AMERICAN HORROR STORY: DOUBLE FEATURE Episode 7 "Take Me To Your Leader" Breakdown

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hey guys ryan and greg here back for another breakdown and we're finally gonna get some aliens guys this is episode seven it's called take me to your leader of course spoiler warning if you haven't seen the episode yet get out of here go watch it and then come on back here let's break it down all right greg now before we get into the episode itself let's talk a little bit about some other things that we saw on the internet before the episode fx networks is releasing these small little broadcasts these 1950s style radio broadcasts well there's been one so far and it gave a little bit of like fun little easter eggs and some details of what we can probably expect this season of the show i highly recommend you guys listen to it on their youtube channel because it gives a fun little context into like how this whole story is going to develop you know you get like the the talk about the microwave ovens you get to talk about baby boom you get um kind of like what's going on in the world in the united states at this time as well as this very sinister greg like alien it's kind of stupid speaking yeah speaking like taking over the record the the broadcast and speaking to the audience almost like a mind control or some sort of like overlord kind of like look checking in on us tell your husband today i don't say anything else about it because it's short and you should just listen to it but i also like the title khs cool thanks guys so this episode starts off in albuquerque new mexico in 1954. black and white yes immediately i'm thinking please don't don't pull the rug from under me i really hope this is the episode i hope this is it i hope there's no twist involved here with everything we're seeing in the 50s and nope doesn't look like it it's an alien story we got it we finally got an alien episode i don't know how people feel about that but i absolutely loved it at least all the alien parts and anything involving aliens or anything in black and white was exceptional yeah i agree with you greg and i think that's it's kind of long overdue you know a lot of us fans have been waiting for the aliens to pop back up and we've heard over the years that ryan murphy wasn't too keen on you know he it wasn't really interesting to him to just do a whole straight up alien uh thing so you know that this there's gonna be some twists and turns here eventually uh throughout the last few episodes here of the season but it's pretty cool to just get kind of just aliens like from the first episode of this double feature were introduced to like another alien abduction story so in the 50s the black and white footage looks awesome uh and it's kind of very eerily similar to the alien abduction that we saw back in asylum with alma uh kittens walker um yeah so you get uh the kid playing out in the front and then all of a sudden all the you know everything's flickering inside the time is kind of reversing uh the vinyl playing dean martin is is is turning backwards reversing as well um and then you know of course aliens are coming and uh pretty frightening you know i love how they do this you know just like kit walker uh the mother maria just hits the top of the uh the ceiling gets stuck up there child comes back uh don't worry mommy hold my hand as soon as this happens you need to worry just just fyi his eyes go white eyes go white great yep and it looks like basically uh you know this is their the you know the ground zero of like how the aliens came to united states and basically you know infiltrated the human race uh so this is kind of the start of the whole thing yeah we can't forget my favorite part which is the head explosions uh so so how can i forget that part yes we can never part one was um slashing throats i guess would you say break a bottle slash a throat definitely looks like part two is just you know ex head explosions just as many as we can here let's just use it do just go with it whenever it's fine yeah they're completely leaning into the scanner style cronenberg exploding like okay we're here for it you know like david lynch now let's yeah let's blow some heads up greg so the aliens definitely have telepathic powers to just like blow your head up at will um so they're not the nicest aliens off the bat here um they definitely want something from the human race from the americans at this point we don't know across the world what you know what else is going on um but yeah the husband comes home you know expecting it maybe a dinner to be prepared for him checking on his son and uh you know he gets his head blown off [Applause] at the same time there's a lot of similarities between the aliens of course from asylum with the pregnancy that we'll talk about later um but they also have some very different motives no benevolent beings this time around it seems like they're just straight up going for the kill for whatever reason all right greg that brings us to a brand new title sequence uh i this is one of my favorites that i've seen on the show so far was much different than the first half the first section of double feature and this one was like you know like you said alien pregnancies uh tentacles octopus tentacles it looked like uh you know fetus is being formed it was just so far out there all in black