Isildur, Valian Years, and 400k Subscribers!

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hey hey everybody it's been a while i thought we should jump on a live stream i think it's been at least a few weeks since we did one of these live we had the interview with richard taylor most recently that was fun um yeah crossed uh 400 000 subscribers the other day so i thought it was a good time to jump on a live stream so we could chat and uh we'll have some yeah we'll see what you guys want to talk about it's kind of free-flowing today um angel says congratulations again matt i'm excited to see where this channel goes from here it's been amazing to watch this channel grow in leaps and bounds over the past year thanks so much angel i uh we were in the chat a little bit ago and uh alex shadowfax brought up the fact that uh he was here during some of the earliest streams when we watched some obscure talking adaptations like the finish and i think there was a swedish one maybe that sounds right um but yeah so fun fact if you go back and watch my interview with stephen hunter who played bomber in the films um i actually found out the next day that i had covid and i felt like garbage throughout that whole interview but i was bound and determined i was not going to reschedule it and so i got off that live stream and i told my wife that was like my jordan flu game for those of you basketball fans out there that was my jordan flu game moment so there you go so i'm curious i haven't gone back and watched it but i'm kind of curious to see how just terrible i look and i know i felt terrible i wouldn't be surprised if i look terrible carlos you're the best nerd in the rings thank you so much thank you thanks guys a lot of compliments for the 400k appreciate it mark of the dragon well done on 400k always enjoy your content and in-depth videos just ordered the illustrated edition of the lord of the rings book from amazon highly looking forward to it beautiful book yes yes it is uh yeah is i'm guessing you're talking about the box set the illustrated edition it is really nice it comes with the hobbit as well and it goes really nice on the shelf next to some morelian and unfinished tails i love that they all kind of match john caffey hands down best tolkien content on youtube congrats it's well deserved thanks so much john thanks guys y'all are so nice rodrigo new to the channel discovered the channel this week and now i'm on a tolkien reading spree that ruined my productivity thanks nerd of the rings helping procrastinators since january 2020 thiago's from portugal colombia we got somebody from colombia here all right yeah feel free to throw in questions guys i'll uh i'll try to answer questions as we go along i've got a couple of topics of discussion obviously we can talk about the fact that um the big rumor circulating from a fellowship of fans released it and then redanian intelligence followed that up with uh the casting um of isildur so sounds like a seal door is gonna be one of the primary characters of lord of the rings on prime uh gogo asks who's your favorite character which king of angmar maybe i think gogo's a little uh partial there judging by the the uh profile image um i usually go with gandalf is typically typically my go-to but it can change on the day you know if i'm reading uh you know certain portions i'll say man that pharamir is awesome what a guy so it kind of changes on the day um yeah i could probably like list off 20 characters and be like but i really like this guy but i really like this guy um but yeah more often than not i go with gandalf uh sons of feyenoor yes i will do a video upcoming of sons of feyenoord i wanted to get the feinor video out first and then give it some time you know to do its thing and then i'll uh yeah i'll circle back around that'll probably be a big video he's got a lot of suns you know and speaking of that you know from the nature of middle earth it kind of goes into um and we'll go in more into nature and middle earth here in a little bit but it describes how having kids like actually takes energy out of um out of the parents to like make the children kind of thing which i feel like any parent would be able to tell you that like duh but i guess it's especially so for elves so the fact that he has seven kids because they point to that as the fact that uh um elves don't typically have a whole lot of children but feyenoord did by golly in a rose proud supporter congratulations can't wait for 1 million man that that would be crazy to get a million and get like the gold play button thing man that's crazy i mean it's it's possible i'm not counting any chickens but man i never dreamed that i'd that you know this channel would be where it is today so who knows never say never um brandon kelly congrats on 400k any sneak peek for anything in the works um well i will tell you saturday's video coming out here in two days will be on the easterlings that's one i've been uh asked to do a lot so i am finally getting that one done be a nice nice big beefy video on the easterlings so um aside from that i've got some stuff coming up for the holidays um i thought about doing a bonus video of like a uh tolkien gift guide like if uh if that sounds like something you guys uh would find interesting let me know here in the chat um yeah i thought then you can send it to all your friends and family who are going to be shopping for you all right let's see here i want to make sure i hit up the super chats there it is my scroll he went crazy there for a minute kyle edwards thanks so much for the super chat love your content man just finished reading the silmarillion amazing congrats that's awesome i love when people uh share that they just are either just starting or just finished or you know finally tackling the silmarillion after it being too intimidating previously um yeah that's awesome man and thank you for the super chat yeah so marillion's one of those like it took me i had to go like read it with the audiobook in order to get through it the first time it's it can be pretty dense feynorvid was excellent excellent thank you so much your videos are what got me properly into lord of the rings i watched the movies a bunch before but i wasn't big on the lore greetings from northern ireland murky does random stuff murky here is up pretty late i'm guessing for northern ireland it's eight o'clock here where i am so gosh it's gotta be like one o'clock in the morning or something right somewhere around there asks what's your favorite tolkien book i like the silmarillion um it kind of depends on what i'm in the mood for uh i like the hobbit that you can just like pick it up it's light and breezy and no matter what i can pick up the hobbit and just have fun with that um lord of the rings is kind of like the um you know it's probably the cliche answer but there's good reason for it it's so good um and i've really dug into the andy circus audiobooks here recently um so that's definitely um definitely a contributing factor to my answer i would say but my default would be lord of the rings um i do have a big soft spot so right up there is children of horun if you've been around the channel for a while you'll probably know very well that i'm a big children of and fan uh emmy asks is there any character you would be excited to see in lord of the rings on prime i would love to see finn rod well supposedly finrod is the character that's in the image that they released um for lord of the rings on prime that we saw uh valinor and the two trees the person standing in the foreground i i kind of thought that maybe it was galadriel with her hair up but apparently it is her brother finrod probably in a prologue of some kind but as for characters i'm excited to see i am actually really pumped that the seal door sounds it sounds like a seal door is gonna be a main character um if uh i don't know if how much you've watched if you if you watched the the video by fellowship of fans that i was in um i i pointed out i actually one of my third ever video here on the channel was a theory video on why a sealed or would be a great main character and so i kind of laid it out with much worse narration i think than i have now so bear that in mind if you seek out that video after this but i am really pumped because i feel like he's got an incredibly compelling storyline he connects to so many things in the third age um so things that general audiences will be familiar with like the palantiri the uh army of the dead the white tree of gondor obviously we know him from the prologue in the ring and i i am excited to see him get a chance to shine as a hero because that's one thing you know if you've only seen the movies you would kind of think seal door was kind of lame and selfish and everything um but you know there's a lot more to him than that he had some really heroic acts uh before that so if you just know the part about him taking the ring he kind of