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Bonjour everyone wait they say a welcome to ordinary adventures you may have seen one of our last unboxing videos we unboxed the box and actually here's oh my it's like you knew that there is gonna be no food in the grocery stores because of this pandemic in late oh my god okay so gotta read this that's next next that's right we got tons of Canadian candy whole bunch of Canadian stuff that we've never tried before I'm so beyond excited I've been waiting this has just been sitting in our house we're finally gonna get to eat it I'm sorry ét there's no Reese's Pieces here to come with us on this adventure [Music] first of all thank you to the front family this was like the greatest boxer yeah it also is like the heaviest package we've ever gotten and we were just amazed by all the goodies inside of it where do we start I don't know I'm so nervous I don't know why I'm nervous I'm gonna pick first and this one caught my eye it's the eat more candy bar original dark coffee peanut chew I like toffee I like dark chocolate I like eating more not less oh it tastes like some kind of like granola bar or not a good NOLA bar bus I'm kind of like protein bars it has that kind of like extra juice yeah so immediately I'm turned off like I don't dis my can't but it literally just tastes like a protein bar so eat more how many kitchens one who ever thought with this candy bar to eat more that you should eat less of it I don't think this is us being ungrateful for any of these guests but this is just us trying Americans Frank median candy for the first time number one was a dead I'm sorry I was very excited for that let me pick a number two I'm gonna pick okay I love caramel I love chocolate I like Cadbury Cadbury is a good name in chocolate guessing this is just chocolate caramel oh it reminds me of like a Rolo or like Caramella Carmelo there we go absolutely reminds me okay here we go cheers Cheers it's exactly what about something very milky milk chocolate very chewy and soft caramel I think I'd give this a 5 out of 5 wow I love caramel so this is like just it's like the right spot it's not caramely enough for my liking probably it's like a three and a half out of five what don't listen to her you go to Canada caramilk that's what you want again alright I'm gonna go with something savory and I think I'm gonna go with these ketchup chips I've had ketchup chips before when I went to Toronto for the Toronto Film Festival I love ketchup trope I haven't tried the old Dutch guys could smell this it doesn't smell just like to me that's it it smells it's similar like ketchup like ketchup these are good five five yep I think five so that gets an ordinary adventure star oh you know everybody that goes to Canada and tries to catch up chip always loves them aside while you're wide like they've never made their way over to the u.s. they're so good you know what I used to do I used to just like put ketchup I used to dip tortillas like in ketchup and eat that as a snack sometimes it's really good like a little quesadilla that combination only happens when you're like in college and have no money and you're like I got this and this in the cabinet let's see what it makes much jealous I wish we had these years I really actually like you a lot right here we have some friends in Canada so if we ever need - yeah we might need conflicts let's try one of these arrows let's try first the chocolate two different ones and this looks weird it looks like it has like these bubbles inside it they weren't kidding with like these little bubbles in here and the tagline is filled the bubbles and oh yeah that Oh feel the bubbles melt okay listen you never know the lake starts this cardinally so strange it's almost like fudge kind of there we have like biting into like a dense piece of fudge and I'm just kind of like melting away in your mouth it's made by Nestle but it's like a slightly different kind of flavor than the Nestle in America you know we should try them green kind over here let's try that green one is peppermint that one also say feel the bubbles in your mouth or whatever yes say in the French fun des pour les baux Lay's almost sounded like Babu prick their coffee prick can you help us with this little me a bubble will get you I love me in chocolate I know that's either like a love-hate Oh Oh Cheers IRRI mint she's exactly like those dinner mints and they give you at the Olive Garden that's what it is and those are amazing so I was trying to put my finger on it I just like this is not taste like like peppermint bark yeah a piece like that I'd give this a 5 out of 5 you also fire mm-hmm is it that means it gets an ordinary venture star yeah we never rated the milk chocolate one yeah I think we're great on that as well what is this nestle Marah whoa this is a real bubbly milk chocolate I mean it's like the same kind of is this trying to compete with the arrow that we just tried what is with Canadians and them wanting bubbles in their chocolate no let us know our bubbles like supposed to be good do people think because there's like bubbles and like there's like air bubbles in there it's like the less bad for you maybe this less bad for you because there's less chocolate Canadians always think I don't really understand why there's only in two different kinds of bars it tastes the same no this one's more like grab-and-go that one's like splitting chair why not call it the same thing I already taste through the bubbles and I thought they were fine I like this a little bit more probably gets like a 4 out of 5 giving it three of them let's do bounty we're not talking about the one that you put in the washing machine or drying machine belly oh oh no that's the paper towel we got