What is this place? Roblox Sponge...

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ask the love Easter sponge lady all fired the wrong way this is the place it seems so quiet I wonder if anyone is inside Diane yeah me walking into a Krusty Krab whoa Oh guys money I was separated I'm selling some lemonade Oh lunar I don't think it's time to sell uh lemonade nice hey guys there's a no - spongebob set what is so cool it says I see something strange at the bucket last night Oh something stayed me yes spongebob not strange things this place is in danger there's a blue key in here guys yeah yeah yeah you know is a lot of spongebob wanna be hey I gotta say spongebob be looking kind of pretty in pink wait pretty Oh you I'm much cute yeah Oh what have you done to your face [Music] beautiful pretty I said you're pretty this one didn't I'm gonna get him now go that one you're yeah I'm pretty Bob pretty balls you're dry in the super old sponge that's no no no no no nope pretty Bob wait would you like some lemonade don't sponges baby you called me sponge lady you're so nice yeah yeah I I am grace wait a minute are you trying to trick me and steal my krabby patty recipe what no no mr. Krabs yeah mr. Krabs you got no recipe guys um spongy lady is carefully walking towards the pink you up here no lady sponge lady oh hey oh I just dyed gold I know that goes oh come I have to show you my point oh boy oh boy oh boy cold it's all the way on is that all the noise you guys can make under the sea boy wait wait no no my hair wait questions we even looked at your makeup who did my makeup oh thank you for asking it was me hey it was me would you like would you like something would you like a krabby patty can you light your krabby patty yes do you even know what a la la di making it oh yes it has mayonnaise lettuce tomatoes burgers get upstairs upstairs meat cheeseburgers secret sauce we know and the secret song you forgot the pickles rod pickles forgot that pickles shut oh you think you're so smart trapping me out of my own kitchen huh how smart cuz I add some Marta just sponge legs my legs so long anyway oh because I'm sponge lady a lady always has long legs does anyone have a gun oh I found I can see the bullets someone get me a gun so I can shoot sponge lady in the face please guys what's up here not a garden key ask the love Easter sponge lady all fired the wrong way knowing boy where does this key go no pickle oh wait I have something to say the gold everyone come look some look at sponge lady Oh Danny on the bridge right here you can't go down anyways it's a new it's a new lipstick color I'm trying out do you like it yeah you kind of over lined it though yeah you did went a little heavy oh good job come on Goldie gotta escape I will be pretty amazed if you escape escape era cold are you cowering no I don't think she'll find me here because a sponge lady doesn't like you know what the green stuff salad you don't think I like salad get out of here yeah it's money my money no no mine I didn't like your fashion and ha ha ha guys this is harder than I thought I thought it was gonna no I thought it would be easy yeah everyone I have the plank I'm just gonna go to hammer and put it okay okay key hard come on we can't lose this time plank just goes right there we've done tacky up toss rainbow sponge lady again what yes I guess it made you pay no it's your lucky day you get to see my pretty face I just want to see you oh I don't want to see it all day oh do you guys know those charging cubes go or these electric no the basement oh yes the basement I think follow me oh hey you must run run see you should have just waited for me I would have said one of the hammer and something funny and I'm free no open the vents with this rabbit what do you run she has long legs raloo to run she doesn't want it this is so hard Jocko let's see why why do you carrying that around hey I'll give you one more chance I'm in mr. Krabs money room I don't care do you think we care because if you tell me a funny joke I will let you pass okay a funny joke okay tell me I'm coming in [Music] okay that was funny so what did the crab say to the chicken trying to cross the road I have claws no why don't you subscribe to the channel really really no do you have hammer no lunar where was the hammer when you lost it the hammer was in mr. krabs room near the baby kids on second floor funny I like it yeah we need a gold pan well being frozen the gold key goes in the basement come on she stunned she's not stunned she's not done but there's no hammer in here anyway my truck we just miss I miss I miss I miss I miss her mr. gold that goes in the basement mr. krabs office there is no hammer day you can't kill me she yeah you lie you lied you lights I forgot that joke you told already okay wait you never finished your joke you just said subscribe no joke oh my god come on legs come on you gotta say this is sad right what are you sad well that's pretty sad but look at this note it says this game dot dot dot this game is I would just be friends can sponge leave you nuts just be friends on yourself hammered the hammer thing who would have thought that spongebob would be harder than we expected this note say something isn't right why is he locking everything up because it's the secret recipe that's true buns Bob Gold's hey Fred what are the basement unlock it I'm spongebob wait magenta goes to the top oh you guys remembered everything now yeah I remember because I keep losing and I want to win everyone I repeat spongebob is walking on the main floor with us bachelor I am limping because Gary pick my feet this morning wait oh you might you see you we need a green battery and a blue battery in the basement got it I saw a green battery earlier on one of the other force oh I have a go battery guys oh it's so go to the backyard and go down that ramp I can't I think something's coming up here who's here oh she fell guys we just missing May would you like the krabby patty we just need the last battery color yes tonight I got it bro yeah yeah blue oh no don't would you like to