Americans Try JAPANESE SNACKS [What's Bad? What's Good?]

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hmm I'm so shocked you wanted me to try that hello everybody welcome back to ordinary adventures this summer we had hoped to make our first trip to Japan for the opening of Universal Super Nintendo land that didn't open we aren't in Japan we're stuck at home like everybody else so we thought what's the next best thing besides going to actual Japan eating Japanese snacks candy and soda exactly come with us on this adventure [Music] [Music] okay so what do we want to try first there's a lot of interesting things here there's some stuff that looks a little bit scary to me you know I like Waterman I'm a fan of watermelon so let's try the watermelon gummy candy these come individually wrapped kutsuki watermelon gummy candy this really tastes like water mine I feel like a lot of watermelon candy in the United States is overly like the candy version of the fruit do you know I mean yeah this actually captures watermelon pretty it's more subtle yeah this is so delicious it's not like a lot of the gummies in America are covered in like sugar on the outside too at least like the sour patch kids and stuff that I'm thinking of no sounds like I don't think we're gonna like any of this stuff but now I know for next time what would you rate these I'll give it a four out of five years four I'd give it a five that was a definite good start I really enjoy that let's try something a little bit savory next and I don't even know what this is it's from a company called Albee and it has a picture of some spices yeah is that some peanuts I'm not even sure some kind of nuts it looks Chili's you know what it looks like to me it almost looks like a flamin hot cheeto or something oh it's a corn because it has a little corn with eaten hand it says cow be gorilla corn mala flavored yeah I love I love mala do you put it at all no no okay so OH that's what oh no it's not a good or a bad smell no did smells like Top Ramen seasoning all righty not be afraid he did this well I bought this because I was hoping they'd be spicy so did you have some chili peppers on him Cheers he's like spicy top ramen yeah I don't know about you guys but when I was younger I used to like eat top ramen raw without cooking it was that did everybody do that I used to put the mix in a baguette and crunch it and then just eat it raw yeah okay so I'm not weird this is what it tastes like I know it's a lot less flavor than I was expecting I was expecting to be overwhelmed I'm not sure this is something I would ever get again no way these are great I'd give this like a two and a half out of five Peters I really like peas I got to look up what Malwa is what is mala what do you think spices pepper spice oh wow there's a mala flavor ramen it's a combination of numbing spicy taste an original flavor of hot chicken Wow it's a popular oily spicy and numbing Chinese sauce you were you were spot-on with your top ramen yeah these probably get like a four out of five we need something to wash that down with and I think the perfect thing is this fruits jelly drink peach flavor it's like squishy kind of feels like jelly with not a de cocoa okay but the main ingredients are water sugar and high fructose corn syrup I once noticed as a kid all the candy and all the stuff I would really like the number one ingredient is hiked fructose no you're not wrong so in the theorizing of little Peter that should be awesome you like peach flavoring though I'm not a big peach really where'd you go disappeared we we lost the gel we're gonna go no no I'm sure it's on the ground I'll find it later what does it like refresh you like it realizes it really I'm scared I think I mostly like it has these pieces of almost like fruit that are like chewy if it was just the gel I think I'd like it more than it has like must be the jelly in it okay not bad the cocoa I'm sorry [Laughter] drunk on its jelly what is it it's really good like I've never heard anybody say it's really good and it be it's totally not believe Oh more than that I feel like for fun I'm gonna give this like a four and a half I think I would give it 3.5 I give it a four point five four point yeah okay let's try something party again let's go with God all these scare me it's good though let's go with the pinky its original corn snacks it's corn soup flavored I like you guys cuz they're wearing like little hats smells like something I've had before you goes remember people's that's what it smells like maybe the Americans stole the bugles from Japan and then they went out of business are these all around I don't know that's nothing like Google's it's interesting because like the texture of it a hint of bugle yeah like these little ridges and it's like there's air on the inside so it's like I don't know how to describe it kinda like checks checks mate yeah yeah it checks flavors very intense it is definitely definitely a corn chowder corn soup like you could taste the creaminess yeah tastes like cream of corn they have so much a variety of different snacks in Kent in America we have like do you want potato chips you can get you know barbecue or normal or you know three other different