Japanese Reacts to ENGRISH in Japan

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hello guys welcome back to my youtube channel so today before we start I just wanted to say thank you so much guys for 20k subs I just hit 20k subs recently like a week ago and I'm really overwhelmed in a positive way but thank you so much guys for all the support that you guys been giving me I just wanted to say that before we start all right so someone commented in my previous video asking me to react to English comm so for those who don't know it is the website where they show pictures of English sentences in Japan not a wrong funny weird and stuff like that as a Japanese person I've never really paid attention to English signs in Japan because obviously I can read Japanese and I understand everything right so this is my first time to really in my full attention to that so I don't really know what to expect but hopefully it won't be too bad right alright let's get started I am a bubble tea suck my balls okay I mean to be fair I don't see anything wrong in their singular sentence because that is exactly what you do when you drink bubble tea suck the balls isn't it so I don't blame anybody who created this advertisement alright if you have any trouble please feel free to hang your employees employees oh my god this is scary I don't even know how they came up with this translation like obviously they wanted to say feel free to ask the employees for help but why did they come up with the word hand alright I wonder how they did it in Chinese like at the bottom because I don't be Chinese he speaks Chinese please let me know if that sentence at the bottom makes any sense or not yeah add a little cream pie to satisfy the adhirata mind is now available this is McDonald's guys what would they make such a mistake I mean is it a mistake really bring by like so if I were to say that to a kid or people who don't know what cream pie means would that convey the idea of what McDonald's was trying to say but to clarify though how they must have ended up with this ad copy in Japanese we describe flavors as automata aji which means adult flavor / taste to make it sound better and luxurious so any flavor that kids wouldn't like and we call it analogy so for example wasabi would be Alton analogy or dark chocolate would be Illuminati so that's why they use the word at all to make it sound fancy don't go jumping going elevator if you do it though it's gonna be stopped and don't you must be locked up you must be locked out this is just a plain bad brother don't you think like I just want to know how they ended up with this mess out sentences because I think if you google translates wouldn't give this kind of sentences but I think it still gets its point across right no jumping in the elevator otherwise it'll stop and you can locked up that's what it means so yeah this one's still okay I think one Apple bottle on the fireman oh my god now this one I don't think it conveys what they really want to say he says Kannagi niche cannot sustain us which means like be aware there has been a lot of chicken recently and this is in Corbin University one of the most prestigious universities in Japan so shame on you choreography sunny town erection party 21 oh my god oh my god this actually hurts like this is like the most stereotypical mistakes japanese people made now still misses up else and ours so elves and cars elves towels and our election election right and as you guys have already guessed at this point this is for the election campaign in Japan how would it be so hard to find a native English speaker to check if this English sentence make sense or not okay do not come here not to Tommy area here so close oh she's so close it's just one letter that changed the whole meaning of the sentence completely it's just funny if you think about it like you cannot be done here you can be done anywhere else but not in this area why Japanese people rose and green pea froze ah PRP now my question for you guys is what did this picture you might do because to really reminded me of no Kentucky frozen green pea yeah that's funny work in Latino paper yo I'm a laughing good paper yo yo do not attach your handle who done the drink could easily hunain I can see how these are created because they are just directly translated from Japanese to English like word for word but it doesn't work like that because the sentence structures are completely different between Japanese and English but aside the fact these two centers are not really correctly English I like how these two tendencies have completely different attitudes towards the customer like the percentage of always that do not do not touch your hand but the second one is like please refrain if you can right Crazy Horse oh my god this is terrible maybe this is about something actually as an English Learner this vide makes more sense though to be fair because in Japanese we pretty much pronounce every vowel that's written so the correct way to spell horse like H Oh RSV when I look at it I want to read it for sale so this spelling h o RDS makes kind of sense to me Maeda mom what you have to be a mailman to use this bathroom you can't be a female man what female many will mean like transgender man wait it's not what a man like if you know a transgender man you cannot use the bathroom that would be so crazy like Japanese people so sexist Wow or not all the weights anchors our spirit dog toilet this is a really a mystery if you know about Japan that may explain why so we don't really consider ourselves religious or anything but there's a lot of customs and ways of thinking that are influenced by Shinto nism which is one of our most you know major renditions in Japan and we think there's a God everywhere like there's a one for Mountain just one for a river and stuff and of course there's one for toilet too and God in Japanese is consumer and in this sentence they used a different country coming which is paper so in this case it means toilet paper toilet come some a coated paper I think right and so like this means don't overuse toilet paper it's just to use just as much as you need kind of thing yeah the more you know so although to be honest it was way worse than I thought but it's Japan it's just what it is so please don't hate us we don't really speak English but yeah as long as they get their point across it's fine right even though some of them didn't at all but yeah thank you so much guys for watching my video today if you liked the video please hit the like button and I'll see you guys in my next video peace [Music]
Channel: SHUNchan
Views: 326,950
Rating: 4.9809856 out of 5
Keywords: Shunchan, Japan, Japanese, Japanese Reacts to, Engrish, English, Reaction, Japanese Reaction, Weeaboo, Weeb
Id: _PcgFO6vm9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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