he kind of comes off pretty bad but uh but yeah there's some there's some pretty cool stuff in in store for us i think all right callisto after the fellowship of fans podcast i just had to go back and watch your january 2020 video about isildor being a great main character you had some compelling reasons love the video congrats on your milestone thanks so much callisto i'm glad you're you're still here and a subscriber after hearing my terrible narration over that video it's just so flat it's it's one of those things you know you start a youtube channel you just go for it and you you hopefully get a little better along the way i hope i've gotten a little better along the way uh it may seem small but i would love to see a what if the witch king found frodo at the stairs of kirith ungol keep up the good work congrats on 400k love you thank you brady thank you so much uh so if the witch king found frodo at the stairs of kirth ungul um probably nothing good i can confidently say nothing good would have happened um i i can only imagine that uh yeah it probably would have played out uh that you know the witch king reclaims the ring and takes it to his master um because you know you wouldn't have air gorn flying in with a uh with fire to drive him away um yeah and i think i don't think gollum is any any match for the witch king for sure and it's odd because you know when you read that part it kind of implies that like the witch king knew he you know he obviously didn't know like hey the ring is there but he knew somebody was there but it wasn't he wasn't concerned about it i guess he's just kind of like well good luck getting past that giant spider uh do you think we will see olorin so for those of you not in the know that is gandalf that's his um original name uh in the show i'm guessing you're talking about the amazon prime show i doubt it i i don't think so unless they go into the third age um because he doesn't show up until year one thousand of the third age um so i don't think there's any reason for us to see gandalf um i i think would we definitely will see galadriel we'll see allendyl gilgalad um we'll see elrond you know there'll be plenty of people plenty of characters coming from uh the third age that we have seen before but no i don't think we'll see gandalf oh behind the scenes question here of gondor asks is your mic sure sm7b or do you have a naturally great talking voice i actually don't like the sound of my own voice i don't like listening to myself which is funny because i edit myself all week long um this one is a actually it is an audio technica 2020 yeah which is a pretty good mic for sure so i'm sure it helps i don't i'm not banking on that my voice sounds good for sure uh as a man my pronunciation i'm sorry uh i was a man i'm greatly impressed at the quality of vid of your videos what tools do you use to make the tokens the circular portraits in your vids thanks much i use photoshop for all those so i'll go through the nice thing about those is i can reuse them from uh video to video but if i i'll go through my script and see if there's characters that i have not made yet then i'll go into photoshop and make those as i'm toward the beginning part of my editing process so i try to accumulate all my assets into premiere and then edit from there so i'm not going back and forth creating tokens as i get to them so uh yeah but i use photoshop milo says i really want to see gil gallade yes i guarantee we'll see gilgallid for sure i think i saw men of the west in there too shout out to men of the west josh youngberg what are you using to edit the video i'm using premiere adobe premiere i've used that for quite a long time now yeah probably been on premiere for almost 10 years or so oh this is a great question micah as a tolkien fan i hope to someday introduce tolkien's world to my children if god blesses me with them at what age should i introduce tolkien's world to my kids so this is a really fun question um and one that um i have kids myself so i have gone through a lot um debating on when to show them the movies and stuff like that um so i think i i think my oldest was around nine or so when i showed them uh the lord of the rings movies um so they were like my oldest two were like nine and eight uh when i showed them the movies the nice thing about them they're pg-13 but they're i feel like they're pretty mild pg-13 as far as pg-13 goes there's no swearing there's no um you know sexual content uh the violence really isn't that over the top i mean you see some orc blood here and there but you know for for the most part it's pretty bloodless so um yeah um but aside from that uh i think i might have read them the hobbit earlier than that actually um but yeah i'd say as early as they show any interest um [Music] you know read them the hobbit and do voices it's always more fun with voices so get out your golem impression for sure jason o'keefe congrats on your milestone your videos are so high quality even at the beginning of your channel did you have experience making videos prior also any plans to make an arwen video thanks um so yes i will eventually make an arwen video i'll probably you know lord willing i will make videos for every tolkien character at some point down the road um i would like to make an aoen video relatively soon because i really really like that character um but yeah i will definitely get around to arwen i know i covered um kind of the sec you know the later part of her life in uh my aragorn after the lord of the rings video i kind of covered both of them in that um but yeah uh yeah i'll definitely make an arwyn video uh gustavo says do you think the series will be good um the amazon series uh it's hard to say right now we haven't seen anything we've seen an image that's really the only thing we have to go off of um i have high hopes for it you know i um like i i've always kind of taken the approach with the show like i'm not gonna judge anything until i actually see it you know um i know some some people are super worried about it but um you know i had corey olson the tolkien professor on uh what seems like ages ago but you know we kind of talked about it's it's um what did he say he had a great term for it like borrowing uh worry or borrowing drama or something like that like you're you know you're worrying about something you have no control of and it's a long time away like it's still almost a year away um so i don't lose any sleep over it um i'm gonna give it every chance you know i'm excited that it's coming i'm excited that we're getting more um talking adaptations you know it's been a long time and now we've got the amazon show we've got um you know the gollum video games coming out the war of the rohirrim anime like it's a really exciting time to be a tolkien fan so yeah i'm pumped i i think you know the first image that amazon released looked really really good that image of uh of valinor like it would be you'd be hard-pressed to come up with a better image you know as your first release image of valinor i mean it confused the heck out of people because we all thought oh it's gonna be something second age and then they bust out something you know that's even before the first stage with the two trees um but maybe that's part of their plan to confuse the heck out of all of us but man that image looks fantastic so i'm pumped uh nerd cookies congrats on 400k thanks so much nerd cookies shout out to nerd cookies wonderful channel here on the youtubes wayne fancher with five dollars thanks so much uh do you think feyenoord will be in the prime show um if he is i'm guessing it would just be something brief in the prologue which kind of the prologue um you know it's all rumors right now obviously but the prologue people are kind of thinking um the first two episodes might be like combined so like we might get you know a couple hour episode or something to start off and it might be a prologue um but i'm thinking that's where anything first age or earlier will come into play would be in some kind of prologue i think i think the bulk of this show is going to take place in the second age given the synopsis that came out um but yeah so feynor might make like a cameo or something if i had to guess it's all guesswork right now oh i think i missed one yep there we go john john morrison thanks so much for the super chat if sauron had a body during the lord of the rings why were we never shown it and was was the eye a kind of palantiri what happened to his body after and do you think his soul is in the halls of mendoz that's a lot of questions there all right so let's take these one at a time here okay so if sauron had a body during lord of the rings why are we never shown it um i think the most likely answer there is um that he just he didn't come out to battle personally um he did not have the ring at that time um so he was essentially at his weakest point so to to engage personally in hand-to-hand combat