Americans Try Calamansi Juice for the First Time! 😍(Filipino Lemonade)

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No it's really good! [Left:] It reminds me of something at Starbucks, like a refresher [Right:] Yeah Like this tastes like something you would get at Starbucks Really? Like on ice, yeah Okay, I'm okay with this Like I could feel like someone would charge $8 US for this Oh yeah, someone could definitely swindle me into paying like $10 US for this! Three two one! What's going on everybody! How is it going? My name's Xiaoma And welcome back To the international Xiaoma food TV show! YouTube show, sorry about that guys What we do on this show It is our job to bring amazing foods from all around the world... To people here in New York City We are in Times Square Today guys we have something very special I need to tell you a little bit of a story The other night I went to a delicious Filipino restaurant Here in New York City I've been getting very into Filipino food recently And it was so great... But then they brought out something that I never had before It was a juice! They said something called calamansi juice They said it was Filipino lemonade! And I was like, what are you guys talking about What's Filipino lemonade? Never heard of that before So then I tried it And I was like... Whoa, this stuff is good! And so then what happened... Was that I spent an entire day yesterday In New York City Looking for this calamansi juice And I found it! I found it, come here guys! Yes! This is it No This is just the concentrate If you don't know what calamansi is... It is a citrus fruit That's very popular in the Philippines It has a little bit of like a lime, kumquat taste It's really really good I mixed it with some water... And I put some ice in it, because... Traditionally people like drinking it very cold So what we're gonna do today Is we are gonna find some people Who've never had this before You know people around Southeast Asia Do like this But in America very few people have ever had this before So we are gonna see what people think about it Today! Okay? And if this is your first time watching The Xiaomanyc international food show You guys could leave me a subscribe Little subscribe button over there Would be very appreciated! So today we have a beverage called umm... Calamansi juice So it's kind of like a lime that's really popular in the Philippines But it's like a really popular drink there And have you ever seen this before or heard about it? No, I'm not sure, no Cool, alright great Are you a fan of lemonade in general? I think I like lemonade, but we'll see Yeah, just give it a sip and let me know! I like it, yeah! [Xiaoma:] Yeah? [Guy:] It's good It's really sweet It's not as sour as lemonade, so I like that more I like it, yeah! I like it! You wanna try? Cool! You guys wanna try? [Guy:] Yeah, just try it [Girl:] I'll try it It's really sweet! Yeah it's sweet! It's real good though! How does it compare with regular lemonade that you might drink? I'm Mexican, so we usually use limes, not lemon Okay, yeah So it tastes a bit more similar to that Interesting Yeah This is called calamansi, it's a citrus fruit Okay Popular in Southeast Asia, have you ever heard of that before? No Okay, cool But I'm willing to try it Alright, awesome! Are you a fan of lemonade...? Yeah, I love lemonade Cool! It's really good! Yeah?! Yeah!!! It's really good! How would say the flavor compares with lemonade you've had before? It's different, like it's nothing like lemonade I would drink this over regular lemonade any day Really? Yeah This is really cool [Xiaoma:] Awesome, thank you so much, really appreciate that! [Girl:] No thank you! Thank you! Have you ever heard of that before or had it? No No? Okay, cool, so... Do you guys like lemonade...? I do, yeah! So this is a really popular citrus fruit in the Philippines Good! It's nice! Yeah? Yeah! It's good, it's refreshing, it's not sweet And...yeah, it's good! How would that compare with lemonades you've had before? Like differences in terms of flavor, or like? Orange, a little bit? Taste of orange? It has a citrus lemon... Very zesty, it's really nice! It's more natural I think So this Is a very popular beverage from the Philippines Called calamansi juice Have you ever heard of this before? No Okay, cool You guys want to take a cup? Okay It actually tastes good! Yeah, it's good, yeah! I want some more! Yeah! This is good! Reminds me of drinking lemon and honey When you're sick Oh yeah, yeah That's what it reminds me of, definitely Tastes good! Different And like, with ordinary Minute Maid lemonade or whatever, How would it compare with the