Among Us but the LIGHTS are OUT!

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light out challenge the rules are simple the lights are out the only way crewmates can win is to complete their task before the imposter kills them all no reports and no emergency meetings good luck everyone let the games begin people i'm so scared oh i'm getting out i'm running okay let's just do our task first because if you die in here you die forever remember come on team we can do this you have to if we don't finish this it's game over why are you whispering is the murder behind you i don't know the map is so dark how am i supposed to see anything the map is insanely dark everyone i will look at the security camera to make sure everything's okay dracco i have something to say what run away from orange do not let orange near you why just just don't go near orange okay i'm not i saw them you saw them you know what they're saying i saw him kill yep funny you can't stay on the cameras you have to do tasks okay bye but i like to look at the camera because one day i might catch the murderer and there's no point catching the murderer we can't do anything to them yeah but at least i can warn you and be like yo that's the murderer don't die from them you know okay good luck staying in there that's not gonna keep us alive unless the murderer kills you first that's right the murderer might kill us she's talking pretty suspicious if i don't say so myself just focus on your tasks i only have one more task so oh wow rainbow's really fast yeah everyone meet in the admin room [Music] i create i was like why is she talking hello hi luna run what are you doing are you ready for this luna where you going just chill out just chill out lunar why are you scared oh my gosh guys i just saw someone murder luda where are my teammates oh they're guys uh i'm hiding uh-oh i have one more brilliant queen just saw me back one more time where you going alien queen you have one more task left i have one more task left they're freaking out they're like what do i do what do i do i can't report what do i do you accept your death of 10 seconds stop freaking out hey hey look i can show you something very cute don't do it don't you report that's not part of my talk no all right um oh wait don't miss another task no no no no no no don't do that don't be finished come on luna's dead look at all these dead bodies around oh oh no no no oh that's so funny i have to hide how many tasks you got boy how many tell me no no no no no no are you hiding from me hey dracula if you tell me a joke i won't kill you i won't kill you if you tell me a joke run for your life stop i'm not ready oh i got sick oh my gosh oh no no no we're draco go draco where are you at dracco don't run from me draco it only gets bloody from here aha you lost him no guys i just want some friends please i'm lonely i just got this paper hat in my dog how did you escape me dracco how dare you i'm looking at the security cam oh a fresh dead body right now wait funny why don't you go to the security cam it's your favorite spot right why don't i go there okay why don't i just sabotage oh no why i don't want to crawl out of my hiding spot i totally forgot about that i was being so chill and nice wait who was that someone just ran across to me when i was talking oh oh no where's you at hide from her oh hi [Music] [Laughter] i'm just waiting for my people are you in the club i'm not in the back it's done it's done it's done i'm out get can you not see me why are you pretending to hide from me why were you pretending to hide from me you know what let's make a mess hiding in the corner you know done we're almost done oh no you're out of oxygen you can't breathe wait you're almost on your task wait that's not good one more stop one more time one more attack no no no no please who has the last task please please please she's literally a crazy murderer someone gonna go fix that anybody oh someone did who fixed that down there run hello it's me kayla funny it's here we go again but this time everyone i am crewmate i'm not the killer i just like to say that it doesn't matter whether we believe you or not it's pretty dark in here who wants to go do their task in the laboratory with them why are you saying you're talking suspiciously i'm not talking why are you trying to get someone to go into the laboratory i'm not i'm just saying because like it's nice to have backup oh draco just died around the loose blue is dead i didn't die i thought is that you blue gold piece that that is get away from me i'm not gonna kill you this time don't touch me i promise see i'm heading to the laboratory i'm doing my laboratory job just crawl into your event and go hunt somebody else i'm not bad this time okay wow gold gold's a sassy uh gold's paranoid this time she's like get away from me murderer go somewhere else oh draco hi why are you saying it like that well why is everyone up here oh no who did that no no no no someone go fix that i'm gonna finish my