Among Us But Impostor Gets Bigger After Each Kill

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[Music] hello how can i help you hi i've brought my knife do you think you could give it an upgrade or something i just feel like it needs something new added to it may i ask what this knife is used for killing of course there is actually a new update in the weaponry section that just came in for this particular weapon i suggest you add the bigger is better upgrade bigger is better hmm sounds fun what does it do oh you'll see okay how much will that be 50 gold coins here you go one moment please there you go awesome no worries goodbye ready yep let's go [Music] wow just in time for my new and improved knife yay whoa what happened there [Music] snowball no i found snowball's dead body in records why him why oh no yeah yeah he's been dead for a while already i checked on vitals anyone have any susses i was with chester a lot of the time it probably isn't him yeah i can say the same for mr pepperoni man okay so chester and peps are cleared peps yeah that's my nickname for mr pepperoni man because his name is too long well what's my nickname banana isn't a long word shh i want eva to make a nickname for me so eva what's my nickname uh how about idiot idiot that's an amazing nickname uh banana you do realize she's calling you an idiot right wait what ah this isn't important snowball is dead and his murderer is gonna get away with it how do we know it's not you sandy whoa jeff you're so much taller now huh really yeah that's kind of weird maybe i just had a growth spurt but you're also wider are you calling me fat maybe uh guys let's stay focused actually now that i think about it yeah how do we know this isn't a self-report you guys have got to be tooling right troll i do not understand this word yes what is this troll you speak of sounds to me like this is a skip vote fine no one suspects a thing [Music] jeff is the imposter i need to call a meeting [Music] hello there jeff now what do you think you're doing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i need to call a meeting [Music] oh my god how are so many people dead already i know right i saw on vitals and called this meeting because this is crazy yeah i howdy uh jeff why are you so big huh oh yeah i didn't notice that before you're huge hey that's rude no really jeff why are you so big i don't know wait a second could it be the knife the blacksmith said bigger is better is this what he meant oh no oh but anyways let's try to work out who the imposter is hmm well to be honest i haven't seen anyone this round that's exactly what an imposter would say but that's also what a crewmate would say i think we're getting sidetracked here jeff is huge this can't be a coincidence right he has to be the imposter so what you're saying only fat people can be murderers what i'm not saying that at all that's what it sounds like to me ah okay we've all pretty much been on our own for the past round so i guess the only thing we can do is skip vote uh hello jeff is the imposter yeah let's skip oh my god i'm surrounded by idiots excuse you i don't know poop i don't want to vote out the wrong person cause then we'd just be helping the imposter let's have another round and see what happens fine [Music] uh hello just get it over with already [Music] just one more kill and then i win monster monster huh i'm not a monster oh wait when did i get this big silly knife it's a scam oh oh well sorry eva time to die [Music] oh no [Applause] [Music] uh what happened where are we what is that wait a second is that jeff what happened to you what's wrong with jeff i have no idea [Music] i think it may have something to do with this what do you mean look reverse size i think this knife has something to do with jeff's eyes well quick reverse it all right i don't think that worked guys help me [Music] what should we do i'm tiny i'm tiny jeff now okay let's think about this jeff where did you get the knife from some blacksmith guy from town okay so if we bring you back to him then he should be able to fix you right i hope so but how are we gonna get back to town we're stuck on a deserted island with a destroyed airship we'll make a boat how there's only three of us well two and one-tenth of us you're right there's no way we'll be able to make a boat with so little manpower aha i got it what the dead players are all here as ghosts right oh she's talking about us what are they saying yeah well they'll revive once we cast the imposter out right i see sorry jeff we need to eject you so the game will reset and this is the only way i can think to do it let's see if this works [Music] yes it worked yay good work guys we heard everything now let's get this boat on the way guys guys [Music] well done everyone and now we set sail over there may i help you help i'm tiny oh oh oh that's all you can say help him i'm afraid i can't do that what why not [Music] i think this guy's crazy i'll help you only if you can defeat me in hand-to-hand combat yep definitely crazy seriously oh yes fine step aside boys us girls can handle this girls seriously [Laughter] i could defeat you with my eyes [Applause] yes wow wow wow now get jeff back to normal [Music] oh my body my beautiful normal amazing body it's good to see you back to normal jeff can you get off of me please i just want to say thank you to all of you for supporting me this whole time i could never have gotten through it without you guys i love you get off of me please i beg of you help me [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 1,992,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gs_uLNATyDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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