Busting 100 Cute Myths in Among Us (Mod)

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today we're busting 100 cute myths in Among Us here's a very sad plant and let's talk to him I'm so thirsty I need water oh gosh okay here we need to find a water really quick go go go guys I have water give them water give them water give them water Pat yay W hello sunflower thank you now that I'm back to normal I can give this place the makeover so we don't need a makeover I like pull way it is guys listen I I like I like Pol the way it is what is happening can I keep the guys oh my God what is happening take this it's too cute it's getting too cute what happening this is level my God my gosh what is this place is so much cuter I hate this what is what's happening as you can see I'm the impostor of this mod I'm a very cute imposter and I have kinds of abilities I'm going to slowly unlock throughout this mod and I unlock those abilities by actually doing myths such as the very first one is a ton of love there's a hidden Tunnel of Love by the lava pit okay apparently so if I walk over here I think there's a high PA to go oh my sun what is wrong with you hello boys I'm going to go adventure guys I'm going to go on an adventure wish me luck goodbye I want to go I'm just going to go you wait wa we going together what's we're all going together wait guys you forgot the water why is he water oh we have to get hearts and I a certain amount of time hurry okay I want this one I'll get this one I got this one no no no guys this is hard guys I'm not doing too good gra this one this isy mode one right here move I got the heart there's one right here too hey I might not be doing too good guys come on last one and boom do I do it yes 18.9 for I think I did the worst good luck beating that guys did I do bad seconds wait what you are forgot the water G we don't need water what is wrong with you we already we're good okay what the he so apparently it's confirmed I don't understand what's happening at all okay so I unlocked some new abilities every time I do a certain myth I unlock abilities and look at the top left I need to collect 7even hearts in order to take over the world and make everything so cute let's click this and I have two abilities right now I need to use the Huggy homicide on Kate and the hailing hearts on nicoal okay so we're going to get started uh I think that oh oh no Sunny's right down here hey hey man how's it going hey come here I said no I great my controls are all messed up why does he have a butt forehead oh look at kage's right over here oh this could be our very first part we got the Huggy homicide hi I'm so sorry I'm actually going to no he just died forever oh my gosh let's grab that heart and that's our first heart out of seven we need to fit in a little bit cuz I think the our meanings oh my6 you know what I'm saying look at look at him looks like a level 600 on manine this is getting B I don't I don't know this isop I want to do my next one let's see uh telescope if you look the telescope you can see the sun smiling back at you okay so I'm assuming that's the one right up here why is sigil sigil is your headless what is happened huh you good no no no I'm not no no no listen listen Z I just want you to know you really should get yourself out there the worst she could ever say is no d d are you trying to motivate me right now What's happen come with me Z yeah come with me come Z come with me come with me what what is going on come with me what is going on what are you trying to do I listen I know listen Z I know I know but this is how it is okay you're on my side of the fence you know you know you know what I mean you down you got to be like can I can I walk away can I walk away now am I to do I think I'm just going to go this way and do my myth no thank that she can say anything worse than I don't know what you're even talking about I'm what is this I'm looking for a son right now ask her out there's no one too let me just oh found it no no ask her out how about I ask you out out huh um myth myth confirmed you can see aide why can I not why can I not why can I not why can I not it's meant to be Sig Sig will you no actually I'm not going no s no no don't no fan Tri my bad so I unlocked another new ability let's check this who do I have to use it on a bird baby burd on pat p okay okay let's transform really quick just like that and I have the bird baby bird ability um I don't know if I just click it what happens oh I can put it on people look and Pat's right there next to Nico wait uh so I can just like kind of click it let's see where is the and's right there let's just put it right there oh look wait is he going to um Pat oh my gosh what is oh he's burning Pat you're going to probably want to run help he literally can't run water water water dude what the heck he just completely died and remember I have the other one too I have to use haly hearts on nikal um let's go right up here su's right over there oh wait su's about to lose this thing here let's grab let's grab the heart really quick one or two out of seven and we're going to come right back over here right to the left and we're going to go hi S no no no what just happened wait hold on what is happening why did I just go that way the bunny just kidnapped you um why do I l00 get I don't understand what's happening okay wait can I reuse the sun again to actually kill them I don't think they'll die Forever Wait hold on so let