AMD Fluid Motion Frames Revisited (Not FSR 3!) Tech Preview Driver

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I got some pushback in the comments on my video yesterday but taking a look at amd's fluid motion frames first of all I think some people thought I was talking about fsr3 and I wasn't and the title of the video was literally this is not fsr3 it's better but also worse it's better because you can toggle it through the driver in literally any dx11 or dx12 game it's worse because its quality is literally worse it's quality and functionality is literally worse and that's where I I was also getting some pushback and said that the game I was using to demo it which yesterday was cyberpunk was not a good um a good demo of the technology and wasn't on amd's list of supported games now to be clear it was specifically mentioned in the driver and did say that you could use it on any dx11 or dx12 game like and then specifically listed cyberpunk however there are some other games like Jedi Survivor that have as more of a part of a hyper tuning profile and also include amd's anti-leg plus which can help reduce input latency because generating frames does increase input latency so we're going to take a look at this in Jedi Survivor for one thing because it has anti-leg plus it's on that list of games but also this is a third person game not a first person shooter which will change how we interact with this and I think it will work better here but it's still not perfect but anyway I've kicked on fluid motion frames and you'll notice that my frame rate is now in the 140s if I go ahead and kick that back off you'll notice that my frame rate will be uh closer to 80. right so it's almost doubling my frame rate it does take a bit of a hit and um I think on the base frame rate for processing and then doubles it this is frame interpolation so again also take a look at by the way only amd's driver software overlay currently uh reports these frame rates correctly that's why I'm using this here but it also gives us the system lag which is available in in any game with uh anti-leg plus but that's currently only available in AMD 7000 series gpus but again if I click on fluid motion frames one more time we're going to say that this also in adds in frame gen lag and here it's showing about 23 milliseconds so if you have the system lag to the frame gen lag and then whatever uh latency is inherent to your monitor and mouse and keyboard inputs and all of that you would get your total system you know responsiveness lag anyway let's go ahead and look at this so one thing is yes this does have some image quality issues notice the right stick symbol um on this little targeting thing and notice as I pan back and forth it kind of garbles right same with some of the other the blue lines around it and things like that there's some garbling on that UI if this was an actual um fsr3 implementation it could be more UI aware and not have uh so much issues with that type of thing but again this is applied through the the driver level so that's certainly a place that we can see this another place we see this is if I'm like flipping through graphic settings uh notice as I pan down here you guys see the garbling of the the yellow bar or I don't know if it's yellow the the the bars around the the highlighting bars right you see what I'm saying though it kind of garbles in the menu again in a good implementation of something like fsr3 uh there's ways to make the games UI more separated out from the upscaling process so this is what I mean by you know it's this is not as good of an interpolation as as fsr3 however I will say that my biggest criticism in cyberpunk was that on a fast camera motion it just turns itself off now here's the thing in a game like Jedi Survivor I'm much more likely to be running in a straight line with only slower camera motions so if you actually watch my frame time graph we're not going to get nearly as much of the dips all the way down to the base frame rate which I was getting constantly in cyberpunk I think we had it right there it dipped down to about 80 and then and then went right back up and I'm going to try to just do fairly normal gameplay as if I was just kind of running through this area you saw it drop down to about 80 there again for a second so also in the cyberpunk video where I will say I think I was a bit wrong was I said it happens on Fast Mouse uh inputs or I then I tested out on a controller and also known as fast camera pans did it I think what it's really detecting is just the difference between frames and it can just intelligently I think we dipped down in the 80s there again um it can just intelligently sense if there's too big of a difference between two frames for it to do a good job of interpolating and then their solution is to turn that off to turn the interpolation off to not get really garbled um uh really garbled looking uh images now because of that the higher your base frame rate the less likely it will need it will be to need to do that um because it has a uh you know this a smaller difference between frames the higher your base frame rate is but as we saw here when I was actually in combat it was getting frames that that caused it to dip down into the 80s um if we want to test it out just on like camera panning motion uh remember my base frame rate being you know 80ish right now a smooth pan like this is maintaining the frame interpolation I'm going to go up a little bit quicker it's still maintaining my frame and frame interpolation you see the the frame frame rate is still high and then right about there we're dipping now now you can see it's dropping down to the base frame rate which I guess is about 71 in that particular camera panning situation okay so we can see that in typical gameplay in a third person game like this it's not going to be turning off constantly the way it was in a first person game like cyberpunk but again it also depends on the base frame rate and it's true that when I was running around the city in in cyberpunk the base frame rate is incredibly variable and often was lower than what this was uh wanting now uh let's take a look at how how it performs when my base frame rate is worse so I'm going to turn off fsr2 quality which is going to make my base frame rate worse let's turn off the frame interpolation for a second so turning off uh fluid motion frames and you can see that my base frame rate now is about 52 frames per second by the way notice on a camera pan here the right stick button and things like that don't uh don't garble uh there's a little bit of ghosting on some of the uh the uh right hand side of the image but I think that's more of a like a in-speed