AMONG US: Stream Sniping DanTDM the Imposter [🔴LIVE] Youtuber Collab #2 (FGTeeV Sus)

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he'll think kill him run run run oh god no no no fiji i'm gonna i'm gonna look at dan's stream oh my gosh dan's actually the imposter oh yeah he's go don't do it don't do it dan don't do it damn no [Music] [Laughter] i smell cat [Music] what's the betcha tv it's the show bye mtv daddy and today i am terrified once again not just because i'm playing among us and there's a killer trying to stab me in the front or the back depending on which way i'm facing but it's because i'm playing with youtubers again i don't know why i'm so scared of doing that but there's nine other youtubers and one of them the legend himself dan tdm a boy fake noodles and a bunch of others i'ma put up here on the screen i don't i just everyone see i'm suss i'm trying to say i hope i don't sound sassy now already i'm such before he can even say that here's the thing i actually am going to be a little ces i don't know if this is going to work but i'm going to on this computer next to me i have the like ratcheted setup ever for gaming like you see like i've got my mic on a pillow over here but i've got dantdm's twitch is this wrong this is stream sniping right i'm gonna see if i can just mess with him when he's the imposter i'm just gonna do it just for one round only because i don't want to ruin the whole time i don't know they might hate me because i've actually never i've never interacted with any of these guys before so i've got some veggies here they make my brain smart doesn't need salt i'm legit scared like legit look at fink he's like suss already hiding behind the box what my little pet that's goosey oh my gosh i'm so scared here we go okay i'm a crewmate it's fine there are two imposters among us i'm not watching the screen promise all right guys so i'm gonna do this justin i'm sorry i'm so scared i just hope i just don't get killed right away oh no this one takes forever i'm not doing this one right now no way sir second i see someone i'm done what's this one oh super easy i love that task all right we're good we are off to a great start okay there's a bunch of people lauren cara electrical i'm so bad at remembering things so okay i'm in the storage i'm i'm trying to pay attention this time ah sparkly okay i don't trust anyone gosh you guys are all the imposter quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly oh i thought i got killed okay oh thing died because i have gas again i'm pretty sure it just happened surprisingly i don't think it was kara no i don't think it was either [Music] so i'm a little slow and wasn't exactly paying attention where was the body between electrical and lord engine the people that were around that area where caramel lauren gloom dan and squid yeah skipping it's fine it was just think anyway noah was ejected that's scarier emergency meeting scared me what's up dan can i ask you a question does this dress make me look fat no the fat makes you look fat i'm going to hide here and then do this okay if she if he kills me kara's gonna know okay sparkly and kerala and security see i can't even remember people's name this room haunts me this room actually haunts my nightmare how do you do this what do you mean i'm colorblind no okay we're good oh my gosh bloom lauren z and sparkly again all right so sparkly's kind of follow me no who did it who revealed my budgies dude i'm interested they're getting off camera too slow and i'm so this is gonna happen again oh my god they're all together dead body reported yeah it's lauren i hope when i'm dead in real life i could still chat [Music] it's our ghost duty to do the task or else the team can't win look like we're about to win there's no way the imposter wins i think this is the last task and i think i just i just i think that wins it task completely yes no dude let's see i'm a crew mate no oh dan is next to me ah okay so ah no dad what the danny glow i should have looked on his stream from nav to shield what you can do that really i swear i did not know you could vent from nav to shield hey guys i know i'm not supposed to talk but i saw fink kill me yeah good one again this stinks when you're out so quick in the game that like you just don't you're just sitting here look pretty [Music] that's insane did dan vote gloom you voted against her somebody get down oh i just found a dead body and squiddy's going to find it don't blame me anyone in the area or you saw the body on camera that's it no i just saw fgtv i just want to tell him guys it's dan i felt so guilty looking at his stream i should have did it look there's a there's a diamond in there dan's been in the trash there's i just took out your trash i'm trying to throw it out your diamonds seven eight nine ten thank god i know how to count my character it actually just looks like a tissue i'm like excuse me what the my guy's dead there wait is that what you got left behind little goosey goosey that's so sad oh no another dead bad looking [ __ ] have you seen my mom sorry little guy oh yeah that's the scratch thanks thanks think i couldn't get back there oh yeah he can't kill anyone he's not that crazy oh yeah he's go don't do it don't do it dan don't do it damn now it's dan i just saw him feel yellow [Laughter] electrical i smell cap i mean i saw squid he was like lower engine lower electrical that's all i saw before