just stalling time maybe I could sneak around right now without her seeing Oh gosh oh gosh perfect okay she definitely didn't see me walk by come on Nico with me on Shady you guys better have the ladders by now guys you're back okay we got the ladders okay just drop down and give them to me where's Shady gosh right there I'm right here guys just toss on the ladders come on okay okay here thank you take it okay cool I'm coming up guys let's get out of here come on we gotta get out of here we gotta go thank goodness let's go come on thank you guys for saving me you guys are living the best uh oh geez not again are you serious oh hey guys uh cash you're finally awake we got caught was I the only one asleep right there yes I know how you're sleeping in this environment gosh I'm sorry I got you guys into this I don't even know who that lady is I literally just saved her once and she does obsessed with me or something well I could take her yeah I don't think you can yeah you're probably right we gotta find another way to get out of here she has the front doors blocked off and uh to my knowledge he probably blocked off the upstairs hole too at least these doors are wooden yeah true hey do one of you think you can oh oh geez nevermind she's right there I saw you guys uh no I think you were just hallucinating or something you definitely didn't see us hey uh Mariah look I stole your paintbrush oh give me that it's mine hey uh as long as cash is here wait what you're not gonna go chase him wait so that means I could just wait no and cash is still here yeah you'll stay with me right uh sorry guys I kind of want to leave no you said you were oh my gosh uh wait can I just go with them maybe um okay okay geez uh what if I just run out no no no no don't make me pick you up you can't pick me up you're definitely not even strong enough oh wait what how are you picking me up well you're very light guys is anyone gonna help me I don't know I think this is kind of funny listen Mariah we're already trapped in your house why would you keep me into a room you know I could go crazy if I'm kept in one room oh I don't want you to be crazy but uh it's fine I'll be in the room with you no I need to see my friends so I don't go crazy fine but I'm keeping a close eye yeah uh yeah oh well look they're graffiti in your walls don't you want to deal with that Mariah oh no I need to clean this up okay perfect now that she's distracted with that I could go check on the oh my gosh of course she covered up the entire hole that was back to normal wait what's that cashywashy who calls me cashy oh my gosh what is that uh yeah cash I think you've got a psycho like you don't let her hear you if she hears that she's gonna take it out on you oh yeah true look she covered up the hole up there too oh my gosh now how are we gonna get out this place is impossible oh geez she's having a hard time removing all this graffiti everywhere hey we're even is she excuse me uh Mariah oh hey hey uh if we were to you know want to leave the house just for a moment uh how would we go about doing that well don't worry you don't have to leave uh yes but I just want to know where the exit is just in case well usually when I want to leave I use this lever on the front door but you guys don't have to leave ever so you're fine uh okay well uh thanks for the information then I guess hate Mariah uh what's for din-din oh I'm making chicken wait you're making chicken you know Ikea use this life actually Pico this is my seat this is my seat I'm sitting here oh don't worry cash I'll cook for you every day yeah that's right Nico oh she doesn't like Nico she definitely likes me she thinks he's a Vermin what I definitely don't think that shady wait cash come here okay what is it Mia well we need to get that lever from her yeah you don't think I know that how are we gonna get it from her though she's never gonna give that thing up well who are the two smartest people in this house um me oh okay okay it's me and Shady we could set a trap no I want to set the Trap fine we'll all set the Trap but we have to stick to the plan okay but we need someone to distract Nico you're on that Duty oh my gosh I'm always distracting uh sorry but you're the one that knows how to improv the most so just come up with a ton of stuff okay Nico do this right now would be preferable so we can start working on the track okay okay guys I say we set the Trap right in front of these stairs okay perfect what do you guys think this reminds me of the game called granny granny yeah oh yeah that's true if only we had bear traps oh I wish we did hey Mia do you have any sticky pistons oh yes I do okay and Shady do you have a pickaxe for me yeah which flavor of pickaxe do you want flavor um I mean just give me another right okay oh my goodness oh I don't need that