How American Fishermen Make Billions Of Dollars From Shrimp Fishing - Shrimp Processing Factory

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off the coast of America a magical world where  billions of shrimp are waiting to be discovered   and harvested shrimp fishing is not only an  important part of the seafood industry but   also an indispensible part of local culture  and life right now we will follow American   fishermen to learn about their adventurous  journey and how they catch billions of shrimp on the Atlantic coast of the United States  shrimp are mainly found in the waters of   Maine New Hampshire and Massachusetts they  live on soft muddy Bottoms in waters about   30 to 1,000 ft deep shrimp move with  seasonal water temperature changes   they are only common in inore waters in late  winter and spring when the waters are coldest   female shrimp carrying eggs mov to shore in late  fall around February to April after the eggs hatch   the female crawfish returned to Offshore Waters  in the western Gulf of Maine the average American   consumes 4.1 lb of shrimp each year but how to  catch those delicious shrimps in fact the shrimp   you eat at a restaurant comes from many different  sources H es although all our local shrimp the   way they are caught may vary the first type is  shrimp caught on small boats using round Nets   and released into the sea in this case Coastal  fishermen can only catch shrimp near the shore   or estuary areas depending on economic conditions  fishermen will equip appropriate boats support   equipment and fishing tools the fisherman on this  small boat are casting their Nets you can see that   the size of the catch will be proportional to  the amount of shrimp they collect of course the   number cannot be as large as the large boats the  second type is shrimp caught by shrimp troll Nets   fishermen have to go by boat for about 3 weeks  and catch shrimp at Sea shrimp is processed on   board and quickly Frozen in batches a common  portion of shrimp in this form will include   4 lb of frozen shrimp which are selected by  the fisherman by size if these shrimp are not   harvested processed and eaten they will die or be  consumed by larger fish in the wild but shrimp is   an annual and sustainable Seafood a new crop  of shrimp will grow and be ready for Harvest   each year billions of shrimp are caught off a  American Shores from the Gulf to the white sand   beaches of Florida fishermen use modern means such  as fishing boats and shrimp troll Nets to harvest   this process not only provides a significant  supply of shrimp for the domestic Market but   also contributes to the US shrimp export industry  around the world the main feature of this type of   fishing is the troll net a large specialized net  sinks to the bottom of the ocean and is pulled   behind the fishing boat the shape of the troll  is similar to a flattened cone with a wide front   allowing for a wide range of fishing the bottom of  the net is attached with heavy objects the top is   attached with a buoy helping the upper part of  the net to be raised to catch shrimp while the   net Glides gently across the ocean floor the chain  pushes the shrimp off the bottom to make it easier   to catch the cone-shaped structure of the troll  forces the shrimp downward until it reaches the   bag after that the net is pulled in by the boat's  strong workers shrimp are stopped on the ship's   deck for ease of sorting and processing in the  United States shrimp fishing is second only to   crab fishing in importance in the northern regions  of the country cold water shrimp are the target   while warmwater shrimp species are targeted by  fishermen along the Southeast Atlantic coast and   the Gulf of Mexico detecting shrimp on the bottom  is always impossible because they lack bubbles   that ultrasound can detect in some cases fishermen  had to pull Nets blindly and wait for luck many   ships have also installed shrimp detection systems  the sensor is tightly attached to the net to help   reduce by catch the sensor picks up the sound  of the shrimp hitting the net and transmits   the signal to the cockpit at this time the screen  displays blue water lines and turns red high fuel   costs labor shortages and an influx of cheap  Imports have made shrimp fishing a less viable   proposition some locals say over fishing and  environmental factors such as climate change   have also led to a decline in Seafood numbers  this makes it even more difficult to get a good shipment more than 2 million PB of whole head  shrimp are harvested annually by a fleet of more   than 200 boats along the Georgia coast licensed  shrimp trollers perform most commerci commercial   shrimp harvesting in Georgia the fleet consists of  fishing boats or vessels ranging from 55 ft to 75   ft in length they fished for shrimp from the shore  as far as 8 Mi offshore when American fishermen go   out to catch shrimp they often have to prepare for  a journey lasting several weeks at Sea the boats   pulled up to four autotrol Nets with lines at the  ends of the Nets up to 55 ft long the wooden door   acts as a path to drag and drop the net underwater  the normal trolling speed of these boats is 2   knots or less than 3 mph typically blue or yellow  lights are used at night to attract shrimp and   Aid visibility this is a very