ROBLOX Field Trip Z w/ My HOT Lunch Lady! (FGTeeV's 2nd Most Horrible School Day)

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[Music] everybody it's your boy dirty man i'm going back to school y'all that's right we are back in field trip z last time i had to defeat my crazy teacher karen and i'm gonna send you to the office if you don't shut up this time i hear there's a new boss get out of my seat not her she bossy but no not her but yes it's the lunch lady the lunch lady you know the ladies the little meatball little sloppy joes oh and make sure you all subscribe or else this woman will become your mother oh god subscribe miss karen you look good you look good like what you did with yourself you you know the little hunchback going we met you don't remember you tried to kill me in the sewer my name is carol i'm gonna skip the two second time introductions basically i'm here in school it should be a seemingly normal day where i should not break any of the school rules the first one being don't shoot your teacher with a squirter get back here she running cause she know i'm coming what you gonna do about it what's this stuff wait fct wait oh this is me why do i got the dead hand in my in my desk is this a threat you try to kill me yo look at these lockers sponsored by walmart i've never been upstairs without a zombie horde this man just gave me a donut and a bandage follow you fine for a donut i'll follow anyone come on let's go i want to take sugar hey he takes his workout too do we gonna be best friends should we skip class let's go to class the last video we did skip class so if you want to watch that i'll go watch it oh my god youtube ftv yes i'm here oh oh oh oh oh get to class 28 seconds easy done i'm sorry about shooting you in the face earlier here's a little bandage you're gonna fix it up man probably still won't fix you up cause your face boosted hey who changed my desks please find your assigned seats yeah we there already you just gots to pay you ain't gonna pay attention miss tj you gonna get splatted in school that's how i was my teaching play attention i was like welcome to your first day of school first day of school that's right i stay back because that's what happens when you kill your zombie teacher she don't pass you [Music] i told you you should have passed me oh oh oh i knew you was evil teleporting freak it looked like you got underwear halfway down your knees or something oh the teacher's gone you know what y'all's bad kids i ain't getting in trouble nope i'm gonna be right here and all y'all getting in trouble sit down i'ma splat all y'all is this your video yes so can you get your text out my face hey look at that ceiling tile it looks loose clicking maybe first me first get down the teacher's coming down here down here where are we going oh y'all look like some little sweet angel you little liars all y'alls is liars that was all going crazy i swear yeah okay is that stinky dave in the garbage can why earth is the rooftop open who's responsible for this tell the teacher because i'm a snitch no type of teacher is that a teacher all y'alls is not rats we didn't see anything liar use a liar moss giggle do we gonna be best friends use a liar due to some same circumstances let's be earl all right i love eating lunch with earl he tell the funniest jokes too i see your brain smiles next period all right later teach but seriously look at his desks i think these are like achievements that might be karen's hand right there cause i defeated her yeah that's right carrie i'll defeat you again too tv guys for all your roblox purchases it is so much fun to type in try it head to the cafeteria for some food i love eating some food let me get the bandage in case i see another ugly busted face oh oh hey i didn't know wait what is that bath in the cafeteria is this a baffeteria this unsanitary where the food at hey old lady open up i'm starving who you calling the old lady dude the lunch lady tells me the food truck is late oh the lunch lady didn't use the food truck she lazy she actually might be the coolest lunch lady she's like yeah i know y'all don't like my slappy jokes now there's no food what's going on okay we gotta explore the school hey you you got a hall pass if not die die die get to class boy get out my seat boy i'll blast you trying to steal my gertie turkey this man he he [Music] 30 minutes later it's raining can i go home i'm allergic to rain listen teacher i got out my see what you go what's this nothing it's raining so now we can't even do pete i don't care rain or not i will use the bathroom but let me tell you what's outside that window oh i don't know oh not again the zombies are back someone's at the door wow holy that's right the arrows they telling me what to do that's right you can't get me up here little zombie zombies don't know how to climb that's a fact