2024 is Intel’s ALL-IN year

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the biggest disappointment at CES this year for me was the lack of any announcements regarding Intel arc's Next Generation gpus code name battle mage in an interview with PC World we did get a few hints at what's coming and we'll take a look at those in detail Intel also showed Luna Lake which looks intriguing but it's Arrow Lake that might give Intel the DIY PC CR back later this year today's video is sponsored by URC keys.com if you want to activate your windows you can pay Microsoft $100 or more for a Windows 10 Pro key or you can get one from manam seller like you are CD Keys who have partnered with cortex for a discount on what is already a really low price for a total of just $15 when you use my code the keys work globally and you can even use them to upgrade to Windows 11 after you've made your purchase you will find your key in your purchased orders on the UR CD Keys website click on get keys and copy the key then in Windows click on start and type activate and then click activation settings then click change product key paste your key you just purchased and click next that's it Windows is activated if you want office 2021 professional you can use the same c25 code and get it for just under $84 Ur CD Keys has a new year super sale going on right now so you can get even more savings until the 31st of January a huge thanks to Ur C keys for sponsoring today's video check the links in the description to get your cheap OEM Windows key today as far as new processes announced by Intel for upcoming launches laptop buyers have a bunch of interesting options from the 14450 h h in the mid-range all the way up to the monster 14900 hhx with 24 cores and 32 threads Intel projects an increase of 177% in gaming compared to last gen and and a massive 51% Improvement in multi-threaded tasks which is a bold claim so you can expect to see these in this year's highend laptops like the razor blade 16 thing is these are Raptor Lake refresh chips not the latest metor Lake launched last month it's kind of awkward that Intel would make a big deal out of metor Lake with new branding and all and then a month later launch a refresh of the previous generation still on Intel 7 which is slightly worse than tsmc's regular 7 NM that went into production in 2018 that malign 10 NM node process from Intel just won't go away I mean at the end of the day what matters is performance and when it comes to laptops no one does integration better than Intel there's a reason why OEM still go with Intel when it comes to volume and reliability for high-end models so in Practical terms the codesign that Intel does with oems probably offsets to technology lagging behind their competitors like AMD the new new meteor Lake chips are relegated to 15 and 45 WT products with up to 10 cores and 12 threads where the Pees can go up to 5.4 GHz the good news here is that all the work that Intel de 4 Arc Alchemist has translated into meteor Lakes integrated Graphics so low power laptops based on these chips should actually be pretty decent for gaming it also means that stuff like xss will work on Meo Lake out of the box so basically Intel starting to catch up with AMD when it comes to their integrated Graphics being a scaled down version of their discrete graphics Tech and all the positive synergies that come from that it's just a shame that metal Lake doesn't scale up to higher wattages higher than 45 Watts there is one of the coolest devices to rock meteor lake is the Zan book duo with two OLED touch screens featuring the ultra 9 185h at 45 wats with a thin form factor in dual all Lads it's impressive that Intel can keep a a 16 core laptop like this cool even if only six of the cores are P cores this is one of the few laptops I'm actually interested in especially has the biggest surprise here is that this device starts at just $1,500 that's for the core Ultra 7 version but still that's a really competitive price for a product like this the arc GPU also supports HDMI 2.1 so you can hook this up to a 4K 120 HZ olad for instance another really interesting device that will use meteor lake is the 1X player X1 which by the way have more ones and more axes in the name for sure which merges the idea of a tablet a laptop and a handheld gaming PC into one note that meteor Lake doesn't support thunderboard 5 so to get around that this device uses UL link for a 64 GBS per second transfer speed which means you can connect an external GPU to the device and it won't get choked on bandwidth even without the external GPU this device performs really well at 28 wats YouTube channel ETA Prime tested a version with the core Ultra 5 135h so that's the 14 core variant with eight GPU cores and it R fors of 5 at 1200p so the screen's native resolution at 100 FPS average with a mix of medium and low settings remember this is the I5 equivalent of meteor lake so that's really impressive stock performance this device can triple as a portable console a tablet and a laptop SL desktop PC like IAT and the I5 variant or Ultra 5 is $860 on Indiegogo right now so that's not a bad price for a device that's dis flexible note that there's also a bundle with an external GPU included for $1,500 keep that in mind as we'll come back to that in a second another thing that's cool about meteor lake is that the disaggregated strategy that I've talked about in the past that Intel is pursuing has now materialized so for instance the media engine for meteor lake is disaggregated from the graphics so the S so can keep the GPU turned off while running video playback instead of calling these elements chiplets Intel is calling them tiles but