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welcome to amp sharks I'm talking about money right now oh my God [Music] today various business owners will pitch their money making ideas to us the Sharks the winner walks away with ten thousand dollars to help build their business here's a current sub count see the sub code that's the current sub count subscribe now for more content on only [Applause] I am here to get them to sponsor my BBL I could get you in the final round you just have to make sure you you flirt with my guy Davis David you do that for me I'm on him what's up y'all what's going on I'm Jazz everybody calls me so pretty today so I'm here to get you guys to invest 10K into my new body oh [ __ ] new bbo so I already got my teeth done I got my boobs done and now yeah you definitely need an answer I need some ass right here come here hey come here 360. no no no no no no come here come here how you is right now you you officially I know that yeah you're straight I feel like self-love is the best love however whatever you whatever you need to like feel confident in yourself because confident confidence is like important you feel like ads will make you complete I feel like your ass will made me complete and then we can come in come here I'm gonna give y'all a percentage of what we do we can oh all right thank you today let me take this serious for a second that's a good question how much money do you expect to make year one after getting your ass done you're one yeah look we roll you that ass right we roll you today you get it again a very small promo as a life that's better than yours and I think you gotta appreciate who you are as a person there's nothing against anybody who gets work done I think you should invest in self-care and self-love and believe in yourself self-love is the best love however no no you know what no no so let's make an offer you have to participate in the first few seasons of The Amp DBL basketball league absolutely can we see your jumper box it up so I will see you later looks like you made it to the final round to the final round I'm feeling good I feel like I'm about to get up give me out of this summer it sounds like they're gonna induct you in the BB Hall of Fame it sounds like we're gonna make a whole BBL League how about chance do you have any friends that would be interested in this week absolutely now do any of them like Mexicans yeah and you're a lifestyle I am the owner and CEO of airport which is a travel size and TSA and also convenient hair product line so my travel size hair products include lace glue which is waterproof and sweat resistant a lace blue remover a three-in-one edge control and a mousse as well it's only been three months and my business been doing great I actually sell both orders of lace glue to three hair supply stores in Pittsburgh I want to get my vending machines my hairport vending machines inside of airports that only makes sense women travel with hair products all the time not knowing that their travel size or not so they TSA ready exactly when they go to their destination they don't have anything yes there's a kit or you could buy it individually all right so how much for the kids how much for the kids so this right here is 25.99 this is also 25.99 and these are 15. they get used very fast so people will continue to come back and make more money how much have you sold in the past 30 days I sold a bulk order of 200 lace lose to my wholesale beauty supply stores back at home you got a product with you I have all my products with me can we actually test this over here because the marketing is immaculate airport rounds with airport so all of my stuff is boarding passes there you go so and it comes with a travel size bag which is useful for anything wow what's the next thing you would do if we had the 10 000 right now if I get the 10 000 right now I'm going to go to the accountant and make sure everything is organized in my book she's locked in yeah and I'm locked in I really really bought my hairport vending machine inside the airport so that's step one of what I would do now there's a market for this I just put it in my hair and my hair smells great now you look great too thank you yeah yeah on that note I'm in I'm in what I'm into I mean sometimes they'll throw your [ __ ] out which is [ __ ] annoying at the airport they have plenty vending machines already I think it's Kylie Jenner has some of her [ __ ] in the Atlanta airport I see sometimes so they do do that stuff there's a need for this it's a good Niche you can break into this Niche it's tough it's easier than breaking into just regular beauty products I like it so I'm in too I like this yay thank you foreign [Applause] ass [ __ ] and lame ass [ __ ] get [ __ ] and [ __ ] now a lot of [ __ ] be having a hard time conversating all right so look I hired some of the most smoothest smooth talking women and men around the world all right I got 20 000 employees they answered the most normal like conversation starters in the most like generic do you have Live support by any chance exactly I'm glad you asked that fat ass [ __ ] listen listen listen small fee one-time fee 5.99 right 600 no no