Amazon's Lord of the Rings FIRST IMAGE BREAKDOWN! | LOTRonPrime

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Snoo_17340 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right room is hopping right now sweet we've got like 600 people here you guys are hyped up for lord of the rings on prime i gotta tell you so for those of you who don't follow me on twitter you might not know this but i'm a huge chicago cubs fan and it's been a rough week so i'm representing my my cubs gear in uh uh in recognition of the rough rough week we've had but today is a good day this helps for sure so we've got a brand new image i'm gonna go ahead and pull it up here we've got a brand new image from lord of the rings on prime there it is and all it's splendor i love that it immediately gives you the feeling of middle earth i feel like they really match this well with what we've seen um yeah i just i just look at this image and i think yep that checks out that's middle earth so this this might be kind of a a quick stream i just i'm really amped up about this i was actually driving when i saw the tweet and uh um tried not to run off the road i initially didn't notice a lot of detail in this because i was driving and trying not to wreck my car so we're just going to go through this i'm going to kind of give you a couple of my thoughts on what we're seeing in this feel free to comment with any of your thoughts and your predictions what this means um so first off if you've seen this online you've probably had a lot of people commenting on this area right here that is the two trees of valinor that's right right there the two trees i've got an image here an image by an artist helen k helen kai i'm not sure how to pronounce that um but there's kind of a an image of the two trees that is popular you've probably seen um if you've watched uh some of my videos that take place during the first day or prior to the first stage um so that's definitely the two trees so those are what give light to the world um prior to the sun and moon so without going too deep here i mean i could spend the next hour going through lore and stuff like that um but basically so these these are the two trees they come after the time of the two lamps um and they give light to the world and then um morgoth destroys them with the help of uh shelob's mother angoliant um and then after that the valar use the remains of the two trees to create the sun and the moon so that's what those are so that immediately gives us a timeline for this picture that puts this prior to the first age no the two trees were before ongoing i'm seeing some questions they were before angoliant mongolian is the one who destroys them yes i'm gonna try to keep an eye on on comments and stuff yes this is a great choice of an image to build enthusiasm for sure i'm sure there's gonna be a lot of people googling two trees when they see all the uh comments um so yeah the big question after that so so first of all that establishes this comes prior to the first stage which we know the show itself takes place in the second age so this my guess is that this is a prologue of some sort this is probably how the show will open something to do with this image or this image will be part of a prologue second question naturally is who's this person right here yeah who's that lady [Laughter] uh the show airs oh we've got the answer right here september september 2nd 2022 so you've got 13 months to get hyped about this so maybe we'll get uh you know we'll obviously get stuff between now and then gosh that probably means we're not getting a trailer until early 2022 though who knows we'll get some images maybe all right so as far as this image goes here and this person i've heard some um some predictions you know initially some people thought this might be numenor numenor comes well after the two trees are destroyed so it's not numenor i've heard some other predictions that this might be errendil which is elrond and elros's father i think we can also disprove that because he doesn't come around until after the two trees as well um this is a much larger question flailing melon did anything of note happen in the second age yes definitely um just off the top of my head uh the rings of power created uh numenor is raised from the sea um elrond chooses to be an elf his brother elros chooses to become a king of man um the fall of numenor numenor gets corrupted by sauron um there's a whole war i'm going out of order here but there's a whole war between the elves and sauron um in ariador um there's the fall of numenor and then the men which you'll remember from lord of the rings would include isildur and his brother or his father elendil they survived the fallen numenor and come to middle earth and establish gondor and arnor um and then second age is also when uh sauron's defeated in the war of the last alliance so um all that to say that was a really roundabout way of saying yes things of note happened in the second age so getting back to this person here this i am i'm gonna go with galadriel here that is my prediction um like i said arendyl um there was some um let me see here here's a piece of artwork from ted naysmith so i think this this uh kind of gives us um you look at the similarities i'm gonna go back and forth kind of a b it here for you look at the similarities between these cities these seem awfully awfully similar now we know for a fact ted naesmith himself said that he is not working on the show he's not part of the show um maybe they took some inspiration there's enough difference here um that you know maybe it was just like inspired by or um yeah it's it's obviously not a direct adaptation of ted nae smith's work i don't think um but there's definitely some similarities here and i think if you