AMD FSR3 Frame Generation now in Starfield!!! FSR3 vs DLSS vs XeSS

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hello guys ancient gamls and today I'm testing starfields FSR 3 implementation frame generation end up scaling and I'm testing a bit of uh of the xcss as well because xcss was also implemented in the game this video will be recorded and and is recorded uh in ultrawide of course 21 per 9 as well that's the resolution of my monitor and I really enjoy it so enjoy it as well firstly we start with the 4070 di I have the 4070 di installed in my computer so I I I thought to myself why not test the 470 TI firstly to see how it is running with FSR 3 and xss so firstly let's start with the resolution so 1440p Ultra wide Graphics preset well basically it's everything set to maximum apart from motion blur that is at low and we have no upscaling whatsoever so in Gagarin with no upscaling whatsoever we're having like 66 65 FPS with a 47 TI AMD cards just run this game much better but still 40 60 50 something FPS yeah not that bad actually not that bad and just because of that I'm going to leave you 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soon as I start moving the the camera we have lots of Shimmer and movement artifacts but those movement artifacts also happen without any kind of upscaling so they're basically enhanced by the upscaling in a bad way as you see they have some already not as bad of course but they have some as soon as we enable the LSS and the same applies for FSR I'll show you as soon as we enable the LSS quality yeah we have these lights here that will weren't supposed to be there at all because the the garbage bins don't have any light okay they have here they have here so let me just put once again to Native none of this ever happen yeah it the LSS kind of works better in this case since the lights aren't showing at this yeah but as soon as we go close they do have LEDs that's a good thing I guess so as soon as we enable the LSS the LEDs actually appear last time that okay we're still hovering really low FPS in my opinion really low 79 only at 1440 belter wide with the LSS upscaling which basically leads to to 960p ultra wide yes 960p Ultra wide as for the lighting by the way the lighting was improved with um with the latest patch well the one before this one with FSR and xss xss sorry uh and the lighting on the the faces of the characters looks much better now it is definitely improve the hair as well as soon as we enable the frame generation from the LSS once again frame generation new bus is going up and we still can't get so we go up to 120 FPS and if you look at the frame timeline you can see that it is indeed a flat line basically flat we have some really really small fluctuations but I can tell you that 118 FPS and I can well it is smooth it is way way better than than playing at 70 we have more info but at the same time look at those lights there for example as soon as I mess them around you can see we have lots of flicker we have motion artifacts but this is a specific scenario if we move it horizontally for example there's no issue if we move it vertically almost no issue it's just like when we go in these movements these fast movements the same for the for other objects like the lights the lamps and some other things but overall the LSS the LSS frame generation works pretty decently one thing that the LSS does versus the TA implementation is as well is that it removes uh a lot of noise that we have in some specific scenarios well look at there I will zoom in in the video for you guys to see look at there there's a lot of noise there a lot of noise a lot of shimmering and we're running native resolution means that the TAA implementation the TAA implementation on this game Sorry is very very poor look at this and that's why FSR actually looks worse than the LSS in most games because FSR does not use any kind of AI upscaling or anything like that um and it basically takes on the the base the B da implementation of the game and if the Bas da implementation of the game is already bad well it will work much much worse as soon as we enable the LSS quality bam look at the difference it's much better in this specific scenario much better so way less noise here way less almost non-existent there in the top we have no more no more shimmering there and no more shimmering there it's a very good thing of the LSS as soon as we go for let's say let's try FSR 3 let me just load the save game once again because it is in the daytime where it makes the most difference so once again if you look there if we zoom in there so we still have lots of noise here but still less noise than we do have with h with the native implementation and there we have still less shimmering we still have well quite a lot quite a big amount of shimmering compared to the LSS but it is much better FSR 3 is much better than the native implementation look there it's you have more data but at the same time you have lots of Shimmer and it looks really really bad as soon as we enable the frame generation bam still working very nice now the frame generation in this card is different because remember this is an Nvidia card and the frame generation doesn't work as as good with Nvidia cards as it does with AMD cards I mean nvidia's frame generation is made for Nvidia cards and that's why it works better there and of course AMD frame generation is made for AMD cards it will work on other cards but it is still better