and white and really captured kind of the horrors that we might see later this season i loved it so we moved over to palm springs in 1954 with president eisenhower played by neil mcdonough that guy batman whenever you see him on tv you're like oh that guy keep the channel here don't change anything uh of course so many yeah so many things greg over the years and of course he's interrupted by another guy you're like oh that guy again uh where do you remember this man from ryan madman right that was awesome i i was like that looks like it looks so familiar and it's pretty fitting that they're using you know him in a similar time frame that they used in the show mad men that's always taking place in the 60s this is a little bit early but uh yeah you know you see the president just kind of like in his leisure time playing golf a lot of presents play golf long long standing tradition right greg uh and uh he interrupted because uh i've something an aircraft was shot down or an aircraft uh was in u.s airspace right so uh i like how it was kind of vague here right didn't really come out and tell the president exactly what's going on because he you know national security um but tells them basically we need you now it's urgent and they go to the desert um and this is right outside edwards air force base which is area 51 area um so it's it's perfect in the 50s the first alien ufo landing here they all come across it and it's just kind of what is going on what is this are we serious this is happening right now type of vibe and it gets wilder from there of course because they're not alone once they look over the scene they see the crash site they find an alien uh you get your little your little green man or whoever this is down there we get a full-on old-school alien and to add on to that guess who's here lily rave as amelia earhart and the thing here is you know ahs loves to kind of re-explain history right give us a history lesson you know amelia earhart was she she disappeared in 1937 and this would make 17 years you know she's been gone and she just pops up 1954 in the middle of the desert and they're explaining her disappearance due to the fact of coming in contact with aliens right coming in contact to an alien abduction seeing the light bright light everything that we know with an alien abduction looks like so uh you know this is their way of explaining kind of what happened to amelia back in the late 30s and i know every every uh ahs fan out there immediately their mind went to something that we're going to talk about a little bit later that they this could have they could potentially be setting up something later on when it comes to time travel but i will let's get to that later but for now also point out that the stuff on uh amelia's back is like you got a spiral back there and a few cool little designs so keep that in mind too that might come back into play a little bit later on yeah yeah and on top of all this greg let's let's talk about i mean she's pregnant apparently she's two months pregnant yes um and not only on top of that it's even weirder she hasn't aged at all since 1937. so she literally would they say it number time they lost time like time stopped for people that basically come in contact with the aliens uh no matter how long you've gone you've been gone on the you know what we're used to being you know the existence of time it doesn't quite work that way with the aliens they have some sort of technology or they're in a different dimension where they can basically stop time time doesn't work the same time is a flat circle greg now one would assume that we're going to see this baby you know much older pop up sometime in present day but obviously the government's involved so i don't think this person's just going to end up being like a teacher or something we'll see but there's no way that baby is living in anything of a normal life the government will not let that baby out of its sight no uh so you know i don't know my wild theory was that you know the offspring of this alien human hybrid has its own offspring with the uh you know the people the blood-sucking vampires that we saw in red tide and then we get basically the worst offspring ever you know the only thing that could literally one-up the antichrist that's the plot of prometheus hold on that's what happened in prometheus all right greg on to the good stuff now we get an alien autopsy moment a sequence in this part of the show uh you know we've seen this in countless films tv shows this is this is pretty awesome uh the little it looks like a child's body almost like a smaller alien uh i think they're gonna call them the grays um you know we had the pales and red tide now we have the grays uh so not green martians but gray martians anyways uh you know they're splitting him open uh nothing's inside the body cavity uh feels very like independence day of more recent but uh also countless tv shows and movies and then there's this hissing sound and then we get a a facehugger basically from the alien uh from the alien franchise just all over the guy's face uh it looks a little bit over the top and ridiculous but also a nice nod to you know classic sci-fi horror stuff here yeah i loved every second of it me too shouts out to just the design team and all the technical aspects they had to do to do this i absolutely loved it again i thought like oh man uh