if you go back and look at uh the lord of the rings and the hobbit films um there's definitely definitely has uh some similar feel to like a rivendell type place um which you would imagine those places uh would be inspired by the land where uh so many elves spent a lot of their time which was in valinor um so going back to this person here sorry i'm jumping around because i'm so amped up right now uh so this person i'm fairly certain is galadriel why because the two trees are still there i think the two trees being there tells us obviously this comes before the first age so that really cuts down the other um uh possibilities that rules out a lot of people who don't show up until the first age um galadriel i feel like i i've kind of long thought that they would use her as a connecting point um between the films it's a familiar character um her prologue in lord of the rings uh her narration of the prologue is one of the most iconic parts of of that series is the prologue it's it's just so good and so gripping um i'd be really curious to see i could see this being a part of galadriel's narration of what happened before the start of the second age where this show takes place so my thought is maybe this is part of a prologue where galadriel's narrating and we're seeing her within uh these different locations and events and stuff like that um so here we see her you know at the height of um you know valinor uh when it's got the two trees and it's just this peaceful amazing place um during this time morgoth would have been captive uh most likely so uh or melkor as he was known at that time would have been captive in the halls of mandos so yeah i that's that's my my initial guess um yeah the hair color see that's where that's where you you kind of have to look too at the angle that we're working with here so um those of you who are familiar with uh photography and have have shot into the sun will know it can kind of be deceptive um so i mean you could you can kind of look around the edges here and i could see that being a golden more golden hair uh you know more blonde hair um but we're seeing it from the shaded side being on the back side of the light you know i almost said the sun but it's the trees um so yeah i don't know uh i'm curious to see if you guys don't think it's galadriel who do you think it would be yeah it's definitely not gondolin i can tell you that definitely not gondolin could it be a male elf it could be yeah like could it be feyen or somebody like that the white uh the white costume that's i think that's also part of why i immediately thought galadriel i feel like her hair is just kind of done up it like i mean you can get really really grainy i want to be hitting the enhance button right now um but uh yeah i feel like her hair might just be done up or something i know there's been rumors of short-haired elves i don't think they would do short hair galadriel that would seem weird because uh you know feyenoord was all obsessed with his cousin galadriel's hair which is a weird thing should not be obsessed with your cousin's hair note to self 100 it's collateral don't know about a hundred percent i'm gonna go with like at least 80 85 i think it's tyrion torgon modeled gondolin after it and the image is reminiscent of gondolin did galadriel spend time in or even live in tyrion um so she would not have lived in the city of tyrion um is it valmar i feel like belmore is that right city of the elves they're all within uh valinor i'm trying i'm blanking on the name of the the city where the the elves lived let's pull up the map okay so we've gotta have a map if you're familiar with this channel there's gonna be maps involved all right quarantino yeah quarantino my theory is that the first episodes by j.a biona will be prologue episodes i'm so hyped i have looked at that picture for over an hour nice have you framed it yet is it on your refrigerator thank you so much for your super chat by the way um and if you if you haven't yet please do hit the subscribe button weekly videos uh going over lore and um pretty soon we'll have theories based on lord of the rings on prime um now that we have a date for this september 2nd um i'm going to be working on some really fun lord of the rings on prime content for you guys and yeah we're going to be all over it here on the channel when that comes out and leading up to it trailers everything um um austin ethel no it will not be austin ethel that was actually one of my first thoughts when i saw this because i didn't see the two trees i thought this would be austin ethyl which is the capital city of oregon where kelebrimbor is who creates the rings of power um but the two trees that's that's the thing that just uh kind of really sets this apart um and and gives us the biggest clue that this is tyrion um so yeah the two trees it's basically what you would think would be the sun where it not for these uh branches but yeah definitely the two trees trunk gosh i was blanking on the name the big thick part of the tree um that is the trunk so the trunk and the branches of the tree here um what else yeah we've got some nice waterfalls reminds me of rivendell a bit do you think the move music will match the movies um so far i mean we don't we don't know of any involvement of uh howard shore i wouldn't be surprised if they try to um try to emulate that music or you know do something you know not maybe not necessarily emulate it but um definitely um i could definitely see them trying to do something in a similar vein you know they're not they're not going to just copy howard shore um because whoever takes it on is going to want to put their own imprint on it um but i could see them not wanting to stray too far from what we associate as elven music and dwarven music and