3,7 Million Wild Boars Destroy Crops And How Australian Farmers Deal With Them - Farming Documentary

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hello my friends the shot rang out destroying  the inherent piece of the field it also opened   the door to brutal Pursuits this is the farmer's  battle for survival against the seemingly harmless   but extremely dangerous Invader the wild ball it  is one of the most devastating invasive species   in the world damaging not only ecosystems but  also agriculture culture are you ready for an   expedition now come with me to Australia and  learn how Farmers deal with millions of wild [Music] boes every year during harvest  season we witness an invasion of wild   BS in the fields tracers of a wild  species their destructive power is is   stronger than other invasive species  in [Music] Australia a keen sense of   smell helps wild BS smell the rich Aroma  from the fields while BS and their cubs   enter the fields to eat the agricultural  products that farmers are preparing to harvest it is easy to see their footprints  around the corn growing area they   chose to destroy from the middle of  the field instead of from the outside   therefore only when looking from above  can we see the dangerous condition of the field not stopping there wild Boors also  try to to attack farms and approach Farmers livestock cameras are installed in fields  and throughout areas where pigs are often destructive overcoming the fence the wild  BS rushed straight into the farm not only   that they also infiltrate the city to  rumage through trash and pollute the   environment they move freely on the streets into  neighborhoods and even to people's front [Music] porches the story would not  be worth mentioning if wild   BS did not attack humans their  aggression is a threat to human safety in Australia wild BS cause up to  $2.5 billion in damage each year   the number of wild BS is increasing  and the condition of the fields is   getting worse this puts many farmers  in a difficult situation therefore   the Australian government is increasing its  efforts to fight them especially during the   growing season the government has issued  a directive allowing the hunting of wild bore of course each region may have its  own hunting regulations and failure to   comply can result in serious legal  consequences before deciding to   go hunting make sure you learn about  local regulations and follow [Music] them traps are placed in areas frequented  by wild BS farmers will spread corn seeds   inside to lure them [Music] in the Trap  Falls the whole herd of wild balls will   be trapped here they ran around in panic  frantically trying to escape the Trap   unfortunately the traps are designed to be  1.8 to 2.4 M High to ensure wild BS cannot   jump above the fence it is even buried  at least 0.6m deep underground to prevent   wild BS from digging the ground to escape and  also ensure the stability of the fence [Music] Farmers mobilized a large number  of hunting dogs to catch wild   BS everything was chaotic a  large scale Pursuit was going on using hunting dogs to hunt wild boar  requires professionalism and caution in   terms of fighting ability and physical  strength hunting dogs are no match for   wild BS but a group of hunting dogs  is a different story it's much more thrilling hunting dogs provide great  support because of their ability to   move well on all terrains sharp  sensors and good physical strength he prepared everything for today's trip  not forgetting to bring the hunting dog   the way hunting dogs work on the grass  land is like a radar scanning for wild B [Music] signals hunting wild bought in the  field is an exciting activity and is   often done by hunting lovers  some farmers do not have the   skills or time to hunt they chose  to hire Hunters to protect their land the hunter spotted a pig ahead  he gently took aim and killed it neatly this is a job only for healthy and AD your   people you can see he is trying to run  uphill in time to stop the wild BS from escaping the group of people entering the  Citrus Farm were not Harvest workers but   Hunters they need to quickly destroy the  wild boore herd to prepare for the Harvest   the group of hunters divides positions  evenly from the beginning to the end of   the garden while BS that have escaped in One  Tree Line may be shot down in another Tree Line this layout is also suitable when  hunting wild boar in mountainous areas   with many trees blocking the view along  the path while BS often travel groups   of hunters split up to attack different  locations from the bottom of the hill to   the top of the hill this way  they can take down more wild BS the wild Bo herd does not know that  danger is approaching the hunter waits   for the right moment to shoot accurately  the arrow went straight into the front   leg the wound did not cause the wild Bo to  die immediately but it also could not run   far because of the pain Hunters just need  to follow the blood trail and pick up the body night gradually Falls this is  the right time for hunting Hunters   often attack while wild BS are struggling  because Night Comes their eyesight is no   longer sharp seizing the opportunity the  hunter will approach and shoot the wild   Bo [Music] accurately the final job  is to transport their bodies to the [Music] car to prevent W