Japanese Reacts to The DON'Ts Of Visiting the USA

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hi guys today i'm going to react to the dance of visiting the usa which is going to be pretty interesting for me i have visited the states when i was like 10 years old with my mom so i wasn't being careful or anything because i was really small but now that i'm growing and now that i have a huge interest in the united states and love to visit there once corona is over i'd like to know and understand the things you shouldn't do in america i literally have nothing to expect places like japan there's so many things that confuse foreigners i understand when people come to japan they they kind of worry about doing certain things but for america i didn't know that there were quite a lot of things that you should be careful of when you go there um so let's just get started and learn about what things you shouldn't do there let me guess talk about politics i think that's just not a good thing to do there now that let's see that's included it's by a channel called walter's world all right you ready hey there fellow travelers mark here with walter's world and today what we have for you are the don'ts of visit in the usa beautiful anywhere you go in the world there's things you should do but there's also things you shouldn't do and this video is going to just cover the us in general okay and our first stone for when you visit the us is don't touch the americans look what that's funny don't touch the americans that's pretty much similar here in japan japanese people don't like get touched by other people but honestly okay let's just listen to what he has to say personal space it's like they have a bubble around them if you get too close to them they feel very very very very uncomfortable okay but to be honest i kind of expected the opposite because obviously hugging and kissing they do it a lot in the united states so i thought they were kind of used to having people really close to them physically you know opposed to japan where you know hugging kissing do not exist that's pretty surprising here space is key the second don't i have for you is don't count on public transportation here in the u.s you cannot count on public transport to get you a lot of places yes in big cities like new york and chicago and stuff like that you can get around for the public transport it'll take you where you want to go but a lot of towns small towns especially in middle sized cities the public transportation networks are not very good that's also very unexpected i thought that the public transportation would be very developed even when even in countryside smaller towns but at the same time i can start to imagine people hitchhiking in smaller places so yeah i mean if you're in countryside then just hitchhike right and that kind of leads into the next don't i have for you is that is don't underestimate the size of the us the united states it's you know continental us is like continental europe it's huge i mean would you think of driving from oh i'm going to do you know go to from lisbon to paris and then go up to thailand and then head down to sofia no you're like that is insanely far it's the same thing when you come to the u.s i mean a lot of travelers are like oh whoa miami to las vegas 4 000. oh my gosh i think that is so true i think it's so it will be so difficult for me to like actually understand the distance from point a to b just because the town seems quite close to where you are it doesn't mean that they actually close that was the same in hokkaido hokkaido is a big island in the north of japan when i went there to travel just looking at the map i thought oh wow town is next to where i am so i can maybe just hitchhike in one day but no you actually realize how far it is you know when you actually get the number like 4 000 kilometers that is obviously not the case in hokkaido but still i had a similar experience and i can understand and see how that would be even bigger you know the difference and the actual the reality of how things are so far the distances here are insane for americans a three to four hour drive that's a day trip like my parents live three hours away i will literally get up go drive have lunch with my mom and then drive back home just for lunch six hours in the car no big deal watching american youtubers you know when they vlog i always noticed extremely long road trip in japan if you say like oh i'm driving for six seven hours then that's like honestly you could go to the opposite side of the honshu the mainland that kind of is a long drive and we drive the entire way through in japan if someone says oh i'm driving three hours today then people would be like make sure to get a rest oh i must stop every two hours and have a 15 minute break oh no no no no no we drive all the way through now my next don't forget when you come here is don't think that the sticker price is the end price look in the us we have sales tax i know other countries they have vat value added taxes we have sales tax so a certain percentage is added on that product and the thing is i cannot tell you what the sales tax will be where you're going to travel because it's different everywhere is it obviously it depends on the state i did not know that cities states counties different products have different sales taxes and some products don't have sales taxes some cities it's pretty interesting sales tax so be ready for that and it's not just the sales testing also there could be the tipping on top and that leads us into the fifth don't and that is don't forget to tip no look in the u.s you tip 15 to 20 what 15 20 tipping are you kidding me