American Things Japanese Don't Understand

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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel so the other day i reacted to a video called 29 things that only exist in japan so in this video i thought i would make a video where i talk about american things that i find weird as a japanese person you know from japanese perspective because i've lived in the states for two and a half years and i've had a lot of culture shocks so let's talk about them before you click the dislike button and leave a hateful comment please note that i love america it's not that i hate america okay but there are certain things that were crazy to me that's it i'm just gonna talk about those things okay so no more hatred please we have enough depression in japan okay so why is it that it is considered rude to raise your hand to get a waitress attention like if i need something like condiments and stuff i want it immediately right but they sometimes do disappear you know serving other customers and stuff for a good minute during which time my food can get cold so as a japanese person i would raise my hand be like excuse me you know it's totally okay in japan especially in places where they don't have this calling button right but my friends are like hey don't do it that's rude i'm like why and i'm expected to tip like no i mean i do understand why tipping is a thing but still like going now to e was completely different experience from what i have experienced in japan so it's needless to say that america is a very progressive country right compared to where i grew up japan you know japanese society is pretty conservative so when i went to america i was pretty shocked in a good way in a positive way kind of for how people are fighting every day for a better society like more freedom and more equality and stuff like that which we japanese people should learn a lot from but there are certain things that i couldn't really keep up with as well and one of which is i don't know if i can say this but free the nipples thing now please don't get me wrong it's not that i'm against it i do understand where those people are coming from i do understand you know their point but also there's part of me my japanese conservative self is like i don't know where to look at it's just i'm not really used to it you know it may sound bad especially because i'm a man but i think a lot of japanese women do feel the same way as well so yeah i still need to work on it like what do you guys think i've never really opened up this much and had a discussion about it maybe it's not only in america so please let me know in the comments why is everyone's teeth so good in america like seriously while i was in america i literally never saw one single person with bad teeth like if they did they're already in the process of fixing them with braces like is it cheap in america or what i mean how do you think that will make us japanese people feel honestly i don't have perfect teeth but you know in japanese standards i'm okay so i never felt insecure about my teeth i think in japan unless your teeth are so bad that they could cause some health issue you don't really get braces it's not something that everyone does when they're in middle school high school like in the states but while i was in the states my perception like my standard completely changed so when i'm a bit more stable financially getting braces is my top priority and i'm pretty sure this is not just me because a lot of japanese students who studied abroad in the states end up getting braces after coming back to japan also i was shocked how many products for whitening teeth are available in a regular grocery shop that's not something good to see in japan this kind of whitening sheet is not available in japan so a lot of japanese people buy this when they visit america so maybe this can be a gift for your japanese friends when you visit japan i once ordered my textbook online and before i received the package i got a notification that it was delivered you know the shipping status said it was delivered and i was like wait that minute i did not receive it so i called usps and they said that they left it at my front door of course people steal it what do you expect like are you crazy luckily i got a full refund from amazon but because of that i did not have my textbook for the first few weeks of my class which was super frustrating in japan that would never happen unless you specifically request them to do so otherwise they will just leave the you know delivery notice slip so you can request a second delivery at a specific time i know america does the same kind of but not all the time it's not consistent so yeah i was like why [Music] so i've heard a lot of american people talking crap about japanese food right ew are you even raw fish that's disgusting ew are you dipping your meat in raw egg that's gross excuse me you guys eat freaking cookie dough that's literally so raw how about shoving vegetables into turkey's butt and roasting it that's more brutal to me and also peanut butter on celery think about it please think about it please people in america seem to hate high school like i was surprised to hear how much my friends my american friends hated their high school and how happy they were when they were graduating like finally it's over and i was like did you guys not enjoy high school i thought high school musical was kind of real thin and it's completely different here in japan in our graduation we literally cry our eyes out for how sad it is to graduate because in japanese we describe high school age as session the simplest the best translation that i could think of would be it's one of the best time of your life it's when you make most memories whether it's about love study making best friends or club activities like it's the time we all miss when we get older so hearing people in america hate high school was kind of shocking to me why do people eat bento at restaurants this really threw me off when i first saw it at the japanese restaurant in the states i mean it's not japan so i know i shouldn't expect the full authenticity of japanese food in a different country and i do appreciate the fact that there is a japanese food available in a different country but still like bento is a lunchbox where you pack your food and you bring it to a school or your work or you may also grab one at the convenience store on the way to your school or office but either way it's not something you would eat at the restaurant you don't eat this at the restaurant right it's kind of the same thing so if we are looking for a super real authentic japanese restaurant maybe this is something you might want to keep in mind alright so those are the things that i found weird about america and if you're from america please let me know explain if i misunderstood anything and if you're not from america please let me know what you guys think also about what i have just mentioned and since i talked kind of bad about other country you guys can complain about weird things that japanese people do and stuff in the comment section so yeah all right thank you so much guys for watching my video today and i hope to see you guys in my next video [Music] peace you
Channel: SHUNchan
Views: 1,344,770
Rating: 4.9456949 out of 5
Keywords: weird things, SHUNchan, what japanese think about, Japanese Culture, Why Japanese, Japanese in America, American Things Japanese Don't Understand, weird things in japan, weird things in America, Weird Japan, japanese reacts, Japan, Japanese, Japan Culture, Japanese people, living in japan, living in tokyo, foreigner in Japan, I don't understand america, weird america
Id: 5y_XpzLW7Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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