i went to the top of electrical he's gone okay victor i'm gonna drop my pet just in case i'm the imposter he's a dead giveaway i'm like in the van like get in the van quick come come come just game dude relax i'm gonna i'm gonna look at dan's stream oh my gosh they're all gonna hate me and i'm no one's ever gonna wanna play with me again but i'm going to do it stream sniped oh my gosh dan's actually the imposter again me and james don't kill sync first please i might do it for the meme dan's actually the imposter again dantdm and thanks see ya they are gonna so hate me forever they probably they don't watch my channel anyways but i thought i got killed i'm like what hey i get to talk i'm not gonna say that that i saw them though i won't even vote for them i'm excited let's go this time as i pass thanks like literally two steps into vision was dead sparkles i want to stick up for him but then i don't want people to think that i'm the imposter so i gotta be careful about this so i don't know how this is gonna play out i don't know who we're voting for so i skipped okay no i didn't want to vote for him they see it was ejected okay so we only have to watch out for them makes it easier here we go squiddy okay so i'm only watching out for dan okay i'm stream sniping where is he is he an admin sorry for talking but i keep reading fg's name is fiji yeah i'm dyslexic too that's my favorite water oh fink is in here eat the leaves eat the leaf um where's the okay dantdm's over there i feel so wrong for doing this but i have to he's in the reactor i'm going to go to weapons where is he i got to keep an eye this is so wrong i feel so wrong about this i really feel so bad this is worse than lying telling people you're not the killer when you're the killer where's the body skull he didn't avoid fg i mean come on he was like wait what is in reactor outside simon says i was in fg was when i didn't see anyone so i came down through that top wait fg was with you squid i was feeding some machine a bunch of leaves a bunch of leaves hi i'm tom oh we were down we were in the lower part it's so evil it's so wrong okay so it couldn't have been dan couldn't have been cara or lauren because they were together i was with fiji on the right and then we ran yeah and i saw you guys i saw you guys i'm skipping yeah i guess nobody admitted this wraps up for you no no no okay that's my new name guys subscribe to fiji alright you know what i'm staying with think because i need an alibi all right he's not going to trust me no think come back come back where did he go wait no no oh no he locked it wait oh he's at the top oh gosh i need to get out of here quick this is so wrong everybody's going to hate me is he coming down okay he's going up i'm just gonna get canceled i know i'm gonna get canceled oh my gosh oh my gosh quickly quickly okay wait wait wait oh is he coming this way no no wait what the ah no he locked me oh my gosh fg is scaring me bro wait carrot let me yeah look here let me go let me out it's damn it's dan go how do i okay thank you okay i'm gonna stay with you guys because i actually have one more that was scary i didn't even realize he was in the map with me okay cool and oh what oh no dan's in there run from dan i'm running a complete opposite sides away i cannot be next to him okay he's over there stay away from me buddy oh emergency meeting okay um what's up did anyone die i didn't i'm not paying attention i have some questions for fiji oh jeez i have bad memory i'm just saying that but go for it why were you oh uh because i have a slow computer like i don't know i only have one task left straight up glue and i went into electrical and you were waiting at the time yeah because well here's why here's why because dan left and then locked me and i was like oh my god he's gonna kill me no no no so i was i went into electrical and you were there i was like i'm out and then just i just made out the door i feel like someone tried to trap me in there just saying you're profiling my question thank you so you're saying you're profiling because i have the weirdest name here yes why didn't you complete your task when you're locked in there and only completed it when we came in to find you because i'm a noob and i was like oh my god he locked me in he's going to kill me and then and then and then and then it clicked and i was like oh my gosh no one will be there with you no i know but that's what you're talking about all right wait let me see so anyway i'm sussing him no i'm going to say i'm sussing you because i think the ghost locked you in with dan so that you could kill him but then you did it that's what i was saying one second let me speak let me see i promise when you watch that's what i'm thinking back you will hear me say cameron gloom save me then just locked me in here i was joking around i was joking around don't come on you guys are all going regret that you're all going to regret that's some passion he might not he might not be lying i'm sorry i'm oh no that's hilarious dang it when i don't think i'm being suss i'm being sauce i'm sitting here being a good little boy i voted for dan oh my gosh okay so it's gotta be dan yes what finally let me do away with dan okay i'm sorry [Laughter] i want an apology from everybody that was crazy i'm so sorry no one sucks that he was doing the silent treatment all right here's the thing i'm shutting off stream right now and it was that