no 5.99 six dollars located on iOS and you know it's an Android devices how many have you sold like 10 000 people only subscribe I'm going to restructure this I will take 99 of the business for the ten thousand dollars but instead of that one-time fee we're gonna have a subscription service where we can have women and now we're talking about money right now you get paid after you die so it's even like your kids kids are secure as [ __ ] what's one percent of one billion it's a lot of millions [ __ ] are you in are you out I would love to be in if you agree God damn bro I've been with those terms crack yes I'm out yeah you don't get [ __ ] anyway well I don't give a [ __ ] but like don't want no [ __ ] they don't I'm in but I'm just worried that the the shits would be everybody would be giving the same responses no [ __ ] hopefully there's hundreds and thousands of ways oh listen [ __ ] I hired 20 000 you weren't listening [ __ ] I know you did I know you did but them 20 000 responses gonna be used over and over again no how the [ __ ] is you paying these [ __ ] I'm out how to get paid bruh I told you I own amp I stream I do YouTube what [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm oh [ __ ] I'm guessing your father's in the NBA you was tall this [ __ ] how are you doing today I'm guessing Tommy fine and [ __ ] I'm doing great how are you I'm doing Splendid so uh what do you providing today what's your pitch so I'm providing vegan meals all plant-based I think they make vegan meals or Empress as y'all can see I bought y'all some food some good relationships so [Applause] I'm gonna bring you play stuff one by one and I'll explain exactly what it is I was about to eat that cold pizza in the green room thank you so much you're welcome I'm glad you didn't eat that yeah good job can we pray for the food before yes please could y'all please pray thank you Lord amen amen amen yeah I have a plate of rasta pasta in front of y'all it is kale Fried Chicken so y'all could go ahead and dive in tell me what y'all think everything is 100 plant-based 100 vegan you got real chicken no it's not real chicken oh my God I look good I'm a vegan Chef I have never ate meat or seafood my entire life so I got a lifetime of recipes this is literally what I grew up doing winning the 10K it'll allow me to offer my meals on another platform platforms such as ubereats doordash or GrubHub and I'll be able to provide more vegan meals to my community we either eat to heal that we eat to kill right now y'all eating the hills so y'all gonna feel great so what's the goal here what's the business I'm trying to get more people aware of eating healthy and actually being delicious so I'm trying to put more plant-based meals in my community right now I Market at this place in the West End so every Sunday my community has access to my food and that's only Sundays sharing my food with the world showing the world that hey look you can eat good food too let me show you how to do it so cooking class is a thing that I want to introduce after you know I get the world more on the cooking wave I have never tried eating vegan food to be honest with you I'd be willing to give it a try and it tasted good I'll keep it a buck uh would I rather have raw chicken yes but it still tasted good though and it's nice to know that it's also healthy for you it's also I just said something positive now you're blazing um that was my first time eating vegan food me too it was fantastic yeah me too thank you but [Applause] it looks like you did good you got Phantom to agree to agree that he's a thick man and he loves his meat how did you do it I've been making my whole life like I said so it's magic in my hands baby it's just I'm talented with the vegetables no no I didn't get a chance to but how did he like out of 10 how do you think he enjoyed that meal um I think he pretty much enjoyed it to get to say that he's in and he's a firm meat eater I think he enjoyed it look at this lame ass [ __ ] hey guys how you doing doing good my name is Agent Zero and I'm looking um oh my God I'm so nervous I'm looking to have amp invest ten thousand dollars for a 0.1 stake in my company my business is called AI girlfriend um a lot of [ __ ] in life is lonely and they be jacking their [ __ ] essentially no not me obviously not me I'm talking about potentially other lonely people it's a shortage of [ __ ] in the world right now so the AI girlfriend is gonna be your [ __ ] and you could get her mad you can get her angry you can get her upset and she could she could whisper in your ear if you like that stuff too did you eat dick did she suck told each one obviously we're gonna be uh investing heavily into the r d That's research and development for the dumb [ __ ] in the back so first she's gonna start off as software and so you could talk to her the same way you talk to chat gbt or something like that chat gbt helps you with your homework AI girlfriend helps get your dick wet so what we're gonna do to make money in the short term is we're gonna drop DLC what type of women are you into Duke so you're telling me I get to build a [ __ ] correct old BBW robot do you want to be black short curly