AMD Driver Issues??? Rx 7900 GRE VRAM Overclocking Problems...

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hello and welcome to Casual tech review for this video I just wanted to make a short update AMD has just released a new driver for the graphics cards I've got a 7900 GRE so I thought I would try it out and work through some of the issues that I've had so let's check out how it performs with the new driver so AMD recently released a new driver you can see here it's 24.3 one and it says it was released on the 13th I didn't see it then uh but I did download it a couple of days ago and I just wanted to talk about it because it is very relevant being that I did just get a new graphics card the RX 7900 gr from ASRock and so early driver updates are going to be important for tracking the performance of it so let's go look real quick at the settings on this particular graphics card within this driver so everything's been reset to default but let's look at what our options are here so the outof the Box frequency for this card is 2520 for for mine in particular and it and it changes every time you do it um you'll see here I'll flip it back and it'll end up giving me a different number here okay it didn't this time but anyway um this number will fluctuate somewhat as it's trying to determine what it wants its Max frequency to be uh the voltage is 1.05 volts almost every time and I'll I'll mess with that as well but you can um let the the graphics card kind of tell you what you think it should be set to you can click on the automatic undervolt GPU you'll get this little warning here it's telling me 1.025 is an auto undervolt a good a good uh stable voltage that it can run at and I always like to undervolt my cards to keep the temperatures under control you hit overclock GPU and it will tell you what it thinks is a good overclocking frequency and it takes a minute here it's doing some big brain work in there the Little Wheel is spinning 25.95 is what it says so if you wanted to go for some really safe settings um you could literally let the card tell you exactly what it can handle so we'll hit those so that's real easy right there resizable bars automatically enabled I can hit apply changes now I've overclocked and undervolted this card and should theoretically get better performance what's interesting is uh the memory on this card was was what made it pretty unique the memory is uh extremely hampered out of the box the stock frequency as you'll see here is 2250 but what they've done with this new driver is they've really increased the overclocking capability for the memory so if you remember from my previous video I showed that the max you could get to on the memory was 236 megahertz so it was a very mild overclock if you look at this one now and keep an eye down here uh it goes all the way up to 3,000 megahertz so you can actually put like a 30% overclock almost on the memory frequency which is interesting um so I will definitely test that out a little bit uh 2316 is like I said the max that it allowed you to do Under the previous driver the other thing that's interesting that we'll take a look at is the memory timing on my 6700 XT I could move it up to fast timing and have no problems um on this card however when I did that I found this was the sole factor that gave me a lot of issues particularly in uh some older applications and in uh different benchmarking like heav Benchmark and things so I'd left it on default we will see how this goes and I will try some different frequency settings and we'll see what happens all right so it turns out none of the video recorded but I did just attempt to run through Heaven Benchmark overclocking the GPU undervolting it and overclocking the memory to 2500 MHz which is the same memory speed as the 7900 XT uh the whole video didn't end up getting saved because it crashed the computer and I had to uh shut it it off um turn the whole system off and turn it back on so what I'm going to do now is go back in here I knowe the undervolt is let me see what it recommends for the overclock it said 25.95 last time so we'll see what it says I'm going to 2683 so quite a bit higher so let's do that 2683 on a 1025 undervolt I'm not going to mess with with the vram at all and we're going to run the same test again here let's open up Heaven Benchmark so we've overclocked it we've undervolted it haven't touched the vram at all we'll run heaven and I wish you could have seen the last video um it just completely crashed once the Benchmark opened up all right so so far so [Music] good we appear to not be having any issues let me start The Benchmark okay so no problems it seems to be running good it is pulling right now the total board power is 276 Watts so it's pulling a healthy amount of power even though it's undervolted GPU is running at 100% utilization or 98 I guess you could see down there in the corner with After Burner and yeah 44° so staying nice and cool even though it's working hard so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that undervolting overclocking is working no problem vram tuning not working so well so let me try to set it at 2316 which is what it was before all right we're going to try again I'm going to stop this so I went ahead and saved that video and started a new one here just in case the same thing happens so we're overclocked we're undervolted and I've put a mild overclock on the vram have not messed with the memory timing let's run Heaven Benchmark again and see what happens all right so far so good we have not crashed start The [Music] Benchmark so at this point before it would have already crashed it crashed on almost instantly so I'm feeling pretty good about this one so I'm going to stop this video we're going to overclock it a little bit more and we'll try again and see what happens all right so that test worked okay at 2316 let's try 2400 megahertz so slightly faster open up Heaven Benchmark and run it again all right so far so good start the benchmark test and see what happens here but I think we're going to be all [Music] right I think we're doing okay at 2400 MHz here of course this is not extensive testing but when it's failing I am not getting past this point so I feel pretty good at saying that that's at least getting us through the preliminary okay it's working so let's go ahead and bump it up again I know 2500 didn't work so maybe we'll try 26 or 2650 or something like that all right so there you saw some of my results of overclocking undervolting and really my main focus was testing the vram overclocking on the 7900 GRE and unfortunately anytime it failed or crashed it I didn't have a recording of that you couldn't see that but here's essentially what happened overclocking undervolting uh no matter what I did I didn't have any issues um you obviously can't undervolt too much but uh the recommended undervolt had no problem and again the card stays very cool I overclocked the vram um to 2316 which was the max under the previous driver I then tried uh 2500 which crashed so then I tried 2400 had no problems 2450 crashed and anything above 2500 crashed so it's very odd I don't know or understand what may cause that to happen but um I think that that's something they're definitely going to have to figure out because that that is the big problem with this card is the vram is is much slower than even the 7800x T vram and obviously the 7900 XT is is faster still so I would like to be able to overclock the the memory on this card it goes all the way up to 3,000 megahertz within adrenaline but anything beyond 2400 uh I'm getting the immediate crash and again let me reiterate I did not do extensive testing I literally was jumping into heaven bench mark uh and letting it run for a few seconds and if it was going to crash it was going to crash within the first few seconds so I didn't I didn't go any further um I will continue to test it and update uh if anybody has any input on anything else I could try but I don't I don't know what else it may be um it's a it's a new card to the World Market so I'm hoping praying that AMD will will work on these I don't have any plans to return the card I like the card it does great on default settings it performs very well but if I could get that memory overclocked that would be even better so appreciate anybody's thoughts and input what do you think have you messed at all with overclocking your 7900 gr let us know in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: CasualTechReview
Views: 3,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AMD Drivers, RX 7900 GRE, 7900 GRE, Asrock, Steel Legend, Overclocking
Id: lvMzx9QaBr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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