Amtrak Bedroom Tour On A Superliner: Our Favorite Sleeper Car Room!

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hey guys welcome back today we are giving you a full tour of the bedroom on the super [Music] liner all right there's a lot to talk about here um so let's start over here in this corner uh first of all this is your sink area you're gonna have your trash here which is a much bigger bin area than you normally have in a room at and you've got a little medicine cabinet type thing here you've got extra toilet paper and some tissue and cups to rinse out when you're brushing your teeth washcloths and hand towels as well as soap and here you've got your sink and you've got liquid soap here already and you've got your hot and your cold you push these whoa wild you push it and the water you will drip out we've got this here because it was making a ruckus while we were sitting here okay you've got two outlets here which i think is fantastic to have these two there's another one in the room i'll show you that in a minute and then here you've got a mirror to see yourself hello and then you've also got a light you can turn that off or you can even use it as a night light if you wanted to um at night when you're sleeping now over here in this little corner is actually a closet open that up and we've got some pillows stuffed in here and you can see it hangers right there so back here we'll take a peek this is where the other outlet is and also your temperature control is here we'll look at the other side in just a moment you also have a nice little kind of night light right here or reading light for the person on the bottom bunk or if you're just going to sit here and read we'll get this down in just a minute and fold this out into that in a moment but let me show you a little bit more you do have your tray table so you can eat here in the room or you can eat in the dining cart or you can set this out to work on on your computer or you can sit you know to read or play a game or whatever and then you've got one seat facing uh forward in this car it could be a reverse depending on what direction they attach it in you've got a little storage shelf up here and also a light underneath for reading here which you can turn on right there and then this is a storage shelf up here it does have a lip on it so that would help something to not just fall down on top of you if you were there now let's go into the bathroom so this is an all-in-one and it is a commode and a shower all in one now you would um shower i'll just go ahead and come in here so there's a drain down here you can see it down there and then this is your your toilet area here and there's your flush button there is a bar in here should you need it sometimes the train does kind of shake once it gets going pretty quickly um and then up here uh we've got our towels stored you've got the shower head here and this actually um comes off so if you're not as tall or you like to just you know do a quickie rinse then that's good and then in here you would just turn this which i'm not going to do right now because we're all going to take a shower and then you would push the button here to get it going so it's a two two-way system and this actually goes inside here and you flip this down to cover your toilet paper so that you don't shower your toilet paper because that would be really bizarre if you try to use your toilet paper after you wet it it would be like wet wipes right um okay and then i'll show you a little bit more about this up here but there is the the upper bunk here and you do get a ladder that you will pull down and we'll set the whole thing up for you but we'll set this whole room up for sleeping and rob will also be getting out his handy-dandy tape measure to measure all of this out for you and he's also going to give you a tour of his favorite place is the upper bunk penthouse so hang on let's uh switch this around for you we'll show you what it looks like when we're sleeping okay so just about done with the setup here this is the ladder and we can put this forever for rob it's nice and secure and there's kind of a rubber on here so that it's not metal and making noise on here it's nice and quiet and very secure also check this out so if you look down here this little button right here it says push for bed and then there's a little bar here so the thing is you want to push this down and pull this but once you pull this you don't have to actually pull the whole time to get the whole the bed to come out but you do have to push down here in order to keep it coming out now what i like to do is instead of um trying to pull out with the bar i like to come back here let me turn the light on here i like to come back here and i push the top part of the seat then instead of pulling the bar the whole time i find that easier but the room attendant actually is going to make this up for you so if you don't want to hassle with it or you know you think it's going to be too challenging then just go ahead and wait for the room attendant and they'll take care of it for you usually they do it when you're at dinner and get it all set up for you so you don't have to do it now over here what i want you to see is see this space here watch my legs here look at this super tight once the bed is out um and i'm gonna have rob measure this in a minute when when he gets his handy dandy tape measure out but i think the best way to do this is to put your feet over the edge here if you want to get out of the room while the bed is made and slide forward and then you're out the doors right here and you're out of the room so you don't want to try to get out this way just because it's so