with the MD 1es and it was giving less FPS because we're having the dynamic resolution and it isn't using the the quality mode I I'm sorry about that now we're using the scaling only 74 and as you can see horizontally we do not have any issues vertically we still have some and when we do this it's even wor as for the garbage bins well they don't show the light as much as the LSS but they do this as soon as you move the camera there's a lot of Shimmer there as for now the frame generation once again let's enable frame generation properly now at quality settings no Dynamic resolution and we go to 142 FPS so we actually have more FPS Yeah we actually have more FPS on than the with the Nvidia frame generation we do have more FPS but at the same time the frame time line is still well it's still not as good I kind of feel that even though we have more FPS the smoothness is more or less on par with the Nvidia frame generation and that's because the frame time is not as good as it should be now let's see the upscaling quality of xss so we're running FSR 3 as you can see and as soon as we move we move the mouse well we have lots of shet here and well there there isn't actually much shimmering but here we have a lot let's see how the LSS actually helps in this specific scenario I believe it's the LSS 1.1 or or 1.2 but at least 1.1 it must be which is actually decent and we have we do have more data there so this should be light not kind of a shadow oh but it's not that great yeah yeah we do have yeah we do have lot look at this damn son maybe they work better on Intel cards but I thought it would be much better sincerely as soon as we enable FSR FSR 3 once again off gagar doesn't want you yeah FSR is actually slightly better in this scenario it still shimmers a lot here but in the if we look at it without moving the camera look we don't really have much Shimmer but as soon as we enable the LSS in this specific scenario or xcss sorry xcss yeah we do have Shimmer even with no camera movement more than FSR 3 which is actually impressive because usually uh xcss is tends or at least tends to be better than yeah tends to be better than FSR 3 but in this particular scenario it seems that FSR 3 does its job very well I don't want to and just before testing up scalers and frame generation with another card let's say the XTX the 7900 XTX let's see another scenario we're running at well it's indoors and we're running at uh Ultra once again native resolution 90100 and the game actually looks kind of oversharpened it didn't look this way at the beginning I believe but after some well after some updates it it it kind of looks like this and I don't really like it so it's kind of oversharpened the looks of it even at Native resolution as soon as we enable let's say the LSS the LSS quality no frame generation and yeah we go immediately to 130 FPS and now since the game looks oversharpened I actually think that the LSS looks better than native resolution especially in this scenario where once again we have lots lots of data uh we have bags we have tables we have lots of details and in those details the oversharpened the oversharpened actually kills the the mood for me and with the LSS it gets a little less sharpened and in my opinion looks considerably better and of course performs better at the same time so it's a win-win situation as soon as we enable the LSS frame generation oh my bad the LSS frame generation we go to 160 FPS and well I can notice the the latency it's not it's not that much actually I believe it's really well done because the latency is not that much the game performs pretty well in this specific scenario we do have slightly more slightly more movement artifacts if we especially look at the floor when moving we kind of see that there are some movement artifacts it isn't that perfect but still or for example in this scenario look those are small things overall and it looks pretty good FSR 3 quality mode 67% nice and once again I prefer the FSR 3 even FSR 3 I prefer FSR 3 on an Nvidia card versus the native resolution in this game because once again the native resolution is oversharpened and I do like the the feeling the looks and the feeling of FSR 3 here but overall it looks fine it sincerely looks fine let's see for example with the frame generation and with the frame generat we go up to 180 FPS which is a bit more than we had with Nvidia frame generation a bit more I'm going out of my monitor's refresh rate so some motion artifacts that I might be seeing here might not actually be motion artifacts and they actually might be tearing because I'm at 190 FPS uh so I'll be seeing tearing because my monitor is60 H We have basically no motion artifacts let's see on that side specifically yeah it works it works basically perfectly it works really well the frame generation here works pretty well and I can tell you right away that FSR 3 frame generation even on an Nvidia card has lower input latency I can feel it at least on this part that I'm testing has lower input latency uh than nvidia's frame generation nvidia's frame generation might be slightly better but I can't really tell because we're still having more FPS with FSR 3 frame generation it might be better in terms of quality but in terms of latency FSR 3 frame generation is definitely better let's just before going to the XTX let me just see how xcss actually handles things here and I believe that frame generation should be unlocked from upscaling so we should be able