me just click this right here and I just put it right on top of them like this uh Hey guys how's it going what is that what is that bur they are very much burning they are too okay I don't know if there dude what is happening to that Sunday body what what is going on okay let's try another new M uh meaning button pressing the meaning button will call a legion of puppies oh coincidence I'm literally already here oh wait what hey Biffle I'm going to do myth I I might die can you please be my best friend and help me please Pi please I got it I'll be right there you just go around that corner and I'll be right there go ahead I see his name he literally just left okay whatever I'm pressing this button what is happening here what's oh my God there's literally just puppies everywhere oh my God he's grabb be you didn't help me at all dad you're going to be fine Beil I I mean I am fine it was literally just a of operation is healthy why is everyone hitting me with like quotes you'll be just fine yeah I know I'm I'm fine why is what is happening a mountain is not long enough and tall enough for what you can accomplish thank you so much where are you learning these sayings I don't okay what what is that I don't okay what is wrong with these people okay wa who do I have to kill with that new ability uh oh wait I didn't get anyone oh it might be a stun ability let's transform did I get it though yeah I have a puppy whisper ability okay there's some people up here uh wait I can just come up here again and to me to me thatan no Ian Ian wait why is there Ian bunny saw that I'm clear why is there a bunny with Ian attached to him is happening I don't understand what's going on and wait look at bibbles down here he lets go puppy whisper I have a puppy now oh that's so wait then go boy oh I can select to put on someone oh I can put it on Biffle the puppy's going look at him run look he's got to get Biffle uh be you have a puppy after you I would probably run get this dog off me who are you what Isen use this haing heart ability I should probably do that now where is nikal cuz I have to kill him I think uh yes I do oh NCO hello how's it going let's go H heart ability and hey you might be dead n one of these H you you're dead dude that is actually so op are you kidding me oh Sig didn't really mean to kill sigil but uh you know if that's okay let's grab nco's heart just like that I'm surprised he even had one to be honest and we have three out of seven we're doing pretty good where are people right now oh oh they're up there he'll just put another sun on them hey guys I'm looking for the sun hey guys the sun isit the sun is literally on them I think it takes him like over a minute to respond so it's actually pretty good killing them even though it doesn't do anything technically but let's look at this Kirby there's a Kirby waiting on top of the mountain what do you mean there on top where where is this so-called Mountain I had to find a Kirby come here bunny this is literally easy I'm going to fill the Met I'm going to win what are you talking about why is there a portal here what happening we got to go talk to kby come on why is Kirby cute I don't think he's that cute he's just a little round pink ball you are literally going to get canceled I'm sorry all right here we go I ium I have to go up the mountain jump up I'm going to beat you I will beat you on this one come on go I'm I'm beating you left come on up down up down up down up we go down up left he's catching up he's catching up I got to get there first I got to get there first no oh he just died wait Kirby hi how's it going I can just like talk to him hi kir oh good morning oh hi what is happening what okay I am dancing with Kirby right now I'm literally just dancing with Kirby what is going on in this mod bye Kirby and that is apparently confirm I would we found Kirby at the top of the mountain why' you fall easy you literally fell I watched you fall what just happened I beat it you didn't I literally watch I never do I never do who died we figured out why Gary has holes in his brain wait why does he have holes in his brain what do you mean this is a tomato a tomato fell here hey I don't know if this is a tomato gay but that's a good guess this is what I eat my pasta with oh oh God okay that's worrying that's very worrisome okay I want to try this new building let's just transform really quick I have C help me please still kidding listen whoever you are wait die again look I have another puppy don't do it don't whatever you're whatever you're thinking don't don't don't put another dog okay I won't I won't bye oh look he's good to go puppy got off of him yay woohoo woohoo uh hey uh there he goes uh I am stop it I'm telling your other dogs that you're doing this with another dog yeah look at this G A why is it saying that I don't understand you know check this who do I need to kill now oh it's actually Gary with oh Gary's here I had to kill with C consumtion Gary Stop Gary stop running Gary get back here listen no it's not no we can talk about this let me just hug you really quick Gary wait he's going to respawn no no no I I got to get back fast all let's just go up here uh no it's not no it's not come here Gary come here Gary oh my are you I just pooped him out all right grab his heart there we go and we have four out of seven on my heart do the next one a rabbit catch a rabbit and he'll reward you with treasure okay apparent I I just have to catch a