how far are they gonna take this and then when you see the face huggers and that the special effects used for them and i was like all right i'm in this is it this is better than what i was hoping that what i thought this might be and then because they're just going for it it seems like they're just like hey let's just just take it as it is and let's just go with it don't don't worry about anything else i love the b-movie aspect to this yeah totally and then you know alien sci-fi and alien uh you know like the theme of this is is throughout tv and movies and pop culture so you you need to like lean into that when you're doing something like this right like don't be shy don't don't double feature from showing some of those you know those inspirations that that you know we all grew up on and you know american culture has been doing you know for since the 50s of alien invasions so um i i thought it was great and then like like you said earlier definitely not benevolent creatures right like just blows off more heads uh and then we get maria from the beginning the housewife uh floating down the hallway and she basically take me to your leader wants to speak to the american president dwight eisenhower and basically communicate to him their demands it's not even like a hey let's let's have some sort of like you know like pow wow here and talk about what we both want to get it's basically like we're going to tell you exactly what you need to do for us it is you who will listen to us and now the episode takes a turn when we head to present day where we meet college students ivy league students we're quickly uh introduced to each and every character and what they're doing immediately but i also the title sequence that we get here um you pointed something out here that seems a little bit uh fishy for how we are introduced to these characters immediately yeah we've seen this trope used in different tv shows or movies where they do kind of like a freeze frame after they show the character walk in um but here i noticed it looked like almost i was like a government case file or something like that like you know a quick little uh bio for each one of them but like it almost it almost felt like this is like kind of going to be classified information or like you know this story won't be told to the public because of what the what they're going to get into what events they're going to experience with these aliens later on in the episodes so it kind of went with the whole motif of like the government conspiracy cover-up uh and all that kind of like a classified file i like how they did it now greg i must say though they're like the most stereotypical like college kids i mean i'm years and years out of college but like it kind of was a little bit over the top and and i mean we expect this from american horror story but maybe i'm just i'm a little bit prude but like was this like tmi talk like the entire conversation here sort of but not really also because i i know it it i get it but also you have to like introduce these characters very quickly and get all this stuff in i i wasn't a fan of it still again the dialogue was like a record scratch here for what we just saw 1950s or we just got right right alien story uh crazy theatrics um and then we just head to present day it felt very jarring the major issue that you're gonna have going forward is just that balancing act because oh boy just dealing with present day and these kids and going from this story that we're very into right now we're extremely into this aliens we've been waiting for the aliens um so you just gotta keep it going yeah with everything we get here with these kids just need to keep it going at 11 or higher yeah because that was a little tough no i totally agree with you and i think you're right i think that's a great observation is like how jarring it is to go from the 1950s to how people talked and conducted themselves and the dialogue used and just addressed you know how how everything looked and then something in 2021 and these are the most like outrageously uh sexualized and like stereotypical college students um but you know uh we'll give it some time to see to see further before making any like you know judgment calls on this but um there's gonna be a payoff for this and i think that's why they're going the present day and i hope the payoff is something cool that goes with asylum but we'll talk about it again a little bit later yeah totally and um you know basically we from from this uh gathering uh they're celebrating the night together uh they're all in college uh first time seeing each other since getting to college uh you know that that first hangout with all your old old high school friends and you know catching up and then they're going to spend a couple days camping in the desert together um they picked the wrong campsite though greg uh blood ice hold on flutterites wait wait wait we gotta talk about the weather i think wait a minute um yeah so uh kaya gerber's character uh has joined a special club a very special club but i have a feeling we're gonna get a lot more info on in the next few episodes um where we find out yeah that she's been uh sleeping with the professor and this guy is there's something up there's something weird here going on with him we don't know yet but i have a feeling there's gonna be more to his character coming down the line but