the principle is the same this sort of design philosophy is what I'm expecting to see in their next gen gpus C name battl Mage so basically a bunch of disaggregated parts that can scale up or down depending on the segment the rumors out there suggest that battle mage will be focusing on the mid-range only but I think that won't necessarily be the case if intel can build battle mage in the same fashion they built meteor Lake it's certainly possible that they can scale a mid-range battle mage GPU up to a high-end one I don't think it's a question of if I think it's a question of when according to Intel's Tom Peterson 30% of Intel Engineers are currently working on battle mage mostly on the software side what that indicates to me is that they are working to get a tile based GPU working as intended the Silicon is ready so it's just a matter of getting the software side of the equation ready I think by summertime or a bit later Intel might surprise everyone with a working tile based GPU that could relegate AMD to third place in the market I know that sounds optimistic especially as it's Intel we're talking about who haven't had a great track record recently when it comes to delivering on their promises but given the direction that AMD went with the 7900s as far as chiplets are concerned and that decreased interest in the dgpu market I wouldn't be surprised if in leaped ahead of them if battle mage is indeed based I mean it all comes down to this neither AMD nor Intel can compete with Nvidia when it comes to building a high-end monolithic GPU so it comes down to whom out of Intel and AMD gets a proper chiplet space GPU working as in a GPU that can have multiple core chiplets and not just one core chiplet and memory chiplets alongside that as we see with Aran A3 and I think Intel got there with battle mage and it's downfold that AMD will do the same with Aran A4 by the way on a side note one angle that could see AMD get some sales is putting some enormous amounts of vram on their next gen gpus just to get some sales off of the AI craze but as far as gamers are concerned radon should take Intel's threat seriously one positive byproduct of this effort by the graphics division is that Now intel has entered the emerging PC handheld business the new MSI claw runs off the meteor Lake based core Ultra 7 stock configuration so it's not a Custom Design specifically made for this form factor it's the same Ultra 7 chip that goes into laptops now if you recall like I said earlier the fact that the 1X player X1 can be bought in a bundle with an external GPU means that potentially Intel can have a bunch of external gpus based on battle mage come out later this year with Thunderbolt 5 eventually being added to Intel's lineup and with pcie connectors like ocul link a lot of PC users might not need a PC Tower anymore by one of these tablet slaptop devices or a portable handheld PC thing and keep adding stuff over time as needed like the E GPU and a larger monitor when you're done playing a first-person shooter on your desktop monitor in your gaming room you can take the client device with you to the living room and plug it to your TV to watch a movie so rather than having a bunch of different devices you can aggregate all your work and entertainment needs in one device that's more modular now the last thing worth mentioning are the client chips coming later this year so that's AOL Lake and Luna Lake AOL Lake will be the new microarchitecture for high-end desktop BCS and Luna Lake will be the low power mobile chips to boost Confidence from consumers and investors Intel showed a Luna Lake chip at Cs and said these are already shipping to Partners we can see on package Dam with two lpddr modules probably Samsung 5X at 8533 magga transfers this configuration is similar to what Apple has been doing with the M series these LP 5x modules have a 16 GB capacity so with two you're looking at 32 gigs of on packag Dam while it's possible to combine on package memory with off- package memory I think the target devices for Luna Lake probably won't be featuring expansion support So devices with a lake will be limited to 32 GB half of what metal Lake U offers the addition of on package dam is a leg up on AMD if I've ever seen one assuming Intel can indeed bring this to Market this year there's no indication that stxs point or stxs Halo coming from AMD later this year as confirmed by The Rock hom Cod commits recently will feature on package memory so that leaves AMD outs of the low power race currently headed by the Apple M series and qualcomm's X Elite looking closely at the Luna Lake die shown it looks like the MX variant leaked a few months ago with three tiles presumably the S so the the CPU plus GPU and that smaller tile is either the npu or it's a dummy DY for structural integrity and these are stacked on top of a base D all connected with Fus relative to meteor lake aerrow lake will have less scores so only eight in a 4p plus 4E configuration but the biggest Advantage here will be a reduction in power consumption of a massive 40% so you'll be looking at passively cooled 8 WT parts for instance based on Luna Lake what would you need that for well Arrow Lake was developed in conjunction with Microsoft so in addition to it being a desperate attempt by Intel to catch up to Apple and Qualcomm in this sub3 W power segment I think there might be a whole new market that could be interested in this more on that in an upcoming video now why this system on package could be a went for Intel has to do with data transfer and the associated power costs I've talked at length about that here on the channel if we compare this for instance with amd's 3D vcash or hbm we