board destruction  Farmers organize hunting trips on   their land they are Hunters with many years  of experience and very accurate [Music] Vision it's best to take them down with one  shot because you cannot run away quickly from   a scary animal like a wild boar there are many  cases where Hunters have been attacked by them [Music] hunting wild board by helicopter  is quite expensive but it is safer for   hunters and they can also easily  search for wild boards in fenced [Music] areas with the height distance of the helicopter  the speed of the car or even the limit visibility   at night each shot must be very fast and  accurate so that no wild boar can run [Music] away based on the movement of the  grass land hunters will judge the   location of the pigs they followed their  Direction and waited for the opportunity   when there is no more hiding place the wild  Bo will definitely be given a shot [Music] sh footprints on the ground are the  best clue to the presence of invasive   species in the area the data is there  but finding it is sometimes difficult   wild BS are much more cunning than we think  depending on the type of terrain they can   run like flying on grasslands hide in  dry bushes and even swim across large [Music] rivers one of the tips for Farmers to  deal with this invasive species is an audio   device that imitates the sound of wild  boar the farmer's job is to stand at a   distance and wait patiently when the wild  BS are lured here they will open [Music] fire compared to hunting alone large scale  hunting with many hunters will bring more   chances of success they communicate with  each other by walkie-talkie informing each   other of the location number or  direction of movement of wild BS after a while of waiting the shot  just now was convincing enough and   proved that this was a job that  only excellent Hunters could [Music] do in this Forest when Hunters  spot a Target they will aim and shoot   in the head or chest however the head is  the preferred position when hunting wild   boore because head shot are more fatal shots  to the chest do not cause immediate loss of feeling that's how professional Hunters  deal a high damage attack and the results   they obtained on today's [Music] trip austral  Farmers fight against wild BS is still going   on for now the only effective solution is  to kill them using many different methods   trapping hunting dogs and hunting until now  all efforts are still moving in a positive   direction this means minimizing damage to  Agriculture and preventing outbreaks of   this invasive species however wild boes  are still the top threat do you have any   measures to deal with wild boore Invasion  please comment below letting me know your ideas the footsteps are rushing the unequal  Chase is taking place across the fields in   the Australian Wilderness right at the  moment the cow was exhausted and about   to be pounced by dingo the shot was able to stop it fortunately the worst outcome for the cows  did not happen but the real war has not yet   come to an end the invasion of wild dingo  is like a longlasting pain and even causes   many controversies within this country  don't let you wait any longer right now   we will find out how Australian Farmers  deal with thousands of wild dingo dogs [Music] dingos were introduced  into Australia about 4,000 years ago from the moment it appeared  Australians had different approaches some locals call them dogs  they see them as part of the ecosystem   for m and they have the same right  to be here as anyone else meanwhile   some Farmers see this as a pest and  a threat that needs to be eliminated [Music] immediately dingo populations range from  the foothills of the rugged Southeastern   Alps to remote desert regions  they are opportunistic foragers   sometimes scavengers and their  diet often depends on where they live they hunt for pre such as sheep  goats rabbits and reptiles on Fraser Island it may be hard to believe but  if the buffalos have an unsuccessful   fight they are also in the dingo food chain [Music] dingo doesn't even  hesitate to approach giant   fish it is poking at the carcass of a  decomposing dolphin on the Queensland Coast this is one of the top  predators on the Australian   step they have the appearance of a dog  and and they even look quite harmless   but when hunting its cunning and aggressive  personality is extremely similar to that of wolves solitary some dingos like to  hunt alone others hunt in groups of   course the herd Advantage will bring dingo  spectacular victories pra of Greater size or quantity from an ecological perspective  there is some evidence that dingos may   help control the numbers of introduced  Predators such as feral cats and foxes   like all apex predators they also play  an important role in keeping ecosystems   in balance for example by reducing the  impact of feral goats and kangaroos on vegetation but unfortunately  dingo cannot see the invisible   boundaries of their natural habitat  this instantly changed their status   from a species worthy of conservation  to wild dogs with death sentences the most shocking case was The  Disappearance of 9we old baby girl   Azaria Chamberlain in 1980 at that  time prosecutors thought it was too   ridiculous for a dog to commit a crime  and they charged the mother then after   10 years the truth was found their  