What to expect at MEPS 2024

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what's going on YouTube it's your boy just gang back here with another video for y'all today today I wanted to drop a video as far as what to expect when you're going through MEPS this is I just got done with Ms in February so it was a couple months ago um but it's very recent and I'm going through everything I'm even dropped something that a lot of people didn't mention when I was before I went to Ms I also youtubed a lot of videos just to kind of see what I was getting myself into it's a little tiny bit that people left out that you know but we'll get into that later anyway but yes today I want to give you guys just the the whole rundown is going to kind of include my experience as well because I am living in Texas so I don't know in different states you know of course a little things they might have a few tweaks here and there but overall it's kind of one in the same so this is like the updated mys version for you all so I hope yall enjoy this first thing first right the day I was supposed to go to MEPS I was supposed to leave from Central Texas cuz I live in Central Texas and our MS is in Dallas Texas so it's like two hours some change away uh my recruiter had let me know hey be up at the office by like 9 o' you know we're going from 9: we're going to leave straight from there and I was going to take my asab the day that I got to me so I was going to take my asab the first day then go through the physical part portion of it the next day um yeah yeah long story short we were supposed to leave around 9:30 we didn't end up leaving till like 2:00 type [ __ ] yeah I'm like kid you not our shuttle driver was hella late and it's so out running I I kid you not his boss they had never nobody in their Recruiting Office had ever seen his boss his boss had came in there while we were waiting on him and he just wanted to do like a little step in you know like a hey like I want to introduce myself like I never get to see you all so I'm here type [ __ ] right and he was nowhere to be found so he end up getting chewed out like when he got there he getting chewed out we had to hear that the whole show to ride to Dallas i s I swear like yeah we supposed to leave around 9:30 we didn't end up leaving till 2 almost 3:00 we had to do another stop in wo on the way to Dallas so that long story short we didn't end up getting into Dallas until like like 5:30 almost 6 so the whole I went through the whole day from waiting at the recruiting office to getting to Dallas to taking the the asab and then after we finish the asab they had like some snacks and stuff for us uh at meth um I don't know how your process would be as far as if you took the assab before or if you're going to take it at MEPS but this is just going to be if you're going to take it at MEPS so the the thing is uh we got there the same day we took the ASAP like we had no break in between getting off the bus and going straight into the test because we got there so late so you take the test and everything like that it takes how many hours you need you know and then they put you up in a hotel so you you get there you take your test you finish it you um they let your recruiter know things more than likely uh if your recruiters like M who he sticks to his business hours and that's it you probably won't hear back from him until the next day right but if your recruiter is people who's very invested in things I saw some people who have recruiters there where they set them back uh their scores and stuff that same night you go to the hotel they set you up in the hotel you will have a roommate and so it's a whole process you you wait for the buses to come and grab you from the MEPS they take you to the same Hotel it's it's a lot of people there is people who been taking the asab people who's coming back to just do certain things certain people like it's a lot of people there um you don't really have to like ENT a tne with them you can if you want to I didn't really get to talk to none of them I just know that a lot of them wasn't there to take the asab they were coming back to just do the physical standpoint or for a whole lot of different reasons finally we got to eat at the hotel they were still serving us dinner and things they didn't give us a lot of time to eat because again we were behind it wasn't them we were behind we came late we took the test late we left from the me's Place late so they kind of kept it open waiting for us so we had like 30 minutes to eat and then we had a briefing this is the first time I learned about a briefing if you're not familiar with the military or you're not you haven't learned anything about a briefing you're going to have those all throughout your day at MEPS the night before and I guess your whole military career what a briefing is is basically just giving you instructions just letting you know it's like a um a small meeting it's it's another word for a meeting like they just give you information about what's going to be going on uh what times you have like in our briefing she was just telling us the time that we had to wake up and the window we have between waking up getting down and eating before the bus is going to come to take us back Ms the next day right so just it's like an informational thing which is you know it's cool it's different I've never been a part of nothing like that go to my hotel room take a shower you know wind down a little bit I went to sleep like around like 9:00 because we have to be up at 4: and we had like 4:30 to 5: or 4:30 to like 5:15 to eat because by 5:30 the buses was going to come to take us back to Memphis for the physical and blood work and everything the day of the physical right you're up for a long period of time so the buses come to take you to MEPS we get in the we get on the buses it's like two three buses it's a lot of us right um we we get to the pl we get back to Ms they line us they the the sergeants come on the bus they tell us to come out they line us up we're all lined up and we sit there they go through everything like Hey we're going through the metal detectors just make sure just make sure the whole time you're paying attention just listen don't do a lot of talking if you meet people that's fine but don't do a lot of talking while the