How We Met, Our CRAZY First Date & Relationship Questions Answered ❤️

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do you guys want to get married to marriage oh wow we're jumping right into that one huh hello everybody and welcome back to a very special episode very romantic episode of ordinary adventures i couldn't even say it with a straight face i'm sorry today we're going to be answering one of the questions that you guys asked the most and that is how did we meet how do we start dating we'll answer the kid question the marriage question we actually pulled you guys and asked what did you want to know and we're going to answer as many questions as we possibly can yeah so how would you come along with us on this romantic valentine's day adventure [Music] this video is sponsored by soundcore life q30 headphones more on that later right now let's get into the story let's get into how did we meet i was going to say let's get into the juicy details yeah so where do we start where does this how did we meet peter do you remember it's been so long ago well we we met on a dating site we met on okcupid we did which i think was like a very hipster day inside at the time does that even still exist anymore or is it all about like bumble people are just swiping and stuff like that or maybe they're not swiping i don't know what they're doing but okcupid used to be this dating site which i liked it because you answered a bunch of questions and then you got to see the percentage that you matched with someone else and it was like fun questions it wasn't like e-harmony you know yeah it wasn't like serious questions or it kind of was but it was more playful yeah than eharmony i enjoyed that too but to be honest i didn't really take my profile that seriously i had a bunch of silly photos you know me with a storm trooper me with like you know an effect on my face like a filter or something you know what i mean yeah i think that was the thing that attracted me to your profile because a lot of the people i was looking at on there were like all that like one that one photo you know the photo where like it's from like this angle and it's like yeah you know the perfect whatever trying to make themselves look cool at some kind of like party or whatever in your photo like you had a photo with a storm trooper and there's a photo with i could tell even though it was like a close-up of you but you were on the tram going to disneyland i was i was oh wow yeah i think i had the photo of like me and the muppets because like that was like the one photo i was like most proud of i remember specifically one of the questions like there was a question like what are you doing on a friday night and her answer was like i don't know probably watching shark tank i mean i was like we're made for each other what else is anyone ever doing on a friday night let's be honest like i don't like those fake answers saying that you're doing something because we all know you're sitting at home watching shark tank yeah i think i had been on there for a week or so and my interaction i don't know we're not really that great like it felt like every person i was talking to was like a gigantic compromise i think i was on there maybe for like a month but it was one of those things where i would often delete the app i don't think i delete my profile but i would just like to physically delete the app off my phone because it became so frustrating and it just made me like uncomfortable and i just i don't know it was like it happened at least like five times before i yeah i met peter but you're a woman on one of these apps so people must be contacting you like i feel like women get like yeah 30 messages for every one message a guy gets yeah they were but i wasn't really like entertaining any offers if you will so what made you and like respond to me what was what was it about my my profile i don't know didn't i message you first i feel like i messaged you first we should know this answer and we don't the thing is i wanted to go back and look but like i deleted my account i liked you you were you were like me we had a lot of you know things in common a lot of nerdy things obviously the disneyland thing we started a whole youtube channel about it the star wars thing yeah but you know it was more than that you just seemed like a really nice person and i remember we started talking we quickly went to like text messages oh yeah like the next day practically and then i think we elevated that until like we were talking into all hours of the night on the phone i remember i was trying to get you to go on a date i think it took us like three weeks which is a normal amount of time that's not a normal amount of time i was scared for the amount of like connection we had like we were talking like all hours of the day you guys might not know this about me because obviously like we're on youtube or whatever but i'm actually really shy and i'm really insecure and i'm really like i don't know i was just really nervous you know meeting a new person is kind of scary and of course i had like stalked him like i looked him up i you know looked at all his photos i did all the like stuff that people do or wait did people do that i don't know i think i tried to invite you to like like the like the first screening of one of the avengers movies on like the disney lot and you were like i was like i'm busy i don't think i actually even was busy to be honest i don't know how it came about but our first date ended up being a star wars celebration yeah the year that they were debuting star wars the force awakens yeah i was already planning to go uh with one of my good friends who's also a huge star wars nerd i remember i was staying at the the hotel right across the street from the toy story lot what is that the hilton i remember being so nervous i was staying there with my friend reza and steve and annette and i was just like freaking out because i knew i was going to meet you on saturday friday so friday you were freaking out i remember i was part of that big panel like oh yeah i remember i was at work had a live feed it live stream they they premiered the trailer of star wars force awakens and i was up there on stage with a bunch of other journalists like breaking it down wasn't the year that john boyega interrupted us i think that was like in london or something so many times you were on the stage at star wars celebration yes but like it's funny because i was on stage like doing this thing that's like broadcast worldwide millions of people