would have been taken a pretty big risk and you know he's not one that would typically put his neck on the line especially when he has a potential disadvantage like that was the eye a kind of palantiri so in the films they have like the giant uh fire eyeball thing so that's not in the books that's not how it is in the book so the eye of sauron as referred to in the books is um for one it's a symbol that like the orcs would wear on their armor and stuff um so there's that there's like a literal logo that's an eye other than that it's kind of this um this uh concept of the eye of sauron is like he is constantly vigilant in um you know monitoring his lands and uh you know in middle earth and like it's this like this never ceasing evil presence kind of thing so it's kind of this a little bit ambiguous but um yeah it's uh it's kind of more that that concept i guess if that makes sense um what happened to his body after and do you think his soul is in the halls of mandos um no i do not think that's in the halls of mandos it actually says at the end of lord of the rings that um he's basically like broken and is just left to wander and cannot you know he's basically nothing so kind of like to bring in another nerd thing here um you know like how voldemort like can't do anything after he you know dies if you're a harry potter fan you know or after he uh tries to kill harry when he's a baby and stuff he's just he's less than nothing um yeah he just is doomed to float around all right sorry i missed this one originally uh fleischer236 out of all of tolkien's world what are three specific events you would love to see on screen three specific events man i almost have to say war of wrath because it's just so huge like if it could be done well like i don't even know what it would look like but i would want it to blow my mind um i would love to see children of horan on screen on it as a tv series probably um yeah i think having glaurung and like that has some of my favorite dialogue children of horan the dialogue between horan and morgoth and turin and glaurung are some of the best interchanges exchanges between just these most evil of evil uh figures yeah so there you go that's kind of three events um the near naith arnoldiad from the first age would be an absolutely gut-wrenching battle if done properly because it's there's so many ups and downs in that battle and it's so catastrophic for the elves and men and dwarfs uh who take part it's just a terrible terrible loss for them um so yeah if you if you did that especially i think that would make a great prologue going into a children of in series or something um because it's just so gut-wrenching oh this is a great question okay so of gondor so i was actually gonna bring this up um with the amazon uh show do you think they'll smush the timeline and have the forging of the rings take place during the ocala beth or do you think they will do a time jump storytelling if i had to guess this is just my theory um i have zero inside information on this so this is just me off the top of my head or not off top my head because i've been thinking about it ever since i heard the name of seal door um if i had to guess i think they will smush the timeline so that instead of the rings of power and the war of elves and sauron happening like sixteen hundred years before isildur's time i think it'll happen while isildor is in his younger days in numenor so i think i think it'll still happen so that the rings of power and the war of elves and sauron will come first because sauron can't be in two places at once and he's the one who brings about the fall of numenor so i think we'll see you know right from the get-go maybe there's a conflict going on with sauron and the elves or one brewing something like that um and then you know maybe at the end of season one maybe season two like sauron's defeated by the elves so then he goes to numenor something like that maybe but i think it'll probably be at least a couple seasons before numenor falls that's just my guess because i think i think they're going to introduce you know if you if you've got a seal door um you know you've you've kind of opened the door for uh faraz on to be your villain in numenor so you've got a villain in numenor and a villain in middle earth there um yeah and i don't i don't think he's a one and done i don't think farzan's probably gonna be a one season and done villain and i don't think they'll destroy numenor that fast ephraim asks when did you start your channel january 2020 so uh what is that so one year and 10 months ago approximately talking panda ever gonna do a video on tour and gondolin absolutely he is very high on my list actually um so probably before the end of the year i would say i'll have a tour two hour video he's pretty awesome are you positive about amazon's lord of the rings story wise am i positive like like i have a positive outlook or i'm like certain that that's how the story's gonna play out i could read that a couple different ways um i mean i'd say yes either way however you slice it um am i positive about it i am optimistic about the time period i think it's a really compelling time period um the fall of numenor is a very i keep saying compelling i'm trying to think of another word for compelling but it's a very compelling storyline and there's some really interesting characters at play um you know we see uh sauron um being evil on a totally in a totally different way than what we see in lord of the rings in lord of the rings he's pretty much just this dark tyrant who is trying to take the world over by force and before that in the second age his approach was more stealth and turning people against each other and corrupting from within so yeah i think uh i think it's got a lot of promise and like i said isildur i think is a really good choice i think uh yeah i think he's a good character to for us to follow as well as elrond i think uh i made a whole video recently like right before seal door broke i made a video like hey maybe elrond should be the main character and then it's like nope psych you're right a year and a half ago it's actually a seal door uh boondocks gaming thank you so much for the super chat let's see here oh of gondor says yeah the first two episodes prologue calling it brody says i remember when you were having your 10k substream great job on all the content and progress thanks so much brody yeah that was a while ago for sure i can't remember if that's the one where we watched a random uh like european adaptation like finnish or something but one of them was there oh this is a good question uh boondocks gaming what are your thoughts and feelings on the lord of the rings films any parts you like in the film more than in the books i love the films that is how i originally [Music] got into lord of the rings that's how i was introduced to tolkien period i had no previous knowledge um it was funny i actually i saw dune recently and i that was one of the few times in between watching fellowship for the first time and now that i had no previous knowledge of the source material pretty much any other adaptation i've watched i had some kind of baseline knowledge um but yeah i went into fellowship of the ring had no idea about any of it and um ironically both dune and fellowship kind of end on cliffhangers where you're like what is there is there more to this story turns out there is spoiler alert in both cases there's more to the story um but yeah i won't spoil anything about dune plotwise or anything but um yeah uh as far as any parts in the film i like more than in the books uh i can't think of any off the top of my head um yeah i mean there's there's some i know the reverse like i like in the books more than in the films like gandalf versus the witch king i much prefer in the uh in the books as opposed to the films um but i think i think they're fantastic adaptations yeah as someone who who took kind of a unique uh entry into tolkien by watching fellowship watching two towers then reading all of them hobbit through return of the king and then watching return the king um yeah it was i i think they did a great job it was a testament that i i watched return the king and i was like holy cow they did it they stuck the landing this is awesome just recently subscribed never read lord of the rings books just fan of the movies saw your three origin of morgoth videos wow incredible story will that ever be seen in live action don't think so good work nerd of the rings um well first of all thank you uh thanks for subscribing and um yeah those are i think those are some of my more popular videos actually the more goth videos it's it's kind of cool because the story of the villain is kind of the story of the first age um it's hard to say i mean there's a chance maybe someday um honestly after the film trilogies that we got a lot a lot of people including myself never expected us to get anything else aside from you know i just