stuff like that how far away from valinor were the trees visible well they were the source of light for the entire world so if you count that worldwide they would be visible but as far as actually seeing the trees um that's a good question we don't really because there's such a a delineation of time before and after the two trees are destroyed so when the two trees are destroyed that's what kicks off the first age and the exodus of the noldor from amon um so let's pull up let's pull up our arda map here of the world okay so this area over here is where the two trees would be i think they're supposed to be up here i don't think they're actually existing in this picture maybe but they'd be over here so this this is oman this is the blessed realm and then the two trees would be somewhere over here and at this time up until numenor is destroyed the world is actually flat because we know that when feanor travels and then the noldor um kill the tulare and take their ships they sail across and when feyenoord gets to the uh gets to belarian he burns the ships and so then the noldor who are left behind including galadriel and her brothers they can actually see the ships burning across the ocean here um because there's no curvature of the earth so they can just see uh straight across the water it's flat so if you think of uh if the earth was flat you could see a heck of a lot farther um so yeah i mean the the trees would be visible from a long distance i don't know if it ever actually says clueless fan girl it's not galadriel the whole thing with the short hair wouldn't make sense her hair is such an important factor in the silmarillion yeah so that's why i i kind of feel like i mean i don't know i i've never had long hair myself but i feel like there's some something with the the colors looks distorted enough that i could see there being like a a bun back here or something or whatever it's called i don't know i'm sorry i'm not the terminology my daughter's only one year old so i don't i don't know all the terms yet uh for women's hairstyle but i think i would say that's a bun back here and maybe her hair is done up um maybe they did it maybe they photoshopped her long hair out to throw us off so we could sit here and debate whether it's collateral they're trixie trixie amazon all right i think i thought there was another super chat here i want to make sure i hit the super chats could it also cover the fall of arnor the show so we know the show takes place in the second age the fall of arnor takes place in the third age now they might have the rights to that but i would imagine that would probably come you know if if this show was a great success um then maybe after um you know after the second age has run its course so this initial run of five seasons that they're planning on i could see maybe after that they dive into the third age but i don't think i don't think that's part of the the initial um run of the show the cast of the show is available on google and who plays who really okay i'm gonna i'm gonna google this and we do yeah so morphed clark is rumored to play galadriel i think that's the only one that we kinda sorta know right now that lady could be ivana yeah yeah this could totally throw us off you know i'm kind of expecting someone to play a major role in the show it could just be one of the valar it very well could be i i really like the galadriel theory though i like the galadriel theory could it be glorfendell maybe let's see here i can't remember do a quick search here if glorfendell yeah he was born during the years of the trees so you never know it could be glorfendell there's a lot of people it could be kierdan that's another one varda got some good talk going on then we have not glorfendell the city of tyrion which is capital of the noldor in valinor of which gondolin was modeled in memory after would not be as is shown in the image would not be as is shown in the image okay makes you say that said it looks it looks a lot like this image of ted nae smith's version of tyrion i think it could be like if it has it does have a very elven feel to it so you've got some ships here now tell me what you think that looks like a swan ship to me i'm feeling i'm feeling like that's a swanship which we know is not only in um that's not only in lorien during the third age but it's also uh they show up in um sorry al qualande right here that's where feyenoor steals the ships and kills a bunch of people will feyenoor be in the series possibly i think i think if this is a prologue maybe we see a glimpse of him we know that according to the synopsis that came out it even said that it was in the second age so whatever we see of the first age i or before i think it's going to be brief i think we should kind of be prepared for what whatever we see of valinor to be very brief you know kind of like uh i the best thing i can refer it to and i think the most appropriate thing is the prologue of lord of the rings where we see the war of the last alliance so if i had to if i had to put money on it i'm guessing this is part of a prologue we see it for maybe 10 15 minutes of that first uh couple hours of the show um and yeah i think i think it's a flashback i think we're gonna get some kind of voice over setting up the epic battle between good and evil um i'd be really curious to see how much they go into the lore as far as uh melchor and you know do you do you explain that sauron is the second in command to melcore and introduce this villain that isn't gonna factor into the second age or is it just collateral maybe telling us um how good things were before and then you know they go through the war of wrath or something and destruction of half the world basically my bet is we get to see morgoth and hungolian destroy the