kinds yeah feels like Japan they're like oh no we're like Oreos but like not special edition or yeah like there's all year round I mean these are very creative yes would I get them again probably not well I finish this bag probably yes for me it's a 2 out of 5 Peters this probably gets like a 3 out of 5 the flavor is not quite there for me but I admire the effort next up we're gonna try something interesting right here we have oh there was okay next up we're gonna have this macho pooch oh you need to say what it is why you like letting me die honest there's two different flavors in in this one package so I got to try one maybe - it's gummy soft candy and as bubbly - soda flavors so there's Cola and then rah moon soda yep What's Wrong moon soda I don't know that's why I picked it okay so let's start off with the normal Cola third I love [Music] oh there's the fizzy it's almost like a when I pop rocks but it definitely doesn't taste like like coke it tastes like a candy Cola like the bottle caps which I like so I'm good that's good let's try the ramen tastes like to me tastes like bubble gum or cotton candy or something overall I would probably give this like four out of five yeah yeah fortified the second one it was not as good as the : yeah the Cologne was definitely better but I enjoyed it next up I'm gonna do something that I think you're avoiding I got us some shrimp chips I don't like seafood I don't link trim yeah he actually active it dislikes can I like bad on this or no it doesn't have real shrimp in it but if it has like shrimp flavoring let's see exactly there's shrimp chips that are baked there are wheat up snacks yuzu in black pepper flavor so I think there's trend in there but it says they're wheat crackers contains wheat shrimp and soy this is all you in my mind I always like some chips were just chips that taste like shrimp I didn't realize it was like actual no this might be your new favorite thing you love I can't oh oh oh my gross you have full control here I give you the wheel that means if you give it a five out of five kit res that gets an ordinary adventure star all you shrimp these out there give me two shrimps up or one shrimp give me a shrimp up on this video I'm not a picky eater but I just don't like seafood that's like the one we get it okay so try it you wanted me to try that I know every way I would never get these again and then I like shrimp I'm gonna kick this this gets I think a negative it doesn't even get anything sorry gets a zero we started off strong we started off with those watermelon Gumbel so good what about this suka soda um Matsu drink I think it's watermelon right or just melon oh that's not what I was that reaction of like want to hit your mouth it like almost like fizzes it's like superin carbonated it's very sweet that's all I got I'm trying again keep it in your mouth you're saying well I know in Japan like they love melon flavored stuff there's like a taste of melon it has a taste of like cucumber I like it you do yeah I think I'll get it again I'll give it like a 4 out of 5 I feel like this is the perfect size to like anything bigger than this too much I probably give it a 4 out of 5 as well and it just makes me want to go to Japan so bad and try all the different melon flavored stuff that they have imagine in the alternate universe where at this point we would have went on secret life of pets ride we would have went to WonderCon we were supposed to be on a live cable read for the Simpsons what else would it open there's like a ton of the stuff there was a list of stuff not very yeah we had a whole list we had the most jam-packed March and April you guys could have ever seen we do three videos a week and we plan out our schedule for in advance and usually they'll be like an event one week and then we have to come up with two ideas for videos yeah this was like a whole month of stuff it's just like jam-packed for the first time since starting this channel it was just like oh my gosh one thing after another after another after another in none of it I can't but you know what now we're at home we're flattening the curve or trying all this amazing Japanese stuff here with you or in Japan next year we'll go to Japan truly though I just want to thank every single one of you who take the time to still watch our videos thumbs up our videos enjoy our videos share our video our videos it honestly means so much to me that you guys have stuck by our side let's try next the crane clan I feel like I've seen this before somewhere so I thought this said creamed clam and I thought it was really funny so that's why I picked it and then now I just realized that this has creamed clam enjoy with tea or moments of rectory recreation I feel like there's less vanilla flavor and less of the stuff in the middle I just taste the chocolate overwhelmingly there's almost I select those Oreo thins three and a half out of five me too three and a half out of five I will definitely help you finish this yes they're all yours up next we're gonna try these tropical pineapple Hello Kitty marshmallows and this was the most expensive thing I got I think it was like two dollars and fifty cents and the cashier was like are you sure you want