motion blur type of effect however uh what we're going to look at next is okay what if I do now kick on frame interpolation from the base frame rate closer to 50 frames per second and then take a look at this similar situation you can see that here it's garbling quite a bit and it is important to note that we are below the recommended base frame rate for using this right they said at 1440p or higher you would want at least a base frame rate of 60. and you can see that it's garbling all over the place uh on the uh the right stick um you know thing as as well as other stuff let's also take a look at this uh more kind of running around and see how that goes I think I've already killed the enemies so we're not gonna be able to do that that element of it but you can see when the frame rate is around 90 or 100 it is still enabling the interpolation but right there we dropped down to about 60 so it was turning it off because there was a bit of a quick camera pan and um again I think if you watch the like hand motions quickly and things like that again this will not pick up correctly in a YouTube video because again you can't capture UH 60 frames you know the YouTube video is a locked 60 frames per second and I'm experiencing a variable and much higher frame rate uh thing on my actual screen but again that's the nature of YouTube videos uh so you can see here that it does mostly stay on and when we don't have the UI elements it doesn't look awful or anything like that I think if we had the combat here we might get it um disabling a little bit more um let's bring out the lightsaber and stuff even though there's no enemies on the screen uh here you can see that actually fighting like this with the lightsaber swinging around uh do you guys see that the frame rate now is in the 60s so it's choosing to keep the frame interpolation off uh during this combat because the um again I think there's too much Motion in between frames so I'm curious if we go back to a higher base frame rate by enabling uh FSR and again this is not that it has to be FSR it's just that this is enabling a higher base frame rate I'm curious if now swinging the lightsaber around is going to keep the frame generation active um looks like it's disabling every now and then I did see it yeah here we're dipping down into the 70s and 80s again a little bit but then it's popping back on um so I guess my main conclusion out of this because again it's if you're watching that frame rate number it does kind of dip and again if you camera pan while swinging the lightsaber I do think we get a little more dips on it but it does maintain a lot of the time so yeah my main conclusion in the last video was that this is a cool technology and I would really like to see it uh improve and I'm glad that it's it's a thing um especially if it does improve but again my main concern was just that it disables itself at the times when smoothing out the motion would be most useful because that's kind of the thing is that when you're standing still or there's not a lot of difference between frames a higher frame rate is less necessary for a good image quality right um so if the time when you most want a to smooth out the motion is when you're on a fast camera pan or there's a lot happening on screen that's when you'd most benefit from a higher frame rate but that's also when this technology is most likely to um turn off or garble the input and I guess it's kind of a choice between the two that the Technology's having to make a little bit anyway I will say that in Jedi Survivor I'm much more impressed by the technology in that it maintains itself being on a lot more of the time also uh because we have the um anti-leg plus the responsiveness does feel pretty good um and I think that there's other games where again if there's not as much fast motion on screen where this might work even better some people have also suggested old games that are locked to 60 FPS caps that you can't turn off um maybe this would be useful there and maybe that's something I could test out in the future um but anyway for now I think this is this is certainly interesting but it's also uh still I think of somewhat limited usefulness in that you know we do get some garbling on the screen and if I have to have a high base frame rate anyway then like um I could just enjoy the high base frame rate whereas with fsr3 I'm much more likely to keep that on because it has less of the issues again we're talking about fluid motion frames and this is still a tech preview um also since we're here maybe we could try out the difference with anti-leg plus so right now we're seeing with anti-lag Plus on our system lag is around 29 milliseconds if I disable that and leave on normal anti-lag oh I guess with anti-leg Plus um you uh I guess it you can only see the system lag when that's enabled I think they had some kind of hotkey for disabling that but I can't remember what it was was it right control yeah it's right control okay if I hold down my right control button so with anti-leg Plus off it's reporting um 60 milliseconds like 59 milliseconds of Base lag here and with anti-leg Plus on we're down to 29. the frame gen lag still remaining at around 18 milliseconds so it does look like anti-leg plus does make up for the difference in the in the latency on that so that's at least pretty interesting there anyway I think this is cool but again it does it doesn't work as well as a native fsr3 implementation obviously which does bring up more of a question of you know uh the the image quality artifacting and the fact that it randomly turns off at times uh versus The increased Motion smoothness in scenes that don't have as much fast motion going on uh I'm curious your guys's experience because again I can't test this in literally every dx11 and dx12 game and that's by far the coolest thing about it is that it is available in any dx11 or dx12 game and so I'm sure that there are going to be some games where this absolutely shines and I'm sure people will find those I just think that right now it's pretty situational but it's also really cool and it's also a tech preview that could get um better and better so I'm very much excited to have this as a thing to play around with uh even if I think that I would often choose to maybe keep it off in a lot of the types of games that I would actually be playing um because again I would oftentimes be playing something with fast camera motion a first person shooter game that type of thing I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 73,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jWk8AkBBaqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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