two trees in the prologue yes sign me up i'll take that all day long that's a great point because if you see the two trees and we know they're not there in the second age then it stands to reason that maybe we see what happens to them yeah i think we're definitely looking at flashback to the first stage and in this case even before the years of the trees come before the first stage so got some more predictions i i like the predictions that sound like like i don't know who dni dni anon is but i sound pretty confident here uh i think the first two episodes are gonna be released the same day first ends with the trees destroyed second with more goth stealing some rules and feyenoord leaving so i would say i i i'm gonna stick with my prediction that this is gonna all take place within the first 10-15 minutes this uh prologue thing uh because it's not a it's not a show about the first stage if it was a show about the first stage then i'd be with you there um i still think it'd probably be condensed more but we're only getting eight to ten episodes i think in this first season um so dedicating two full episodes 20 of the show to uh stuff that happens a full age before the main part of the show i i don't see them doing that dev thompson thank you for becoming a youtube member be sure to go uh you'll have access go to the community tab and you'll have a member exclusive post so you can join the patreon or not the patreon sorry the discord nerd of the rings discord we've got a lot of cool chat we've been chatting in there uh this afternoon about this image had a lot of ideas thrown around so be sure to join the discord if you're a member or if you support on patreon is the series canon uh yeah well i mean depends like it's not a new book obviously i mean if you consider the peter jackson films canon then yeah it's an adaptation of the books you know it's not like star wars where they started with movies and the movies are additional movies are canon and some books are canon and some aren't that kind of thing um you know the original canon is tolkien's works and then everything else is adap adaptations of that for some reason thought of mayglin um but then again i don't know why yeah meglin would have uh come in during the first age um probably because you know maybe it was because you saw this as gondolin um which wouldn't be a bad guess either um if if it wasn't for the two trees gondolin would be a good one because it's surrounded mostly by mountains it looks like even beyond here there's mountains um yeah gosh i would love to see fall of gondolin adapted i would love to see all of tolkien adapted basically is what it comes down to there's no there's nothing of tolkien that i wouldn't want to see adapted mr green thank you so much for becoming a youtube member i am hyped guys i i thought i was gonna end up doing a big uh live stream for 300 000 subscribers but we're a little early that's okay we're at 296. so if you haven't already hit that subscribe button because we're going to be talking about lord of the rings on prime a lot as it comes out thought we had some more galadriel boom all right great question why is galadriel even in it i don't remember her having much of a role in the second age well you should remember better darth heilian hellion i'm sorry i'm giddy with excitement here uh yeah so galadriel does uh she is around during the second age she's around during the first stage second age third age all the ages um so in the second age you probably don't remember much of galadriel because she's just kind of mentioned here and there mostly in unfinished tales so if you have a copy of unfinished tales check that out there's an entire chapter that's the story of galadriel and kelliborn and that has um that even has some dialogue between galadriel and gandalf um when they're talking about the elisar which is a stone or which is a yes like a stone made in the shape of a green gemstone with a bird eagle um it's basically a sign of aragorn's kingship and his betrothal to arwen and uh yeah it basically it was um in the movies it was replaced with the necklace um that arwen gives to aragorn so they kind of took some creative license with that um but yeah so check out unfinished tails that's a good one to look into galadriel during the second age also my video here on the channel i have a complete travels of galadriel that goes from birth all the way to her sailing in to the west in the third age it's a big long epic video goes over her entire life but some of the highlights she moves to lake uh nanuyo um which is north of where the shire would one day be she lives there for a time um and then she moves to a region uh for a time which is where kelebrimbor creates the rings of power and where sauron would eventually come disguised as anatar um to instruct kelebrimbor on creating the rings of power um and then after that before the fall of oregon she moves to um the really long name for it was like laura lindorand i believe but it's what becomes lorian so um so yeah they move around a lot um and then eventually so kelebrimbor stays behind in a region he helps fight against sauron uh galadriel and their daughter calabrian are in well what am i doing i should have the map out for this ah my bad guys okay here we go all right so yes they live in austin ethel for a while and then kelleborn stays behind in austin ethel and calabrian and her mom galadriel come live in lauren und and eventually they would meet up right around here reunite once again and this is where rivendell is founded where elrond creates rivendell and that is where galadriel's daughter calibrian and elrond meet and fall in love and calibrion is the mother of arwen so there you go all right hopefully we can see more goth milk corn this that would