narrow i think but rob's going to like i said get that tape measure out he's going to give you a tour of the penthouse and we'll give you a look at what the whole room looks like all made up okay it's time to go up to the upper bunk and i was trying to figure out which side i want to sleep on i think i've chosen the side here by the windows because i'll be less likely to hear people talking in the hallway so we do have a ladder so it's going to be hopefully easy i'm going to try to get up there and see how difficult it is right now oh yeah this is a piece of cake um this is actually pretty big up here so i measured this a little bit ago and it's 28 inches wide and six foot two inches long so i'm not six foot two so this is going to be plenty big for me and it looks like we got about 22 inches to the ceiling so you can't quite sit up you'll hit your head if you do that but this is really feels more spacious even than a room at or some of the other rooms i've been on for a super liner i think this is about as spacious as a bunk as you're going to get on the upper level so let me show you a couple things up here we do have a little pouch here to put snacks and i usually put my glasses my phone and all that kind of stuff up here and then we don't have a uh we don't have any outlets up here so that's one thing you're gonna have to figure out is where to charge your phone and how to set that up and then as far as the air conditioning goes this is another reason to sleep on the other end because see how these vents are angled right at the bed if your head is right down here where my foot is then you will if you show them where my foot is down here if your head is laying right there it's like my leg is getting cold just with these vents so you're going to probably want to sleep on this end down here unless you like having air blowing in your on your head all night in this case that'll be the perfect spot um but yeah you out the other thing you want to do is make sure you hook these up because uh you are you are traveling this way and you could pretty easily roll out if these aren't aren't there and there's no wall here to catch you that kind of room at if you kind of rolled out the wall is right here so you kind of run into the wall before you hit the ground and probably wake you up on this one you're just going to tumble out roll down the ladder hit the floor and that will not be good so i really like this up here this is pretty good accommodation one of the better upper bunks on amtrak is this super later bedroom so if you end up up here count it as a good thing and enjoy your ride a couple other things i wanted to mention about the bedroom on the super liner is the cost everybody wants to know the cost and it can range anywhere from a couple hundred dollars up to well over a thousand dollars depending on how far you're going and what time of season it is but a general rule of thumb is for a full super liner room at trip you can in a bedroom you can expect to pay probably a little over a thousand dollars and now that can be reduced if you use a coupon or if you get it on the buy one get one free sale if you don't know what that is we have another video about that or we have a whole article on our website that'll explain to you what the buy one get one free sale is and how to take advantage of that so with that said people want to see also how hard it is to get down from the upper bunk which can oftentimes be a lot harder than getting up and i've fallen several times so hopefully that's not going to happen right now let's see how hard it is to get down i think with this one it's pretty easy you got a ladder right here you're just going to want to swing your legs around after you've taken this down and climb straight down so let's see how it goes yeah that is definitely the easiest bunk to get down from of all of the amtrak bunks so if you have if one of you is going to sleep up there and you have a hard time you know getting up and down this bedroom is going to be the easiest for you another thing to point out about this lower level that i noticed was it is 40 inches wide from the back to the front and it is about 6 foot 2 inches long as well so if you um it's probably not wide enough for two people to sleep but if you if you were really small maybe two people could sleep there and uh it would be you know something that's comfortable it's a little bit bigger quite a bit bigger actually than a room at um and it's just something that is a really spacious room okay so allie wanted me to measure how long the gap is to walk through and it is five inches so if you can fit through five inches you're good if not you're going to want to hop over this corner and that is it's pretty tight to get out but you don't really need to leave in the middle of the night is the thing because you do have your bathroom right here so in a room at you're going to be leaving in the middle of the night whereas on this bedroom you're basically going to be in your room the whole night
Channel: Grounded Life Travel
Views: 262,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amtrak, amtrak bedroom, amtrak bedroom tour, superliner, sleeper car, amtrak sleeper car, texas eagle, texas eagle bedroom, california Zephyr, southwest chief, sunset limited, coast starlight, empire builder, california zephyr bedroom, coast starlight bedroom, southwest chief bedroom, sunset limited bedroom, amtrak sleeper, amtrak sleeper bedroom, amtrak overnight, amtrak cross country, amtrak bed, amtrak sleeper car bedroom, amtrak rooms, amtrak beds, amtrak review
Id: S78bfiJDwWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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