American Farmers Don't Eat Invasive Animals For This Reason

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these carp took over the Great Lakes the  world's largest freshwater body when the   US imported them from Asia to eat algae  together with other invasive animals they   destroy the environment choke out other  species and threaten humans every year   they cost the world $1.4 trillion worth  of damage equivalent to 5% of the global   economy so who are they how did they end  up here and why don't American farmers eat them while domestic pigs are the second most  popular livestock bringing in billions of   dollars to the US while pigs are an annual  $2.5 billion headache for this country and   adult wild Bo has a lot of meat because  it can weigh up to 400 lb and reach 5   ft long in fact they can be bigger like this  1,50 lb wild boar that's why many centuries   ago Christopher Columbus and his Expeditions  brought them to America for food and hunting   Sports however their numbers have increased  dramatically despite control efforts since 2014   while B have escaped and adapted very well giving  birth to about 3 L of 10 piglets each year today   there are about 6 million to 9 million out there  and Texas is the state with the most wild boes   about 2.6 million about 50 Mi east of Waco Texas  a large field had several holes up to 5 ft wide   and 3 ft deep grasslands originally intended for  livestock are now seriously invaded by weeds the   farmer knew that a herd of wild BS visited  the field with their long snouts yesterday   many researchers call them the most destructive  invasive species on Earth causing nearly 300   native plant and animal species to rapidly decline  they sometimes appear in places they aren't   welcome such as golf courses in front of people's  houses and a plane runway in 1988 because of of   that Texas has allowed Farmers to kill wild boes  year round without limit many methods have been   used from remote controlled traps to hunting  from helicopters like famous pig hunter Ted nent this farmer trapped about 61 wild BS last  month but a quality trap system also costs   more than 350,000 USD and under hunting pressure  smart one wild BS know where to hide for safety   temporarily Texas has also allowed Farmers to  capture them alive and send them to slaughter   houses or restaurants as exotic meat dining like  this wild boore pepper pit dish at Caribbean can   restaurant however many people are still afraid of  eating wild B meat because of flavor and hygiene   issues they think that wild B meat is hard and  smelly actually this strong odor is only from   old male pigs with a lot of testosterone hormone  so you should only choose young pigs or just cut   off that part when processing and the odor will  be significantly reduced additionally because   wild BS will eat almost anything they can carry  nearly 40 different types of parasites swine   brucelosis and PUD buys are the most problematic  because they are easily transmitted to domestic   pigs and pose a threat to the pork industry  however this can be completely avoided by   cooking wild B meat over low heat for a long  time if cooked properly wild Bor meat won't be   gy but sweeter and firmer with 1/3 less fat every  year Texas holds the wild hog Cookoff in cachula   to vote on the best wild board dish and  help people get familiar with this type of meat in the' 60s Asian C were imported from Asia  to control algae and weeds in the Mississippi   River but now they have totaled up to 90% of all  fish populations there the US fishery industry   lost 7 billion USD because of this most hated  fish in America there are four different types of   them and they out compete other species by their  feeding power and reproduction rate they can give   birth to 1 million eggs per year Illinois rivers  once bustling with Native sport fish like crappy   and lgam mouth bass are now filled with millions  of invasive Asian carp some can even weigh up to   100 lb and 4 ft long furthermore they scratch  the ground when eating which also affects the   water quality although carp don't have front teeth  their back teeth look like ours and can Crush hard   shell species such as freshwater muscles many of  which have become extinct under this feeding power   since their escape Asian carp have swam more  than 300 M to the Great Lakes which include   five large freshwater lakes near the Canadian  and American borders so the US installed several   layers of electric fences and call for commercial  fishing fishermen in Tennessee have harvested more   than 10 million pounds of carps since 2018  however this can only be achieved during the   cold season because car will be more active  in warm water while fish processing Factory   iies are popping up many people still shake  their heads at the idea of eating invasive   carp perhaps partly because carp has a lot  of Bones especially w-shaped bones that are   easy to catch and make fiting difficult and  the most important reason is that they think   Bottom Feeders like carp are dirty but actually  carp have a diverse natural diet like worms and   insects like many other freshwater fish and  are generally cleaner than many that people   widely consume like catfish to avoid the muddy  taste that people may complain about carp should   always be kept raw or chilled until 5 minutes  before cooking this is how many Europeans and   Asians have prepared it since the Middle Ages  apart from eating American farmers can still   use them as fertilizer just make sure it  is buried at at least 1 M down to avoid   attracting scavengers and stinking up the whole  farm and from 20122 don't call them Asian carp   anymore it has been renamed copi by the federal  Great Lakes restoration initiative to sound more attractive every minute a coyote is killed  although they are not prolific breeders with only   one Li of at most seven pups born per year their  number is so large that people have organized   large scale hunting competitions since the' 40s  to