i'm just i'm weirded out by what's going on here with the luddite storyline to how obviously the point of it was to get them without their phones so we can have this whole scene with the abduction later and they wouldn't have to record it or anything just just get that out of the way it was borderline like a cult he's starting over there and not letting her like do certain things i don't know it's kind of weird super weird can i just borrow my parents computer and google it just this once yeah i mean sure as long as you're okay saying that you only believe in something as long as it's convenient for you it's a slippery slope kenny so greg they're getting together to go camping spend some time in the desert together their own little mini coachella unfortunately they picked the wrong campsite uh you know it looks really nice the first night then they wake up and try looking for a pond to go swimming in obviously it's not there uh the mind is always playing already playing tricks on troy and uh then they come across a horrible smell and these cows have been mutilated basically sliced perfectly in half almost with like a laser in aliens or something like that um and and it's still like possessed like it's had the eyes like roll back in its head and it starts screaming and yeah i mean this is the point where you just gtfo which is what they do they just they basically haul back to hall ass back to camp and and try to pack up and get the hell out of there and then of course they're stopped immediately by a blinding light as the aliens have come upon them and there's nothing they can do about it because then we get this like tentacle porn kind of thing going on with everyone um yeah it was it was it was awesome and then we just we're snapped out of that and they miss a few days they're they have no idea what happened to them um one of them's not even in the car and they're getting ready to take off before they almost hit her yeah and the big takeaway is they lost a few days and one thing i noticed is that like technology doesn't work when the aliens pop up right like almost all tech kind of course all human tech that stops working which is kind of like how they could have just used this to explain why the phones don't work but i don't you know whatever luddite club go forward but i kept it's coming back low night clubs coming back i know because they could have just done that they could have just been like my phone doesn't work yeah yeah it has to they have that there's some sort of payoff there but you know the car doesn't work so they have no way of getting any help uh they can't drive off um and they see like a figure one of the grays a small small martian coming towards them and then like you said all the tentacles um so they are all kind of mixed up in the car don't know what you know they have a recognition of what happened to them but they don't know how much time has been lost but the key here is that time has been lost they just don't know how much and like kind of like what happened in between there we were all put in different seats the [ __ ] you're right how's that possible care i just want to go home so everyone gets back home and uh rachel and jamie are talking to each other and it sounds like they're pregnant or at least it feels like it so they go and take a bunch of pregnancy tests and sure enough it looks like hey it's confirmed i guess so far at least on the pregnancy test that they are having a baby and they're not the only ones having a baby apparently it was we checking on the guys and uh uh it was uh giardia now uh anyone who's you know had a puppy and also it's still it can it can move over to uh adults as well but just so giardia is is a real thing and it sucks unfortunately it's not giardia orion uh they are also pregnant everybody's pregnant so yes men and women are pregnant made me think of this incredible movie with arnold schwarzenegger have you thought of any names um junior if it is a boy and if it's a girl junior one of the greatest films of all time of course yes i mean who doesn't love junior uh but basically uh this shows uh you know decades and decades of the aliens possibly like impregnating slash harvesting their own race by using human test subjects uh probably has gone on for years and years and it's kind of i don't know if it's like a handshake deal that they the us government made back in the 50s that allows just like hey don't mess with us or you have no choice you can't you can't really you don't have to say yes we're just gonna do this i think there's an agreement uh made on one side um at least well let's let's talk about that greg because like i you know after seeing the teaser you hear a couple like lines here and there about the technology about like the microwave oven uh about certain tech and i had this inkling that maybe the us government did broker some sort of deal that like said here you have all these technological advancements and that kind of goes in line with the luddite club whole storyline of like hey in the last 50 years the us has made so many technological advances more so than the hundreds and hundreds of years before and maybe it was the aliens some extraterrestrial that actually some race that gave us that gave us that technology that actually taught us how to do that and in exchange we allowed them or we didn't put up much of a fight in order to harvest