be cool oh this is an interesting comment why does a city in valinor have defensive walls could this be a second age city with someone visualizing remembering the trees all right let's go back to our picture i gotta look at it oh not bad that's some pretty good uh theorizing right there that's a good question maybe i mean it could be out of fear of morgoth that they would build their cities with uh defensive walls but i do like the idea like if this is someone remembering the trees like say it's galadriel or something outside of a city um and we're actually seeing not not like a vision necessarily but just a creative way of doing a flashback like this takes us into the flashback i still think i think the safe money is on this being tyrion but i mean that's a cool it's a cool theory definitely [Music] austin ethel would have a defensive wall yeah weren't walls put up after the morgoth ongoing catastrophe well so the morgoth ongoing catastrophe would would have happened with the two trees being destroyed valmar has a gate you know i think you're right that does ring a bell hold on a second doors of polished bronze i'm looking up online here yeah valmar it could be valmar that's another option so here's valmar here's tyrion and the two trees i believe are somewhere around here i believe that's right let me consult my resources here i have another map that has the two trees yes okay so the two trees are actually right here not far from valmar right around here so yeah this totally could be valmar there's no way they will show valinor i don't know man i feel like uh this image looks a lot like valinor two trees at the western gate of valmar and it's in all caps sorry i should have read it more emphatically yes it is to the west it is to the west let's see here see if i can pull this over there we go yep okay so we're officially we're officially changing so tyrion's pretty far away i think i mean there is definitely some distance in this image but i thi yeah i think we've got to say that's valmar i stand corrected so people at the beginning of the stream can call me an idiot i was wrong it's not tyrion it's valmar get get these cities it's a lot of cities you know what was the island called that sauron made into tolen gaurav it was tall syrian tolsirion um with the fortress of uh minas tirith the first meanest tyrioth noob yep i'll wear it okay so cat captain blackbird you get credit yes gold star for you you said valmar at the beginning of the stream there's a lot of comments here i'm trying to keep up there's 1400 people here this might be the most i've ever had for a stream all right so now you've seen an image from lord of the rings on prime more excited less excited same level of excitement that's your three options let me know in the chat i want to know more excited less excited or equally excited tell me in the chat right now and that'll tell that also tell youtube like hey this this stream's rocking more more oh yeah we're getting a lot of more excited if you're less i'm curious to hear why why this would make you less excited does valmar have mountains nearby that is a great point oh man are we going are we gonna go back to tyrion are we are we gonna just keep changing our minds back and forth because tyrion does have mountains on both sides oh so was i right and then wrong and then right again is that we're going with oh it could be tyrion i feel like it might be tyrion team tyrion yep i'm going back i jump ship for a little bit but i'm going back yes no mountains see this is awesome i love this see my my natural instinct would have been like okay i've got to research the heck out of this before i could jump on a stream but this is much more fun to discover this together if it's tyrion tenny kwetil is in those mountains on the left side oh yeah tenney quetzal is pretty awesome channel's gonna blow up i hope so that'd be awesome there more people subscribing if people are hitting that subscribe it's going to help for sure so be sure to hit that subscribe there's 1500 people here i'm guessing you're not all subscribed to the channel yet but there's gonna be tons of lore of the rings stuff we talk about it every single week here on the channel i do animated maps all kinds of lore if you like maps and you like tolkien it's a no-brainer hit subscribe valmar nor the trees have mountains nearby yes yeah so i think i mean this is in the distance like i think the mountains are like more close and then it gets to maybe a hilly region it's hard to tell because like you know i don't think the two trees are probably the size of actual trees which might make them seem closer in this image than they actually are if that makes sense one of those perspective type things so like here you might think like oh they're just on the other side of that lake but maybe they're like really big and they're farther i don't know might be might be grasping at straws at this point team tyrion dilley 303 thank you for the super chat thank you so much for doing this stream love getting hyped with you love the channel thank you so much appreciate it those are not hills oh no there's definitely i mean the foreground is certainly mountains these are definitely mountains i mean let's be honest if if the worst change that they make is adding some small mountains where there might not be mountains i can i can live with that i'm subscribed already but i want to do it again i love it your vids are legit the best of any tolkien tuber thanks so much carter that is some high praise yes remember arda is flat at this time reminds uh greg bugatti reminds us so you can see farther further farther i don't know yeah sorry for all the academics out there i said it both ways so i'm right and wrong fatty lumpkin should make an appearance the algorithm