are watching but like i'm just as shy as you i remember waiting in the hilton lobby the morning that you were to come there and we're going to meet this was the next day after that yeah my friend res and steve were on their laptops in the lobby trying to get like blizzcon tickets or something like this kind of some kind of lottery and i was just like freaking out they're like trying to calm me down do you ever duffy bag you definitely had like a ewok thing i had a little plush ewok and i think he was wearing mickey ears i think he had a duffy pin on him oh okay so at that moment we knew we were meant to be now yeah can i say something this might be embarrassing i know what you're gonna say no but i don't know if it's true it was true i was so nervous to meet her like i i knew like we had this like big connection i was like freaking out like big time freaking out couldn't sleep the night before and then when we first like went up to each other i saw her and she was kind of like shaking like a little i don't you were you were nervous when have i ever actually like physically i don't know you were you were nervous but honestly it was like the greatest thing ever because like i realized that we were both in the same boat oh yeah you texted me because you didn't want to come over while my friends were there yeah i was so scared i was like because that's intimidating like meeting somebody for the first time when they're surrounded by like their friends like i was alone yeah so our first date was at star wars celebration and we were walking the show floor so i was walking the show floor and i was having this date with with kitra but also her best friend is there so the one thing you didn't want to do is come up to my friends and i was stuck there on on my first date with you you had plans with christina i wasn't gonna like ditch her i'm sorry your first photo of me was me with jar jar binks it's my photo where like when he calls me like that's like my background still to this day i don't know why it just is and then i remember i had to go off because they were having the premiere of star wars rebels for those who don't know i run a website slash which is a big movie website so i was there covering the convention for that and did a video about that and then i rushed back to find you and we hung out a little bit more and we went to disneyland so our first date is not just star wars celebration but also disneyland i remember we went into disney california adventure and we got some margaritas yeah and we i remember we walked and we walked and walked in like i was telling you my like whole story you were telling me your back story yeah we like didn't really have a plan like we were just like aimlessly walking around and then we decided to ride a ride and what was that first ride if you guys saw one of our latest videos you might know it was monsters inc it was monsters inc like people have asked like why was that your first fight it was purely because there was no lie i remember going over to disneyland we were in tomorrowland the place and they were teasing tomorrowland the movie the brad bird movie written by damon lindelof and they had like a exhibit with props from the film and stuff like that and i remember in outside of that exhibit they had like a concept art and that's where we got our first photo together it's like the worst lighting it's like the worst first photo it is because there was nothing in the background of that photo like it was just us like with a blank wall like you would never know that we were like in tomorrowland well you are the queen of taking photos of like we could be like in the greatest place ever she goes into the corner and like here let's take a photo in front of the wall if i'm feeling cute in that moment i need to document it but it's not like with like the cool stuff i think i was like feeling cute like in that moment so i'm like okay let's take a photo i had a feeling about this one yeah and i remember after the park closed we i walked you back to your car you were parked in the toy story a lot and i remember i i reached in to give you a kiss and i win [Laughter] she totally denied me no we're not going to recreate that okay it was like i remember walking back from the toy story a lot to my hotel like second guessing i just had like the greatest date of my life like first day like greatest date period of my life and i was like this like i had such a connection with this this woman but like does she not like me like whatever i was like walking up to my hotel room and i was like maybe you got like this whole thing wrong whatever like whatever and then you texted me and you were like you because you were originally gonna drive home and you're like no i'm gonna drive to my friend christina's house stay over there and i'm gonna come back the next day yeah because i wanna hang out with you more so i was like yes okay she does like me i don't know why i don't know i'm just not the type of person to i guess kiss on a first date no reason behind it i just yeah i don't know in retrospect i probably should have just kissed you but it's fine i'm sorry i think i kissed you like on our second date so whatever yeah we also have a lot of questions from you guys out there we put out on instagram and we'll we'll get to that in just a second but first a message from our sponsor a word from our sponsor how exciting is that you guys we are so so happy because today's video is brought to you by soundcore by anchor yeah i was so happy when we were contacted by anker because we use their products every day from literally every single day from the bluetooth speaker in our shower to the plug for my macbook pro their soundcore brand of audio products provide great sound at incredible value what i can't hear you these are noise cancelling are you saying something yes oh okay sorry i just gotta say that these soundcore q30 headphones are freaking fantastic they're noise cancelling they're super comfortable on my ears they're lightweight and did i mention their noise cancelling that's honestly the best part when i'm up there editing the videos all day i just have these bad boys on and i'm in the zone i can't hear anything can't hear gizmo barking i can't hear peter yelling at me from downstairs it's awesome there's actually three different types of noise cancelling that you can do for like any situation so if you're on a bus if you're on the street you know they got you covered yeah or if you're editing youtube videos how cute are these headphones i got