Among Us, But It's Anime (Mod)

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today we're playing the anime mod in among us as you can see I am the anime impostor I have tons of quests I'm going to be doing in this video to unlock more and more anime abilities Guys these abilities are insane in this video stick around for the entire thing as you can see I am level one and all of my stats right now I can actually level that up by getting coins which I get coins by doing these quests in order to win as the impostor I need to defeat all four bosses such as this guy right here but I don't meet the requirements at all out of my way fellas I'm doing some trading I'm going to oh gosh what is this click click click and boom did I do it he let's go boys we're rich we have 10 power for a hok what does that mean I'm surrounded by the animators oh no what are you doing you're going to miss aren't you easy hey my man you're uh you're you're gos I'm a yogurt yogurt yogurt his name is yogurt oh s you look just like your character you look great wow are you the one punched it so there are PVP zones I can actually die um if I get to this girl right here yeah yeah cuz I have 10 coins let's go right here I can buy some stuff let's buy us strength speed intelligence and that's all we can afford right now if I level up enough like I said I can fight the bosses but now I can fight some people too oh we we got some people over here here let's uh let's use my my beam oh wait no sun sun chill s ow I'm literally I'm already dying this is not good what the heck fight me fight me oh done yeah oh I punched him oh should I go for the clean I'm going I'm going to go for the clean I'm going for the clean Let Them Fight Let Them Fight oh go no oh oh look him don't go in there look look him don't come in here look him come on come on look him come on look him come on look dude I got a kill just like that I'm on the lead oh wait no I'm not even on the leaderboard I didn't did that not count as a kill what the heck no no yes oh my gosh get out of here I just got a imposter ability I got the ultra Instinct okay so I get imposter abilities when I kill what's happening why is rocket grunt fighting me leave me alone rocket grunt I get imposter abilities when I kill people in the arena and do the quest okay I I have 15 I don't want to die cuz I will end up losing them I do want to start using imposter ability soon this is Mewtwo okay I need I need like five what is that like intelligence we can try this Quest at the top level looks like I actually have to beat up these rocket runs oh yeah one out of five defeated uh Hey guys how's it going yeah oh dude there's so many what the heck oh there's two right here that like no Health punch them okay I got two I got two well literally just one more let's just let's just kill all them oh okay we just killed all them just run just run just run we have 29 coins and I think I just did that Quest let's check yeah dude we're already doing good okay okay it looks like no one's really around okay look who he's up there okay we're fine let's just go right here let's just spend my points let's get up to three dude wait I can buy so much stuff right now boom I'm level three in all of my stuff which means I can go fight a boss and start unlocking abilities okay so this guy right here right below the rocket grunts he only requires three so this will probably be my first fight let's go let's do it what is this uh oh my gosh rabit oh click to expand oh I have to click these targets go hurry go I cannot lose my very first fight that would literally be the worst thing ever come on oh my God wait did I do it oh yes oh gosh oh my gosh I killed him boss defeated that's one down three to go yeah apparently at the end of the video I'm going to be destroying everything with the Spirit Bomb I don't know what that means guys I'm going to be getting some things wrong in this I don't watch anime I'm sorry okay let's go back to her really quick and let's start buying some I kind of want to build up my strength a good bit let's do that let's keep building my strength I want to be a h I'm level seven on my strength dude if I can I can just start punching people and destroying them should I try to punch someone right now wait actually I can disguise and do my ultra Instinct ability wait what does that do okay no one's around me let's go camouflage and then let's camouflage as Biff okay let's go in here let's use my ultra Instinct ability uh Hey guys can I not die when I'm in this mod I have my ultra beam ability I literally can't this um oh oh oh look up oh this is not a good look for you oh he's on 1 HP oh he just died to someone else who just shot him what the okay well apparently I just don't die but I have two out of 10 kills that's pretty good whenever they die to imposter abilities uh they actually lose a lot of their skill I want to try this ability actually you know let's turn back into Biffle so I want to try this out let's find a group of okay Nico's right there okay sidles is right there let's just go right high and go boom oh ah Biff why wait