assumed oh in 30 years they'll probably remake lord of the rings and it won't be as good as the peter jackson ones and then we'll all be bummed out but um but here we are talking about a war of the rohirem uh anime and lord of the rings on prime that's adapting the second age stuff that i never dreamed we'd get so yeah i i think never say never because you just never know if especially if if these adaptations that are upcoming go well i think that will open more doors because right now i think i wouldn't be surprised if uh you know the tolkien estate is looking to uh especially the amazon show to see how it does um and if it does really well and they do a really good job then maybe that opens the door for a uh silmarillion series which would be amazing man getting more goth like i said i like i already said i'm i'm a big fan like of children of whorin and anytime we get morgoth dialogue it's always really good john caffey thanks so much for the super chat your history of glorfendell video is the best can you give my son parker kathy a shout out and hit on what before the world means regarding ongoing it for him and do do you do all of your own character voices in the vids well shout out to parker caffey how's it going parker glad to hear that you are a tolkien fan in training um before the world regarding ongoing oh okay yeah so angolia is a really interesting uh it's kind of like i liked it in my tom bombadil video i kind of covered uh one of the theories of tom being the music and ongoing being uh the discord like the embodiments of those two things um because we really don't know for certain like where angolian came from um what exactly she is like some people think she might be a mayar or something um but she's just there like from the beginning like like tom bombadil you know he says that he was there before you know he starts listing off all these things before the dark lord and we know that you know morgoth is one of the first valar to show up um yeah it's just kind of this this mystery um and do you do all that yes i do yeah i do i try to do all my own character voices so you can debate whether or not i do them well but i do them i try it's fun i i like doing the voices it's more fun for me i think it's more engaging um sorry that i'm so american but i try michael says love your channel man it's been keeping me sane during deployment keep up the great work well hey michael thank you so much for your service man appreciate it and uh thanks for watching the channel glad it uh glad it could uh be a comfort for you and uh stay safe all right i do have um let's see here i had a couple questions from patreon as well so i asked my patreon supporters ahead of time um so anna wood asked on our patreon discord what if gandalf the gray saved theoden instead of gandalf the white so um so the background behind this was is kind of like you know could could he still do it i think you know would it be any different was what she said so like um you know would uh would he still be able to do it i think is kind of the common question that i hear about this um i think he still could um i was thinking about this i had a few reasons um so what do we know about when gandalf comes back as gandalf the white um basically what he gets is an upgrade in his uh position like his his job he is now the head of his order um like he says before saruman you know when he's talking to frodo he says saruman's the head of my order kind of thing um now that's gandalf when he comes back as gandalf the white um so that's what gives him the authority to um cast saruman out of the order he says get out of here you're no longer one of us istari you're not uh you're not on the white council and your staff's broken um so he he has authority over saruman um that being said i think uh where this question comes up a lot is from the films there's a much more overt uh control portrayed there between saruman and theodin like they they have him like standing at the palantir which doesn't you know as i think about it now it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that the palantir would enable him to like control theodin because theoden doesn't have a plant here for him to you know see into his mind and thoughts you know um but it's more so you know in unfinished tales uh the quote is um that there were uh likely subtle poisons administered by grima um so that leads me to believe that it's more much more of a um uh human-made maybe you know maybe it was wizard made but something a bit more physical than magical if that makes sense um and also you've got the fact that uh gandalf even when he was the gray he had naria the ring of fire which when kyrdan gives it to him he says uh that it uh that with it gandalf shall rekindle heart to the valor of old in a world that grows chill um which when you think about it is exactly what he's doing with theodon um you know uh in a sense feyden uh is rekindled he's real awoken to are we awoken were you awake awakened i don't know um he's uh yeah he's brought back to his old valor and he's already like from go he's ready to ride into battle it's not like in the films where he's you know hesitant and he's like no let's go to helm steve it's like nope we're going to battle we're doing this let's go take some people on so yeah all that to say i think i think gandalf the grey still could have done it um there's other things he probably he could not have done like i you know he couldn't have broken saruman's staff and cast him from the order because he would be in a lower position is my theory alan do you think we'll ever see an adaptation that will include material toward the beginning and the end of lord of the rings that was excluded from the films um so when i had billy and dom on uh we we kind of fired around the idea of them doing an audio drama of the scouring the shire which i think would be amazing um i i honestly think uh the best the best thing well i i think that would only come if we get a whole new adaptation of lord of the rings i don't think that anyone you know i don't i doubt that warner brothers would just say here is a 30-minute scouring of the shire you know they're not they're not gonna do that especially live-action um i don't i don't see that happening um but you know i've i've long said another one of my older videos is uh that they should read they should do lord of the rings in it as an animated series um or even when richard taylor was on he said uh we were talking about the style of the uh the mini epics like the gandalf right there that gandalf um you're saying uh you know even a stop motion in that style would be pretty cool so i'm a big fan of that that style take that one off sergey uh love your videos i would love to learn more about the hobbit and all the family lineage um lineage i didn't i guess i didn't go over the lineage as much i did have a recent video that was the history um or the origin of hobbits or something like that or it's just a couple weeks ago but i forgot the title of my own video um yeah so we did go over uh kind of like where hobbits came from and how they came to be and when they show up and everything um yeah and that would be an interesting one because the hobbits do have pretty well laid out family trees like we know that you know how mary and bilbo and frodo are related and they're also related to pippin and um there's a lot of uh you know cousins twice removed or one you know removed from each other and all that stuff so uh yeah i'll have to look into that i might that might be a fun one panda was watching travels a glacier when you realized i was live cool well thanks for hopping over i i uh yeah hope you'll you'll continue your travels with galadriel after this gentry agreeing with my theodin uh gandalf the gray theory uh yeah i think i think you know naria could be a factor um we know that you know because it even says like gandalf the grace uh like just gandalf in general his strength is you know he gives courage to people um which is essentially what he does to theodon of many colors that's true but it's a fake it's it's just his own creation the uh of many colors he who breaks a thing to find what is that quote he who breaks a thing to find out what it is has uh left the path of wisdom i think is the gandalf quote it's a really good one ian thanks so much for the super chat do you ever think about how tolkien could have easily been killed in the somme um i don't think about it often i guess um but yeah i mean that's definitely a uh a very real thing you know like he he was in battle in the trenches um and his cr it is kind of crazy to think like as crazy as it is to think that this all came from one person's mind it is you know as you bring it up i guess it is kind of crazy to think uh we might not have um had it at all if things had gone differently love the hat is it part of your merch it is not actually um this is i bought this on i want to say it was warner brothers