i'm not even in the right area so let me get lazy i got it i'm way too lazy to finish that task oh i do is anyone going to fix that i'm basically yeah i'm not i can't get no why are people laughing see some gold that was a really suspicious laugh oh are we gonna lose to this anyone gonna get that one there i don't know where that is oh my gosh we're gonna die someone just go do it oh thank you i'm lazy everyone here is so lazy oh frosty get away from me what are you doing over here and decontaminating guys anyone want to go to the greenhouse and grow some carrots contaminating all of them no no no no thank you no one likes carrots in the whoa draco draco no offense you really look like you're dead they just vented you guys better watch out wait someone vented i'm scared yeah oh wait gold who is it let us know i forgot i forgot their color you don't know who valentine's is doing a mission jack will tell your son to watch out back kidding me come on we got to finish these tasks guys blue is dead no no no no just get out there dead please i cannot die when i cannot see you guys i'm running away i think it's lunar i think she's waiting for her for her kill cooldown she's following me lunar i'm just doing my tasks if i was the murderer i would be murdering everyone already okay no there's a cool down why would you remember someone literally died at the start of the game uh-huh okay you're so suspicious if we could vote you off you would have been one of them wait how do i do this test i never did this everyone has done their task come sit in the cafeteria i'm done that's just the whole thing for the murder to murder all of you oh oh wait i remember that person i just saw them in the cafeteria just dead too it they had a caution sign on their head gold you have to say what color they are everyone is dying gold why do you sound so confused it was red it was red i'm done my task i'm done guys tell the ghost to beat the task please i'm done my tasks uh luna shut up you're the killer what oh my gosh oh my gosh there was murdered from cyanide he's dead was it lunar why she's not saying that luna and draco are alive still jacqui you better run from lunar she's mean oh you guys better be careful i just saw someone vent no i have two more tasks please please please please oh the reactor's melting down come on finish your task ghost is anyone gonna take care of that yeah we need two people to take care of it i'm trying to i'm going to go oh no no no no no luna's pretending to die oh wait where'd you die you're nuts in that decontamination room thingy oh i think it was rainbow what no i'm uploading luna's dead body lies right there she was so close um to helping everyone i just have to survive i need to de-stress and go to the cafeteria yeah let's go to the cafeteria i'm scared i'll meet you there i'm done no no rainbow you are not invited i do not like you ice it'll just be me and draco jr [Music] [Laughter] this is my son draco jr jr you think he's cute leave a like and subscribe or react to meltdown again this ain't looking too good for you draco look at all the dead bodies around the map oh most dead bodies everywhere the killer is definitely going to be waiting for you another countdown [Music] you better be careful you better go so fast this is so hard hold hands everyone the tasks are shorter now this should be simple hold hands we don't hold hands on this ship because there's a murderer on the loose easy why you still mean rainbow rainbow's the killer you sound suspicious no i'm not you're gonna stab me when i go to the reactor i'm not suspicious funny i would have already stabbed you luna did you hear that we have to stick together because rainbow's trying to stab me do you not know how to open this door luna doesn't know how to open doors you guys are so gonna die we can't die from not knowing how to open doors oh great simple we got this we got this let's go news put our hands on here luna get on the other side hey funny oh oopsie i got it is this your gold no one's on the other side of me gold why are you saying hello to me you're not doing it yeah that's weird that's really weird why is she saying that yeah i know right i just wanted to say hello i'd like to say luna did not walk into the room i saw her so like stay away from her everyone remember to wash your hands that's the most important lesson thank you dracco i think your animation exists you're a crewmate right dracco you bathed yeah i'm crewmate uh-huh yeah okay so dude why do you sound like that get your weird alien dog away from jacko junior junior he doesn't like it yes guys that task bar is going on i'm going to the tree someone got the other one oh wait funnies at the tree i'm going to the other one i'm kind of lazy fine i'll do it i have to go all the way back wait that's all the way down i'm going down i'm going down wait you're doing down okay i'm going back up yeah i'm going for it someone go fix that i'm gonna finish my task at the office and whoever the killer is