everybody know that where you at zombies just going ham on the teacher you should be going no no no no leave me with the zombie oh my goodness thank god for a respawn am i all right praise the lord i beat it oh i'll sock it to you hallelujah zombies don't exist stupid you ain't put a comedy you stupid guy well whatever i don't know i'm going back down there now you know you don't i was down there i got i got teleported hey look at that rooftop it's broken okay what's this what do we do y'all principal listen dude oh what the look like ryan's toy review dad why the power's out you kids go back to class but there are monsters out there nothing that's just some students being silly now bro listen you in denial and that's crazy cause we ain't even in africa you better come back to robloxia my gurky gonna scratch his back that's it i'm barging in no no don't do you about to get infected bro oh i told you you're so dumb first you're gonna waste all the electricity hello scaredy cat wait what do we do now i don't see arrows directing me i'm not smart enough to do things without arrows what you got in your drawers what not those drawers man these drawers you killed that zombie oh no you got ketchup on your shirt that's just a tiny scratch nothing compared to the pain of eating my wife's cooking you eat your wife's cooking what body part is a cooking oh like the food she made i was like you zombie freak i can't believe you devoured your wife's cooking she needs that for what does the cooking body part do not just kidding warning zombie outbreak stays high stay away from the infection save it or also defend your family necessarily the little teeth man y'all so cruel man alone i mean leader and extremely rich man alone believe that extremely was we all think to be rich man alone but don't exactly know for sure because of speculation let's just move on man the commentary is starting to get too political let me get that back let me get that crowbar wait what i already have a weapon well i don't want this weapon we just have to wait here like the principal said dude get off the light fixture bro they barely pay the electricity we need that one light bulb four hours later no i've been in the assembly closet for four hours this is getting creepy my g like somebody about to come busting in here i noticed don't ask me how i know i'm gonna tell you i know it's because i played like part one and it kind of has some similar moments but i don't even know how whoa what is that calm daddy please come here to save us oh snap that's got some dude be that fool them up bust them buster what's up what's up boys breaking glass in your booty crack yeah that's right i don't even know how you got glass back there but i broke it oh no not yet yeah yeah alpha dave donut dave i was like a dumpster dad let me tell you how good it is to see you this is for last stop smack the officer because he didn't use his gun until midway through the gameplay just cost me my life a couple of times he ain't dying it ain't working i was told the students here needed a hand oh dear is that your principal yes man he did don't worry about it also this is karen remember we killed her in the last episode you got amnesia i'm starting to think you ain't really fit for this job i mean i ain't talking about that tubby billy i should just reach in your butt and then grab out all that dookie clock in your brains go to the lunch hall we're hungry yes let's go to the lunch house that's right where the legislative yeah i don't know dave i know you're trying to get in your hands on some foods man smack who got smacked oh no oh no oh no oh no the floor is lava oh no that's the lunch lady she's actually kind of high i ain't even going lie yo girl let me get your digits real quick before i kill you hold up okay six six six oh heck no i ain't calling to mark at the beach you little creep what's this ah well what's she doing i got squirter what do we do oh it's a laser and then you gotta run before i get blasted i know what to do now oh no she coming she coming she coming she coming she coming she coming to get me i'm shooting i'm shooting i'm shooting i'm shooting she wet she where she's sweaty oh no good to go i got a jumper i gotta jump are those these splicers they splicers oh snap yes she wants us to come closer and destroy her so we're not so far away so she can see her face when she dies a half again wait attack me oh i gotta attack you beat up the strange bullet missiles i have no idea why somebody filled me in this got awkward we was all like whoa and then they kind of got like let's beat the pepsi bottles to get through this wait we gotta go back why y'all going back wait y'all know someone know oh sn snap oh um i just got a little booger stuck in my throat that's why i made that weird sound oh no no oh no she's getting closer less lady lucky jump for the