shop i think i want to say it's like or something um but this is a uh the hat that the wetta people i believe wore on the set of the lord of the rings so they would know like anyone who needed an effects person or something like that we would know to look for the eye of sauron on the hat so um but they sell them on the warner brothers shop so no i wish i had hats like this i do i need to do hats that's one thing i've i haven't done merch wise uh i've so far just pretty much done t-shirts but i do want to get it i want to get a nerd of the rings hat going because i enjoy my i enjoy a good hat rodel says hey i use i used to binge watch your videos instead of studying keep up the good work man well hey i'm i'm glad i could uh help you procrastinate i guess i'm it sounds like you've got through the videos so that's good so now you don't have to i don't have to interfere with your life too much all right um so i had another thing another fun thing here for us to chat about it's the valiant years from nature of middle earth this is pretty cool so first of all shout out shout out to delwin who is one of my supporters i can't remember if dell wins on patreon or youtube but he's he's also in the discord so if you support the channel either here on youtube or on discord you get access to um our uh discord server and it's really fun we've got you know suggestion box for um upcoming videos i'll do polls once in a while and uh let supporters pick the the next video uh we exchange theories we talk about the show coming up the movie coming up um we have a book club that is going through one week at a time um and the goal is over a very long time to go through every single one of the middle earth books so we are currently i can't remember what um [Music] what chapter we're on we i know we okay so this is really kind of kind of crazy but we hit the chapter where frodo wakes in rivendell and um and gandalf tells him that it's october the 24th we were reading that chapter last week when it was actually october 24th so that's pretty crazy because we started with the hobbit like months and months ago um so yeah it's been going on for quite a while um but yeah little plug for the patreon and the the uh uh youtube support there so if you're a member on either of those you get access to all that um so i'm gonna bring up my screen here but delwin went through in nature of middle earth if you're not familiar then the valiant years changed well not change so it's it's kind of like a you know as we were talking with carl hostetter the editor of this book you know tolkien cannon is kind of a kind of a mess to try to figure out like i asked him point blank like how do we decide what's canon and tolkien he says i have no idea this is a guy who spent like decades studying tolkien's work he says i have no idea so i certainly don't have any answers for you but we know that tolkien considered a different timeline for valiant years so if you're not familiar valiant years are years of the trees and years of the lamps basically anything before the first age is valley in years and for ages that has been nine and a half years of our own year so first age second age third age fourth age those all operate on our own years so 12 months same month names all that stuff um but valiant years were nine and a half of our own years um so valiant year the you know value near zero to one would be nine and a half years well tolkien um was considering a hundred and forty-four instead of nine and a half so um so delwin here went through and calculated all the ages of like all these elven characters for us so we could see how it would affect their their ages um so let's start we'll start with some third age characters let's see here galadriel i know that i knew that was going to be a big one so galadriel her age during lord of the rings so what what most people would consider she's around 8 300 years old by the time of the lord of the rings but under the new calculation of 144 years she would actually be almost 27 000 years old which is crazy crazy long time to be alive it would seriously it would kind of explain even more why you know the war of the ring is like a blip on the radar for them elrond it doesn't affect um because he was already born in the first age so these are people um down here that were born afterwards so that doesn't affect their numbers at all um go ahead and shout out if you if there's any characters you have in mind that you would love to um see and i'll ask delwin if if this is something we can make publicly available we totally totally could but i think he's sharing it on the discord for sure so if you're if you're a member or you uh support on patreon you will probably have access to it shortly kierdan is another one so he's one of the oldest elves that we see because he is around from like beginning to end pretty much born in the awakening of the elves and all the way through sailing west with frodo and gandalf and everyone so he goes from somewhere around 10 800 years old to possibly up to 71 000 years old which is crazy so old seventy one thousand so he would be the oldest like that's that's like an inca i mean ten thousand years old is pretty inconceivable i guess but seventy thousand um so some people that that die over the course of the silmarillion uh my thross let's see here so he would have gone from somewhere between 2400 and 3500 to 30 to 45 000. glorfendell do we have glorfendell on here i actually don't see glorfendell but i don't think we know glorfendell's birthday do we i don't see him on here um do we know anything of legolas mother we don't we don't know anything at all about legolas mother um thranduil all we know is that he was born before the year 507 in the first age so he's probably a first age baby so it wouldn't affect his but he's he's around 6 500 years old uh meglin we don't have meglin who else do we see i think someone asked about feyenoord so feyenoord would go from 3 3 100 years old to 47 000 years old and someone else brought this up when we were talking about this in our discord someone brought up the fact that you know when they banned feyenoor from uh from valmar or uh tyrion um how it's like he has to go away for a year or something and he he like spends a year away and they're like oh that's not bad even you know for elf nine and a half years but 144 years that's a lot it's a pretty good chunk of time kelliborn do we have kelliborn i think kelliborn again that's another one of those that was born in the first age so it only works you know it's well it's only impressive i guess for uh people who were born before the first age started um so tour gone goes from 2400 to 29 000. finrod goes from 2300 to 29 000. um auradreth he's kind of up in the air like you don't exactly know when he was born but he goes from like 5400 to uh or i'm sorry 542 on the on the small side to 2300 on the higher end to where it would be a minimum of 1200 years and a maximum of 29 000. so i'll see if we can get uh delwin to share this but it's kind of interesting so basically um yeah people get a lot older is the moral of the story there josh youngberg no question just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful content and for helping create a community that has inspired all of us excuse me i'm excited to see what the future has in store for you thanks so much josh josh has been around here for quite a while yeah i i i will say you know i i genuinely love this community that we have here guys and i know uh i've probably replied to a lot of you in the comments i do read a lot of the comments on the video so um you know when you uh when you come in on a video you know don't don't feel like you're just um you know shouting into the void kind of thing because i i read a lot of comments um so i don't always respond to all of them but i do read a lot of them and i tried to respond or leave a like on a lot of them um and i appreciate all you guys watching the channel and uh liking and sharing and subscribing um it's amazing i i love this community um so thank you for making making this happen kiknob says i love the discord so much yeah it's a lot of fun guys the discord's a lot of fun there's messages going on in there all day every day pretty much sunfei says the andy s narrations are so very nice indeed absolutely they're fantastic voice of the rings friend of the channel congratulations on 400k your channel is awesome thanks so much voice of the rings voice of the rings is my go-to guy for lotro lord of the rings online i haven't played in a while i need to get back on there but whenever i have a question i either go watch one of his videos on his channel or i message him and say help me do this what am i doing wrong because he's the expert he's my lotro expert okay uh oh panda says oh so in the membership okay so i'll i'll create right after this stream i'll create a new link and post that for anyone who has joined and make sure we've got