newborn daughter was was taken by a dingo most recently Fraser Island also reported  on a 6-year-old boy being attacked by a dingo currently dingo attacks on humans are   very rare in Australia and they  usually happen to young children the rescue team successfully saved the  newborn baby from the jaws of a [Music] dingo dingos often kill animals they have  no intention of eating and often kill   more animals than they need for food that  means they don't need to know whether the   opponent is in the food chain or not if they  encounter a Dingo dog they will definitely be [Music] attacked dingo dogs especially like to chase  animals that are running away from the group   so whether the dingo is hungry or not sheep's  instinctive Escape Behavior will trigger the   dog's response to Chase and attack until the she  cheaper subdued or too exhausted to defend [Music] themselves according to estimates damage  caused by dingo dogs is about 120 million   USD each year the sudden increase in  the dingo population in Australia poses   a significant challenge to researchers  environmental managers and policy [Music] makers dingos were the cause of  the country's literal separation   the world's longest fence 560 came long runs  from Western South saw across the streleski   desert and through southern Queensland to  prevent dingos from entering the relatively   fertile southeast of the continent  and protecting sheep herds in southern Queensland Farmers often respond to this Threat  by killing Predators with traps guns or fencing   them off however the method will depend on each  person's conditions and dingo behavior in in the [Music] area there is a cave of wild dingo  dogs about 300 M from the farm and Farmers   regularly see the animals as they drive  past the property these Footprints are   evidence that they are lurking around  the farm but before the farmers could   do anything their place burned down the  forest fire unintentionally inhibited the   development of dingo in the area it will  probably take them some time to find a new [Music] habitat between the Rocky Mountains  and drought ravaged Farms lies a stretch of   so-called militarized zones the  front line of the battle between   farmers and environmentalists  over the survival of dingo in Australia here ecologists said in that area no  Dingo dog can live it will be killed if it goes there if caught in traps they moan  in Terror and pain and can struggle   frantically for 24 hours or more more  before Hunters return to shoot them dead dingos and kangaroos are two of  Australia's leading invasive animals   however they are not on the same front line  a cruel truth kangaroos are dingo's favorite food Wildlife has never been  easy for them not only is   nature harsh they also have to confront aggressive Predators the Paradox is that these  kangaroos are larger than dingo dogs   but they still suffer the same fate  as other unfortunate prey in Australia   with the exception of w dingos there are no  Predators large enough to cause damage to a [Music] kangaroos Hunters may find  marks that indicate a struggle both   the dingo and its prey often leave  deep tracks with splayed toes in the   soil accompanied by Broken vegetation  they can rely on it to find the dingo shelter amid this extreme heat the lake  is the only thing that attracts   Wildlife including Dingo and their food  lifegiving lakes also provide easy hunting [Music] opportunities prey that is many  times larger than its body still   does not worry dingo continuous  attacks and provocations came from dingo to limit the invasion of dingos the  Australian government has implemented warning   measures to reduce the risk of humans  encountering dingos in addition dingo is   fitted with a collar that serves as a warning  signal hunting methods were also thoroughly implemented the Australian government  has allocated 110 million to replace   all inadequate and unsafe fencing  these new fence structures are   typically constructed from stainless steel  or metal mesh with a minimum height of 2 m these improvements aim to improve the control and   durability of the fence while  minimizing the risk of dingo [Music] intrusion all measures to deal with this king  of the Wilderness are aimed at the safety   of livestock helping agriculture develop more  smoothly austral austalian Farmers understand that   young dingos will be born to replace the previous  generation they cannot change the laws of nature   but at least they are trying to create pressure  to minimize the threat to the economy and Social [Music] Security with strong life in the harsh  land dingo becomes a part of Australia's   ecosystem a wild dog with many evil crimes the  culprit responsible for the disappearances of   children or a crazy demon attacks Farmer's  livestock becoming feared by native species   what impresses you most about dingo please  comment below in the comments section to let us [Music] know he
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 362,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, invasive species, wild boar, feral hog, hogs, boar hunting, hog problem, animals of australia, harvesting, documentary, farm documentary, farmers, farm life, agricultural, australian farming, #tony98discovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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