well that's just ridiculous i don't know if you know it already but in japan tipping does not exist so you never have to worry about how much you should tip to weighted waitresses when i was in the uk i always got confused with how much i should pay our tip and also when i was traveling in general i was always checking how much i should tip and stuff but well i mean i heard that in the u.s you tip a lot but wow that is a lot for people like me that are so broke you can't eat out you just can't you will tip them 15 to 20 if you are but where did six people sorry but where did the tips go does the tip go to the restaurant or does it go straight into the waiter's pocket i always get confused about this one as well if money that you're tipping is going to the restaurant and get divided or it goes straight to the waiter that you are handing the money to it's cheap to go out in the us it's because there's kind of this understanding that the service fees and paying for the workers and the waitresses and stuff like that that goes on to you the person eating there with the tips so the more stuff can be cheaper when you go out to eat and i know a lot of people say i don't believe in tipping and this typically isn't the right thing they should pay their people more well if if you want to pay more for your food they can do that but they don't okay so tipping is something we do do here in the u.s so do tip that 15 to 20 percent okay that's something that i would definitely struggle when i when i will be traveling in the u.s well also if you're at a point i mean i should i should never eat out that's the thing so falling off of those tips what you need to realize is our next stone is don't be freaked out by the over-the-top service and free stuff you sometimes get in the u.s yes there is a lot of over-the-top service here but the thing is in the us the people actually are pretty nice and they want to help people look if you go to a restaurant they bring you bread and water chips and salsa and all those really good things that's included in your meal don't be like shocked like wait i didn't order this bread i didn't order this salad oh no that comes with your meal okay another thing i swear if a japanese person goes to the states and gets you know free bread all of that thing they will be super confused just like he said now my next note for you is don't smoke cigarettes in the u.s if you're smoking cigarettes in the u.s people will look at you like you're trying to kill their baby cigarettes is like totally forboden like people really frown upon it which is funny because when they talk about marijuana and stuff like that people don't seem to care as much but cigarettes oh really i don't know i also didn't expect this actually i thought a lot of people smoked in the states if you do smoke make sure you try to find a place where you can't smoke because a lot of restaurants or pretty much all restaurants hotels stuff like that have smoke free it's smoke free come here outside my favorite liquor store to give you the next don't and that is don't try to buy alcohol unless you're 21 the thing is don't forget your id because if you look like you're 40 or under they may ask you for that and don't get mad at them because if they don't ask they can get in trouble and get fined that's so cool so i always wondered how strict it would be in the states you know the age limit of drinking and smoking in japan the age is 20 for both smoking and drinking but it's not that difficult to get um buy alcohol cigarettes without id or without them asking your actual age so in japan it's not that strict in terms of how easy it is to get them but sounds like it's very strict in the united states which was unexpected as well so another don't i have for you is don't bother with the metric system when you come here we don't use or sorry we don't use meters we don't use kilometers we don't lose leaders it is inches feet miles gallons pounds things like that i always struggle with this honestly it doesn't mention here but also the temperature as well like like i said i watch a lot of videos from american youtubers and when they show these things i always have to calculate these into the ones we use here in japan which is so annoying conversion chart here to show you but honestly you may say how far is it to this next town and they'll tell you oh it's like 60 miles you're like what's that i'm getting used to miles and stuff yeah that's going to be something that i will struggle as well we don't do that so much here so our next stone is when you do come to the u.s there's a couple things you don't talk about okay one politics i guess it right you shouldn't talk about politics but also interesting to hear about gun control if you if you're pro-gun or okay i got it right i'm so happy and it makes a lot of sense especially now that the election is done in 2021 um in 2020 i mean because no matter where you are you will get people on either side of the spectrum and they will have an argument with you so it's best just to lay off those topics talk about the weather oh wouldn't it be nicer today will you go sailing yes that would be much better than discussing gun control or politics now don't assume that all the us and all the americans are the same so a lot of people say oh you're a typical american what's like saying you're a typical european look the us has all kinds of different cultures all kinds of different all kinds of different topography and scenery and stuff like that and when you come here don't assume it's all the same so don't just think there's just one kind of american they're all fat sloppy guys with ponytails no there's actually a lot of