flavor? This... It tastes natural, it tastes more natural Natural, okay Wow, John, it seems like people are really liking the lemonade! Maybe you want to try some, huh? No No? I don't want to try Why? Because it's... What? Weird Weird?! No no no, now you gotta try! Really? Okay, let me try Or actually, you know what? We'll wait until the end to let you try! Okay Wait, this isn't like poisonous or anything...? You're not gonna kill us, right? No no no, definitely not poisonous, no So let me show you what it is... So it's a calamansi...beverage Have you ever heard of calamansi before? No... It's a citrus fruit that's really popular in the Philippines And also around Southeast Asia So I actually made...a lemonade from it What's your YouTube? Yeah, so Xiaomanyc So...X-i-a-o... I don't mean to offend you... Totally fine! We're just drinking something from a stranger Yes, definitely giving stuff to strangers [to drink] is not something that happens every day, for sure And remember to subscribe! Alright, okay okay! You're...he's legit, he's legit! I'll even subscribe! We have to drink it at the same time Yeah We have to do a cheers Alright! Okay Ready, cheers! Cheers! Oh that's good! [Left:] I like it! [Right:] It tastes kind of like tea! Like lemonade tea Yeah Lemonade tea! I mean that's not the right answer... [Xiaoma:] No, that's totally valid! [Girl:] No it's really good! [Left:] It reminds me of something at Starbucks, like a refresher [Right:] Yeah Like this tastes like something you would get at Starbucks Really? Like on ice, yeah Okay, I'm okay with this Like I could feel like someone would charge $8 US for this Oh yeah, someone could definitely swindle me into paying like $10 US for this! Right Okay yeah, this is pretty good! How would this compare with regular lemonade that you might drink? Like what are the differences...? This is less, like, tart Yeah, less tangy Yeah, this is sweeter, I feel like? Right Like, yeah, I feel like... I'm no food critic... No, I just feel like This is like a little bit more sweet Instead of sour or tangy Right Yeah I'm for this, I like this more than regular lemonade I think I do too Yeah, I'm a fan Go Philippines! Thank you guys so much You're welcome, have a great day! Alright, have a great day guys! Thank you! You're not charging us for this, right? No no no, totally free, totally free Alright We have a drink from the Philippines Called calamansi Have you ever heard of that before, or had it? Nah, never Okay, it is a citrus fruit... I want to go there though I want to go to the Philippines! People really like turning it into a lemonade sort of beverage there And also for culinary uses as well Who made it, like where is it... I made it You made it? Yes Basically you make it either from the fresh fruits or from the concentrate That's cool man, that's what's up! So let us know what you guys think about it! Alright I think it tastes good It's not...too sweet It has a good taste though, it's kinda like... Water, but like... [Left:] ...flavored water [Right:] ...yeah But it's definitely sweet enough I could drink this for sure, if I had some ice Do people mix alcohol with this? There's no bad aftertaste either You could put some Grey Goose [vodka] in here It'd be alright! Yeah, you'd have a little cocktail, yeah! Yes sir! For me... I think I would probably drink One bottle in a whole day, honestly! Yeah, this is pretty good! This is right up my alley, so... Yeah I'm messing with it! You know what? This was a very interesting drink A lot of people said it was less sweet But a lot of people said it was more sweet A lot of people really liked the natural flavor Of this drink [Xiaoma:] They said it was very... [John:] Okay, let me try! Oh yes yes yes! That's right! Now... We have to... You've been listening to people talking about this all day As a result you want to try? That's why I want to try Okay I'm sorry! Dude! It tastes juice! Orange juice?! Yeah Why? But some... ...sugar inside! I like it! Yeah! Nice! Wow! Anyway guys, thank you so much for watching And uhh... We'll see you next time! On Xiaomanyc! What's up babies!
Channel: Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
Views: 1,052,962
Rating: 4.9624276 out of 5
Keywords: 美国, 小马, 纽约, 美國, 小馬, 紐約, 美國人, 美国人, 小馬在紐約, 小马在纽约, 外国人, 街访, 街訪, 美食, xiaomanyc, yt:cc=on, food, street food, food interview, times square, nyc, new york, calamansi juice, calamansi, kalamansi, pinoy, phillipines, philippines, filipino food, jollibee, xiaomanyc jollibee, xiaomanyc filipino food, lemonade, filipino lemonade, lime
Id: pluh28qwVSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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