got you here thanks algorithm let's see here i got it oh where is i had a super chat here shout out to jake the trouser snake oh my gosh you ever get to the point where you you read out like a username or a comment and you halfway through think like should i be saying this out loud um sorry we had a super chat i feel like i might have missed a super chat here we go okay i believe the trees are there for cool effect like a poster showing two scenes they probably appear in a flashback this is an arrival to austin ethel that is not a bad theory i like that theory yeah that's kind of what we said before and thanks rory for the super chat really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you um yeah i could see that i i mean yeah i could see that or the idea that you know this is the start of a uh vision or flashback or something and you know this the camera like zooms in on this and we go to a flashback or something um and i wouldn't be surprised if austin ethel looks similar to this you know a lot of uh throughout tolkien's works a lot of um the uh cities are modeled off of cities that came before it like um so the woodland realm that we saw in the hobbit with thranduil that's modeled off of you know in the books that's modeled off of doriath which comes in the first stage um and yeah and gondolin is uh modeled after uh valmar in uh in valinor um so yeah i wouldn't be surprised like we said this has a very what we have come to think of as an elvish look and that might just be a uh valinor look that has been used to model um the elves have used over the years because that's where they came from where they lived for a long time i should say sorry we had another super chat here uh what will the show be called not just lord of the rings on prime right and thank you ryan for your super chat um yeah i don't think i don't think lord of the rings on prime is the final uh title of the show so far my my best guess is the lord of the rings the second age that's what i'm predicting i don't think they'll pass up the opportunity to use the lord of the rings in the title because it's so well known so popular from the films um yeah i just i don't think they'll pass up that opportunity uh divine karaka chareka are we going to see the two blue wizards i hope so i think that would be really cool if we did um yeah we definitely could in tolkien's later writings they show up in 1600 of the second age [Music] and they travel over here to the east to roon where we know the easterlings come from um so yeah they they show up here at the gray havens um and then they migrate over here they show up at 1 600 of the second age it's the same time that glorfendell shows up in middle earth so we very well could see them lady of a thillion thank you so much for the super chat found this channel last year absolutely love it i hope it blows up very well deserved thank you so much i'll be honest it feels like uh yeah i'm at 296 000 right now for me that feels pretty blown up at the moment i know that there's plenty of channels out there way bigger than me but i am super grateful to all of you who have subscribed and watched my content um over the past uh i guess year and a half that i've been doing this um yeah i'm i just super appreciative everybody who's supported the channel in every way um watching it subscribing um patreon supporters shout out to my patreon supporters you hear their names at the end of every video they're part of what makes this channel happen i say that at the end of every video i truly mean it um i in the early days of this channel i've told this story before but in the early days of this channel i almost stopped doing it because i didn't think i was making enough progress and was wondering if it was worth going forward and that's around the same time that uh i got my first patreon supporter so um yeah first couple in the those first couple months i got a few patreon supporters they really encouraged me um so i will always be hugely appreciative to my patreon supporters um isn't that gondor no i think we can safely say that is not gondor there is some similarity like that as far as uh where the structures are like you have the main building here and then some other secondary building so that kind of reminds you maybe of the houses of the dead or not houses of the dead but where they bury the kings and uh stewards but no um i think two trees definitely rules that out for sure um let's see here they could also incorporate middle earth into the title they could i think lord of the rings is a more popular name though i think that's that'll win out someone from amazon please drop a hint says angelo thank you so much for the super chat angelo yeah if if you work at amazon blink twice and drop us a hint and now i'm gonna have a bunch of people in the comments like putting two wink emojis and just saying random stuff we'll never know all right um so let's say so we've had some debate going back and forth here on who this character is so everyone in the in the chat let's do this tell me who you think the character is i want to get a barometer reading here of who we think it is so is it galadriel is it one of the valar is it who else do we think trying to think of some of the other predictions that we've had today myron that's an interesting thought that this could be sauron in a fair form before he becomes evil that's interesting huh rory thank you so much for the super chat look at the ruins the fellowship passes trying to bypass moria valinor won't be a main location so they wouldn't put it in the first teaser image yeah definitely i think uh let's see here see if i can pull up the image of austin ethel here we go i got you guys covered all right boom there you go not very high resolution um so yeah this is