to use frame generation without any kind of upscaling for example frame generation with xss and well I have to tell you that xss here also looks fine this seems uh this seems to be a situation where upsc scalers actually work well xss works fine here nothing really shimmering much things look good overall let me see that part oh that rail here we see it shimmering a bit the rails here as soon as we move for example let's try these we see them well shimmering a bit let's try FSR Dynamic resolution off yeah it shimmers more in this specific scenario yeah FSR 3 shimmers more for sure the LSS not that much or in this case xss not that much yeah xcss works better than FSR 3 in this scenario as as opposed to the scenario we had in gagaran where FSR 3 was better I guess it depends a bit as for the LSS yeah the LSS is the one that well does a better job here the LSS is still a bit a bit oversharpened compared to the other ups scalers but in terms of shimmering look it's the better one it is the one that shimmers the less although on here it shimmers more it is shimmering a bit more while FSR 3 might not do that Dynamic resolution off yeah while FSR 3 actually shimmers more here but shimmers less here interesting definitely interesting the thing is once again FSR 3 frame generation frame timeline is still quite worse than it should be um on the Nvidia side so the frame time is not as good as with nvidia's frame generation so let's try the 7900 XTX now after changing the car to the 7900 xdx so basically installing the drivers uh chips at drivers doing everything as it should U etc etc now we're back at 1440p Ultra wide uh with the 779 Android XTX and please do not take this as a or GPU or CPU comparison because this is not one and I'm running once again I'm running uh maximum settings 1440 Ultra wide as you can see no up scaling whatsoever um and I'm running the 7900 XD in Saving power mode or power saving mode I was speaking in Portuguese in power saving mode and as you can see 270 Watts limited to two 2400 mehz which will obviously uh decrease the performance at 2900 MHz you'll have way bigger performance but that's not the case here I just want to test xss and FSR 3 and FSR 3 frame generation now so as you can see once again native even with the MD cards lots of Shimmer lots of Shimmer we enable FSR 3 no frame generation whatsoever let's put it to 67% and yeah Works already much better with way less shimmering okay it has less data of of course but way less shimmering and the noise is also considerably lower not that much but considerably lower as well but okay we have lots of Shimmer there if we look from here it is shimmering a lot and it's for the lighting yeah once again it works better than xss at least on the Nvidia side and here yeah but we still have lots of when moving when moving the the camera we have lots of artifacts but close close enough and without any camera movement it actually seems good let's try for example xcss and see how it rolls xss quality as well and yeah in this particular part Theory day yeah it is not as great it still shimmers a lot even without moving the camera and the same applies to this specific scenario and if if we move the camera it is much worse than FSR 3 here on this other part on the other hand it does Shimmer less so I guess it's a trade-off in some scenarios xss is better in others FSR 3 wins let's see xss on that specific part on the beginning uh on gagaran as well CU I really want to see yeah xcss still shimmers a lot well not a lot it still shimmers a bit but it does sustain more yeah it does sustain more data it has more visual Fidelity compared to FSR you can see all the rails there while if you use FSR are yeah we have less info we can't even see the the PSE and if we zoom in we can see the difference at the same time we're having 88 FPS 88 FPS with FSR and with the xcss we have 81 so we do have more more info there it works better let's say and it does have less noise here than FSR but at the same time once again we have less FPS and with the frame gener ation in this specific scenario we go up to 156 FPS using FSR once again and I believe that I need to no 67% okay 153 FPS and look at the frame timeline the frame timeline is much better with the XTX with the 7900 XTX than with a 470 TI because once again the frame generation from AMD was made for AMD cards and not for NVIDIA ones or Intel ones um so yeah it kind of works better and it does feel more fluid I'm having a bit of tearing because once again I'm usually sometimes over the 160 FPS Mark and when I do that well I have tearing because yeah I'm out of my monitor's refresh rate on free sync back in the key the the FPS numbers with FSR 3 frame generation are just over the top we're pushing like 250 um as opposed to before with the 4070 TI in this specific scenario the the 60 the the XT X pushes way more FPS once again 238 but this is not an FPS comparison one thing that I noticed is that compared to the Nvidia cards the Nvidia cards when I'm using FSR 3 frame generation with the 470 TI this part this HUD um part will stutter a lot um and with FSR 3 frame generation on an AMD card it does not stutter as much so basically not as much motion artifacts as it had with uh with the nvd card with a 4070 ti so it seems that in some scenarios FSR 3 does work better with the with the MD cards compared to the to the Nvidia 1es but once again well that was expected let me see this part that we were testing before maybe