reduce it now more than 500,000 coyotes have   been hunted each year in the US making them  the most killed native mammals coyotes can   eat both plants and animals and this makes them  a major threat to both fruit and livestock Farm   they are said to kill more than 300,000 heads  of livestock each year and injure even more the   spread of the neospora cannon and Parasite  by Coyotes can cause miscarriages and steel   births adding up to the loss of $18.5 million to  the livestock industry each year not only that   in recent years they have begun to move towards  cities like Chicago and New York with even more   aggressive behavior towards people and pets  hunting and suffocating coyote dens with gas   is the most popular method Farmers have used so  far but perhaps the fastest way is to turn them   into staple Meats however coyotes look like  dogs and Americans aren't used to eating dog   meat so they don't know how to cook coyotes  properly either moreover people also see them   as Predators which can carry diseases dangerous to  humans such as rabies and tapeworms therefore the   government still restricts the hunting and sale  of coyote meat for commercial purposes but many   experienced Farmers still consume coyotes  because they think why not eat what you hunt in the 880s these Southeast Asian pythons  were brought to the Everglades Florida as pets   although some pythons were released into the  wild because people could no longer keep them   the 1992 hurricane Andrews aftermath caused a  massive escape this marked the beginning of the   Native wildlife's worst nightmare these adult  Burmese pythons which can grow up to 20 ft long   and weigh more than 200 lb s eat a lot they even  usurp the apex predator status of the American   alligator because no species can defeat them  in the wild the mammal populations here have   decreased significantly with raccoons and opossums  declining by 99.3% local farms have also been   attacked causing much concern for Farmers over  the years the Florida Department eff fish and   wildlife estimates that there are between 100 and  300,000 Burmese pythons in the Everglades in 2023   but only 18,154 have been captured since 2000 each  year they give birth in large numbers from 12 to   36 eggs and Florida has opened many attractive  python catching programs contractors are paid   between 13 $1 and $18 per hour Freelancers earn  $50 per python up to 4 ft long plus $25 for each   additional foot they also receive 200 USD for each  python nest removal but this job is so dangerous   that currently only 100 of the best python Hunters  are licensed here although snake meat may be   delicious and is popular in many countries around  the world such as China and Thailand American   farmers cannot eat Burmese pythons because  they are deadly like other apex predators   these pythons have very high levels of mercury  this is an extremely dangerous poison to the   human nervous and reproductive system but local  Pro snake Huntress Donna Koo still eats Burmese   python meat and eggs several times a year she said  that they can replace pork or chicken in recipes   but you should use a Mercury test kit to know the  level of toxins in the meat before cooking so what   about you would you like to try eating meat from  any invasive species let me know in the comments below hello my friends did you know  Australia is the country country with   the highest mammal Extinction rate in  the world More than 70% of Australia's   native animals are found nowhere else on  Earth so a loss for Australia is also a   loss for the world one of the biggest  threats to Native species is feral cats   in today's video we look at how Australian  Farmers deal with 6.3 million feral cats feral cats first appeared in the wild in the  1850s today the number of feral cats in Australia   is estimated at 1.4 to 6.3 million wild cats have  become a haunting name for Australians especially   Farmers feral cats are dangerous invasive species  they eat millions of other animals causing   ecological imbalance they are considered perfect  Hunters patient silent and adaptable many native   animals are the perfect size prey for feral cats  currently many Native species such as rats only   exist in areas free of feral cats such as some  islands and fenced areas although they are in the   same cat family these stray cats are not cute at  all they are aggressive and cause a lot of damage   specifically feral cats are linked to the  extinction of 25 species of native small   and medium-sized mammals and further threaten  the existence of more than 100 other native   species in Australia among them estimates of the  annual predation impact of feral cats on Native   wildlife in Australia show that 272 million Birds  470 million reptiles 88115 million mammals were   killed along with the undetermined losses were  invertebrates and amphibians these massacres are   often committed by feral cats living in the  bush but cats in town areas also kill large   numbers of animals besides they can also injure  people on the outside feral cats can be difficult   to distinguish from domestic cats they have agile  bodies sharp senses and good coordination that are   very suitable for hunting wild cats live alone and  are active at dawn and dusk during the day they   tend to lie in sheltered areas including rabbit  holes logs or dense bushes feral cat populations   are self- sustaining and able to reproduce  successfully thanks to Abundant food sources   on average females give birth to two lit per year  the first in Spring the second in late summer and   early fall under favorable conditions baby wild  cats remain with their mother until about 7 months   of age they then disperse and live alone these  individuals give birth to dozens of other litters   of feral cats just like that wob cats expanded  their territory and invaded all of Australia   the number of feral cats suddenly increased  leading to a lack of food therefore they tend   to increase their hunting and attacking Behavior  