toilet paper on the brain you know quarantine it looks like these are kind of like mounds or something I love mountains I love coconut and chocolate combined you don't I like mounds over almond joy almond joys got nuts [Music] mouths don't they're both gross to me Cheers it's not bad ideas it's not my thing this is totally my thing give it a five out of five Peters Wow it's like a teal I love coconut and I love cooking over chocolate grandma was Italian which used to make something what it was we need to try these ruffles all dressed there's a picture of an onion a bell pepper vinegar you're seeking clam wheat salty and savory in one bag whoa and you love eating chips though make your taste buds feel like they are going to explode oh my god all in all at once it's like Willy Wonka it looks like a ruffles potato chip it's like some flavor on it you like ruffles I love ruffles ruffles all right I don't like the rigid you could say I am a connoisseur of potato chips like a combination of barbecue or know if you guys in Canada have barbecue chips this is crazy because like I taste a sweet I taste the salty yeah it's like an evolution of flavors I like it I don't love the ridges on the ruffles but I think I would give it like a four to five it's almost like too much it's like they like what can we put in two digits of pollen oi he's probably got five out of five I like which I'm mr. big because that looks interesting yeah one click as a bunch of stuff in answer mr. big it's the original mr. big this is the largest size chocolate bar produced by Cadbury in Canada which is about mr. big pretty big it's vanilla wafer good in caramel peanuts and erase crisps it's weird you can definitely taste like the Rice Krispies like a rice krispie treat me you can also taste like the weep - Noah wafer inside does that mean you don't like it every turn I have the peanut it would be better it sounds like mr. big is a mr. big no-no for you you know like a 2 out of 5 Wow okay I'm right there with you probably gets us two as well these are called class set raised best ever maybe even says on the box are they better than Raisinets I love raising that but do you like raising it I do iron because I was hoping if he don't like it I could eat all these I looked on a Wikipedia what the media says that these are known as raisin that's another country oh they're good they're not a reason that what's different have to have a boxer reason that's toasty and we they're not bad though I actually kind of like them compared to a lot of the other stuff that we really get three and a half out of five it's like a four out of five for me next is next is this toffee krisp from Nestle coffee crisper coffee first oh I love coffee so win-win Canada why are you guys so cute you know the tagline for this is what makes a nice light snack oh oh oh it smells like coffee it smells like when I wake up in the morning and she's pretty thing of coffee and brings it into the bedroom that's what it smells like oh he doesn't like I have a feeling a coffee ice cream Cheers it tastes like oh my god you've probably never tried this but like a chocolate-covered espresso bean I used to love eating those tastes exactly like that it's like a three and a half out of five it's more like a four and a half four and a half out of five but I love coffee so I guess I'll be eating yeah I'm good thing you guys gonna have both of mine let's open up this these are called cheesy I guess they're like she does yeah they're made with a real Canadian Center TV these are good it tastes exactly like a cheetah but like thicker names is that your star whoo good palate cleanser will be the Smarties I've had these before and I love them so I already know just get a 5 out of 5 the first time I ever tried them was in England so I'm guessing they're the same thing as the ones in England maybe have you tried them before yeah okay Manila right they look like different colors then like M&Ms yeah it's like a slightly more Pascal kind of color how spell kind of colors yeah we pass double week pink pastel pesto yeah let's go whatever 5 out of 5 505 ordinary adventure start I didn't know it's gonna be this tough heat this much chocolate candy one go but okay so let's go for this creamy toffee thing it's called mackintoshes it's not a computer it's a candy bar I hate trouble breaking off this piece for myself really worrying me like is it's gonna be like hard I know it's gonna like break hurt so you couldn't even like Cheers I like to chew things like I get cough drops or whatever if he hates it cuz I like within a minute like start chewing it when I was a kid I used to really love sugar daddy's a big piece of caramel toffee on a stick that had like more of a plate which is exactly like it I'm gonna give this like a 2 out of 5 Peters we're not agreeing on this one okay next up we're into the Mars bar what is a mars bar it doesn't even say I think it's like caramel like caramel and chocolate and like okay so I just looked this up there's a British version of the bar that consists of caramel nougat coated with milk chocolate to resemble the American chocolate bar known as the Milky Way the American version was discontinued in 2002 that's the answer of why the Mars bar is basically a Milky Way good I like Milky Way so yeah wanted to sell the Milky Way them four out of five four to five thumbs up not quite a full ordinary adventure star but almost there pick the candy bar any candy bar I'll do a magic trick they put it back on the deck thoroughly mix it up right no way I can find your candy bar I think so people have been asking me for you to do some magic on the shimmer there you go I think we have plenty of time now for you to come out with some magic videos for the channel this one is called