have a black flash ability too wait wait can I st it again actually if I run over him he's trying I'm not trying to reset it totally not a vendetta and you're I just killed him he lost so much of his stats just from dying like that oh my gosh okay what else do we have to do we have a lot of stuff to do learn how to be a samurai defeat a samurai in a duel I have to fight where are the samurai I have to fight a samurai I I need a I I'm a samurai go wait oh I'll take this one you get that one okay let's go let's go hello Samurai you're going down what do I have to do oh oh I miss you just die oh man wait I just I died too okay we're not fit whatsoever to be taken out Samurai apparently hey uh hey hey man hey Z I don't want to go to battle with you yeah that did not I don't think that really went to plan at all no no okay I'm going to try again here okay Samurai this is my du I'm going to redo this fight okay come on we got to hit the green bar and boom yes oh I did it back to him oh he is not looking too good and there he goes down boom Quest L updated I got a new I got a Rasen gun bu guys again I'm sorry if I mispronounced things I don't know how to say that but rasing gon ability I don't know it sounds sick and we're going to try it once again camouflage as Biffle uh let's just uh shoot this really oh oh this is sick oh this is so cool um wow oh there's some people right here hey Pat how's it going oh what's the I think both of them just died hey say how it going Biffle okay Biffle I'm so tired bi oh that's fine no no no you want to start this toight we can start this today you know what's going to happen is I'm going to finish stop pointing it's rude to point didn't your mother ever teach you that you that's true it is rude to point here what we we'll kill you then wait this is already almost off cool down okay we're definitely going to try to kill some people in a bit I feel like we should try to fight some people how much health do I even have right now oh I'm full health Sundy Sundy what's your what's your stats right now huh what's your what's your strength what's your power you don't want to do this I don't know maybe I maybe I do maybe I do why is Nico here oh hide to go Bo what are you Kawaii what are youai what what is wrong with you what what what what oh he's cute yeah okay cool man um where is he where is he Sundy hi Sundy oh I canceled it I canceled it s oh sndy you are L any if you want to come in here real quick oh I what is this why are we just camping the where wait suay where you going Sunday Sun's on like no Health Sunday Sunday where you going okay S I won't punch you not going in there I promise I won't punch you I promise listen I have my back turned see see my back earlier you're one wait bi you're yay my kill get out no dang it dude it's just chaos okay I got another kill out of that though yeah look I'm with the scoreboard I mean look at my seven kills okay I kind of want to put an end to someone really quick let's just once again camouflage into bful use this crazy ability and we're sending it down somewhere we're sending it to uh where oh here right here this is actually perfect hey guys how's it going I just killed I just killed so many people the amount of people that I just killed and that one bomb is insane wait look who he's standing right there wait look who he's pretty op right now I could actually just go right here and punch him look hey Biffle I was actually trying to okay that's all right N Run N Run 60 hello wa I very strong I'm very strong get punched people's cheating I 37 oh hi Sun how's it going like this I don't like you and bye hi look look look look there's nothing you can do I'm getting all the kills look look I have 71 points point right now are you kidding me I have seven out of 10 kills as well uh you know what we're just going to we're just going to do this let's just go over here let's just send it all the way over here hi sndy hey no no oh wait I got bi okay I have 71 points we got to spend it you know put it all put it all stength and then we'll put a couple into let's do power speed all right there we go we have pretty much spent all of our points that we can I want to punch someone hey niik can I can I test something with you okay that is that is some good damage that I I do enjoy that damage what is going on down here dude I'm rolling down it's my be ability maybe I can catch one of them off guard yes hi look up hey look up hi no get me out of here hey do you want you want toight want fight punch what we're both on one HP literally zero HP lucky whoever gets a lucky whoever get a lucky yes look up get away come we are dancing having an intense battle as you can see get him get him okay I think I have another quest in here actually is this something that I can do as well let's just walk straight in here oh do I have to eat I'm eating I'm eating noodles I think am I is that literally oh my God I am oh did I get money for that I got have money for that that okay that updated my quest I only have three more quests but I need to defeat three bosses let's go find a boss really quick okay