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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the full release of among the sleep now this game you guys have been waiting for and i've been waiting for for quite a while if you don't remember it's where you're a baby and you try to get through your house at night when dastardly demons are knocking at your door there was another game called baby blues that was kind of the same theme but i bet this one came first before it i think it actually did the idea of a child being thrown into the situation of death and destruction and horror was originally come came up by these guys what is happening why is a baby having an lsd trip am i in an alien spaceship what the hell is oh i'm drinking a bottle oh god that was so weird i don't know why i didn't notice that did you finish your drink already yes mama oh god i'm throwing a tantrum it might break it was disgusting thanks mom now it'll only be a minute mommy just has to make sure that the cake is perfect is it my birthday thanks mom i'm gonna do some abacus mathematics i'm so smart are you proud of me are you proud of your boy maybe i'm a girl i don't know there and there thanks i love you so much mama oh look at me you're so adorable in your tiny footed pajamas thank you happy birthday sweetie oh that animation is really good wow two years today two years i know you're off by 22 but that's okay i think i know a little somewhere for some cake ah put it on my mouth chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choos thanks mom here we go oh uh excuse me i'll be right back uh okay thanks mom that was weird okay oh all right gonna do some abacusing kid is not having a fun time what did you put in that cake lady lady no okay so i'm guessing that was the the dad the divorce dead look what i found i wonder what it is it's a present why don't we go upstairs and find out okay thanks mom who's at the door oh my how much cake did you have you only fed me two spoonfuls you didn't give me enough i'm i'm actually quite hungry okay this is this is kind of weird hi hello there well aren't you high yes oh yay i am too i could walk lady but that oh how pretty krill bites studio wait a minute what is that mom look out that's a black ooze it's the news of black mom mama mommy mommy mama mom mom mama presents this is a very well do okay this is one messed up kid here if this is all that he's seeing among the sleep oh i'm so ready for this i was i was really hoping that this was gonna be a really good experience and it looks like they put just a ton of work into it and i appreciate that very much so unless they just threw all their budget into the first intro sequence and then they have nothing else to show for it but i highly doubt that hi now let's see what's inside we're just gonna ignore that darkness i'm ready oh i love it oh okay sweetie be a dear and play for a bit mommy will be right back wait a minute no my present i saw what it was can i have it oh you're going to leave me in here with the eye okay thanks mom from my perspective you look very creepy but i love you because you're my mother goodbye i gotta get out of here i gotta break out of folsom prison i need to get my beer something happening over there but i don't much appreciate it excuse me this little tunnel i can crawl through okay that was fun glad i did that why is crawling faster oh yeah cause i'm a little baby oh okay and yup and away we go okay thanks kid you can stop breathing so much okay so need to open the drawers i remember this from the demo that i played the demo was actually almost a year ago now uh i need to move that just a little bit so i can climb up maybe we'll just climb up okay that'll work get out of here uh dumpy the elephant i need to get my present bear what the wait a minute wasn't there a teddy bear in here i kind of want to say that there was a teddy bear in there where did he go where'd my teddy bear go well that can't be right what the hell happened no now did i break the game already there was a teddy bear in there i know there was what does this do but something not right there was a teddy bear in the box i'm not crazy i just started playing this game i'm not crazy yet hi i see your beady little black eyes hey you found me yeah i sure did my name is teddy nice to meet you hey what's your name markiplier markiplier not much of a talker yet hey markiplier i'm known for talking i dog a lot let's play a game i yell a lot too i'm very loud people are no okay uh okay hi okay i'll get out of your way i'll hide the pink elephant while you're not looking okay teddy you got it bro i'm totally down with that you are a cool dude and i like the way you think turn around and cover your eyes you got it bro ready how do i cover my eyes are my eyes covered yet why am i poking my belly button stop poking your belly button there buddy there's nothing interesting in there how do i cover my eye okay uh i'm not looking i swear i'm okay all right um how do i cover my eyes i don't know how to cover my eyes you didn't give me any information what am i supposed to do there little buddy go in the corner maybe stare in the corner until everything