see the following following at the register level you have a 1 nond latency at L1 and L2 about 10 nond at L3 and L4 so that's where amd's 3D vcash sits basically last level cache you have 20 NCS of latency then at the dam level you'd go up to 30 NS so the closer you are to the CPU core the faster the response time needs to be but that means lower density an application that will require a lot of throughput is of course AI because it needs to transfer massive amounts of data but again you have a power budget to consider which is why it's unlikely we will see hbm on consumer devices again for instance so Intel's and Apple's decision to create these chips with Dam on package is a response to the Market's data transfer requirements while amd's 3D V cache is great when it comes to bandwidth and latency it's not useful when it comes to density and power sensitive applications on packag Dam checks all the boxes in a cach all memory solution for AI use cases you get high density decent performance and low power looking at this package you can get a good idea of what Intel is prioritizing it's clear that Luna lake is not prioritizing latency sensitive applications like gaming in the way that a chip with 3D vcash would be so arol lak's biggest win is in the reduction of IO voltages to drive data to system memory you need higher voltages to push that data but with Dam this close to compute and in the future it will be inside compute you can bring Theo voltages way down making this type of package extremely efficient for large data applications from what's been announced from am and looking at their road map I just don't see them being able to compete with apple Qualcomm and now Intel's Luna lake at the serve 30 wats segment this year finally taking just a quick look at the DIY segment at the moment the 7800 x3d is the best seller on both amazon.com and u.com and on Amazon the top five spots are taken up by AMD so I think Intel really have their work cut out for them when it comes to recapturing the DIY Market a recent leak from Twitter user Yuki an shows a narrow Lake CPU with 8 B cores plus 16 e cores plus one low power core eight AI cores and with eight threads so at the top end we'll get eight performance cores and 16 efficiency cores which seems like a good balance to me it's been suggested that hyperthreading will go away with arrow Lake remember that's the next big desktop CPU generation you have Arrow Lake for the dust stop and Luna Lake for low power coming later this year I know this can all get confusing so if you remember back in the 9th G coffee Lake chips the 9700k didn't have hyperthreading also it was eight cores and eight threads but here instead of tasks being scheduled to a secondary thread which would not be running in parallel they can be scheduled to a e cor which can run that tasking parallel it remains to be seen if there will be more than 24+ one cores with a new process note I expect power to finally come down at ISO frequencies so hopefully the 5900k will be easier to keep cool than previous generation top SKS as far as performance gains it's a bit difficult to estimate as there are several nodes in between the 14900 K and the 15900 K and the numbers on these nodes are not too clear to begin with it's projected that the Intel 20 angstrom node has a 15% performance uplift versus Intel 3 which in turn has an 18% uplift versus Intel 4 and that's on top of the 20% performance increase at ISO power versus Intel 7 so if that's indeed cumulative as Intel's marketing material seem to be saying that means the 15900 K could be a whopping 53% faster than the 4900 k at ISO power sounds too good to be true well that's because it most likely is things are never that simple if you remember the leak from Eagle's lab a few months ago his results for Arrow Lake were way more modest I could see a 20% Improvement but even that might be optimistic probably around 10 to 15% is the more realistic number but then again there's a significant note jump here between 14th and 15th gen at least according to Intel so maybe we'll all be surprised with an unprecedented 50% uplift so on the desktop you're looking at just under $600 for the 5900k in q 4 of this year with a very optimistic 53% increase and a more conservative 15% increase versus the 4,900 K those are rough approximations based on the no transition or $700 for the 950x from AMD with an overall Improvement of 11% versus last gen and gaming might even be slower than the 7800x 3D due to the lower last level cash amount this is assuming prices to stay the same as current gen even if Intel's no jump doesn't provide a record-breaking uplift to me this gives AMD the earlier launch as the only Advantage versus Intel assuming xen 5 comes out by summertime and if the 3D chips don't come out at the same time the non-3d chips will probably get hammered in reviews for being slower in gaming than the 7800 x3d I feel like even in a more conservative estimate aake is looking like the way to go from the early dat that we have knowing that memory isn't scaling are the 3D variants of Zen 5 enough to compete with aerol Lake I'm not so sure about that let me know in the comments what you think as always thanks for watching subscribe while you're here and until the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Coreteks
Views: 39,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intel, ces2024, arrow lake, lunar lake, intel 15th gen, 15900k, core ultra, core i9, core i7, intel vs amd, 7800x3d, zen5, 9950x, chiplets cpu, should i buy a cpu right now, best cpu for 2024
Id: zqOAUe7hClg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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