sergeant and things are around because it pisses them off and I saw that a lot when we were there a lot of people wanted to you know crack jokes and talk and this and that but it's just uhuh right and you will take all your stuff with you um you go on the MEPS you will take a bag you'll have like two days of clothes uh you have to dress very nice you can't wear basketball shorts and t-shirt things like they want button UPS they want jeans no hoes women you know you can't wear anything to revealing you got to you got to look business professional they they say that you're an extension of the recruiter so they just want you to look professional um no earrings no jewelry none of that just yeah straightforward you know just go as bare as possible and yeah so at MPS when you first get there they're gonna you know again we're all getting into lines and we're all trying to figure out what's what what you do is they're going to ask you you know okay what what branch do you want to join and so you tell them like okay hey I'm here for the Army I'm here for the military for me I was here for the Air Force so they're going to print off a sticker and on the sticker is going to have you know if you're DP which delay entry program if you're going to be um going into National Guard it's just giving them more information for you um the process is draining MEPS is a draining day physically not physically mentally mentally is a draining day you don't get to eat the whole day um until you finish a big portion of MEPS you don't eat the whole day so be prepared for that you will have to take a p test this is what I Su this is what I suggest for the P test is don't don't think you're going to take it as soon as you get this don't just before you go go up a whole bunch of water and say I'm just gonna hold it until I can take enti pee a cup because I tried that and I end up peeing like two times before I took my pee test because by God I had to pee a lot you know like I was I got drunk a lot of water and I had to pee a lot so yeah that's just a heads up if you want to try that you can I did we did have people there who couldn't pee at all so they had to actually scheduled to come back to Ms another day and just a pee you know and I feel like you want to avoid that just because it prolongs things and it shouldn't have to right um but anyways basically what you're doing in Ms when you from the moment you get there like I said different different places might be different you do go through I want to say one briefing one or two briefings I think it's two two briefings the biggest one is basically they're GNA he's going to lay out or they're going to lay out the map of what are you going to be doing that day which is your blood work um your breathalizer test your physical your um eye exam everything they're going to just your P test they're going to lay it out for you um The Briefing is it's a little long he he made it a little entertaining it is a little long and again it's still early in the morning at this point we left I think probably like 5:15 at this point it's probably like 640th s at most it's not a long time right so just know that when you're going through Ms you're going to have the first thing after the briefing again different different states might be different like a different form or a different route but at the end of the day we're all going to do the same thing so you're going to start off with your breathalyzer that we did in Dallas we start off with the breathalyzer and then right from there we they they put us in a a um a circuit right so you're broken up into groups of however many it's not based off of what your recruiting thing is it's just in general your you know your section off and the whole time you don't have your phone but when you first get back to the MS they make you go to whatever Recruiting Office you're here for and you got to give them your phone so that whole time you don't have a phone it's a lot of waiting and there a lot of hurrying up so they're going to be rushing you for a lot of things like ha up get in line ha up make the line move but at the same time because it's so many of y'all they're rushing but you're also waiting long periods of time in between each thing that you do so be prepared for that again this is all mentally it's all mental if you can withstand it you know you can in between times you can talk to who whoever is around you you know to help pass by time but it's just being focused on you know just getting everything done so you can get out of there and you know get done with Ms so after the breathalizer test we go into we well I went into my eye exam actually my ear my hearing we did hearing you're going to do a hearing test you're going to do a eye exam to see what you're qualified for what what you're not qualified for you will have to get weigh and you will have to get your height you're going to have to get shots they're going to have to drop blood so be prepared for that you have to have a pee test you have to have a pee in a cup and you're G have to do it in front of people yes there's no blockage there's no stalls they're going to put you they're going to send you in there a couple at a time and they're going to have a um actual worker there who's overseeing now I'm not going to say that the worker sitting there looking at you like this right no like I'm not they're not necessarily because they know how uncomfortable it can be for people I mean some of them probably are uncomfortable their yourself they've been doing it for years but they don't mean they want to be there all day looking at people's you know business and everything like that so men and women are going to have somebody in there with them while they're you know peing into the cup to make sure you're not doing nothing weird you're not putting anything that's not yours in there um so after you pe in a cup you give it to them and they you know they're just collecting your your your data and everything so yes you got to PE in the cup and yes you got to do it in front of people um your also going to have to um do your physical and this is the tricky part this is the part that not a lot of people told me everything about the physical so I want to be 100% transparent with y'all men and women uh you have to bend over kid you not you're gon