hair yeah should I change them on different days every few months we're gonna drop DLC updates to include other women so if you want to start a relationship with multiple AI girlfriends you can and there's going to be key here subscription service so that you have to continue to subscribe if you want to continue relationships how much is it uh it's gonna be 9.99 a month what if somebody's still my AI girlfriend that's impossible she's for everybody so after the AI girlfriend we're going to create your AI girlfriend in real life and she will be your personal [ __ ] slash slave I think I'll speak for everybody when I say this your idea is fantastic your presentation is fantastic however this specific product will remove men from humanity and I think we need that so I'm going to say I'm out Duke um I'm sure you don't have to deal with this stuff but there's other people like that alone they don't have women and they feel like they're already removed from society yeah but and and they're spending hundreds of dollars on only fans why not spend 9.99 with us so you can build a real relationship women and not just settle they're becoming sad lonely and depressed and we're thinking up a solution for those people you're allowing [ __ ] to cope with being losers okay but if you try to work it's not a replacement for humans it's just somebody that you can talk to because you know like we've all been in place we've been backstabbed by people we've never been backstabbed by AI it's impossible I'm out um in my lifetime I [ __ ] with it I [ __ ] with you I I get everything you got you something improve the world and [ __ ] yo that's right yeah just let me know when we can set it up okay I'm gonna be in contact with you can I get your number obviously you're here for the 10 bands yeah what's your pitch so my name is Ashanti Grant I'm the AC I'm the CEO of House of Ikea I have compression gloves that I want to sell to those that are hair stylist never take The Barbers last text and also truck drivers I definitely use that exactly exactly my girl got a little too freaky she whip me and I actually died I got a [ __ ] cut here now right so hey you gotta check these products out it's gonna benefit you oh oh yes I'll get the best of luck all right thank you hey guys hey y'all my name is gray I am the CEO of high school for Kia and I have some compression socks gloves and back braces so I am a hairstylist right so I utilize my hands often and sometimes I can get arthritis in my hands and also carpal tunnels to prevent that I want to introduce this product to other hairstylists this is the back brace so of course if you don't mind can I try that yes you can come on wrong so this back brace can you got a new bracelet yes I actually do have a knee brace so this back brace right here can help with your postures you know we always leaning over like this doing hair so with that bracelet you wear so much often throughout the week it can help yeah you feel Chris it's not really yeah yeah okay let me ask the real questions have you sold any of these yet I have not is there proof that this works oh yeah myself I have other hairstyles that has utilize utilize these products and then um a barber that uses the stockings because he's standing all day cutting hair look what you're saying obviously there's a need for it my massage therapist complains about the exact same thing I think short of there being no actual studies to back up that any of your products have real efficacy like it's gonna be difficult to convince them if you could point to a study and say look scientifically this is what works if you could point to those numbers I think everybody will be like okay cool this is a product that works this is a product we could get behind and for 35 dollars if you can get more productivity out of people that's gonna be worth it yes I would love to agree with him I want to see the brand I want to see you get started with it I want to see the numbers behind it the analytics of how you got that brand to be out to others and since we don't have that yet I'm gonna have to say I'm out right now and I'm gonna have to agree with him I think without proof this is going to be a hard sell because people will feel like they don't need it I'm out but I think I think you got something you got you got you got some potential you know what I'm saying um my barber guy he has bad posture um he'd be putting his dick on your thigh right when he cut your hair yeah we doing this right here I'm gonna give a huge shout out to high-res and prophecy teams for helping user facility this video would not have been possible without them check out their latest game starscreen's Dead Zone of corridor extraction shooter now we'll go over and closed beta on epic game store and steam I'm out oh yeah man that's the guy from uh the ice fire stream oh I forgot that uh that was a little dark story okay oh this is friends yeah vibrating condoms hear me out one size fits all you don't have to worry about how big or small you are impossible I'm out because you're bullshitting there's no such thing as a one-size-fit-all condom if you compare somebody like myself that's your dumbass agent [ __ ] black man come on how is it going vibrator oh no where's the battery going if you guys know there's something called Cochran okay [ __ ] rings you put on your [ __ ] but why use that if you're not protected okay protect protective sex is the best sex all right you don't y'all [ __ ] don't be pleasuring Y'all [ __ ] bro you feel me if it's vibrant and you hitting that [ __ ] she don't know what to do bro and when you coming you're gonna be vibrating and coming so it's gonna be like uh what's going on wait someone is it lithium batteries huh I want you to blow up my dick one problem and I don't think there's any such thing as a one-size-fits-all condom I actually think that I'm in Kai I think I think that this is real revolutionary I think man you might have just increased the male and female orgasm at the same [ __ ] time but I think you should sell them like one ounce I think birth subscription after this app you get one included I don't think they're gonna come back after that together guys yeah [Applause] what's your name my name is also known as coach star okay co-star now what are you pitching today I'm pitching sexy work Fitness the most empowering work Fitness class in the world you're going to see why in a few minutes I am very glad you said that we actually have somebody out there that would be very interested that his name is Davis he's wearing a Spider-Man sweater okay make sure you tell him a bunch look look into his eyes when you talk about the door maybe have him do like like demonstration yeah maybe what if they if you want to demonstrate like can I have one one of you come up here and call out David someone come out and do a little session with you I promise for sure Davis I'm waiting for you hi everybody my name is Naj mashai also known as coach star and this is sexy work Fitness so I'm just going to start by saying one phrase that you see at the bottom I love me now yes it's a twerk class but it's deeper than that this is the most empowering Torque Fitness class on the face of this world and I can say that confidently I love what I do my heart's in it and if it was just about to work and I wouldn't be doing it this is about empowering women at sexy work Fitness we say everyone can come and get this work and it is a twerk Fitness experience created by me to connect with other women and leave women feeling more confident and empowered than what they can imagine getting this good high intensity fun lit workout in and you're saying out loud things that so many women are not used to saying they're saying I'm beautiful I'm worthy of love I'm confident I'm abundant women breaking down because they've never told themselves these things before let's take a look at our numbers we dropped our first piece of merge and I know I need to wake y'all up hold on so we come in we do our sexy Circle that's when I'm talking to them pouring light into them we set our intentions for the class and you can't get us in a sexy Circle let's do that hey sexy Circle guys sexy Circle phantom phantom get in the sexy Circus see Circle Phantom so I'm gonna go around the room say your intention get a space what do you want to gain from this do you just want a good workout what is your intention we're going to go around the room and do that I want to love myself more I love that I Want To Be My Fit yes let's go I wouldn't I would have more friends I want to improve my mental health [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Applause] hey so I actually was doing research myself recently because I wanted to eventually have my own gym and I realized that the money is actually not in owning gyms it's in owning classes because the classes are really really profitable so I know this kind of might seem like a funny Prospect but these classes make a [ __ ] ton of money and usually it's people that are like that have money to spend but want to do something with the community that's also fits like their lifestyle so if you live an active lifestyle stuff like that I'm in I'm in I mean hey I love your energy it's a good idea so I'm in I just love you as a person I'm in I love the mental health part yes sometimes it's a thin line when it comes to like you know profit and mental health together yes but I feel that you are genuine so therefore I'm in all right [Applause] thank you if you're at like Chris con dream con or quick con or maybe even a music festival and it's hot as hell because you know the location easily I got you well I think uh there's somebody must do could we try it on him real quick how does it feel it feels amazing do you smell anything yeah right all right no from you will you be attending maybe twitchcon dreamcon Cape Cod they got a cake on they might that's why I said maybe my name is Sarah usually if you're gonna go to a festival maybe it's really hot outside right and there's people who smell musty as hell maybe yeah and they sweating all upon you and stuff hey you know how Lil yachty said he got a gun in his hole I got a fan in my whole story a lot of people be hallucination when they have it in their hand but I got a holster for it but but like for me that could come off as a little feminine can I get a volunteer