clearly they are very chill because i don't see no death yep i see no morsels anywhere [Music] wait what did i just see the report button papa did someone die in the garden no no one died i thought i saw the report button pop up for a second you guys i think we're gonna win this the killer this killer is like really chill like i'm having paranoia i'm uploading files whoever the killer is they do not murder they are killing at a very slow pace because everyone is still alive they're either very chill or they don't know how to play yeah it's gold it's not me hold if they don't know how to play why do they keep throwing up the sabbath calm down i'm getting dondu oh hey you guys want to see a cool spot what no he's so you can kill us follow me yo i'm getting some mapping spot it's a hiding spot oh this is delicious come on come on what's the hiding spot i think i need the best item down here in this room not to the left yeah yeah i'll stand behind you i'm gone oh this is smart wait can they see our name tag though you can see our name no we have to go fix that that is a good hiding spot though black is dead and orange was near the body rainbow pass pasture north center what's happening oh someone oh oh oh oh no it's not i know i know i know crewmate crewmate wait there's a dead body somewhere i don't see it where is it it's right here black is dead someone killed black should i play you uh should we like be grouped yeah we should be done me too i'm just gonna go hide in the tree red is dead oh someone killed red right beside the yoga ball guys come on finish your task we can be hiding the murderer yeah i'm hiding too there's no way i'm going out there it's too it's too scary i finished my task i'm done i'm done let's go hide now oh no who's not done come on please we need to win please please do your tasks who is it come on it's our chance to win this imposter one more task one more task okay there's one more task and then posture is not here ooh why is angie have a giant knife on her head bunny are you gonna come hide uh behind the tree with them no i'm gonna go hide in like draco's secret place find the tree is it in the garden wait where's the secret place i'll hide it's upstairs no no we're just going to go hide in the greenhouse everyone hide in the greenhouse it's safe [Music] [Applause] wait who was evil who was the imposter um but never know the final match is going to be intense look at here the player speed is two we're gonna walk super fast kill cooldown is 10 seconds and there are three murderers on the ship i'm ready we also only have three tasks so let's do this and we're pumpkins i am the best of you all look look look at this i could run circles around everyone uh oh i'm the only witch i forgot to change luna clearly you're evil because you're not part of the pumpkin gang i bet one of the pumpkins are evil stab us now pumpkins if you are mean find your little boobs run away everyone's running you want to die i have to do a task wait why are you saying that no i don't don't don't don't don't don't no wait why are you saying that let me finish wait why are you saying she's gonna kill me going to kill him oh my gosh i want to give you a hug guys rainbow's gone no she killed draco why back we can still do our things as a ghost it's fine oh it's this one how is this a short task how is this how's this short there you go come on why are you so scared but the killer gets me i'm scared i'm scared no sorry yeah i got it i got it i got one more i got one more task she can't catch us i must finish my task guys the the thingy the engine thing no i have one more easy this is the final final round because final rounds aren't final until you have the final round exactly so why are we slow now do you know why people carve pumpkins rainbow why because because you're pink and you're not pumpkin i had a better joke for you you should have said i'm gonna carve your face that's what no that's too intense that's like horror movie esque it's time to split and calm down let funny win uh-huh don't let funny win don't let funny win i am the lonely jack-o'-lantern who whispers in the wind hey you don't look like a jack-o'-lantern hey you don't look like a pumpkin hey i was a chocolate pumpkin roo let's go i knew it it's too easy your son draco i see a son no you know so i'd run faster no no god can you not see me why are you pretending to hide from me [Laughter] oh my gosh guys i just saw someone murder luda [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,144,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, among us, among us funny, among us funny moments, among us itsfunneh, among us funneh, among us krew, among us gameplay, among us youtubers, among us hilarious, among us hilarious moments, itsfunneh among us, funneh among us, krew among us, itsfunneh plays among us, among us lights off challenge, lights out challenge
Id: 7huhawnbvYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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