left lady look yeah no i'm gonna go on this one i'm gonna take a hot guess and know that this one is not getting attacked next yeah sure y'all can copy me cupcake marshmallow here are my gummy bear gum dropships oh my oh we gotta attack that listen man i'm kind of tired and it seems kind of redundant for me to go all the way over there so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just shoot the viewers wait oh it is firing backwards i was gonna try to shoot y'all wait i gotta do this shoot all the viewers watching this still really don't make sense i was gonna say cuz y'all probably didn't subscribe so i'm shooting everybody who's subscribed so right now just to make this real go to the sink dip your head in it turn on the water and get your hair wet that way this makes a lot of sense oh what just happened they threw it at the projectile ladder i saw that this time this version is 10 times easier than the last one i played the last one i was struggling man let me get a dollop for a big mac type struggling but i want to go over there for the finale this time i'm coming guys don't worry this time i'm a team player don't hate the player hate the team i think that's how it goes all right buster bust up the pepsi bottles becky watch her die right now well she's so doopy she's just like patty cake patty cake baker's man and you should be dead ain't got no life but somehow you alive and that ain't right okay there we go who it is who this white hair man look like gandalf got a haircut i don't think so gandalf oh good y'all are here well she looks pretty dead to me i just think she looks pretty but you want to throw in the dead that's cool she was just standing how she fall down i missed the cutscene i'm glad you were able to put a stop to her where's your period sir punctuation is a must when you're in high school you awake yes ah we are one i'm half doughnut dave dun dun follow me to my car oh no y'all don't do that stranger danger you'll never follow a creepy man to the car oh goodness what is i want i want to be enlightened oh god enlighten me all right forget it i don't have time for this must go to the car oh my goodness what happened out there oh we did that last time no don't tell me this is like a dumpster damn part no no no like we should be past this cause this is like last time i saw dumpster tan i saw a dumpster tan i saw that that tan dumpster i'm like you should have painted it red nope that's adhd but seriously though no not this man again could happen something is in that dumpster what's it going to be it's none other than a dumpster diver down all right have you ever seen the zambies out there yes we have sir sorry about this yes you're throwing a fit i don't want to die well you have to sir because you're also a creep both y'all are creeps go to blocks and go at the warehouse all right last time we went to the warehouse blocks and go yes sweet mammal there's a whole lot of zombies out here i never did this one i'm excited to do this one let me tell you man i'm just like what and you all like nope and i'm gonna lie yes sir sneak to blocks and go he's sneaking we're actually sneaking [Music] there's rings on the ground i'm so glad i just started to pay attention nothing happens when you go in there hey man well how come that other person didn't get attacked i just did a monkey see monkey do sort of thing i'll touch the red just a little bit oh i need that bandage bandage power yes that barely did anything but this fire oh my god my gun wait can i kill you no sorry i know you're my student we're gonna have to smash it no thanks guys i got guns she almost did cupcake marshmallow oh she did oh she alive oh gosh i don't know who did that but good job oh what do we just do do we just steal a bunch of stuff oh i'ma steal everything i ain't got no money i ain't paying for this little brush it got lice on it too for free what about dave who cares about david amanda crete wait should we take shelter yes take shelter in the sewer you know come after me so i can shoot you and shoot shoot shoo shoo shoo shoo shoo whoa barely kills him bad no bat bat bad bad bad i'm never doing that again how does my bad do more damage than a automatic weapon what is this uh yes yes no don't teleport me wait no no yes i'm gonna jump and i'm gonna jump and i'm gonna jump and i'm gonna jump and then i'm gonna jump and i'm gonna jump and i'm jumping and i'm jumping i'm jumping i'm gonna jump the next fool i see what the ah you teleported me no i already beat the person with the little boops in the backs what you looking like a little weird pokemon if you got little best fiends on your back i know you do the little eyes like that yeah you do hey wait a minute who is over there is that nathan nathan he's smart his brain popping out the heck if you was in this room right now you can smell the fear i have don't be