Americans on Gun Control

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DomedBySomeAnt 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's happening my friends we are in downtown atlanta looking to have some chats with people about guns and gun control so here we go uh we're asking people today about what they think about guns what do you think about guns um i'm kind of anti-gun but i'm also about to buy my first house on my own and i'm kind of thinking about getting one i don't know congratulations thank you house big deal what do you think about guns man um well to be quite honest with you i'm part of the united states navy so that's something that we deal with i think that um responsibility is key yeah i think that there needs to be um more background checks there's a reason why the areas with districts gun control are usually the most dangerous and the areas you want to stay away from your shirt is awesome by the way hey what do you think about guns i like treats no come on i need a firm opinion here i mean i believe that everybody should have the right to carry yeah that's what they want very good you know all right what do you think man i feel the same way yeah if you're properly trained and you know how to use one and you know the safety procedures for it it should be okay because like if you know how to use it but if you have never gone through training or like anything like that i don't think you should have it and i and there's like i believe there's like certain weapons that like you don't need access to is like just like a civilian anybody got time for a quick question brother yes what's the question oh it's just like the youtube channel where like you're at the right and you make fun of the people on the left no it's not a gotcha thing um okay so honestly if you want to own a small firearm and you're going to conceal it and you have the right to carry and you go through training then own a firearm but i think that you shouldn't be able to own like an ar-15 or anything like that anything military-grade because i think that's just ridiculous yeah we live in mississippi so i i think that answers itself yeah that means yeah john oh sorry we're not doing the still ah gotcha very good uh so we were asking folks about what they thought about guns do you have an opinion can you weigh in at all uh i believe in strict gun control uh we're talking to folks about firearms today uh you got any strong opinion one way or the other i mean i think firearms are okay but i feel like they're being abused too much got it okay where did you get that opinion or what do you kind of base that off well just all the things i've seen things i've read you know things like that we're asking people about guns today what they think about them do you have a strong opinion one way or the other i do i do i think they're important um but everything comes with a risk you know yeah it depends on who gets their hands on what you know we have people in religion in power that are doing god-awful uh dangerous things and we have people in religion that are doing wonderful things that is healing the community same thing with guns you have people that are using guns to protect themselves and their family and using their guns to you know educate their children do you have people that are out here doing horrible things and being punks and really using their gun to exude power that they normally wouldn't have without it and don't be a punk guys don't be a part of guys because you might run across a real g up out here and get your toes stepped down exactly don't know what the second amendment is about you can paraphrase bear arms yeah it says the government shall not infringe the people's right to get access to guns it was written in an interesting time of the of our cover our country versus what is currently no one's going to come take over your home in an ambush of military arms like there may have been in the 1700s got it now first amendment also is the right to free speech and that's also very old do you think that one still stands yes but i also think there's some limit on that where you i mean your free speech shouldn't infringe like shouldn't infringe or harm on somebody else and they're like yeah we don't have the right to speeches people you don't get something you don't need to have hate speech or things that make it also very other people yeah and how it affects everyone yeah because now if i define hate speech anything i don't like you're not allowed to talk anymore what do you think i know it's such hard questions it's not it's a great area it depends on the situation uh so one question that we've been asking to everyone is about the second amendment do you know what the second amendment is yeah the right to bear arms right and it says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon by the government right that was also made hundreds of years ago do you think the first amendment applies to like like free speech applies to like computers and stuff or is it just quill pens hmm good question i'm not really sure how to answer that because it was written a long time ago and as you said it changes right well i mean i'm i'm not limiting you but if you think about it free speech is free speech you have that right but it's also restricted and in some places some areas yeah there are some places where you can't really speak your mind say what you feel where is it illegal to speak your mind and your ideas like how would i say this maybe like hmm uh do you know what the uh second amendment is and what the purpose of it was for the purpose of the second amendment was a regulated militia i think the supreme court misinterpreted it no do you remember the wordage not exactly but it's but it's it's it's it's one sentence in two parts and you cannot read one in the absence of the other he's right the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed and the idea is no no no you stopped before the end of it okay very do you want to google it real quick no i'm not going to google it okay well and he stopped it so they talked about the well-regulated militia in this very same sentence and one of the founders monroe would say who is the militia but every man woman and child except for a few politicians which is very funny thing to say okay so when you joined the navy you swore to defend the constitution correct uh the first second amendment all the other what is the second amendment about and uh do you remember anything kind of paraphrase what it says um the right to carry on a firearm basically gives you that right but still is a right within the laws that are already set and established you know when you think of laws such as on so is the constitution based on already established laws or is it the basis that everything else is built on okay well personally i think it was also based off of established laws but the founding fathers also put in place that those laws can also be changed you know based off on the course of you know people coming together and having that conversation right so the second amendment says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed meaning you can't make any laws of the government to limit people's access to them because then all of a sudden what if what if the government's the one controlling your access to firearms and they don't want you to have firearms