many sticky pistons well you never know ah okay well whatever I'm digging into the ground now watch this is gonna be the best trap ever now I just need to place these sticky pistons like this and like this okay boom boom now does anyone have some Redstone torches cash you don't have redstone on you no she took everything from me all I have is water bottles thank you Shady of course okay boom now we just put a redstone torch right here oh and that activated that one and now we just need one right here boom as you can see now we have two blocks covering the entire thing okay but this looks pretty obvious so yeah maybe we cover it up yeah hey maybe we should use gray carpet instead of white carpet Shady um that was MIA actually oh my gosh the white looks better because it's like andesite okay fine yeah let's use the white carpet yay all right guys now we need some pressure plates to actually activate this thing anyone got some pressure plates um yes I have some gimme gimme all right cool now if you'll excuse me I need to do a little bit of wiring okay wire what what's a wire you you're the wire uh I definitely don't think I'm the wire but whatever maybe Shady isn't part of the smartest group in the house watch that's messed up he said wire that's not oh my gosh Mia you're a wirer oh geez is Nico still distracting her pretty well so you're telling me that these dance moves will impress cash yes trust me I can't believe that's actually working right now this is hilarious okay anyways I need to keep focusing oh geez uh Mr wire can you hurry up uh yes I'm hurrying up hold on let me just get some blocks real quick geez people are so pushy these days hey what are you doing JD um you know just looking around I'm chilling whatever whatever okay let's just finish this thing already someone give me some Redstone and a lot of it please oh fine thank you Mia okay now use this for the Trap not for yourself uh I might keep some for myself of course you will okay now I just need to Route the Redstone over here like this and then also to the other side all the way like this boom your cash you might need one of these oh uh repeater thank you that's actually a really good idea I need to make sure the circuit doesn't run out on accident boom okay now if I place the pressure lights here it should open the Pistons bang am I a genius or what you're uh 90 smart wait what okay guys come on whatever we need to keep covering this up use carpet and slabs doing it perfect keep covering come on guys okay I think that's believable yeah that's perfect and let me make sure this still works yeah perfect okay but now how are we gonna trick her into using the lever um oh I have an idea we could trick her into thinking that there's a deactivate button right here someone Hand Me A Sign okay here I have a blue sign oh wait why do you have a blue sign don't ask okay whatever let's just put the words the activate right here and then we'll put a down pointing Arrow just like that so now she'll see this and see deactivate downwards uh cash there's nothing on that sign but what do you mean I can't see anything oh is it hard to read okay fine you know what someone hand me a paintbrush let me get a closer look wait no Shady oh my gosh oh man crap me out get over here gosh okay just someone hand me a paintbrush okay here we go I'm gonna draw on this wall right here Escape boom and then we'll put an arrow down here that says Place lever boom all right guys how does that look oh that looks perfect Escape Place lever and then she'll place it right there okay who's ready cash cash what happened I um that's gonna be like a hundred bucks right oh perfect I got you hey um Mariah I have a problem upstairs I accidentally clogged the toilet oh gosh well it's okay cash I can fix it dude that's disgusting sorry just follow me up here up these stairs yes yay Mariah it looks like you're in a bit of a pickle right now oh how do I get out of here oh well just read this sign obviously Escape oh perfect kind of prank uh no definitely not a prank all right well we'll see you later Mariah come on guys let's grab the lever let's go let's go escape wait guys what I just realized we could have used those pressure plates oh my gosh let's go wait uh is it a bad idea leaving her just in that hole by herself I mean I'm sure she'll be fine she's resourceful yeah but what if she you know starves to death okay well I still have some of the candied kumquats so I'll give those to her I don't know me I think we should just let her out if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys [Music]
Channel: Cash
Views: 3,605,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, KIDNAPPED by a FANGIRL in Minecraft!
Id: _GsqVwmCt98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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