back at the beginning uh oh I can fight this person cuz I oh I have more than enough strength a here we go One V one me uh who is oh master power beam all come on come on come on come on come on come on yes yes let's go I have 93 coins two out of four bosses are completed and I just got another new ability I got the what did I get the Kam oh I know it's the kameha I know that one easily what you doing I'm not fighting hey how F I also have another PVP ability that I got that I just saw let's okay once again let's turn the sidles actually you know the the bald man let's try out these new PVP abilities I'll do Kami hamiha in just a little bit I'm curious what is this though I have a a nin tail chakra ability let's just using it right here look at me I'm so cute no do you not see this don't worry I'll use my moon power I use my moon power I I think I use my moon power really good I oh soing right now right now that she was able to one tap me okay we're trying this again hey look I'm high oh and oh the amount of damage I can oh hey K yeah we're getting my I think they were trying to upgrade but I'm not even letting dude this just makes me like Ultra powerful there's just nothing people can do about this uh oh wait Pat's going to come in let's use my little beam ability yeah pat pat come on in yeah Pat come on in oh hey Pat welcome I have 106 okay hold on go go over here uh let's just go let's just upgrade this a little bit let's upgrade that to four upgrade this a little bit more dead oh you're dead oh am I dead oh you're dead am I dead a run run okay we're good we're good I'm I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I don't want to fight no more like do have a Kam Kami ha ability wait Sun's right here let's here let's try it out let's just go right over here Sundy hi Sundy and go Das hi Sundy come H stop it he just disintegrated dude this can go across the map what the heck is this hey that's a little op I kind of like that hello how are you doing I'm going to punch you to death lose your stats M is so op I love it okay let's check this two more bosses I only have a couple more wait show off your Moon Prism Power I think that oh yeah that's literally in here okay let's un camouflage enough damage for now uh hello judges how are you what do I type power okay type it again and again I I just keep typing power okay I'm going to type it as much as I can power power power what [Music] happen the heck is happening in here um what the heck just happened I don't know I don't know suy what just happened I am kaai do you know what's happening in this mod cuz I have no idea I have no clue I lost all of my stats because I keep dying to the impostor so wa wait who keeps killing you what the heck wait I'm literally useless lit useless we can be friends okay I know I know you want to kill me but we can be I'm leaving oh my I have no Health dude I have the money to spend I just don't have the health at all I we try to fight another boss though what boss do I need okay there's a boss right up here and then this boss okay I need one more speed cuzz I think I have four speed right now I got to go in and try to buy the speed but if someone kills me uh that's going to be terrible okay no one's here Dash Das dash dash dasing go to speed go to speed and buy it uh you know buy uh buy some more okay we're good we're good we're good I okay I'm pretty Speedy I think that makes me Dash farther okay that it does and I'm coming here to fight wait look what you're doing what's what's going on man it's my turn to fight him are you are you fighting the B okay let's see it yeah I'm ready oh you know we're going to do another Kami hamha yeah look get out of here and then get out here too hey how's it going let's get out of here oh hey Z is there too bye dude I'm just killing everybody what the oh Sun's right there too bye sunnd all the way in the corner of the map everyone's losing so many stats right now oh I love it hello Mr Boss guy we're going to we're going to tussle time your attacks okay and yeah I'm fight oh I was going to fight him again look I watched you fight him you did an awful job it it was awful oh I'm destroying this guy okay ow ow ow ow ow ow don't defe red ey guys yes let's go one more hit one more hit and I win and ow ow ow it's fine it's fine it's fine no if I lose if I lose if I lose oh I barely hit that one let's go I audience hey guys turn hey guys look B I watched you it was awful you suck at this technically the anime okay technically all right technically you would not have won that technically hey bi can you step in here real quick thanks yeah yeah please please do this to him please honestly sidles you please win this Sid please tell me you win Sid s the power of anim kill me Sid killed me he even mean to kill me and he's going to lose this fight what is happening and he's dead cool I got the B man what is wrong with these people okay I think we're almost done we need to just battle Mewtwo with my trusty Pokémon and reach Super Saiyan 3 how do I reach Super Saiyan 3 oh that's in in this island where they were just fighting oh okay