the ruins that the fellowship passes so if you watch your copy of fellowship of the ring it is during the montage as the ring goes south which i believe is also the chapter title of um of that scene i think that's the scene title um yeah so this is austin ethel so i think what what rory here is saying is you know these are kind of similar similar to that i mean i can see it like we said before i think if if this is part of a separate scene if this is some kind of composition or like some uh storytelling device that incorporates a flashback or a transition of some kind to a flashback i could see that it's just the two trees put such a definite time uh time stamp on when this would take place if this is all together shelob you think you think this is sheila somebody's been playing too much uh shadow of mordor i think i remember in 2020 way back in 2020 when you started your channel a thousand subscribers give away or near the ring stickers good times yeah i'm gonna have to come up with a a bigger giveaway whenever i hit half a million i'm gonna have a big giveaway i feel like that's that's gonna be a party type atmosphere all right oh we got another super chat p carvajal thank you so much 10 super chat i just got done watching a few of your travels videos and on my way to watch the films again i see this live just now here's to this new series not being a mess that's a great goal right that's what you hope for try not to suck it's a good goal sauron looks like an angel that sauron theory's taken hold this could be a fair form of sauron that would be interesting you wasted yes i think it's joycen for men of the west this is his uh this is part of his reveal one day he'll reveal his face right now he's just showing us his back ilmarin galadriel intros lord of the rings it would be great if she intros this new series i agree i think i i yeah i think i think that's a a strong possibility um and i was i was tweeting with uh the tolkien professor corey olson um he put forth the theory that this could be arendelle um elrond's father because he goes to tyrion to plead with the valar but then again it goes back to the two trees the two trees wouldn't be there during that time um but i did i did mention to corey that if if we're gonna see a prologue that has um a kind of a summary of um everything that happens in the first age it could be um it could be a real like for for a crude um example it could be like a real hold my beer type moment for this show like that would be going really big like saying oh you love the lord of the rings prologue we're gonna show you the first age over the course of 10 to 15 minutes that would be ambitious and i would absolutely eat it up jordan bachmann says if i pay you money will it come out sooner no you'd have better luck uh with amazon i don't control if the show comes out any sooner um i don't think that they'll do it for you either though i don't know maybe if you order enough stuff with prime shipping maybe plot twist it's you oh that would be news to me as well fin rod that's a good guess i would be down for seeing finra that's the only way we'd see finrod would be um if it's in a flashback because he spoiler finra dies in the first stage so if you didn't know that you haven't seen my finrad video i guess but um all right i can't help but see director krennic from uh rogue one yeah with like the short cloak thing or the the white uh cloak yeah thranduil's wife we don't even know who that is so i doubt that that's who that is princess leia we're getting a lot of star wars thoughts all right this is a good one let's talk about this for a second brendan krauss what first age info do you think is essential to understand the second age we only got the last alliance and the forging of the rings in the movies and that was enough yeah so i think this is a really good question i think a lot of it depends on when this show takes place in the second age if we're picking up with the very beginning of the second age so you know um numenor's a new kingdom stuff like that then we kind of have to understand what happened in the first stage at least that there was um morgoth and sauron excuse me and you know they were the the bad guys of uh of belarian and there was a giant war and valerian is destroyed so this cataclysmic event where uh an entire continent basically falls into the sea um yeah i could i could see this um prologue so to speak uh showing us numenor raising out of the sea being a gift to the men to the edine um i mean obviously the two trees thing i honestly did not expect us to see stuff this far back the two trees that really surprised me when i saw this um i think it'll it i don't think it'll go into great detail on the two trees like i don't even know like we're probably not gonna learn about like the lamps the two lamps that came before stuff like that if i had to guess it would just be like a passing mention like you know the the two trees which gave light to the entire world um were destroyed and show like morgoth and angolian destroying it and just kind of like maybe we get like a laundry list with some highlights of uh all the terrible things that morgoth did just basically paying the picture like there was this guy morgoth and he just made everything terrible he's satan basically um and then just setting it up to where it's like you know morgoth was defeated but there's still this other guy the sauron guy he's out there he's gonna be causing some trouble all right okay so we'll probably we'll wrap this up here pretty soon maybe we'll go for like another five minutes if you guys have um questions yes someone did say it was joyston [Laughter] maybe the trees this is a really good one i like this theory maybe the trees represent a vision of the noldors longing to return