hate seeking missiles for me are you getting kill fool why you gonna make me do parkour you know i stink at parkour bro shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him wait it only works with a bat and then why is bat number three should be number two not because it's doo-doo because i mean it's i only got two tanks and when i say tings i mean jamaican thing for things wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no nathan teleporter you know what though i'm cool with that i'd rather have a teleporting nathan then for me to get all the way back there no oh no i'm about dead oh man that ain't fair what if i just stayed on that side would he teleport with me and then i'll be like no i'm stuck with nothing i'ma talk quietly because when i talk too crazy i'm like i can't hear my own self thing all right nathan you and your best friend are dead sorry sorry you can't keep your best friend i didn't mean to make any any threats holy crap revived with an antidote i ain't got antidote or the infinite lies i remember i bought that last time oh at least i can leave who's down there in the slime oh you're so dead down there sorry about that you'll save a hit for me save a hit oh how did i get the antidote hi foxy lou we gots this now i wasn't paying attention because i looked at my health bar cuckoo oh my gosh dude is so dead foxy luke oh please let this be the last one and they did you did nathan dead nerdy nathan then dead nerdy nathan's red red cause i make that blood spill out of nerdy nathan's head is he dead is is he dead sorry i forgot the other is yes yes he is is okay good job foxy luke pound it wait i have the antidote yeah i know how did i get the antidote thank you for saving me no problem nerdy nathan my father turned me into a zombie oh while your father sucks you should probably find a new one what who is your father probably dr zero say it say it uh don't you already know say it doctor zero i know you wanna say no don't cry don't cry don't cry oh gosh my father shot who did your father shoot you should have kept quiet boy shadow we figure oh my gosh i still wanna know who his father shot this is sarcasm you'll pay for this b and congratulations you completed the nathan antidote ending ending there's a double ending in that sentence that's how you know it's deep teleporting in 3 12 h 9 cat emoji smiley face 2 l we beat it i had a lot of fun i actually really enjoyed that i wasn't sure playing this the second time was going to be fun for y'all because i'm like is it going to be like a red powder but no it was like so different yo get down from there man y'all's crazy respect what they built for us here man this generation y'alls is dumb probably because of coveting you ain't going to school so you're not learning i'm sorry that's messed up i shouldn't have said it but seriously y'all need to go read a book in fact you should read this book yeah and also we got merch i want to get sued by the ftc so i'm gonna have funnel boy do all the stuff yeah you can go to our website we got like unicorns for sale you false advertising yeah cause they can't sue me i'm just a paper mache head i see what you're doing there so what else is really cool about season two that's now in target at walmart every purchase comes with a huge fluffy dog that's 19 feet and it barks and roughs and it does cool stuff and also you use stockhold edgy tv right oh yeah yeah right yeah good job you good idea you should join the etv roblox group we're doing a 40 000 robux giveaway when we hit 750 000 group members on roblox that's 2 000 robux to 20 random lucky winners does this look like bacon hair i'm done with the plugin that's you just you use youtube salesy for me you know like you got to bring it down okay because not everybody just trying to just spend all their money all the time so just you need to learn economics yes you do and if you don't i will rip your eye off like this yeah that's what you get for 9 000 power baby oh dude get out of my camera dude this whole time let gerky get some shine here you can actually get this gerkie as your shoulder pet on roblox i know the ftc they run just know that everything i just said we created all of it we get a percentage of all of it i hope that makes like sense thanks so much for watching you good oh free food oh my maps and my trash where did that need them to look good hercules oh yeah
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 8,654,210
Rating: 4.8434353 out of 5
Keywords: field trip z roblox, funny roblox commentary, karen roblox, karen meme, lunch lady, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, family gaming, gameplay, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, fgteev skit, Roblox #97, fgteev roblox piggy
Id: C1pI9ZfePG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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