a crunchy and it says it's a sponge toffee which sounds so good this from Cadbury - yeah and she wears that a British candy bar I think it's called like it's something crunch - and I love it so this like looks like it could be almost identical to that house this up the crunchy is a honeycomb toffee yeah known as sponge toffee it was available like all over the world except but not in the US all of a sudden you're like everything I want to know the details we want to know the information I want to provide I already know I'm gonna like this I hopefully you don't like it this is interesting it's like almost like a honeycomb like crunch in the middle so good chocolate on the outside is a little bit softer Wow that made me very happy gets an ordinary adventure star Wow you heard it here first let's uh try the Nestle big perk is that Turkish Delight you open it you do that well I look it up it's purple inside wow that was unexpected basically consists of dark magenta Turkish Delight coated with chocolate and it's only in Canada I don't know it's almost like a jelly candy I think I know it Cheers it tastes like like a solid bar of like if you mean it hug like Swedish but kind of like a different flavor Swedish myth he nailed it with this one I'm like I could not put into words what I thought this tastes too like almost as like a licorice the kind of PR you like I like licorice but that's why it's weird it's weird I feel like if they were gonna sell like some kind of candy bars and galaxies edge like it should be be it's so Emily and it weird I think it's a tube for creativity and that's about it I like that this is so very different than everything we've had yeah this far I do it like a three out of five it's so strained I was being perfecting that let's try that wunderbar wunderbar sounds wonderful this is a chocolate covering and it's filled with caramel and crushed roasted peanuts it's sold in Canada and Germany you're not a big fan of peanuts this was it smelling it is fun more like peanut butter and I do like peanut butter so you're a caramel does that have the crunch crunch of a Butterfinger but it has a flavor of a Butterfinger with caramel give it like a 1 anybody whoa I just don't like butterfingers for me I think this probably gets more like 3 out of 5 I like it but it's not like my favorite thing ever you said you've tried a score bar before now looks familiar because butter toffee crunch and robed in the rich milk chocolate it's in robed okay I'm pretty sure I've never tried this before so choose five out of five didn't even have to talk ordinary adventure star very flavorful very delicious any okay so this one I haven't had this exact kind but when I was a kid you went out getting packed lunches for like school and stuff I always wanted to heat up sticks like there was these bags of potato sticks I was like my legs side but these are called hostess Hickory sticks this is the same company that makes like the cakes and stuff boosters good question like potato chips breaded you get more seasoning because there's more pitches you get more edge to get more seasoning but there's more engines when you have a potato chip it's like this and you're only getting the seasoning on that side that's I in the edges when you cut it up you're getting seasoning all around you're getting more seasoning than you would at a normal potato chip so make sense good to know and he's just mad at her science sir these are great I like them I'm gonna be enjoying some of those while we're watching on YouTube yes I think we don't even have to say it we just get some fire from both of us we're here adventure star so what did we like what is it like we liked most I liked the caramilk which you didn't like I really loved the Macintosh you guys remember that that was so good I loved these ketchup chips yeah potato sticks a big head everything honestly there was a few yeah please tell us in the comments below or even if you've gone to Canada and tried some of these what you think of these and there any other snacks that we didn't try and how do you feel about us like rating and judging these candies are you like oh my gosh I can't believe they gave the mr.big a 1 out of 5 stars yeah what did we go wrong what did we get right tell us if you want to see more stuff like this because I know there's like some snack like you can get snacks for Japan in a box maybe we could get that and like do some whatever because we're in quarantine like what are we gonna do what do you want to see us do because we can't go to the parks we can't keep gonna get down on the street to uh farm anything oh go to the grocery store look a bit of pretty much take our dogs for a walk hang out inside and that's about it so let us know thank you again to the fun family yes thank you this was epic and amazing I'm so glad that you sent all this and we're gonna be eating this for the next month yeah we're officially like stuffed we're so full but like in the best way if you enjoy watching us eat and rape food check out this playlist that we made over here is all of our foodie adventures you don't want to miss them thanks for watching guys we'll see you on a next adventure are all Canadians like Knights yeah every Canadian I know is like super hurt french-canadian you are yeah I mean like this much so my people thanks for the snacks
Channel: Ordinary Adventures
Views: 50,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ordinary adventures, Canada, Canadian, Canadian Snacks, Canadian Food, Canadian Candy, Americans, America, Americans Trying Canadian Food, Cadbury, Unboxing, Smarties, Mr. Big, Crunchie, Bounty, Skors, Mars Bar
Id: 1oAy9jssQZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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