to valinor maybe looking west down the glen and the glendoin the anduin probably the anduin um yeah that could be yeah yeah i could definitely see this being like i said not not an exact um no like this image isn't um like an exact snapshot of like it's not a true still image like this could be like i said a composition of two things or like some kind of vision or a flashback or something like that um like as usual piruscam uh dev thompson a fellowship of fans tweeted leaks of yet unannounced big names slash familiar characters i dial will be ian mckellen unless narrating but lee pace return maybe maybe that would be kind of cool actually if thranduil uh turned up i guess but he kind of he very early on um travels to his home in markwood so you know they kind of all the elves of the second age you know belarian gets absolutely decimated and they kind of all migrate to linden over here this area right up here numenor gets raised out of the sea given to men um the elves kind of migrate here for a little bit galadriel goes up to lake nanuial then to austin ethel but fairly early on we're told there's also a complete travels of thranduil video on my channel if you're interested um pretty early on he goes over here with his father orofair and they actually it's down here at the time at that time it's down here what becomes dougaldore is actually their first capital in merkwood um so yeah i don't know like he he doesn't really come into the story but it could be one of those creative license things that they decide to take all right are the two trees visible from middle earth um it's possibly like they give light to the we kind of covered this already but they give light to the whole world um so it could be um but but nobody nothing really is nothing much is happening especially um given what we know about the show being in the second age i don't see this being across the ocean um because none of our main characters from the second age are going to be in middle earth before the two trees are destroyed they wouldn't rory's doubling down on this they wouldn't tease a flashback setting in their first teaser image i disagree i think they totally would because they know showing those trees will send all the tolkien fans into a tizzy and they're thinking holy cow it's the two trees just like we're doing now i hopped on here thinking i'm gonna talk for maybe like 20 minutes about this image and now now it's an hour and five minutes later no it's all good man rory it's all good thanks for being a member too rory i appreciate your thoughts so it's new zealand solved we got it figured it out guys we're good could be arua louvitar disguised enough maybe but i don't i don't think aru is ever gonna like enter the story like he's never never inserts himself into the story he's there at the beginning in the beginning very like god-like create the world and then you know just kind of kind of let things play out so yeah i don't think it's going to be aru but that's just my thought landstrider one of the best channels thanks man i assume you're talking about my channel since that's where we are right now all right well i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and wrap up here i've been trying i successfully squeezed in a live stream uh in between um kids and stuff so my house is probably gonna get pretty loud here soon lady of athelian became a member thank you so much um is is that smile gway in the background nope that's the two trees all right um thank you so much again if you're interested nerd of the rings is where you can become a patreon supporter we've got different tiers there with different perks the biggest one if you join either here on youtube or on patreon you get access to my discord server where we have a lot of fun chat we have a book club um we're currently in the first chapter almost second chapter of fellowship of the ring right now we're reading through all of tolkien's works so we're gonna be together for a long time talking about this stuff if you haven't already please please please hit the subscribe button that really does help that tells youtube people like this channel we should recommend it to more people hit the like button on this video that also tells people people like this video and this channel all those things are very very helpful with uh youtube's algorithm wizardry stuff um natori's chill thank you so much for becoming a member um oh and procter doctordepper42 thank you so much um yeah so all those things help if you uh subscribe like um share all that stuff is awesome um yeah so now you have a new background image for your computer and something more to uh look through and dissect and try to savor for the next 13 months until the show comes out it's so long this is so far away oh my gosh um but yeah well i'm sure we'll get more images peppered throughout time um and trailers man when they have a trailer we're gonna be breaking it down it might be a three-hour show to break down a trailer this is just one image we went an hour so um so yeah we'll see you guys around thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time on nerd of the rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 260,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lord of the rings, lotronprime, lotronprime image, lord of the rings release, lord of the rings release date, lotr release, lotronprime sept 2, galadriel, tirion, valinor, two trees, lotronprime galadriel, lord of the rings galadriel, lord of the rings tirion, lotr tirion, lotr valinor, lord of the rings amazon, lord of the rings amazon image
Id: reWU_X1yOzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 14sec (4094 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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