popular tool for  catching shrimp pulling Nets is wet muddy and   tiring work but it is also an attractive job if  you can Harvest a good batch of shrimp for shrimp   to develop into one of the world's most popular  foods required the simultaneous development of   oton Nets and the internal combustion engine just  a small team of fishermen can quickly lift heavy   Nets onto the ship and unload them fishermen can  now explore new fishing grounds thanks to the   development of Technology besides fishermen can  deploy troll Nets in deeper waters offshore and   even in icy areas today fishermen are extremely  concerned about maintaining the environment and   shrimp Fisheries because their livelihood depends  on it by catch is also a particular concern   fishermen use equipment that creates a hole in  the net allowing large fish to exit through the   opening but science the small holes also open and  allow small fish to swim out of the net for 25   minutes giant Nets will be lowered to a depth of  300 to 500 M 6 hours later it was time to pull the   net the moment all fishermen have been waiting for  everyone focuses on doing their job well because   even a small mistake can put them in danger  collect in 4 tons of shrimp the boat compartment   began to be filled each troll is 6 hours apart and  each day this boat will catch a total of 32 tons   of shrimp after being brought on board the shrimp  will be initially treated to remove algae and   other impurities this is usually done by placing  the shrimp in tanks containing filtered water to   remove impurities after being clean shrimp will be  stored in large tanks on the ship some fishermen   choose to boil them before preserving them to  ensure shrimp is kept cold and fresh fishermen   often use refrigeration systems or ice to maintain  appropriate temperatures when the ship has   harvested enough shrimp and returned to Port the  shrimp will be processed and prepared for Market   shrimp can be packaged in ice boxes to maintain  quality and freshness during Transportation once   prepared shrimp will be transported to Sea ports  and shrimp processing factories from there they   will be distributed to domestic and international  markets through marketing and distribution channels the boat set sail in the  morning it returned at Sunset when   the boat was loaded with shrimp the life  of shrimp fishermen goes on like that   every day they strive to bring economic  value and development to this Seafood industry hello my friends the ponds  located between the rice fields and   the small River will become the starting point  for today's adventure Farmers here not only Farm   they also raise aquaculture turning small  shrimp into a huge source of income right   now we'll learn how farmers raise and produce  billions of shrimp in an industry worth $ 68.4 billion Farm shrimp accounts for 55% of global  shrimp production of these about 75% of farm   shrimp is produced in Asia most take place in  China followed by Thailand Indonesia India and   Vietnam shrimp farming has generated significant  income in these developing countries shrimp   farming has changed from traditional smallscale  Enterprises into a global industry technological   advances have led to Farmers raising shrimp at  increasingly higher densities to have a bumper   crop the top factor is shrimp seed female  shrimp lay 150 to 500 eggs at a time after   hatching shrimp lvi are usually incubated for  about 15 to 21 days to increase survival rates   before being transported to the farm of course the  life cycle of shrimp takes place under conditions   that are completely controlled by Farmers to  effectively raise shrimp intensively Farmers   must accelerate the growth rate and control  the farming process so that the shrimp are   uniform in size at the livestock Farm before  welcoming a new batch of baby shrimp farmers   will treat the pH level in the pond each Pond  has an oxygen generator roof bottom lining and   plastic pipes placed underneath to absorb water  and release Air from the pond shrimp are fed a   high protein diet often provided in pellet form  consisting of fish meal soybean meal and other   supplements the feeding schedule is adjusted  according to the growth rate of the shrimp if   grown well mature shrimp can be 5 to 8 in long  with this intensive farming method shrimp reach   a weight of 40 shrimp I after 80 days with a  productivity of 55 tons per Pond tiny shrimp   are raised in vast shrimp ponds they go through  a magical development Journey with a flexible   combination of traditional experience and  modern technology these Farmers create a   sustainable production chain contributing  to the welfare and development of the community every day the work of shrimp Farmers  starts early in the morning they regularly check   the pond situation to know the status of the  shrimp during the harvest season everything   will be much more difficult sometimes shrimp  Harvest in will take place at night like this   their goal is to get all the shrimp ashore  as quickly as possible then transport them to   the processing facility immediately because only  then can they ensure quality and bring consumers   the freshes shrimp this farmer is feeding  shrimp using traditional methods they will   go around the pond area to spread food this  way they ensure that 