have to bend over you're gonna have to bend over and so they can see inside um yeah yeah yeah it's not that bad you know um of course it's uncomfortable for a lot of people I wasn't necessarily uncomfortable because I'm like look I mean I gotta do it they done seen this milons of time before they see people every day like they don't put their finger they don't you know they don't do anything inappropriate they just you know they tell you to do it it's a couple seconds you pull your pants down boom and then they're like okay you're good for men I can speak on the men's side I don't know necessarily for women as far as what else they do with you with the physical I do know for men they're also going to have to um hold your balls and make you cough so if you never had one of those type of physicals before yes they are going to hold your your junk and make you cough you know they're going to feel to make sure they don't feel anything cancerous no tumors and everything again just go in there knowing that I mean everybody has to do it it's not nothing foreign it's not they're going to see you and go back and laugh and talk about you behind your back like they see it so much at this point it's like it's like second nature which sounds crazy but yeah in the physical we did our separate right a lot of the videos I watched in the past about Ms and things I thought that we were all going to be in a room lined up and they're going to make us do all these things together no I was in a room separate from everybody everybody was in a room separate from everybody else you're one onone with the physician and they make you do your squat make you do a couple squats you will have to do duck walks if you don't know what the duck walk is then you can YouTube that but you'll have to do a duck walk like back and forth um because I had prior surgeries for my shoulder and my ankle I had broke those they you know did a little more uh extensive like look on me make sure that I had movement and mobility in them um so that was cool you do get your ears checked while you're in there so make sure before you go you clean out your ears so they won't be um not visible to see because they also make you go get um scheduled to get your ears drained out and then you'll have to go back to Ms again I don't live in Dallas so that'll be a long drive back just for nothing or just to get my ears checked again you know what I mean it's just yeah um so yeah and then after you finish all that you you know they make you go to whatever recruiter or not recruiter that make you go to whatever branch office that you're going for you will sit down and talk to the you know the the sergeant there for a little bit he ask you questions about how many years you want to do um this and that have you ever had this this have you done this just just a lot of just some basic questions are you afraid of this this this what I would suggest is when they're asking you are you afraid of anything unless it's like a really really really big like you would just pass out I would it would be best if you told them no you're not really afraid of these things only because um in some ways it can hinder you you know what I mean it can hinder you to get certain things or do certain things so as long as it's not nothing super like if you ever see this certain thing or something you would probably go into a coma I would just tell them no you're not afraid of anything just to give you yourself more flexibility to do whatever you want to do um but you get sworn in if everything goes good and you you know you talk to um the sergeant in your office and you get your fingerprints they fingerprint you a couple times you know you have to get checked in and then you get sworn in you would go ahead and get sworn in I know some places they let you bring your family they they don't tell you necessar they let your family come for us we couldn't it was straight hey this this this go get sworn in um by that time I had got my phone back so I was able to catch my recruiter he let me know my ass my ass app scores were crazy right that I didn't even know what I had made on the as before I was doing all this I knew afterwards luckily it worked in my favor you know I got the score that I I wanted to but yeah I didn't even know what my ASAP was until I was able to get my phone back that evening around like 4:00 5: and again it was a lot of waiting still the whole day a lot of waiting so just be mentally prepare I I just kind of wanted to go or let you know what was what I didn't want to go into too much detail about every specific thing you do there as far as like the ear test and eyes and everything because it's it's it's the same old same old the only thing I did want to really get dive into is your oneon-one physical because that's the thing A lot of people are worried about as far as the duck walk and the squat and everything just make sure that they're working with you they're not working against you so just make sure like you're if you're not that flexible practice some of those things it's not nothing too crazy but practice some of those things just so you can be aware that or be ready for that when you go if you have any questions um please drop a comment leave a like on my video so a lot of people who are ready to go to mebs or thinking about joining the military can see some of these videos because I'm being raw at Nest you know like I'm not holding nothing back I'm not skipping over anything if it's something that I didn't mention in the video that you're curious about with me let me know because again like this is a long video I didn't want to make it super long you know what I mean and I didn't want to really go in depth with everything this would be like a 45 minute video so if it is something let me know please like comment subscribe if you're new or if you're liking my videos just to get me out there I just want to be as much help as I can to everybody like the help that I was looking for when I was going through through it um I hope all you have a good day stay safe and I'm out
Channel: Jess Game
Views: 2,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KP850sGBNow
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Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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