that so if you go in the community tab so if you if you become a member here on the channel here um or on patreon you'll get a link on patreon or if you do it here on youtube um it'll be in the community tab and i'll post a new one a fresh one do elves age the same way for example in lord of the rings into cure dan looks a lot older than the other elves could that be a movie mistake love the vids um no so kyrgan's the only elf that's described as having a beard in the books so yeah so now that's accurate that he does look older so they don't age the same way as men obviously it's much more prolonged and if you're if you're interested in that nature of middle earth is a great book to pick up for that because that goes into a lot more of uh how elves age it's really interesting like it it breaks down like when they would marry and when would they would have kids um typically based on their age so it's like a whole different uh you know maturation process daniel thanks so much for the super chat i think i saw daniel had a question down here too maybe yep okay does gondor retake meena's morgul or do they retake ausgilliath do they retake venus morgle or do they retake ausgiliath um i'm guessing so you're asking if they retake both of those after the war of the ring like the ring is destroyed and then uh like sauron's defeated so what what happens after that um yeah so they do retake australia um and ethylene like the land around australia to the north and the south all around australia is kind of in ethilian minas morgul i believe it says that it's uninhabitable for a really long time um i think i mentioned that in my aragorn after the lord of the rings video yeah um i think i go into a little more depth there but i know i know for a certain amount of time at least that menace morgul is uninhabitable by men big a b are you going to appear at any convention soon um man when you phrase it like that it makes it sound like i'm gonna be like uh a featured person i i don't see that happening but i might show up at one and attend one um i've always thought it'd be cool to go to comic-con i've never been to uh like one of the big ones you know they've got like san diego and new york i always thought it'd be fun to go to one of those so uh we'll see maybe i'll probably do a video on it like a uh you know a remote video and put something together for the channel for it so you guys will definitely know if i do ryan turner asks how old is tom bombadil see a god-like being sorry if you covered this ra i just tuned in from canada no problem ryan um so tom bombadil is like old as pretty just about anything um yeah you should check out my tom bombadil theories video for sure that'll give you as many answers as i have which isn't a lot tom bombadil is a huge mystery so we can just guess when it comes to tom bombadil but we know he says he was there before the dark lord which kind of implies that he was around um pretty much with the creation of the world because shortly after that is when the valar go down to the to the earth um among whom is melkor the dark lord jason o'keefe why was irwin allowed to live 2 700 years and then choose immortality isn't that receiving the gift of men and elves so elves i don't think immortality is ever i don't know if it's referred to as a gift i know the gift of men is mortality but i don't know if uh i mean i see what you're saying obviously i'm not trying to split hairs but um yeah that's an interesting question because she does live for quite a long time before choosing um mortality um i guess they had the option to see if you know the right guy came along or the right girl and then they could choose if they don't they don't really lay out the guidelines like was there i i've kind of wondered this too like was there a cut off like you know you have to choose by the age of 3000 or else you're just uh automatically put into the elf pile it's a good question i can only guess i will say the um the bit with uh aragorn and arwen talking about mortality at the end uh so this is in the appendices of return of the king so after return the king you get your copy of return of the king out in the appendices there's a section called uh the tale of aragorn and arwen and you should read that the entire thing it is great it is a huge chunk of what i uh used for the script of my aragorn after lord of the rings video and there's a conversation in there between aragorn and arwen as aragorn is on his deathbed and arwen says that she finally understands why numenor fell and it's very pertinent to um to the amazon show if you think about it i mean they're they're going to be dealing with this the fall of numenor and it's all because sauron you know um even before sauron like they they became envious of the immortality of elves and they coveted that immortality and so when sauron comes they're primed for him to take advantage of them and he convinces farzan that he can take immortality by force by attacking the valar and like for arwen to say that she understands like like you know she she used to look down upon them because they fell and you know we're kind of weak in that way you know kind of like what we see elrond in the in the peter jackson film like men are weak um you know kind of that kind of attitude toward him but then she like she gets the bitterness of mortality um so yeah powerful stuff you should totally totally go read the uh tale of aragorn arwen in the appendices uh hits in thank you so much for the super chat why did tolkien decide to deviate so much from the original peter jackson movie story i started reading that like all serious i was like oh getting into my analytic mode and everything that's a good one that's a good question i don't know man it's like why why did he cut uh why'd he cut the love triangle out of the hobbit you know he cut he cut the hobbit trilogy down to a single book can you believe that oh man that's a good one that's that's the that's the super chat to top right there so far all right let's do a poll here i really i didn't know that i had this capability but i can do polls in the chat so i'm going to pull up a hole in the chat whether you're excited or a seal door and lower the rings on prime so we'll pull that pull that up see what you guys think the hobbit abridged all right we've got we've got it going 89 so far 89 saying 90 saying they're excited for his seal door uh panda asked have they announced the cast yet no um so there's not even so a seal door isn't official official it is like very strongly rumored i guess would be the way to say it so fellowship of fans is the one who broke the news and um you know they they have a good track record um you know which is part of the reason that you know i came on their show and you know when we got talking about the the rumor that they were gonna publish um they've got a good track record so that's why i felt comfortable going with it um but it's it it sounds pretty promising i've i got some inside info from them that that made me feel confident that that's what's happening um but no they have not officially announced a cast yet um so redanian intelligence which was they came out like the next day or two days later and they they said that maxim baldry or maxine baldry i'm not sure how you pronounce it uh maxine baldry was cast as a seal door so if you're familiar with the cast they they announced like the cat they announced the cast i should say but they didn't announce who was playing who they just sent out a bunch of headshots on social media and said here's our cast and then just left us to guess who everybody is so we don't know for sure but that's what's been reported benjamin thank you so much for the super chat how are some elves so powerful for example glorfendell being able to fight mayar feyenoor's crafting and fingolfin 1v1 ing morgoth so the elves particularly elves from the first age there's definitely a a difference between the ones who have beheld the light of the two trees and those who have not so the farther removed you get from them uh kind of be the less um all-powerful that uh that you you get i wouldn't say all powerful but you know what i mean they they um there's kind of a different tier to it to their their power and their um seeming might um so yeah the beholding the light of the two trees is a big thing it's kind of why galadriel is so awesome because she was there from the beginning and kierdan was there um so yeah they're they're pretty awesome um if you'll recall fingolfin i mean he he was admirable but he still got crushed in the end um they definitely have their faults feyenoor has got a couple faults mostly personality um i will say glorfendell so he's even more powerful when he comes back in the third age which is pretty awesome it's kind of a it's a bummer that he got cut out of the films i understand why they did it but um it is kind of a bummer i didn't know it at the time because fellowship was my first experience