goes away so the darkness comes to claim my soul what oh oh what there you can look now okay that was weird that is a very weird mechanic but thank you i found him it wasn't very hard that was where i was you found it i did aren't i aren't i great i'm very smart i came through accelerated fourth grade i am incredi i was in advanced algebra music box does it work no yes i don't know i'm two what do you expect me to know let me go find for you buddy my friend it works that's a nice melody it is isn't it it's beautiful it's the most beautiful melody i've ever heard in my life and you are probably unintentionally creepy so what now little buddy what do you want to do now i'm here to help you friend okay fine be like that i don't know what you want from me oh we just got linked it oh i guess the melody's over now so now we get to go over and do something else little teddy teddy bear oh you would like to read a book it's a book it tells a story this one just so happens to tell about five thirsty animals upon a dry dry hill i was gonna say that we could use a drink they sang and started to drill wait what how did they know how to once we reach water with our newly dug well i think we'll have to bid each other fairly well oh i think that means death it's not a very happy book pretty sure they're gonna die of thorough hey hey there buddy uh what do you want me to do with that is through an easter egg if i spell out something with the blocks oh yes you wanna see it goes woo-woo you wanna see it go woo-woo woo-woo run how do you start it you're staring right at it buddy i don't i want to question your intelligence a little bit round and round and round yeah round and round and round so uh so what about that so what are you gonna do about that hey pick me up and carry me on your back i wanna show you something sure you're gonna strangle me from around the neck i need some place very dark i don't think i would then uh how about the closet that looks like a good spot out you're closing hey we think so alike can i bowl oh i fell ah i got it i'm so good at games hey i got an achievement too look at me look at me big man achievement man what's in my closet besides darkness and death has to be darker shut the doors completely why do i want that what kind of teddy are you good this will do nicely no bad i hope there are no monsters in here why would you say that that's exactly what you don't say like i hope i don't get murdered feel scared in a dark place like this you can hug me tightly you might feel a little bit safer no i'm hugging you oh i get it but why is this hair why is this a thing okay hi oh things look so weird from a child's perspective but i guess that's the intention we must be careful i don't like this yeah you told me to come back here why would you want me to if you don't like it oh the big tall robes don't mean well is that blood on the walls was that moving that is actually quite disturbing i do not like that please do not bother me big shut the hell up you douche i don't want anything to do with you yes maybe if i talk louder than the noises of the monsters they won't bother i mean me bay oh god i wasn't scared of you the teddy bear just appeared does it oh are you playing with your new friend yeah hello mr bear my name is teddy nice to meet you how are you today you've got to stop hiding from mommy i'll try not to do it you had a good birthday hun um mommy would be very sad if you didn't okay um now it's time for bed that was a hole in that closet if you go to sleep now you can wake up early tomorrow and play with your friend every day but what if also i have nightmares what if also the darkness claims me every little boy and girl are sleeping now all over the world and they're waiting just for you we shouldn't keep them not reassuring not reassuring in any way anyway shape or form good night okay all right i like this i don't know why this seems so creepy to me it should just be a normal loving family but in a way it's awfully disturbing oh god i am in nightmare world i was just waiting for the moment when i would awaken in this diabolical day in this world of which i will never return to the normal one because i die of death did that even make any sense to you guys i don't know if it did but at least i got my teddy bear here i don't know why my teddy bear is slap okay i i literally just said at least i have a teddy bear here and it's being dragged away from me i don't like that i do not like that very much hey this is very paranormal activity one-ish hello how about you open your eyes hi what is that what is happening okay thanks why why would you do this to a little child why does a child need to be tormented as such i thought i pulled that over oh it's raining and it's at night how delightful i wonder if there's still monsters in here monsters anybody okay so the hole in my closet seems to have disappeared hello i gotta admit this is exceptionally creepy just disturbingly creepy i mean it's excessively compounded because i am a child and i'm imagining all this oh if you need to peek around corners why would i need to do that perhaps there is a monster over there perhaps there is some diamond