to ensure survival like a leopard in the desert   the feral cat's gentle steps and sharp eyes are  directed towards its prey these unfortunate Ducks   will become today's meal usually these birds  will be the favorite prey of feral cats when   they are hungry although the birds protested it  was ineffective they struggled desperately until   feral cats tore them apart in fact attacking these  small animals is quite easy for feral cats this is   a picture of a tiny wild cat attacking a deer  you're right this absurd thing really happened   in a fight in the wild Victory always belongs to  to the fierce Predators strength does not lie in   greatness the truly strong person is the one who  survives to the end the wild cat is such a strong   person they are small but their attack power and  brutality are enough to terrify their opponents   not only do they attack wild animals feral cats  also attack pets when given the opportunity of   course your pet is no match for a wild Predator  if not stopped in time everything will get worse   its outcome will probably be the same as the  deer or deer just now feral cats also pose   a threat to human health because they can carry  infectious diseases such as rabies and respiratory infections the Australian feral  cat reduction action plan begins   including direct measures to reduce feral cat  numbers such as trapping and baiting cameras   help plans execute better farmers will know how  many stray cats are lurking around their area in   addition the most effective form of controlling  feral cats on a large scale is using poisonous   bait however feral cat bait is only used in  Western Australia many Native animals in the   area have developed resistance to this poison in  some parts of Australia poisonous bait can pose a   significant danger to Wildlife what was your  first reaction when you saw this image don't   let its appearance fool you in fact each of these  cute wild cats can kill up to 1,000 native animals   each year this problem is getting worse meaning  that in some cases the added pressure of feral   cats could quickly push other animals out of the  world Australia's national scientific agency ceso   has reported feral cats kill an average of 1.8  billion Australian animals each year equivalent   to 2,000 native animals every minute a terrible  number realizing that this situation cannot   last the Australian government allows C cens to  participate in wild cat hunting activities however   this can only be done with a hunting license and  in strict compliance with government regulations   the goal is to reduce the number of feral cats  in the area maintain the ecosystem and ensure   safety and efficiency in hunting about 211,000  feral cats were C in 2023 dozens of them were   hunting possums in the mountains and others were  hunting at night in remote and arid regions of Australia Night comes when feral cats are active  in searching for food the Instinct of a predator   allows them to operate effectively at night  however they did not know that in the distance   there were eyes watching and gun muzzles aiming  at them in order to optimize the effectiveness   of hunting wild cats many people also choose to  participate in night hunting activities this is   a natural rule if you want to catch a predator  you must come when they are hunting during hunts   farmers can end the lives of feral cats with  a shot but the encroachment of entire feral   cat populations cannot the claws of feral cats  have deeply invaded Australia's ecosystem in the   fall before food is scarce feral cats will hunt  small animals for meals they move to areas near   residential areas to find food farmers can always  easily see stray cats in their Gardens at night   through cameras you see controlling feral cats  is a challenge locating feral cat hunting takes   a lot of effort Hunters often use specialized  Lighting systems combined with infrared hunting   lights this is extremely useful for night hunts  helping Hunters clearly identify the Target and   location of feral cats but things are not that  simple these stray cats are much more difficult   to deal with than we think they are extremely  sensitive and have the ability to sense their   surroundings very quickly besides cat's eyesight  at night is very good so once they have ident   identifi the target they quickly Rush In And catch  their prey therefore Hunters need to be extremely   cautious if detected feral cats will run away or  return to attack a night hunting group needs at   least two people to support each other all they  need to do is hide quietly observe and wait when   they detect a Target they will move their hunting  equipment towards the target aim and bring back   their bodies in fact besides the hardship  hunting also brings many interesting things   you won't know when the wild cats will appear  but the feeling of discovering and defeating   them will certainly make you excited this Joy does  not come from killing but Farmers know that every   shot they fire will help prevent the encroachment  of feral capat populations or at least discourage   feral cats in the development area in addition to  hunting feral cat trapping is also allowed in all   parts of Australia all measures are the same  the goal is to limit the number of aggressive Predators although feral cats have only  existed in Australia for the last 200   years or so they have left a destructive  mark on the Australian landscape Escape in   recent years Australian Farmers have also made  strong plans to limit the invasion of feral   cats you see they are very determined  to fight these cute looking assassins
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 130,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, invasive species, invasive animals, american farming, harvesting, farm, farm documentary, farming documentary, farm life, agricultural, #tony98discovery
Id: uhhC0ZiLYFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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