with tolkien but after the fact i'm like man i want to see this glorfendell guy in action maybe i don't know maybe we'll see him in a [Music] future adaptation all right so 88 of you are excited for a seal door in amazon lord of the rings on prime that's a pretty good percent so good job amazon i guess for picking a seal door of gondor's got a theory for us here okay hear me out i have so many sentences to start like that by the way um sildore is using the palantir and that's how we see all of the events of the earlier second age ie war of elves and sauron hmm that's interesting so the palantiri i'm trying to remember when i don't know if does it say when they're given to them to the men hmm [Music] yeah i don't think okay so the the palantiri were given to isildor's grandfather amandil so yeah i mean they could have palantiri but it kind of implies that he gives them all seven so yeah i don't know it doesn't sound like the elves kept any for themselves so it's kind of like uh like giving somebody a bunch of cell phones and being like oh here here it's a bunch of cell phones for you and your family it's like okay can i have your number no i don't have one i'm giving you all of them so you can't get a hold of me but you guys can get a hold of each other all right maybe we see a glimpse of glorfendell in the show that is entirely possible because he actually shows up in the year 1600 of the second age along with the blue wizards so we might get to see the blue wizards i would be really excited to see the blue wizards now they go to the east i would also so again saturday's videos on the easterlings i would love to see some of that storyline in the of the east and especially with the blue wizards i think that'd be great namanja asks don't you wish you heard the convos between tom bombadil and gandalf yeah they talked for two years it's like what the heck did they talk about for two years it's like man i i have you know people visit and i'm tired after two days how can you talk for two years they must both be extroverts that's the thing i couldn't do it i can barely talk for two hours we're at an hour 17 and i'm like oh this is a popular question i've heard this a lot and i've seen a lot of uh articles and stuff just like through google and whatnot just you know some a lot of them are kind of click-baity any chance we see morgoth if we see morgoth i think it would just be in the prologue that's the only place it would make any sense um i honestly i think at most we would probably see like a glimpse of him and that would be it like i don't even think like as much as we saw sauron in the prologue of lord of the rings i don't think we'd even see morgoth that much like it'd be a partially obscure image where you know we get kind of a glimpse of his power and um how epic he is and stuff like that um but yeah i don't see anything beyond that because then then you start getting into like oh well there's this other bad guy but why you know if you introduce him and make him too much of a character then it kind of gets confusing for more casual fans um whereas they'll want to keep the focus on sauron i would imagine oh i clicked on the wrong one but hi peeps battle of eleanor fields project says hi peeps um okay so this is another common uh thing i've heard uh ryan tanner says they can't do the first stage so there has been news again this is this is just uh um news that's kind of come out kind of sort of rumors i mean it's a lot of it is rumors um but there are rumors and there's been news stories that they have secured some rights within the silmarillion most likely the ones that pertain to numenor like the ecalabeth um so i i don't anticipate we get a lot of first stage i think there could be like i said it's prologue stuff stuff that ties directly into the story they're gonna tell with the show um i think that's that's kind of the delineation that's been made there is that it has to tie in they can't just say like oh we're gonna you know talk about the children of horan for 10 minutes just because we want to like it has to tie into the story of sauron and the rings of power so it's gonna it's gonna have some connection to um to the characters that we're gonna see and i could see you know the the two trees would definitely fall under under that because uh you know a lot of our characters in the show will have been around from that time or at least galadriel uh kierdan and obviously elrond is one who has a significant backstory in the first age with his parents and uh being raised by maglor and maitros so yeah it's hard to say it's all guesswork alexander dragon helm of dorloman hats thoughts on a children of and film adaptation man a dragon helm of dorloman hat would be legit i'm gonna write that down i like that i don't know what it would look like but i like the idea you had me at dragon helm so let's look into it if you have some design ideas tweet them at me or something of gondor here we go yeah yeah so this is what what kind of what i was referring to here of gondor so some rights to summer aliens so we got the last chapter of the silmarillion uh of the voyage of erendil and the war of wrath uh episode one and two followed by a calibeth in the show and in the book yeah because if you're gonna explain how numenor comes to be a arendell is a pretty big part of that elrond's father he's a pretty big part of that um which that is almost fully in the silmarillion i think it's mentioned in unfinished tales um but yeah so it's hard to say i mean like nobody knows for certain like i've seen people say like they absolutely cannot do anything for a stage like we don't know that like there's been rumors that they've got some rights to some stuff and like we can guess but we don't really know panda says congrats on four mil um not quite there yet that's still a ways away like ten times as many but four hundred thousand i appreciate it jazz music fan thanks so much for the super chat how does king thranduil compare to caliborn and galadriel on age wisdom rank and power ps what are your thoughts on uh i don't know what that second part means um sorry i don't know what you're referring to there um so thranduil comparing to caliborn and galadriel um thranduil and kelleborne might be not all that dissimilar actually let me double check um galadriel is way older than uh than um and thranduil sorry uh galadriel is way older than thranduil because thranduil is born all we know is that it was sometime before like what was it 350 of the first age something like that as far as caliborn that's also kind of up in the air but he wasn't one of the noldor either so he was already in middle earth as one of the sindar cindar yeah oh okay teleporno is a talaran name meaning silver tall okay i i wasn't sure what you were referring to there i was really kind of concerned that i might have pulled up a chat that wasn't appropriate but i got you now um so yeah galadriel's older for sure the other two are kind of up in the air on their their exact dates do you think they'll let the elves have beards um kieran would be the only one that would really make sense to have a beard he's the only one that we know for sure had one um but yeah leave the beards to the dwarves don't give them to those namby pamby elves or whatever i don't even know what i'm saying oh man leave the beards to the dwarves mech evil did the nudity news on prime scare you nudity doesn't have to mean sex it could be a visualization of awakening of louvitar's children tortured by melchor warren finds his wife in the forest i think you i mean turin finds his wife in the forest um yeah no there's i mean there's certainly nudity and uh in tolkien's works in certain points um i wouldn't say the news scared me i was definitely concerned by the news in the meantime like since that time i've heard that those reports were likely false um so i'm not as overly concerned about that i think i think where the big concern with that was was with um the idea that they would make it into game of thrones type nudity um yeah the gratuitousness you know the thing with tolkien is he never dwells on the nudity um so anything you know like you said it it doesn't have to mean sex like i i i still firmly believe like if you if there's a sex scene and a tolkien adaptation then something's probably gone wrong um but yeah like i could i could see you know you see like the backside of someone if they're nude like you said the awakening of the children of louvitar um or torture i i still stand by that like you can do those things without showing nudity like i don't think it's necessary i i've never really bought the idea that nudity is necessary to tell a story that's just my personal opinion you can totally feel free to disagree with me um but that's just my opinion i don't i don't think it's necessary to tell the tolkien story yeah so yeah um see soap or sorry not c-so oh my chat is going so fast uh darth knox um yeah it happens