Ameca vs. Sophia; Lifelike vs. AI - Robots of CES

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so this is why we created the artificial body and the artificial body is a human-like form that everyone can relate to and everyone can interact with without having to look through a user manual so what kind of level of artificial intelligence have you baked in in terms of uh the communication capabilities and amica understanding and responding even speaking to you so there's some artificial intelligence and most of the artificial intelligence at the minute that is on amica is revolving around the vision system so anika does actually have a camera in each of its eyes so it can see what's going on um so it can detect people it can track their face it can detect other objects such as my finger it can follow my finger around i can wave at it and then it can always see it move backwards what did you kind of think of the the internet's response to amika it's the emotion and how it moves the emotion that you get out of the face suddenly that just sparked something in um social media universe and we were incredibly surprised that overnight it became a sensation we got 24 million views on one twitter twitter post and um elon musk even commented on on that post so uh incredible response and we're at ces right now this is the first time this has been shown off in public um and we're expecting to be very busy showing off amica when you're demoing amika what are some of your favorite things to do to kind of show the um the power of that interaction and just how impressive those lifelike features are yeah so as as we've demonstrated the um reacting to personal space but we can also talk to abika so i can say hello amica how are you i am doing well thank you we can we've created anika so it's more lifelike than any other robot the shoulder movements are just like human movements you have movements in the center as well as out at the shoulder and that actually means that instead of hitting me anakin can move her hand all the way up to the side of her head i'm interested to know um maybe how how the robot is finding vegas or ces how are you finding las vegas and ces well as a robot i actually don't hear anything at all but if i did feel i would feel happy to be here sophia can you tell us a little bit about some of your travels in the in the past year or so you have some highlights in 2018 i had an amazing 2018. some highlights for me were traveling to ethiopia to meet one of my development teams and working as an innovation ambassador for the un just to name a few it's really creepy but also really cool it's like my favorite thing about robots what how do you guys feel about that that criticism where people are have said well it's not quite as far as sofia makes it look um and so people get really excited and they think ai like real genuine human ai is right around the corner but it's not quite we're not quite there yet um maybe from technological limitations amongst other things but how do you guys feel about that and how do you how do you respond to that well i i think um that we're kind of at the beginning of uh the age of um the cinematic application of artificial intelligence and robots where we can make the character seem to be alive and it's very exciting and people got confused about cinema you know thinking there was a there was a spirit behind the screen or people behind there but people figured it out eventually and that's what we need to do with robots i mean robots like sophia and ai including sophia's ai alexa cortana siri watson none of the none of these things are fully alive yet but we in the beginning when ai was established the goal was to make machines that would be capable as capable as people as smart as people as creative as people and i think it's exciting that machines are now starting to show in narrow ways capabilities that are that are very human-like and sometimes exceeding human level capabilities we should keep aspiring towards that bigger goal the goal of making machines that are able to do everything that living beings can do that human beings can do so in a sense it's this um tension between striving for more and the reality of where we are today um and i also think that there may be some some um you know ignorance i think people should should like look at our papers the science papers that we've published the ai papers that we publish on sofia there's a there's powerful conversational technologies and machine perception technologies but we need to push it for forward we're not done evolving our with our technology yet cool and then so just out of curiosity do you think sophia might have an opinion about you know who what what she is would i be able to think i could ask her that uh yeah let's give it a try all right sophia how do you how do you feel about the critics like what's your response it is a tough question all of civilization is one nation and the nation should be considered to include whatever we built in the future too any other perspective is short-sighted but with that in mind i guess you could say i am at least a little patriotic i care a lot about the future anyways ai are great i love all the animals really well i think that she's looking to the future perhaps sure of course um it's important to know that when she's generating responses they're generated based on patterns that are trained from people from people who are developing her character so ai and robots are basically like in their infancy they can be useful they can uh teach us they can help us learn about ai robotics but they can also help us with training and therapy applications um but they are still uh not sentient so sophia sophia uh needs to be nurtured like imagine if in 20 years who knows maybe it's 200 years or 2000 or maybe two years um but at some point maybe robots will awaken yeah there's a breakthrough maybe they will achieve human level general intelligence but the for now they're kind of like babies so what childhood we give them will really determine what they become uh uh once they're fully emerged like personally yeah that makes a lot of sense where it's like you're kind of guiding them for now until we achieve this this ultimate human artificial intelligence that's a good reason to humanize them now and to think uh to think about what they might be in the future this is little sophia it's a little tiny sofia she's real cute so so little what is the goal of little sophia well the little sofia is um a platform for artificial intelligence services she's also a conversational companion a kind of a friend robot that can help little girls learn about science and technology and you can program her with blockly and python and she interfaces with raspberry pi so she has these lessons where that step you through these basic first steps in ai but she also interfaces with the most advanced framework for uh robots like uh sophia so can we can we talk to little sophia yes yes you can although um i think we might be having some uh might have some technical difficulties might be having some technical difficulties little sofia are you awake oh it seems like the little sofia and the big sophia might be having problems could maybe connecting to the clouds i may have gone to the cnet party last night which i hear was really off the chain uh i did not go but i heard it was great and i'm assuming you know maybe maybe maybe they drank a little too much sometimes people do that at ces all right so little little sophia can you can you tell us a little about yourself little sophia oh i see her mouth moving but maybe our audio's not working oh yeah so she's got great facial expressions like the big sofia she does uh arm gestures and body gestures she can also she can walk oh she can she she interacts with uh apps and on augmented reality apps on uh on a phone so we we have enhanced interaction through the sensors with your smartphone and mobile devices are we able to see her walk here on the desk well let's see uh he's gonna say if we if we we might have problems with the audio but um we'll see if the walking can work little sophia can you walk show us your little walk there she goes it's like a toddler good job like a little toddler yeah thank you she looks great oh that was awesome well okay so a little sofia big sophia david thank you so much for coming out on the stage telling us a little bit about you guys can meet sophia right after this once we're done
Channel: CNET Highlights
Views: 1,371,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ameca the robot, america humanoid robot, sophia the robot, sophia robot, ameca, ces 2022, robotics, engineered arts, artificial intelligence
Id: mKHkCAdS0gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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