looking demon that wants to eat my swole my little tiny children hand what was that thing that dwight fruit once saying oh go to sleep something or you'll be eating i don't know i don't remember it's dwight schrute from the office how how am i supposed to remember that's not a good sound no somebody's screaming in pain that's definitely not advantageous i think this is actually where the oh okay this is where the demo picked up uh that's locked so i need to go find a key for that ah that's right ah i got you thank you something's not right uh-huh we need to find your mother no kidding it's not a good thing i'm gonna hold you tight to my chest so i got some illumination also your uh moistness is awfully comforting to me a small child cool i think i remember that we need to go find my madre because some bad juju is going off in this place i don't remember being very quiet before is anybody there mr floppy bunders hello why do we have so many giant coats seems awfully excessive for one household gonna crawl down hello oh i remember this hello mr lightning i remember this okay so if i recall some bad stuff hi thank you i remember i thought i was in the bedroom for a second there no thank you mama some uh something's haunted this place can you do something about that or not it's fine whatever my little child heart is beating very quickly but that's normal that's normal young people's heart rates are on average higher than adults what the hell is that sound sounds like someone's dragging metal around somewhere okay i'm gonna take you you're gonna help me unlock this doodad i'm gonna move on then i'm gonna move on and you're never gonna see me ever again no not what i wanted to do yeah that's what i wanted to do i heard something didn't like it like what i heard okay why do we have so many coats why so many tall raincoats it's illogical that one even even has shoes on it what does that sound mom who do that why is that down here hello hello there's an awfully big crack in the wall did someone punch that why also why not like this shut up okay thank you this is the bedroom right this is the bedroom something happened in the bedroom okay this is not what i recall the office so okay there's these sounds don't make any sense can i get up there probably could if i really wanted to maybe i don't need to where am i i don't remember any of this it's all very different or maybe it's exactly the same and i'm just an idiot but i don't remember any of this yep thank you get up up up up up up up up all right go okay now i need to extend that out that like that update thank you now this is the bedroom okay oh i thought that was a face for a second there mama am i even though i know you're not actually here mama mama whoa what it's always appropriate to face your dangers head on hi nothing you're not brave enough to face a two-year-old boy and 24 year old man boy controlling that little boy someone singing over here got another freaking coat it's getting close to where the demo ended the demo is great by the way i can't wait i can't wait to see what more there is for this game i'm gonna go through here okay fine then if that's how you're gonna be why do i hear sing okay guys sorry forgot about that was that a thing that happened before i don't remember okay fell again that's okay i'm gonna cry like a little baby hello this is important it was glowing or maybe it's just in the moonlight mama mama mama mom mom mom what are you doing in there mom what the hell is that what the hell is that do i remember this why do i not remember any of the oh my something is happening i don't know i'm a little kid how would i know a little kid has an imagination like this no it's hard but it it seems more like a memory yeah oh a memory a memory thing thingy hello mama are you down here you want to say something to me mama mama okay little kid falling down a tube totally okay not gonna get hurt in any way hello are you all right pretty much only scarred for life that's okay all right so there's reached about oh hello whoa what is this place i don't know you tell me you're probably more knowledgeable than i am and i'm gonna find out that you're actually evil and you caused all this so anyway this is where i'm gonna end it here so that i can keep playing expect more of this very very soon so anyway thank you all so much for watching click the annotation for more videos that i've done and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye please hey there are people still in here what are you talking about this place is supposed to be abandoned question mark i thought this place was abandoned
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 13,288,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among The Sleep, Scary Game, Markiplier, Horror Game, Let's Play, Scary Let's Play, Scary Moments, Baby, Scary, Horror, Indie, Funny, Creepy, Creepy Children, Afraid, Screaming, Dark, teddy bear, nightmare, Part 1, Among the Sleep Part 1, Gameplay, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Review
Id: gmR_8PMY5rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Fri May 30 2014
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