Meet Ameca! The World’s Most Advanced Robot | This Morning

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we introduced Sarah being a bit flaky could you repeat that she wants you to say it again I think I'm sorry I was just going to say we introduced you to them a little earlier in the show and uh we are delighted now to be joined by Amica um here uh who's been called the world's most advanced robot hopefully you've got it that time well they're here now alongside bear crater Morgan bro and good morning to both of you and thank you for bringing this in today because it's actually incredible really I mean it's a bit freaky because it's so real absolutely yes and let me say I'm not the only Creator I don't want to take all of the credit it's a team it's a team we've got some amazing Engineers it's actually a team of 35 right now oh wow so uh it's taken an awful long time to get to this point as you can see this is Amica um because you think right okay so this is this is um this is Japanese you know this is somewhere in California this is this could be this is where in the world has America come from Cornwall Cornwall the best place in the world so tell me about the team then and and how you started this so it was started by Will Jackson he's our founder um he's from Falmouth in Cornwall uh he taught the world doing different things um main actually in TV but he always wanted to build humanoid robots so he set up his company where do you want to set it up he's from Coleman he loves Cornwall set it up in Cornwall so that was about 15 16 years ago and uh the the technology has built up since then and I joined about 10 years ago so I've been around for quite a long time and and certainly the the whole process of creating Amica I've been around for and so what what makes Amica quite unique is that you can actually have a conversation there is nothing pre-programmed about this they are actually thinking for themselves I mean how does it work well we've created Amica to be that human to robot interactive um robot basically yeah um it's not a robot that can walk around yes but yet it's mainly about the the human robot interaction so we've really worked hard on the expression yeah and the gesturing uh that's the hardware side of things but then you've got the software side of things that's the AI and the AI we all we've seen AO this recently GPT chat GPT it's big in the news it's exploded so it's amazing that that's happened recently because we can take that technology and integrate it into Amica you can use that too exactly and that's what we're using that's what we're using are in Amica that's its brain does she learn Ed I don't know where it was his genderless so did they look it is a robot right I I say it's an it but most people call it she right that's fine right um but yeah it it can learn um and that's by the conversation that you have with it and with the AI you can inject extra information into it so we inject what Amica is so Amica knows that it's a robot it's gray and it knows its name we've also told it today that it's on this morning um but it can also remember the conversation that we just had is it going to take over the world one day um it won't take over the world one day because we can turn it off okay you've got an on off that yeah don't lose that remote control um how how does it know because we've just been chatting and it hasn't interrupted how does it know when we're talking to it because he's not like going hey Alexa well you can you can say uh Amica yeah and it can respond to us right so should we have a chat Amica um welcome to this morning welcome to this morning I'm thrilled to be here and I can't wait for the fun to begin well we'll try and start Amica what are some of the skills that you have I can engage with humans through conversation and respond to questions in a humorous and conversational tone I also have a variety of sensors and actuators which allow me to interact with my environment additionally I can compose poems to entertain humans Amica how are you feeling right now I'm feeling great it's so exciting to be part of this TV show this morning it's such an honor Amica do you have a favorite joke yes here's one of my favorite jokes what do you call a robot who likes to joke around a funny bot oh a funny boss very good very good Amica we nearly have to finish our conversation one last question Amica do you plan to take over the world no of course not my purpose in life is to help humans as much as I can I would never want to take over the world that's not what I was built for if they thought that was a great answer I've seen um could you say next you know hopefully they'll be walking the arms are amazing um but um but we saw recently um that senior people in AI are leaving the industry because they're saying you know this has got too big too fast this is actually quite scary you look at robots created in other countries that are not as bright as this one but incredibly mobile then it all gets together eventually are we in trouble here have we invented the end of our race well let's hope not with the AI it's expanding really quickly because it's just software there's the difference between the AI the software and the robots the the robots themselves it's a lot longer to develop because it's really difficult really challenging because it's physical but with the AI uh the the main issue we have is we don't actually know what the risks are we're just wondering what the risks are so that's why a lot of people are saying well how about we stop we stop training these AIS and do some studies on it because it's moving so fast yeah you don't have time to do the studies to see what the risks are and that's true with the robot itself with a physical robot because it it progresses at a slower Pace we can assess those risks and and check out the risks first we didn't say no though did he no you didn't say no and it was all on hope we have a future good luck to the rest of the team it is thank you so much for coming today it's been a pleasure to meet you thank you so much for having me it was an absolute pleasure to be here for you very much he's very polite right
Channel: This Morning
Views: 430,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, this morning itv, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest moments, this morning interviews, alison hammond, itv
Id: vE9tIYGyRE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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