be my friend oh you are blue like Squidward wait okay get to the backyard come come win weights in the backyard basement basement backyard I'm removing all hair are you kidding me I can't guys guys I got an issue I got a issue crate lunar mini lunar swell on switch can't go back there bunny wait here you got to go in here when it opens oh wait where's the gold key where's the gold key I know I don't know I'll go get it oh why did she kill me by you guys she's tapping the back arrow truck oh you grabbed the yellow key over there and I'll grab the gun you guys I need distraction - basement repeat distraction - base she is camping jogo damage in this game nope just jump gold how dare you murder rainbow he's gonna buy us cheeseburgers I just turned her when she's burger with my spatula you let's get her cake old what's up I'm not gonna say hi to my little friend oh she's not here open this then you get all the cases wait we're missing the blue fuse yeah because she was camping it now she put it in go come on come on back here oh they didn't escape but the exit key grab it Oh money this is it lunar litter go I stay together come on lunar bring your lemonade stand I got it I got the lemonade oh yeah oh yeah Co Co Co hello come on over here may I introduce myself my name is and I'm Brett best friend Wow good old shreds Bob a bob a 6 tell Bob a you will sit here and you will eat crappy ha ha ha you will eat crappy Wow yeah once again I am never spongebob for all the games we played why why I have a ladder Drock oh stop staring at that red painting I don't think it's got just admiring the scenery does anyone feel so small in this house I didn't know SpongeBob's house is big yeah what rainbow why did you just fire the gun she wasted a bullet she wasted a bullet yeah it was my bad no I have a hammer well over here like over here this woman everyone it looks like lunar sponge bob has been busy at work of doing nothing here come on over here the question is does she do a great spongebob voice wait the wrench did some I have the wrench no ya lunar how's your spongebob voice she's just laughing I have a green book would we put this probably in a bookshelf oh wow everyone's a smart person here okay I have all three books three books in the living room oh boy oh yeah what happened to Gary Luna what did you do to Gary if none of you are wearing my earrings I will kill you and the first one will purple oh no she's our young runs that rushes for everything now we lost the ranch I haven't read there's two more things to use around you and go find them where's the purple key go wrench got it okay we need the grey key the books are kind of scattered around but that's okay what else do you need the wrench on have the wrench there's another thing but I forgot forget everything I don't remember distracting lunar there's a green book downstairs does this one need a wrench to Oh another one huh last one you're good it's not working uh-oh it's broken funny this way funny the buki can't get it yet oh honey not it where's the booty buddy buddy over here track I'll shut the door go go go go time up oh I don't feel good about this you know why now getting change oh this is where all the bones go and the harder oh wait I know everybody's over here boo Oh chuckle your judge no Luna you got a splitter no nope I'll bet you give away Drago will i spare your life I'm wearing your earrings though that you created yeah I know but Rocco isn't okay you're right okay she's gonna murder you for not wearing your new earrings oh she's gonna murder you anyway man oh no no no rainbow where's the gun you must remember and I might use all the bullets Shh no this would be a lot easier if everyone was still alive yeah yeah yeah but two of them died from the round spatula yes Jocko one of the green books is the book okay oh the green books right there oh oh no you got boots it's just funny now do I get pooped no wait can you see me yeah see me can't you yes no I need to make it to the upstairs I must be the lone survivor where is the upstairs this house is so big come on guys bring your books we're gonna escape all the books upstairs gold again and sponge a ladder me I got a green book whoa what's up here whoa we need a hammer just a lot of ammo in here don't need the books yeah cousin your hammer lunar you shot her come on yeah yeah bring a book one book squad together what school does anyone have a yellow key that was a waste of your bullying no looter that was dabble honorable it wasn't put it in this might unlock a key I hope you know we need the books there's no key to key card what card it's a big dork the key cards for the main for each book boom let's put in the green book wound don't we still need the book come on I've got a buddy upstairs lunar here 39.1 put it in okay there it is the key look behind you I don't see anything and then the gold key do you have a gun still nope wouldn't okay well this is a giant safe and there's a lot of bullets are he what to say I have the squirrel there is no escape what did you do with the squirrel gold what'd you do with sandy I ate it yeah we're done in escape this place why my eyes are red uh-huh keep talking come to my throne I demand all of you peasants to come to my know I'm out whoa wait guys Jaakko just jumped out of the window I'm gonna go ahead to buy how did you do that I said if you had billion traps down here 490 go on her go yeah and then there was one me my best baby was just - boy best friend you can come closer I'm frozen here for a good twenty second of the lobby no look Gary was your best friend what happened to Gary that food bowl to promote just go walk into that blue [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,836,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, roblox sponge, roblox sponge itsfunneh, roblox sponge funneh, roblox sponge funny moments, roblox sponge funny, roblox sponge krew, roblox spongebob, roblox sponge escape, escape roblox spongebob
Id: LkMRe3J5lW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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