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welcome youtube family this video was not supposed to start this way where i am sitting here talking to you but now it's going to have to do because um i somehow lost the very first of this whole video i i am switching phones and somehow i lost the front of this video and so now you have to just put up with me sitting here and telling you what the video is about um what i had was it was my brother and my sister and i were traveling to kalispell early in the morning like four or five o'clock and um we were heading for the airport to go to my aunt's funeral so this is what the video is about and i was we were just talking about you know where we were going and everything so that all got lost so now i'm just sharing it with you so me and my four sisters which are all of us and my two brothers and my mom all went uh to my mom's sister's funeral in carlton kentucky uh yeah it's we got up early in the morning the night before we were having like a family christmas gathering here at our house and so there was just a lot going on and early in the morning like three something i got up got ready and my brother came and picked me up and my other sister and we drove an hour and a half to the airport and i guess you can just watch the movie from there on but i just wanted to say that um i hope i can portray this video in a honorable and wholesome way because it's a funeral we're going to and although i did not know um i did not know many of my cousins on my mom's side or on my dad's side i knew a few and i know a few and i have some good wonderful cousins and but just that particularly that community where my aunt died and i did not know any of them so i was looking very forward to meeting them so i hope you just enjoy this video and that it touches you somehow so come along as i go on my trip there's my sister emily and my mom is here too and my brother benjamin there's all of my sisters are going to be going to this funeral and two of my brothers and my mom we are here in the denver international airport and um we got here very late because our flight in kalispell did not take off for over an hour or so because of some technical difficulties and so we missed our flight which is a real bummer but we'll make the best of it we we're going to get another flight to cincinnati but we'll probably miss the viewing but we'll be there for the funeral in the morning and just a little bit about this funeral i really didn't know my aunt at all she was my mom's oldest sister and i only remember seeing her once when i was a little girl that community had shunned us and so we could never really go back i mean we could go see them but it was very awkward and they wouldn't eat with us they wouldn't um you know they just they would be nice to us but that was about it so we just didn't go and so now her sister died and she had some complications and i think earlier on she had a heart attack and now she died so and we just heard about it so some of us siblings and my mom just decided quickly that we're going to go take a flight and just go to the funeral and yeah it's it's kind of sad that i didn't know my aunt i feel kind of emotional about it but i'm looking forward to seeing a lot of my cousins that i actually never saw or almost never saw and most of them i wouldn't know at all but hopefully i will get to meet some of them and again like i said i probably won't get much footage but hopefully you can get a little bit of a taste of how an amish funeral would be okay we found some good food and i'm here with my brothers and sisters and my mom it's really special actually to go traveling with them all and we're going to meet uh my two other sisters there so we're having a good time even if we had a long layover and we missed our flight good food [Music] [Music] right here is the shuttle and we're going to the rental car to get ourselves a nice rental car well we got to our motel and we're heading uh out to a waffle house to eat some dinner and we met up with my two other sisters [Music] so it's the next morning and we're all getting ready for the funeral and most of us are wearing dark or black just because that's what they do and also i'm going to wear like a little veiling thing on my head just as an honor and respect to them they they're i think i'm more approachable to them if i wear something on my head so that's what i'm doing right now we gotta hurry because it starts in an hour or so [Music] okay we're all down here in the lobby eating some breakfast just before we head out how'd y'all feel guys all slept well excited i'll accept benjamin he's coughing away where's your man no we're excited to see some of our cousins and aunts and uncles we haven't seen in many many years so here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we drove up to our uncle's place where the funeral was held there were a lot of young men and boys standing outside watching us probably wondering who we could be not knowing that most of them are related to us so we are walking past what you would call open hacks they are not allowed to have closed-in buggies and i remember well as a little girl writing in those um hacks and it used to be cold in the winter time but we'd really bundle up and here is the outhouse that they use and they actually send us to an overflow room because they said there is no room in the house but later some young boys came out and told us that there is actually room in the house so i was very grateful that we actually got to go in and be with everyone else for the [Music] funeral [Music] this is now after the service and we are heading out to the gravesite and we are following the horses and buggy a lot of them also walked they just took a shortcut across the fields i know this footage is not the best quality but i did want you to see this i just think this picture is so precious and sweet it's just those two little boys in the back all bundled up with blankets and the one little boy barely peeking underneath his cap it's just the sweetest thing do so well i'm back home and it's very good to be home i've been home for a few days now and i just needed to get some rest because there was so much going on uh we had our family christmas gathering and then that evening uh i left for the funeral actually it was early mornings like three o'clock something that i got up and we left for the airport and then the very next night we came home again so it was a very quick trip um but i'm so glad i went it was it was just special to see my cousins and all my uncles that i don't remember seeing although i think i did when i was younger um it was i thought it might be a little awkward when we're there simply because they're so conservative and we haven't seen them for many years and it was a little bit at the beginning but um all my sisters and my two brothers and my mom we just i mean we just told i i just told my uncles how glad um i am to see them to see my uncles that i don't remember seeing and it just seemed like it warmed them up and they started talking about their families a little bit and um it was a sad time to meet him you know when my when one of their sister died but it was it was just good to be there because you almost don't go back to a community like that unless someone dies because no one invites you or tells you unless someone dies so um it was just very special i don't even know how to put it in words they all spoke my language they spoke swiss like swiss german and so it was just awesome just to speak in that language to them and anyways i just wanted to tell you a little bit how it was um i hope you got a little taste of it you know of course i couldn't video in the service or anything i didn't want to do that i just wanted to give you a little bit of a glimpse of maybe how they look and the community that i went to is very isolated i don't think they [Music] you know communicate back and forth with really any other church they're pretty isolated and they're very back in kind of um but my heart just went out to them i just i love them they're my people and um they are doing what they know to do they're doing all that they know and i'm just praying that they really can find the love of the father find jesus and they believe in god and all that it's just i think they just believe they can only hope that they can get to heaven and i'm just praying that they can know that they can that they have an assurance of salvation because jesus died for them so that's just yeah that's been on my heart and i just hope you enjoyed this video and i bless you and thank you again so much for watching
Channel: Montana Haven
Views: 142,478
Rating: 4.8123989 out of 5
Keywords: Amish, Amish funeral, Conservative Amish community, Amish living, Montana haven, Amish in Kentucky, Homesteading, Conservative living, Amish, Amish funeral, Conservative Amish community, Amish living, Montana haven, Amish in Kentucky, Homesteading, Conservative living
Id: dsYkdOJrs6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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