95% of the food can be   delivered to all the shrimp in the pond this Farm  is more invested feeding is done using automatic   feed dispensers however regardless of the size  of the shrimp farm feed costs still account for   50% to 70% of production costs shrimp farmers  will rely on dissolved oxygen pH ammonia water   color and water odor as indicators to evaluate the  water quality of the pond when water conditions in   ponds deteriorate due to leftover food and shrimp  excretor farmers will treat the water in the pond   to prevent disease periodic water treatment is  carried out with disinfectants in the morning   after 6 hours Farmers continue to add probiotics  to the pond to create conditions for beneficial   bacteria to proliferate in the pond environment  in growout ponds shrimp are raised from the   immature stage to Market marable size and most  Farms Produce one to two harvests per year the   time to harvest shrimp depends on the condition of  shrimp in the pond and the market price therefore   before harvesting farmers will take samples by  casting Nets in different areas of the pond to   determine their average body weight and general  condition typically shrimp are harvested when   they are about 3 to 6 months old small farms  Harvest by hand using Nets or by using traps   at this Farm the pond will be drained and then  the shrimp will be collected in Nets as the men   dragged the Nets to shore the shrimp were placed  in plastic barrels filled with ice this is a way   of coal preservation and at the same time causes  the shrimp to face a slow death in less than 10   hours after harvest shrimp must be Frozen and  transported to cold storage or processing plant   typically while Farmers arrange harvesting  factories arrange transportation this depends   on the location but in most cases  crates of shrimp are transported by truck once at the processing plant workers use  antioxidant products to prevent melanin formation   at this stage after the shrimp are washed  they are evaluated for color and quality and   then class classified like this the shrimp can  then be processed further by peeling deheading   divining cutting or precooking once processed in  this way they are packaged in bags and boxes and   Frozen ready for export at the packaging plant  all processing must be done very quickly with   a maximum time Target of 4 minutes from the time  the shrimp are removed from the cold washing tank   in the receiving area until the time they are  put into the freezer you see during the shrimp   Harvest Farmers try to cool the shrimp as quickly  as possible but all these efforts will be wasted   if the temperature of the shrimp increases during  processing at the packing plant because it is too   warm there therefore during processing workers  must maintain the temperature of shrimp below 3°   C employees working in packaging plants must  wear appropriate clothing to keep warm while   maintaining good hygiene in the factory here the  receiving tanks wash the shrimp the inspection   conveyor is designed and equipped with equipment  to check and remove soft and damaged products   before feeding a new batch of shrimp to the  Sorting machine the Sorting machine is responsible   for monitoring and classifying the size of shrimp  this is the last opportunity to remove unsuitable   shrimp or foreign material before the packaging  process begins frozen shrimp is very fragile   therefore improper handling of these Frozen  products often causes broken shrimp all packaging   steps including shipping Arrangements must be done  gently and carefully to avoid damage to shrimp quality recently I Tech shrimp farm models are  popular with Farmers because they can produce   three shrimp crops per year nearly doubling  compared to traditional farming models high-tech   shrimp farming helps manage shrimp farming water  quality and reduce the risk of diseases caused   by weather at the same time the environment  is protected because Wastewater is Thoroughly   treated the death rate of shrimp in high-tech  shrimp farming is significantly lower than in   traditional farming models the shrimp industry  is focusing on investing in developing a closed   shrimp farming system from production to sales  to reduce production costs and improve shrimp   quality shrimp Farmers have come together  to form cooperatives to raise shrimp on a   large scale these cooperatives are provided  with quality shrimp seeds feed and shrimp   farming materials while ensuring sales output  for these cooperatives these shrimp farming   systems combined with closed production lines  bring outstanding economic efficiency besides   benefits challenges such as diseases and  fluctuating shrimp prices in the market   are also the top concerns of farmers this makes  it necessary for Farmers to continuously Monitor   and analyze situations think about Solutions  and quickly adapt to these growing challenges
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 522,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, catching, shrimp, shrimp fishing, fishermen, fisherman, american fishing, shrimp processing, fishing documentary, harvesting, farming, agriculture, processing factory, #tony98discovery
Id: 0ehoWGkPdZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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