can someone come over here so you said it's feminine right you could put it on your shoulder so come on oh you got a gun in here bro yes [Music] oh how do you do that before you do that bro he's like yeah but what do you mean just fading the same smell like so say say it in a metaphor Davis is musty as hell you feel me you like damn it stinks I'm out just because you chose me as an example go like that the Aaron's going into his face and into Chris's face now he got to deal with his Bo I'm gonna tell him how much 30. okay both and then for the fan 20 I think it can be very profitable you have to be at every event though I think you should just focus on those dream car like have you been to uh rolling loud I mean I'm in yeah I'm in though I mean I mean I will be out if it could have do this but not in that's so [ __ ] you're here all the other event all right thank you thank you anyway what's good I'm on Ghetto this is my assistant yeah get the [ __ ] out of it before this is my lovely assistant he was just a man that was smashing my wife thanks to this lovely Contraption I made called the cheater catcher one two three one two three she had to catch him thanks to the cheetah catcher I was able to catch him we actually got together and we made a very valuable business so this right here yeah the cheater catcher yeah hold this so it's in the room I'm saying they don't know what's going on but guess what wait how much it is you think it's good [Music] I look better in Blacks [Music] yo hey I got a question yeah y'all [ __ ] huh no bro like you're a mess bro what are you doing you need to beat his ass for [ __ ] your girl I'm out might as well fight it out winner gets ten thousand [Music] [Applause] why the [ __ ] did you cheat on me I would I just I try to make money off this [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] what are you thinking right now we're in the middle of something hey security security hey please invest I know a lot of Emperors eats trumps the vegan food I think it's the most like I think like it's best for life no no the vegan food first of all there's there's a lot of studies that prove that eating a balanced a balanced diet is way better than you than vegan how is that working out for you any out of lots of views coming from Phantom himself oh you know he just said between fries and Shake I'm just saying that there's plenty benefits you need to balance brick balance diet in general so veganism isn't inherently healthy now the fish it off like I'm gonna put these in the back of my car I'm gonna put these in the back that's a good idea you haven't put them in back of my car so if I get hot as [ __ ] a lot like on Heights I couldn't see like Outdoors [Music] and then like too much about the brand that I'm going I'm going towards the video you know life is not all about money all right well I'm on my business is a fan bro I've heard I've seen all the top the finalists I still I'm still wrote Empress man playing for the community man my Empress eats man I like a lot of all the difference between them two is I think I think the fan just more affordable and like available to everybody but they gonna copy the [ __ ] off right okay there's millions of fans okay is this actually her [ __ ] though oh we haven't even thought about that Google that Google that I saw I seen a logo on that [ __ ] oh she dropped chips the fans yeah because we're excited about the fans really The holster is cool too I'm pretty sure you get that fan off okay hey Drop Shipping she's Drop Shipping yeah which takes a long time I'm going Empress I'm going Empress I'm either Empress or hair or the the self-love I'll probably go with uh the vegan food to them thank you guys for joining us you guys are the finals here at amp thank you guys for joining us you guys are the final is selected uh no I really appreciate y'all for joining us um y'all definitely just to be said I really appreciate y'all joining us selected now for real thank y'all thank y'all thank y'all so much all right y'all arrived here so thank y'all so much we spent a long time discussing going back and forth we want y'all to know that this wasn't easy man if I could I could borrow y'all 10 things uh so the top three people that were selected was the airport hair the vegan food and the twerking class [ __ ] so congratulations to the finalists and we had some serious deliberation here because we actually do think you guys have some good products and services and we like what y'all had to do man I think 10 000 will go a long way but the person we ended up giving the ten thousand business the business we ended up giving the 10 000 to is empress with the vegan congratulations yeah it was good it tastes delicious yeah we appreciate everybody for pitching it was very difficult to decide y'all had some good stuff to be honest with you so keep pushing we enjoyed y'all thank you so much for joining us on the shoot I know it kind of took a while but we appreciate y'all oh [Music]
Channel: AMP
Views: 4,203,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n6hmatmKrAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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