time I'll know we're going in we're going in dash into here Dash in here let's do this I SP space come on and Super Saiyan I just went Super Saiyan okay um cool I can now use a beam and I'm assuming I'm going to be very strong hey everybody hey hi I'm very super sa where'd you go how'd you just roll so far what was that I all my points into speed what is wrong with did I punch him where what the heck time get oh my gosh do you see that this man okay we have an idea go in the middle go in the middle we get we'll get him in the middle hey S no dude he's dashing so far I have an idea no idea no idea I no uhuh okay you ran too I'm I'm leaving you know no he deserves to die actually I have a new amach Shar what I can't I'm not going to try to pronounce it we're turning into Sunday we're going to literally be Sunday when I do this to him it's right there wa if I just like put a fire down like right here oh oh I can just put it on him oh I set him a fire oh um wait can I put more oh I can put more wait I can just put a ton I'm on everyone's just on fire everyone's on fire he just burned away a CH I'm going to burn I'm going to burn I'm going to burn I'm going to die I'm going to die what are these abilities that I can just use and wait I can just create a wall of fire are you telling me that I can I can just put a wall of fire like this that they just came just walked into it you don't look too good you got something in your eye you look okay oh that's why going crazy we're going crazy we're going crazy we're going crazy goodbye everybody goodbye bble die I'm going I think we have the kills that we need to have I think we're good at this point I would say everyone's just timeing to fire I can hear everybody uh hey Kate by bye no my combos are insane at this point all right we're we're done with this we're done with this okay can I buy anything let's buy uh let's buy some more of this boom boom and we'll just make our strength A Little Bit Stronger Yeah we're at level 13 on our strength okay okay I needed just do do a couple more things I need to check out all the CH what do mean watch some anime okay guys listen listen listen I know we want to F I know we want to fight I know we want to fight let's not fight for 2 seconds let's take a break let's take a break come on come over here follow me follow me follow me no fighting no fighting we're taking a break guys come on follow me follow me we're going to just chill out no don't we we're just going to I think it's happening Sunday it has to happen I'm going to watch some am I'm watching some anime boys wait I've seen this episode what happen show you I'll change it let me just uh the girl and then the girl and the girl Pikachu Pikachu I like this one is is Pokemon Pokemon Mom it is Pokemon mom why do you call Pokemon mom I me yeah technically why you all sitting me over and over that's wait that's Pat yeah look at that wait okay I'm not going to lie I'm bored I kind of want to be done like what I'm putting this down I got go can we fight after stop increasing your speed yeah fight you obviously really you obviously really need nice break good break bre have fun good break all right we're going to end the break actually call me call me hot it's so mean it's such an OP ability hi Nik bye Nik hi s bye sidles it's such a oh oh okay you just responded and I think we have to literally just battle MW and then we win the game which means I go right over here let's start battling here we go wait have a Charizard okay what are we going to do okay uh I oh Z Now Z am I going to attack oh nice attack okay and then I'm assuming oh ZL again okay the same exact thing why is the samurai Watching Me Oh I blocked it okay oh VI okay now dud this is kind of hard that timer goes down quick I messed that one up please don't ow oh my God my Charizard got hurt this is not good hey hey okay that was easy we're good I once I do this I think I literally oh I had my hands I had my I had my hands off the keyboard okay whatever we're at half Health it's fine K I need I need some help okay I'm not doing so wait did I kill him dude I did it let's go I did it and I wait what is this I got a Pokéball ability wait what do you mean hold on hold on hold on look is that no no no wait a minute wait a minute hold on let me just check this one quick oh wait no okay I'll be right back let's just go right here before anyone else I think I need to be what level seven hey snd a hey Spirit Bomb ability cuz you I caught a Sundy I caught a little Sundy what's happening hey boys how's it going oh my gosh what is happening oh my I just turned in the middle every everyone's fighting right now ambo ohow okay I think I just won the am& mod all right cool GG
Channel: Zud
Views: 69,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, zud, ssundee random roles, zud random roles, among us gameplay, among us but its anime, among us anime, among us anime mod, anime mod among us, anime mod in among us, ssundee among us anime, anime
Id: ABcupNQjtXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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