fbtv help because he was so sus and he was yes if you hadn't skipped that one we wouldn't have been suss of you and then when dan's like hey we got locked in together it would have been between you two but like i called it the wrong way it was one way or the other i forgive you the issue was everyone's thought it was fiji and then no one like he didn't defend himself i'm totally changing my channel name to fiji i felt so bad because he genuinely didn't do that all right goodness i i got to get my brain power up there i'm not sure if cucumbers do that i feel like i'm going to die just right away i don't oh god i just got a cramp in my finger that really scared me i wasn't like paying attention i was looking at my salad bowling do i have any more cucumbers left another guy get away from my cucumbers no oh no no no no report i was heading to electrical i had three tasks in there and i found a dead body can i ask a question to fg and thanks why when the auction was going off did you run to the left i was worried about it for uh you would you could which body did you find oh dude you i think conv oh thanks a ghost but he knows i'm colorblind so i don't even i don't pay attention and i'm colorblind i promise my nickname is duds the distracted gamer ddg i promise you i'm not suss i'm mad distracted i'm adhd i can't focus right at the wrong game thank you for believing me all you guys know bro i'm dumb i'm color dumb i'm actual dumb oh my god i need it i can't why why i'm just sitting here why why not like just staring at me why i just packed lawrence and karen in gloom lauren's karen gloom and squiddy and sparkly no not this one no no you gotta be smart for this oh no i told you no i'm actually dumb lauren's squiddy sparkly kill me i know it i knew what i should have paid sparkly i saw you think damn sparkly this is actually good because they're all going to think like wow this man's actually dumped oh that person after we left electrical fiji was still alive and he was running down towards electrical only 90 percent of people can read this is i didn't mind dying because i was so happy that you guys were gonna believe me okay please please oh my gosh no i'm the impostor with smasher no no no no no no no oh my gosh i'm so bad at this oh i'm i'm actually i'm so i'm very terrified let's go okay i shouldn't kill fink kill him run run run oh god no no no fiji good good go good okay cool oh my gosh that was so close dude i thought it was somebody else walking in there i'm so happy it was him okay here's my task here oh too i'm sabotaged the o2 oh gosh run to it pretend like i'm doing something run really slow really slow okay all right i just turned off oh no he's following me he's on to me no way dude no way he's following me yes okay great o2 again oh gosh oh no look at that someone's doing it no one's reported anyone dude i should not kill him right now right killer killer killer oh gosh where was it in med bay like right next to the scanner and then i saw you staring at me and then we went together i wanted to see if you vented but you was doing that when i left so so what are we doing we're skipping all right okay no one found out what happened we're good to go i think see ya all right pay attention we can do this i'm so sorry fink i didn't actually want to kill him because he invited me to this round got killed squiddy run run run run run run run kill squiddy go in here oh my gosh dantdm oh jesus fiji you can't just murder people wait wait wait wait wait oh gosh no no no doing my task do do do do do do pay attention i think we're good so i ran into electrical dan tdm ran out finn please no one see me okay go okay great and then let's just wait down here for a second doing my task thinks he is good actually we're going to kill him and then we're going to run oh my god we're going to run that's two kills baby i'm doing my task on the far right side of the cafeteria there's no way i could have killed tanksia there's so much trash to be taken out my gosh and we're littering in space oh gosh where's the body it's in med bay he just died because i just saw him go who who was it we had in security scott cara me gloom so it's either lauren or fiji i'm in cafeteria doing a trash takeout or something uh i was on my own for a long time so i i literally just finished my tasks i was on the right side him being in cafeteria right after that happened is a little suspicious not right-handed actually you said you were doing trash yeah at the cafeteria up in the the top right i think he walked out of med bay in the cafeteria if i walked out i would have saw the body i would have reported it and i think noodles invited me here there's no way i would have killed him there's no way oh he's my buddy i'm thinking it's definitely what are you voting for there's six of them i think it's sparkly because he's standing next to me what i would never do that to think noodles but he died first i wouldn't go okay i had to there was nothing else i could do in that situation i think i confused them because they're dang it i'm so bad i don't know what to say i gotta i gotta calm down more as a as a as an imposter i was too hyper i just got too crazy oh gosh defeat wait it wasn't cassie i was the imposter i didn't even know i was the imposter fiji just kept murdering people in the middle of nowhere so i didn't actually murder that that was fiji that's like one again because they murdered someone in the