to get this it's two dollars and fifty cents and I was like yes I need to get these did you know that inside is a pineapple jelly date like shaped like Hello Kitty's head or something so just like circle total miss divergent let's back cheers Cheers that face for an otherwise normal tasting marsh phoneme and it just has like this gush where they weren't the $2.50 okay I would give it like a four out of five Peters four out of five yeah I love marshmallows though I used to just like when I was a kid I used to just eat like before my mom got home I would just rate the cabinet and just like eat like handfuls of marshmallows like one in one cheek and another in the other jam so the whole mouth no no so these I'm gonna be honest with you I've actually had before when I was a young child my parents used to host Japanese exchange students yeah and they used to bring us these candies so ever since I was a kid I've been obsessed with these they're so good and like the best part of this is you get a sticker so there's this outer wrapper and you unwrap that toss it aside and then this it looks like it has another wrapper on the inside and this is actually rice paper and it melts in your mouth so you just stick the whole thing in your mouth oh really you don't take this paper off Cheers no it does all this in your mouth yeah like it I've given like a like a four and a half out of five this gets a five these are fun you get a sticker you get a little thing it melts in your mouth you're like what's happening this can be candy I love these I love that you love them and you know what you can have the whole box I do love I like that I gave you my sticker Japanese race crackers yeah him Maru wasabi flavor kind of like horseradish where it like gets like in your sinuses and it's a little goes a long way good I'm so shocked he loves like spicy stuff and like stuff it but it feels weird it's like I wouldn't like eating horseradish on a cracker give it like a 2 and a half out of 5 5 he's being dramatic they're good let's go next to that brown sugar candy ingredients are sugar corn syrup brown sugar and artificial flavors this is weird I've never had a candy that tastes like this this does this definitely just tastes like brown sugar that's definitely like nothing that I've ever tried before as far as a candy would I get it again no if you offered me one and we and I was kind of like hungry and it would satisfy a sweet urge that maybe I have a feeling we're gonna have this sitting around our house for like a year and then just like whenever one of us gets like that midnight craving like once a month so we're just gonna come out here and be like well I guess this is all we have one of those okay two out of five yeah probably two out of five so this is raw moon premium carbonated soft drink I guess it's like a soda this is was that we cheap flavored I'm sorry we're if we're pronouncing stuff wrong leave it in the comments down below that were pronouncing it wrong is this a soda or sangria cuz I'm the opposite sangria I think it's just soda I used to get these all the time when I was a kid what flavor did you like to get they have like a melon yeah yeah I saw the melon flavor there was like grape and like a bunch of different flavors but I decided to get the week you wanted just cuz I feel like I've never tried that before pop the thing out out of there yeah okay and then you're gonna push that piece into the top of the top ball there does you see there's a there's a ball on the top they're keeping the carbonation and you're gonna knock the ball no that's crazy yeah alright so I put it like that yes you push it in oh oh that's so cool look you could see the little how does science so the little ball is now rolling in the middle here yeah drink out of it how fun hower did you get these when you were a kid in downtown Boston there's a plate just go ahead you knew a guy Wow can you hear that yeah okay Cheers no this is very fun you are not gonna like this you are not gonna like this flavor it's very like sour and bitter it tastes like I'm eating like a rose petal try it I like the soda I don't quite like the flavor I love the novelty of doing the ball thing which is why I used to get as a kid I think because of that novelty I'll still give it like three and a half out of five next I got these matcha caramel corns the brand is tato I think the description just says it's caramel corn that's flavored like green tea matcha looks like Gonzo's nose yeah Cheers it's just like a weird flavor of caramel corn but like not shaped as a corn it's like it's not corn and I feel like I couldn't have more than a few of these - it's very sweet I'm shocked to say this but I think this gets like a four they're very I can see that Sarah no I'm gonna say three and a half out of five the kalbi honey butter potato chips mmm it's weird the picture here shows some honey being poured over butter I've never seen is that a thing definitely some butter buttery flavor a little bit of sweet kick yeah these are good there's just a hint of melted butter tastes like I don't even really taste the honey at all yeah I'm gonna give it a 5 out of 5 Peters this also gets a 5 that means it gets an ordinary adventure star