and they can make it so impossible that you can't get them and now tyrannical government possibly is the door keepers of whether you can have guns the original kind of founding is the founders noticed the general drift of countries toward tyranny and if the government disarmed the people they had no recourse if the government went real bad right look we're going to get into a philosophical argument here and i really don't have the time the government's tasked with deciding who can have guns but the second amendment's about not letting the government do that you see the problem what if the government gets tyrannical i think it's just a sticky situation it is sticky it's very sticky my son is a veteran did some really awesome stuff now i will say if i ever thought that he was outside of himself mentally i would probably caution him not to have a gun or not want him to have a you know a gun like that but now it's a family issue not a government issue true because you're good let's let families do it right what do you what do you think it is a tough question uh i think there needs to be some regulations uh about iron control otherwise we're gonna find ourselves like an old western and with all this trying to i call it down playing the uh the police defund them and so on the funding isn't going to help any got it they need to fund them in order for them to get better training and that's one of the uh biggest issues that we haven't i'm a former police officer right uh but again you know i feel that the everybody has the right to uh bear arms right you know and but it needs to be controlled is it a greater problem that the government be the ones who uh control all the firearms what if the government goes tyrannical like in venezuela they took away people's guns and now the people can't do anything what if our government went tyrannical but they hold the keys to firearms but why is it that that's always the first thing that people go to thinking that everything's just going to turn upside down blah blah blah because it's a historical certainty that all free nations drift toward tyranny it's it's the cycle of the world every ancient society was conquered either from without or within so question do you trust the federal government yes you do yes let me ask you do you trust the government that's a tough question what do you think do you trust the federal government certain things yes other things now would you trust them to be the only one with guns no no so should they be the ones that regulate how easily or difficultly you can get them is difficulty a word difficult lee i don't think so i don't know it's hard see if the government can take away our guns and you don't trust the government to be the only ones have you seen the problem yeah i don't think that any restrictions on it helps anything because in my opinion it's not the people getting them legally that are the problem yeah when you see things on the news and the headlines it's not people that are going and getting concealed carry that are the headlines and unfortunately the catastrophic events you see so i don't think that more restrictions are going to help the mental health problems and there's a lot of problems there's a lot of things covering there's a lot of things that can just help to help people people helping people before we get into legality of it no matter who the president is i am gonna be a little wary of the federal government i think that in general like the government is always something to be wary of like yes they are protecting us and yes they're trying their best but you have to watch out and you have to protect yourself no matter what administration you're looking at right no matter yeah agree uh what would you think if the government was the only people that were allowed to have guns and then what if they turned like tyrannical or fascist that is a scary fact but i'm hoping that under i'm hoping to say this loosely that are that our democracy would be strong enough to prevent that but i don't know you never know so it's something to think on though it is it's very it very well is do you trust the government to be the only ones with guns you know and that's the that's what you think well okay that is a good question but also i go back to my early statement stating about the constitution when the founding fathers came in and they created that they also stated that hey these laws can be changed based off what's going on at that time you got to keep in mind they was also making sure that other countries did not come in to you know threaten um the citizens at that time lots of talk about gun control do you think the government should have the power to keep you from having a gun if you wanted one the only reason why i'm saying no is because the government just by the way that they've been treating us since the beginning of their converting time i just don't find that they'd be trustworthy they're really to care about the people like that it's more so about control less about really a sense of community and being governed i really just think it's just control it's really not being governed you're really not really being governed you're really being an undetected mind control slave in my opinion dude rocks i'm gonna end it right there this guy's awesome shaking hands my favorite responses of the day thank you cool man thanks man appreciate it hey look for us warrior poet society let me go ahead follow your warrior poet we're on youtube he's doing it now that's us okay we're gaining a subscriber following we're following we're subscribed and we turn the post notification off everybody every poll all posts i appreciate it brother thank you thanks man take it easy have a good one baby car just dropped my newest album it's everywhere uma team dear raj b-a-b-y b-o-k-o-r thank you man love you take it easy that's cool dude like him hi folks had a great time had a bunch of good conversations and the point of this video wasn't to necessarily win someone and beat them over the head with what i necessarily believe it's really just have those good conversations with real people everybody we left we left as friends and it was a good thing and i think the public discourse it's real important so you go and do the same drum up some conversations and uh yeah we'll get a little better in the process right so train hard train smart and stay free see you guys so it appears we've lost the culture war big tech the media academia hollywood and now the bulk of our federal government seems to be against free speech and their harassment of patriots because we have the audacity to still love freedom and the american constitution but you know if you're like me you won't go gently into that good night we're fighting back and we're doing it by controlling our own content and by bringing like-minded people on board if i'm involved we're gonna have fun shazam take action and become the man you are meant to be we have an ark the warrior poet society network help us grow stronger by joining the fight now is the time watch
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 606,441
Rating: 4.9738116 out of 5
Keywords: John Lovell, warrior poet society, warrior poet, Downtown Atlanta, Gun Control, conservative, liberals
Id: QuuaOcPMGow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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