the baby pink and they just came out with a blue color and this case even the case is cute it's like a little purse i've been using my black pair when i record my podcast slash home daily i already have enough cords on my desk like there's enough clutter so it's good that these are like wireless i could use these for 40 hours with the noise canceling on or if i don't use noise canceling 60 hours on one charge and if we were going to bring these on a trip it's good to know that you can charge these things for five minutes and get like a four hour charge yeah that's like a plane flight the q30s have 40 millimeter drivers and to be honest i don't even know what that even means but what i do know is that they sound awesome they sound better than any headphones that i've used and the cool thing about them is you could connect them to multiple devices so say i'm editing a video i could easily switch between editing to pick up a phone call which is so convenient we'll put the link in the description below if you want to get your hands on these or buy one for your loved one thank you for soundcore for sponsoring this video thank you let's now get to some viewer questions so i'm gonna be honest i haven't even looked at like any of the questions that have been sent in have you i've looked at it but i haven't really thought about them or anything like that what was your favorite date memory for each of you during your whole relationship so that's hard i have an answer you do the tomorrowland premiere ah that was gonna be my answer we're talking about tomorrowland some more yeah we saw the premiere at disneyland it was actually in the amc that's now shut it down i remember on the blue carpet because i had blue carpet yeah we like got a photo with michael j aquino the composer from lost and up and all the pixar movies and stuff and oh tony baxter and bob kerr oh yeah we're so excited to meet them like who cares about george clooney who cares about whatever we want to meet tony baxter and michael j kino yeah and then the cool thing about this is not only did we get to the movie at the premiere but then the after party was in tomorrowland tomorrow morning was closed down just for the party we have a photo from star tours where it's literally opening two people in there yeah that's a good that's a good one yeah and there was characters around that like you never see there was like mickey with a spacesuit on okay i'm just gonna steal your answer because that's a good one how are you and peter adapting to youtube fame well i think it's different for both of us because peter kind of already had a little bit of a following before we started youtube we'd be out at like a movie theater or disneyland and people would come up and like want to talk to me maybe not the photos and autographs that it is now but you would like kind of someone would come over and you'd kind of like oh yeah you take like the steps back like the humor into the people would like come up and just like me and him would be here and someone would just come in between us and like put their back to me and i just kind of like walk away like okay now they they come up to you yeah now they come up to me which i still to this day i love it i love talking to all of you i wish i we could hug um but it still kind of like trips me out even when i hear someone like say my name from a distance because i have a very like unique name some days are harder than others where i dwell on like the negative instead of a positive do you guys want to get married to marriage oh wow we're jumping right into that one huh well i hate to break it to you mom if you're watching just kidding my mom already knows we have no plans to get married yeah we're not you know we're happy as we are i just like i know so many married people that it goes from love and like a best friendship into something else and i'm sure there's many married people that are happy and you know aren't gonna get divorced or whatever but like we're happy the way it is why why we already know that we're gonna be together forever we're just fine how we are we got our two doggies and you know we should we should probably follow that up with the kids question because everybody wants to know wow jumping right into these you guys wanted rapid fire do we want to have kids do we we don't don't don't lead them on i know i like kids we like yeah kids are adorable they're more adorable when they're not in your life 24 7. the only way we have friends that have kids and we get to be like the uncle and aunt to them and hang out with them at disneyland and their normal times yeah and they're cute we don't get to have to like deal with their temper tantrums and that was one of the things like when we first started dating we like made that real clear right away the marriage thing and the kids thing the only reason i would love to have kids is like i love movies and stuff and i would love to like be that like father that shows their son or daughter like star wars and back to the future and all the stuff i feel like that's not the reason i have kids is to like have this person this little thing that you're gonna like you know yeah mold into the the thing you know to like all the things that you the thing that you're gonna mold into the thing couldn't have said it more eloquently myself i like i'm i'm a dog mom i know that's like so lame like i'm such a millennial like my avocado toast and like my pomeranian but like i like my dogs i like buying gizmo things pixel things is that lame no they're like our children aren't they yeah they are yeah how long have you been together [Music] um this year is gonna be six years if i'm doing my math correctly i'm just here i'm really bad at like dates and numbers and stuff i'll tell you this on my phone i actually have yeah he's you started doing this very early on when we were dating yeah i have this thing actually has two countdowns right now it has ketra we've been together as of this recording 2132 days and 10 hours wow and quarantine which has been 300 or the pandemic since we like hit us is 329 days wow who is the bigger completionist collector gotta have the whole set really yeah you were gonna say me yeah like you just bought like almost all the new emos i thought you like you could just have like one or two listen once i saw how cute they were i needed all i don't have angel so i don't have all of them but i am thinking about getting angel but no you i do have a problem collecting things like that's why i don't buy funko pops because if i