entire bunch of can't a Kenyan snacks to get one into four languages are potato chips that have butter on them the Americans like the potato chips that taste like the thing that they eat normally so it's all down to one thing what is this good question so this I picked based on the packaging alone I didn't even see what it was I just saw that face and I was like okay it is a sour plum soft candy I'm just wondering if our face is gonna make that same face when we try it all right this is our final one we've shared so many memories together during this time oh my god no oh my god it's really sour I'm joking I thought I was like there's no way I don't like the plum taste but I love how sour if they had a flavor I wanted to get a five-minute bath but because this is plum I'm gonna give it a four out of five there's good zero so in our last video we asked you guys to leave some questions in the comments below and we'd answer them in a future video we're gonna do that every video from home yes now that we're stuck at home if you have your burning questions leave them right down below and you might just get featured in one of our video Jakub diem RL who asks who is your favorite Star Wars character my favorite Star Wars character is wicket the Ewok that should surprise nobody I am obsessed with wicket I am obsessed with all a walks as a kid I was also obsessed with droids and creatures I loved wicked the two characters I kept on going back to honestly was r2d2 I loved r2 I just love all the little noises he makes you know how much expression he adds even though he's just a little astromech droid yeah and yeah so that was kind of cheating you said two characters so who is your favorite character r2d2 r2d2 okay I was gonna say my see more movies my second favorite character is baby Yoda Emily Marie asks since we are all self isolating and stuck at home if you could ride any rides from any amusement park right now what would it be that's tricky because like there's amusement parks that we've never been kinda like cookie OC so I can't can we cheat it and have many ones that we've been to I'll tell you what - gee I wonder what it is what is it raspberry suspect okay just because it's such a long experience and I missed it I missed produced so much I'd love to spend some time in that world even if it's only 20 minutes I think I'm gonna have to go with living with the land and Epcot I love that right and that was one of the last rides that I got to go on before this whole quarantine situation and just thinking back such a good ride is that the answer you guys were expecting probably not no they weren't expecting that at all nobody likes my ride but me J Tron what kind of music do you guys listen to I like all sorts of music I don't discriminate against pretty much anything there's some stuff like I'm not the biggest country music fan but I like pop music pretty basic and the Backstreet Boys yeah but I also like a lot of like indie music - I like everything I used to listen to a lot of music and then I started listening to so a lot of soundtracks and these days I don't listen to any music at all unless it's in a movie or a TV show I'm on my phone all the time listening to podcasts mostly forget about podcasts like what genre like I like a classic rock that's not a genre yeah so you're like musical scores or you like the soundtrack with like the song like vote C he'll ask Katra who is your favorite Backstreet Boy obviously AJ Oh actually I take that back when I was a teenager it was AJ he was my ride-or-die I was obsessed with him I think he has the best voice but as an a grown woman my favorite is actually now Kevin did you just say that as a grown woman oh my god I love Kevin we've this is such like this sounds like such like a humble brag or something but one time we were at a movie premiere I couldn't tell you what it was but Kevin was actually there and we were sitting in the same row as him and I had to get up to like go to the bathroom or something so I had to like squeeze by him and I was so starstruck and I actually liked talked to him and I was like oh my god I'm going to see you in Vegas I'm so excited and was like thank you so much and then like I fainted and yeah so Kevin AJ and Kevin so I think that's nobody cares this is gonna make me seem like this huge Backstreet Boys like fanatic which you are I mean I love them but they just hold a special place in my heart okay so that does it for the questions on today's video I'll leave questions below and we might get to your question and the next video yeah and they could be any kind of question you want like who's your favorite Backstreet Boy yeah so get creative with your questions if you didn't see us eating all the Canadian candy we'll put a link to that over on the side thanks for watching guys we'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Ordinary Adventures
Views: 39,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Snacks, Japanese Candy, Japanese Snacks, Americans Try Japanese Snacks, Japanese Food, Daiso, Daiso Store, Daiso Japan, Daiso Store America, Hello Kitty, Japan
Id: 9O96IKDrRp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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