and kind of impregnate and kind of save their own race so i think that might be the payoff here later on in this this season that like kind of it's like the good and the bad the gift and the curse we like let them do this to our people but then we advanced as a nation technology like technologically in order to get to where we are present day and that's what area 51 is essentially this is what it will yeah they'll haul people in there for the experiments and that's it and then they get technology in return okay and if you if you sign up for the wrong if you book the wrong airbnb in the desert then like hey you're one of the you're one of the test subjects like it's in the it's in the terms and conditions on the bottom now at the end of the episode they also name drop betty and barney hill i thought that was cool because again it's a another connection um not only to just the the alien universe stories that we get everywhere in the world but also to asylum itself as you know of course alma and of kit were based on those two people uh real life inspirations which you can also find on the channel here for our true crimes episode on asylum betty and barney hill in 1961. you know some people think amelia earhart was abducted close encounters was not a documentary in kendall there's a lot of questions at the end of this episode i thought it was a strong start to the second half of the season greg um my question i think the biggest question is are are we ultimately going to see kitten alma walker and and julia and thomas the kids uh we know the kids were like special unique beings right they had powers uh and and like you said earlier these aliens that we dealt with in asylum were much nicer much more kind much benevolent and that season only took place about 10 years later than the start of what we see in this season um and it's over in massachusetts maybe the aliens over there in the east coast are just a little bit nicer uh i don't know exactly but i i don't know do you think are you think that do you think the big payoff here is is is evan peters at the end of the episode kind of explaining what happened to him and where he's been this way i mean they're setting that up so that's the issue i have here is like well i wanna just stay in the back of my head just like i we thought that you know in 1984 that evan peters was going to show up as billy idol i hope we're not in the same boat right now where we keep thinking it's obvious it's obvious that evan peters has to show up as kit here they set up the amelia earhart sequence where we now know that the aliens can push people into the future they don't age um that's a huge again that's a huge sign that they're taking it that direction where we know that hey that means in present day somebody's got to be showing up from the past here i have a feeling we're going to get some time jump with somebody going to the future it would make sense for kit walker he left in the 80s you can return in 2021 i i this is i mean it feels perfect for them to set this up for kit walker to return to walk through that door to talk to everyone those kids and tell them what's going on or whatever happens here there there's got to be a cameo but immediately at the end of the episode i thought there has to be a evan peters cameo as kit at some point yeah i i agree with you i mean i fingers crossed i hope i hope that does happen down the road here because it was one of the biggest questions that we had at the end of asylum like what happened to him what happened to his kids where are they in the world i mean you'd think that the u.s government might have known al although it's taken place in in massachusetts you'd think that they would be aware of of any of these encounters with aliens on american soil after their run-in with them in 1954 right so i don't know there's a lot that needs to happen uh over the course of the next few episodes uh you know this is much shorter than the first half of of double feature but i'm after one episode greg i'm pretty pumped i'm excited for it uh i'm pumped too as long as again balancing act they're gonna have to find a way to uh with these kids and then dealing with the storyline going on in the 50s which it just feels a little bit more engrossing obviously right now from the first episodes are introduced to new characters and everything but it's still balancing act please if it works out i i can't wait to see how this goes because so far i'm into it i'm 100 on board for the alien story as long as they don't pull it just don't pull it from underneath us don't take don't have lucy pull that football away and we find out this is just all a ruse so guys that'll do it for this week's breakdown be sure to come back next week for an episode eight breakdown we love you guys thank you so much for the support and we will see you soon bye
Channel: GameSpot Universe
Views: 50,222
Rating: 4.9142089 out of 5
Keywords: aliens, american horror story, ahs, double feature, ahs double feature, ahs season 10, new mexico, Amelia Earhart, Dwight Eisenhower, Ike Eisenhower, President, USA, Russia, american horror story season 10, death valley, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, alien abduction, ahs s10e7, ahs episode 7, Kit Walker, evan peters
Id: m6D6rIslJag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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