was this one yeah it's still in this specific side it still shimmers a lot as soon as we go to xcss sadly we have to disable the frame generation xcss quality and it still Shimmers is a lot here or a bit let's say but overall it is more stable if I use FSR 3 without frame generation catch is first yeah I still prefer X FSR 3 versus xcss in terms of sharpness and so on xcss might be better in some scenarios and since with FSR you have more FPS and you can enable you can enable frame generation I believe it's a win-win situation if I use with free sync with vyn my bad earnes yeah now I can use frame generation with vyn yeah we still have some motion artifacts here and there yeah but it works smooth does have more input latency definitely I can feel way more input latency but at the same time it works smooth as butter frame generation was not meant to work with this thing in the first place but it works very very well actually I mean like I told you lock to 60 FPS and it is smooth as butter let's see how it runs in new Atlantis because this this specific part is really CPU heavy it's one of the parts where the frame generation can actually help and once again we're running vn6 FPS and as you can see the GPU is pushing more power here because this part is is heavier and the am man it just it just runs great in this specific part in new Atlantis it just runs great I can't even complain it really it really does look great and the smoothness is yeah as long as you keep inside your monitor's refresh rate FSR 3 frame generation will do a very good job and now even if you want to disable the VNC in this scenario to go over 160 we have 177 and of course 180 and of course I do have I do have some sorry about that I do have some some tearing but that's because of the monitor not because of the game as as I showed you before with VNC it just works perfect and if I just get rid of the frame generation and use the upscaling alone I have 100 FPS so I won't go to double FPS but uh it is really close to that it is really close to the double FPS numbers and it just works very well and if you want you can just go with Vis sync you have more input latency but it just works better really really smooth let's try for example xcss here just to finish the video Yeah xcss does have some issues look at the CJs for example when moving we can see a bit at least I can see a bit of shimmering with xcss as soon as we enable FSR 3 yeah we have more we have even more shimmering in the scenario but we also have more FPS oh that this part is okay yeah we have lots of Shimmer here with FSR 3 it is really really a trade-off and it is fun to test so xss also has Shimmer it shimmers but at the same time it shimmers a bit less in some specific part compared to others if it was much better than than FSR like the LSS is in the scenario xss would be definitely the way to go since it is just a bit better in some scenarios and still worse in others I would still just use FSR 3 it's much better just pump it up pump the frame generation together and damn it just feels much much smoother and if you want if you don't really care much about the input latency you can just select the vsync and you do have more input latency but at the same time it will be butter smooth just works really really good can't really complain and I definitely be playing Starfield with the frame generation enabled maybe I can if I have to do Freez sync well or vising I can actually push the render resolution scale a bit let's say to 80% to have a a a higher base resolution but still using the frame generation so I won't have to upscale as much and I will still be inside I will still be inside um yeah I will still be inside my refresh rate which is a win-win situation for me so yeah closer to Native resolution with FSR while still having 160 FPS and I can keep pushing it I can keep pushing it to 90% really really close to Native resolution while using the frame generation and I still have 155 160 and at the same time it it feels just much better because I'm really close to Native resolution but using the frame generation which in my point of view it's it's really a win-win the upscaling well could be way better but the frame generation technique is really really well implemented yeah definitely using it from now on and well guys thank you very much for watching don't forget to like subscribe and share this video leave your comment in the comment section and once again if you enjoy this video or if you want to know anything more about it well just let me know in the comment section and I'll answer as fast as I can as for me I will say it once again frame generation will be on from now on on my gameplay of Starfield thank you very much and see you in the next [Music] video got down sh sh [Music] sh
Channel: Ancient Gameplays
Views: 14,109
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Keywords: fsr 3, frame generation, starfield fsr 3 frame generation, starfield fsr 3 update, fsr 3 frame generation, starfield amd fsr 3 frame generation, starfield amd fsr 3, amd fsr 3, starfield fsr 3 official update, starfield fsr 3 beta update, dlss 3, fsr 3 starfield, pc masterrace, fsr vs dlss, dlss vs fsr, ancient gameplays, 4070ti, 7900xtx, 4080super, fsr3 frame generation, fsr3 frame gen mod, starfield fsr3, starfield xess vs fsr, starfield xess intel, starfield upscaler xess
Id: FtgGOKeGraQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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