middle of stories how did scott not see that and then you and you whacked dan i was so scared i was like how are there two bodies dude i had been dead for like four minutes i'm not kidding the first thing i did is i went to med bay to submit to scan he followed me in and killed me within 10 seconds and i was like nobody misses me nobody cares he invited me i would never do that you're my butt i didn't even know i was the imposter i thought it was a task i'm a bad friend thing i'm a bad crewmate i'm not even helpful there's no way i get invited back to anybody's dream ah stinky's gonna get revenge on me oh my gosh i'm staying away from him i don't even know if it's him but i am just don't trust him [Music] okay use okay and okay cara is watching me she either could kill me she's gonna kill me i know she's going to kill me she's going to wait till i'm almost done and then jab me she's going to jab me ah run okay oh gosh that okay okay i found a body in the upper left of the map what the heck i'm so sorry bro i was in med bay with you for like a solid 15 seconds yeah and then i left and then found the body so i'm gonna sparkly and forgive me if i'm wrong yeah i think it's sparkly plus we have enough people that we can affordable yeah okay expendable like your defense my events is that it happened since i was there someone probably walked up after took him out and then walked down sorry you're expendable i think we need to vouch not to kick off think anymore he needs to capture content for his channel too he needs that party hold on hold on in case he'll save he's scanned i'm gonna trick dan hey dan ready watch me dan i'm gonna trick him and pretending that i'm gonna vent actually no i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna do that wait i'm not gonna do that because it's not like they have to believe cara even though she saw me did i see him come out of the vent i'm pressing emoji button oh okay fg i have a question for you what's up buddy how did you just watch he's away from the venue 100 100 it's not fba thank you so so here's the thing i'm trying to control you and kara is my witness that i did the task at med bay so close okay okay one free content just double checking you walked up from the vent after i came out of security i wanted to troll you i swear that's it i knew it was gonna which you don't do you turn on you leave you come back you carpet and you go full disclosure wait i thought i pressed skip no no i actually thought i pressed skip but seriously stop texting get your head in the game well said fiji oh goodness no i'm just going to do this really quick and hopefully no one sees me doing that they're like actually we're doing a viewing season get in there get in there and then hand print and scan waiting reactor to normal great thanks sia and s major i'm in lower engine pay attention dodge you got this i'm in electrical i'm doing three tasks exactly where someone will kill me i should probably not stand so close to the vent because they'll probably i should stand like right here quickly quickly it's gonna be the death of me no it's not of course i'm standing on a vent oh gosh i'm an electrical doing a slow computer remember this in case they ask you emergency meetings probably coming okay good we're good we're good task completed let's go 100 let's go found dan all the way on the right side well what just happened to the audio wait what just happened to discord close discord quickly hello hello what hello can anyone can everyone hear me no and then storage wait well they all got locked in there that's kind of suck no who just locked and i i want them to know that i'm still here guys do you need help okay they're all still there what are they all following me not again they bro stop doing that guys let me in you guys are bullying me because i'm the new guy stop this is so sus oh that's the fastest i've ever completed that yes yes yes yes all right i've got something for it's uh it's think because he's not oh my goodness i don't even have like not the ice [Music] look at the snowman oh okay cool that's super weird i know i had to go out with a laugh that's it for me guys thank you all for having me it was really fun i appreciate it no worries thanks yeah you too all right well i only got impostor once but i had a lot of fun hope you guys enjoyed if you want more among us i know i promised the family i think that's coming soon stay tuned we'll check you later peace out i'm joined by baldi freddy fazbear mrs t ice cream hello neighbor and of course greg what the heck is going on whoa where did you come from i found ice cream laying in the cafeteria dead did you pick it up it's gonna melt you should have married someone else you watch like credit grenade you gotta mute mew your mic
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 17,107,448
Rating: 4.8284254 out of 5
Keywords: stream snipe game, dantdm among us, think noodles fgteev, among us memes, among us animation, among us stop motion, among us granny, fgteev among us, fgteev skit, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, family gaming, gameplay, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, fgteev jumpscare, fgteev dantdm, fgteev collab, fgteev animation, sus squad, grannys house fgteev, fgteev sus, fgteev family among us, stream sniping
Id: bN_fiQCluQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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