started buying them i'd have to have like every single one in the star wars collection which would be i guess you kind of control yourself because you do have that problem so like you've gotten to a point in your life where like you know better yeah but i still think it's you what is your biggest disagreement normally about we both are very like stubborn stubborn no but like we're also like b personalities in that like we're not we're not alpha personalities it's like hard to get us to like god we are b personalities that's so true i never even thought about it that way i'll become the alpha is that what you want well like we'll spend two hours trying to decide like where to eat order food or something like that yeah it's like we just yeah it'll be like what do you want to do i don't know you decide no you decide i'm gonna let you decide and then we always end it with no i'm gonna let you decide and then we sit around for hours with nobody deciding anything did ketra read slash home before meeting peter i did not you knew about it i knew about it i think i knew about like your twitter handle but i didn't know like what slash film i didn't know it was like a website has your partner ever bought something that you thought was totally ridiculous no i don't i pretty much support everything peter buys like first of all it's his money so he could spend it however he wants to and if you if it's something that makes him happy now we're both really supportive with that sort of thing which is either a good thing or a bad thing it's probably a bad thing because we have nobody to tell each other now yeah i also think like that becomes like a problem in relationships when like you hold it over like you know you shouldn't be spending that money like and then it's like i think that's why we go well together like i said it could be a good thing for a bad thing you guys know from our videos like it's always like should i get this and peter's like yeah i'm like don't tell me that because i will buy 15 new emos and then i did who would play peter and ketra in your bio pick i think this is easy for me for well for both i i would say like steve carell and aubry plaza oh my god i was going to say aubry plaza yeah i was going to say like chris hemsworth i'm chris hemsworth yeah to me [Laughter] name the thing that you love the most about each other um i love how i don't know i don't know okay let me think hold on i was gonna say something but it sounds like fake or like generic but i just i love how caring you are like you're just a really genuine like nice good-hearted person i love how much you like love weird quirky like you love you love animals like you you love i don't know this sounds really this is like bad but like i just love that you find enjoyment out of like the weirdest like like great oh loser duffy's yeah like i love the way you love things besides disney what is your favorite date night i got i got the answer for this one okay magic castle no i don't think you movie theater that's gonna say cheesecake factory cheesecake factory that's true yeah just go to like the grove and go to the cheesecake factory we are simple people yeah we love simple things we don't have any chain restaurants where we live so like when we get to go to a chain restaurant it's like exciting for us so what would be your favorite date night is it cheesecake factory or something else well i was gonna say back when we had like the amc um movie theater pass whatever that was called i don't even remember opening up our phone and just like going to see a movie because there's a movie theater like right down the street and like a movie that like we would have never probably gone to see in the theater otherwise just being like okay let's go see it yeah we're no longer on the a-list we're now in the b-list what is your biggest pet peeve that the other person does wait wait i don't want to know before you answer this take your pad of paper here i don't want to know because i have a few for you and i have no idea what mine are of yours like you should know what mine are of yours you write them number one for me and i'll i'll write it down for you the one that you're gonna say yep nail biting bites nails yeah i like like to i don't know especially during coronavirus like i'm like don't stick your fingers in your mouth i i've been i've gotten better at it a lot of things she's annoyed by me she is like the same offender of and she doesn't realize that like like she gets annoyed like when i eat chips like i'm chewing chips like i don't know i have that thing i forget what it's called but that it's a real condition but you do the same thing like when you're chewing chips like you're like obnoxiously chewing like it's like loudly chewing no i'm not here you are okay take another piece of paper and you're gonna write what you think i'm gonna say i don't know what you're gonna say reveal quiet really yeah like okay he wrote down quiet treatment i wrote down talking baby talk to gizmo and pixel well that is annoying too she goes like overboard overboard like you you guys have no idea he is my kismo okay and i love him see he responded good boy i think when we get into any kind of disagreement argument i'm like the communicator i want to like communicate and like get to the bottom of it and kitra will just she shuts down and she just like leaves her yeah i need to get away like she doesn't want to communicate she doesn't want to resolve the issue she just i just want to put a pin in it like all y'all from the other room was like yeah are you okay and she just like ignores yeah i just you're right i do do that even when we're not arguing yeah it's annoying anyways i think we've gone through enough questions oh man we should have done all the questions like this thank you again to soundcore by anchor thank you so much how freaking cool is it that we get to rock these new headphones yeah let us know in the comments below you know what you think of like our answers is there anything that surprised you is there anything that we didn't like that we missed yeah so we could always do a part two eventually yeah someday one day i want to do a part two like all like this like that was the fun part oh yeah we should do rapid fire thanks for watching guys we'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Ordinary Adventures
Views: 108,448
Rating: 4.956017 out of 5
Keywords: ordinary adventures
Id: FUeoJBfxNhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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