skinny people in america too not just fat guys like me and my buddy jeff there are those so don't assume it's all the same all right so do go out and explore and that's why i always say is if you're going to come to the u.s go and explore different regions because you get a really different feel now it's so cool to see the difference in places and stuff and following on with that i guess i would say another donut is don't assume there's no culture in the us because there are a lot of cultural centers out there if you go down to new orleans you see a very rich culture there you go to new york or boston here in new england you have a very distinct culture in the midwest i think it's it's just that it's a bit hard to imagine and kind of get like a straight idea of what the culture is in the states whereas let's say china japan south korea south america places like that it's a bit easier to imagine what the culture is like whereas in the states it's not that straight forward so it's easy for people to assume that the culture there is kind of poor which is untrue like he says culture here is so cool what is that more recent culture here i mean you have all that here you can really take in and say there's no culture in the us it's not really true because there are all these different cultural centers now my next stone for you is one that i kind of get a lot of questions about we actually have a video on this and then that is don't think that how are you or how's it going is actually a question it's a statement it's like saying hi okay just take it as a hive i'm okay with this because i'm kind of used to it from the uk also in the uk they always say like you're right or how you're doing and things like that but that's not always them actually asking you or wanting answers so don't think it's an actual question all right now another don't i have for you is don't expect a lot at the fancy hotels you know you're thinking oh i'm gonna pay more money for this hotel i'm probably gonna get nicer stuff like a nicer breakfast better wi-fi oh no no no this won't be for me because i won't be staying in hotels i want to be camping or if i was rich enough if i had enough money i want to have my own van as well so that's not my problem another don't i have for you is don't skip out on the local food look we're here in new england we're here in connecticut we've been having lobster and clams and oh my god no england clam chowder oh my tummy is just like more more it's fantastic when i'm in the south man chicken mac and cheese the food in the different regions in the u.s are great so don't just go to chain restaurants when you go to your hotel ask them hey put some local restaurants around here with some locally owned and operated restaurants so you can go there and check out those places because they really give you a great experience also it's a little difficult for me to really understand what the actual american food is you know i'm one of those people that i assume american food is just like hamburgers i don't know i can't even think of anything else so i'm also really curious to know what kinds of different foods they have that's also something that i'm really looking forward to now my next stone for you is don't get sick look is insanely expensive all right so if you're going to be coming here make sure you get travel insurance or trip insurance so in case you do get sick or you do break an ankle or you do break it that is the thing right that's the thing how can i get not sick from the american food healthcare here in the u.s is insanely expensive okay so make sure you're prepared it's it's really interesting how all americans and me that as well because like actual people living in the states admitting that the healthcare is super expensive really explains how expensive they are you know i mean i guess my last job i'm gonna have for you it's the last one people actually got mad at me for when i lived in other countries when i told them the us has 50 states and they said no the u.s has 52 states look don't think the us has 52 states the us has 50 states okay just just a heads up on that one i'm sure that people are going to comment dang down below that when i was in school they told me 52. no there's 48 on the map well i'm okay because i thought they were 48 for 49. and then alaska and hawaii are 49 and 50. all right why do people aren't two then i don't understand that those are our don'ts for visiting the us what are some adults you have that wow okay that's so interesting i mean some of them i expected and some of them i didn't um the personal space was really surprising seeing how friendly americans are and also well tipping was just insane i'm so scared of that also healthcare i'm so scared of healthcare watching all these videos really makes me want to go travel there as soon as possible but i'll make sure i will remember these things so that i don't offend any american people so that's it for this video and i will see you very soon in the next video bye ciao
Channel: Timothy James
Views: 571,711
Rating: 4.9431934 out of 5
Keywords: American school vlog, school vlog reaction, American school, American school vlog reaction, Japanese react, Japan reaction, Japanese people, Japanese schools, Japanese school vlog, Schools in America, Schools in Japan, American people, USA school, Reaction, America japan, why american schools are free, USA is good, Japanese people react to, Reaction to school vlog, Japan school, America school, Why Japanese are smart, Why americans are smart, Places to go in america
Id: eESBgTuAvcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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