rabbit come here rabbit I need to find a oh rabbit rabbit rabbit come here dude it's just running away you don't want to do that Z you don't want to do that why I I literally I want RB rabbit stop running you stupid rabbit come here come here rabbit oh did you listen to me no that is a busted my he did no I'm trying to get you got your poo on you why is why am I shaking I'm like shaking in this poo what is h gross and warm and sticky um all right see see see you guys bye it ice St you guys wait what the heck I'm leaving uh oh hey help not you anybody but you wait can I just stack the dogs if I send another one go puppy go not another p no not another poochie not another poochie with my poy please wait I have to kill him anyway I have to kill Biffle wait it's Sunday as sidles have been together like this entire game uh okay I might not want to kill Biffle yet so actually let's just do this let's do another thing so uh kitten check out the O2 tree okay okay I guess I just go to this tree what apparently there's a myth here S I don't really understand oh I hear a cat I heard no there's no M I heard the kitty I can hear it wait what does it want me to do oh find a Mouse toy to lay out the kitten okay where's the where's the mouse toy oh it's will be right here okay I got it here we go oh I have the toy okay I'm going to bring it back I really hope this one's true because if there's a cute kitten in this TR I will be so happy we go cute kitten I have a toy for you hello why is he why is the Tre look kind of upset what is that oh what okay we have another boasted myth that was a that was a entire lion but I just got another new ability which is pretty good let's transform who do I need to kill with that one oh sigil ferocious feline is sigil that's actually perfect oh he look who it is right here this is actually like the best day of my life it would we could not get any better than this hey sidles how's it going hey man it's I know it's you me just listen I need I need to put this line on you I need to put this line and you should probably run what do you mean let's just grab this heart just like that there we go and I think the other person I had to kill is uh oh it's still Biffle but I okay B's right there he's actually still stuck so where is Sundy right now oh he's right here here can I just put like the sun around him you thought you could get me loser I got out of there what is happening huh what is happening what do you mean what is happening what is Happ what do you mean oh my Z what is going on in this mod uh roses if you smell the roses in the garden one will give you a kiss wait is that the that's the last myth I had to do that's literally the last myth I have to do hey Biel how's it going hi oh he this you're a heart and I love you you do really want another puppy I love you like I love these puppies so much you love the puppies so much oh that's good I'm glad hey uh do you want to die no okay all right no that's fine that's cool with me where's Sundy oh he's down here Sundy stop oh wow that was a really bad that was super bad timing that was like that was super bad timing that was the worst timing ever I said meeting okay that didn't count but hold on let's do this really quick I have to smell the roses let's see if they going to like why are they look evil ah wait my head's off wait no my no no no no no wait I'm headless right now wa sudden I could actually call it meeting okay I was I have to kill I have to kill list we can talk about this sunny we can talk about this oh my God he was so close to getting that oh my dude Sunny was so close that was insane he almost called a meeting to save you guys that would have been really bad if he called a meeting hey can I I'm not calling meeting you're not okay that's good that's good oh and I stunned him hey this is a pretty cool little thing I got I'm not calling a meeting at I know but I you know you're looking like you need some Thorns so let me just give you some Thor you know let's just grab Sun's heart really quick there we go at six out of seven I'm pretty sure we have done all the myths and let's just go let's just see what what's going on man listen do you want more puppies you need more puppies is that what you need uh and then what if I just killed you bye bble uh-oh oh wait can I grab his heart if I grab his heart is that is that the final ability come on put that in and I adore able Annihilation ability boys we have done it let's do the final ability here we go time to fly this is uh this is Pat's color can it we'll follow him oh I did hey guys is that fun I can just shoot oh bble you're right here hi you need to get hit by this Arrow if it's the wait nco's just right here Nico I'm sorry but yeah there you go I saw you oh this is Kate's color you know what I'm shooting them all you know I'm shooting everything I'm shooting everything everybody take all the arrows everyone will get hit by Arrow everyone I hope you enjoyed but goodbye oh my I I think we won I don't know how that was cute but apparently apparently it was very very cute
Channel: Zud
Views: 40,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us funny moments, ssundee random roles, zud random roles, among us gameplay, Busting 100 Cute Myths in Among Us, among us myths, among us cute myths, 100 cute myths in among us, ssundee busting 100 myths in among us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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