behind the scenes yeah like you you uh so you brought up um you know turin finding his wife you know when uh when uh neonor is running you know and um like a wild animal because she has no memory she doesn't know who she is or anything like his glaurung has basically taken her memory um and she's running through the forest naked um but yeah darth knox brings up you know sex usually happens behind the scenes so the line for um you know the uh spoiler alert incestuous relationship that happens there um basically the line is you know they were married and then and then later it says she became with child or she became pregnant or something that's it like there's no there's no scene like they're you know so in a children of who are in adaptation there would be no need to show that kind of scene paul martin i just hope it doesn't turn into game of thrones nudity it would be very anti-token and his beliefs yeah i you know kind of going back some of my earlier uh streams you know this this when this was more of a hot button topic when more people were talking about it um i would you know it would still be a hot button if if it turned out to be true um but i kind of said back then in some of those like i feel like you know amazon probably knows that i think there's a lot of game of thrones related fear because you know it was reported like jeff bezos wanted the new game of thrones and i think what what that meant how i'm choosing to look at at least is like he wanted the next show that everyone was talking about and that you know okay not everyone but a lot of people were watching you know and a lot of people were talking about like i didn't i didn't watch past like the first episode myself personally but i kept up with the storyline like i know the vague storyline because i had friends who watched it so they would fill me in and like i knew there was captivating you know story lines at play and everything um but that kind of show that just you know permeates the culture so much that it becomes a big thing in the culture um so i think that's probably more what was meant by the you know lord of the rings on prime being the next game of thrones i don't think it was hey we're gonna take the world of lord of the rings and make it exactly like game of thrones with all this gratuitousness like i i i feel like you know anyone that would be put in charge of a show like this would know like these are different audiences yes there's a lot of crossover between tolkien and game of thrones fans but this is a different product it's a different world it's a different author it's a different tone um and you know i i just i don't know i just i just don't worry about it too much yeah i just i maybe i'm just super optimistic i don't know but i feel i i feel like until there's something concrete to worry about i'm not going to worry about it so i'm choosing to believe you know hope for the best you know uh amazon lower in the ring should focus among other things on the dire consequences of idolatry your thoughts thanks so much for the super chat simon cooper um yeah i think uh i don't know about idolatry like it doesn't like i don't think you know they don't mention specifically like idols like there's not like idol worship like numenor turns to the worship of morgoth unless you mean idolatry and like um you know uh how they put so much value behind immortality and stuff like that um i think that'll be a big theme of the show will be you know the the men being discontent with the gift of men mortality um and yeah i think i think uh i think that'll be a big theme of the show we'll be um you know that that whole new manure i i look i look for numenor to be a big part of the show um and that might sound like well duh yeah um but i think that's where a lot of the emotional um emotional and most compelling stories will be coming from because that is such a because men are relatable you know like it makes sense we i was having this conversation with i think it was one of the other tolkien channels like the thing with elves is like they're immortal and we can't really as easily grasp onto that but anyone all of us we're all mortal like we we can understand what that bitterness of mortality is like um so we can kind of empathize a little bit with you know um especially if we see it in action in the show like where people lose loved ones and it drives them to you know covet the immortality of elves like that that could be some powerful stuff but yeah i think we'll we'll definitely get you know the faithful versus the king's men i think will be uh you know some really some really cool stuff to see like numenor um falling from within yeah voice of the rings congratulations on 400k you deserve it friend thanks so much voice of the ring still hanging out love it we'll probably go for we'll go for a little bit longer maybe another 10 minutes or so i gotta get this video edited guys gotta get you this video for saturday um do you think we'll see any black numenoreans in the amazon show um probably because um the black numenoreans you know they're the ones who uh well shoot there's um likely three of them are ring wraiths um you know so yeah i could totally see that and uh that's also likely uh with the mouth of sauron he was a black numenorean um yeah so they were for those unfamiliar they came from the king's men um so i would look for them uh to come obviously the king's men will play a part um but i don't know if they'll they'll address them as black numenoreans or we'll just know that that's what they are um but yeah they'll probably pop up in the uh definitely in the later half of the show i'd expect when um the last alliance perhaps um but yeah well i i hope we'll see the uh the haven of umbar um because that's kind of a uh a big port city um for the kingsmen faction so the black numenoreans um yeah i think that'll be that'd be cool so um if you haven't seen it you should go look watch my uh history of numenor video um because i go into pretty much an entire timeline of numenor but explains how numenor used to be like this great wonderful like shining beacon of the world of men kind of thing but then they slowly slowly fall and along the way you know they what used to be good relationships with places like umbar um they turn put themselves up above them as like lords and you know um make them pay tribute and stuff like that and uh so yeah that'd be that'd be some interesting stuff to see for sure uh mark houseman you rock man love the passion for this world absolutely well thanks for sharing in the passion man that's what it's all about this is a i i firmly believe that this is the greatest fantasy world ever created and i love the fact that we get to share it together we get to talk about it all the time i am infinitely grateful that you guys have provided um me this channel and the way it's grown it's all because of you guys watching these videos and liking these videos and everything and um it is my absolute favorite fantasy world um and always will be i'm sure um and yeah i'm i'm so thankful for this community that we can all um you know just dive into this world together paul capelli thanks for the super chat your analysis of the silmarillion is very much appreciated i look forward to your analysis on the amazon series keep it up nerd thanks so much paul yeah i've got some fun things planned uh when the amazon series comes out i'm pumped for it uh yeah we'll definitely have some stuff that'll be amazon uh lord of the rings on prime specific uh as the date gets closer i can't wait till the trailer comes out because i'm pretty sure the internet may never recover like it might break the internet as they say do they still say that i don't know they used to i know that was the second wreck-it ralph movie which i really like wreck-it ralph ralph breaks the internet good stuff um angel thanks so much for the super chat congratulations again on 400k you really deserve this thanks so much angel angel another one of our awesome patreon supporters very very fun thanks so much ranger of the north another one who's been around here quite a while my governon sorry to sorry too late what's new big congrats on 400k subs all kinds of stuff is new man we were just going over how crazy old all these elves are a little while ago so you have to circle back and see how galadriel's what do we say like 27 000 years old if you go by the new calculations and nature of middle earth it's crazy excelling out of zun only you can make me watch a video about the lineage of trees i wasn't sure how that video would go over so if you're not familiar that's the video on um the two trees of valinor and the white trees of gondor and i guess i didn't think about it at the time but it is basically the lineage of trees um when you boil it down um yeah so i'm glad that it was entertaining enough it actually performed really well so i was glad to see that um people were people are interested in trees treebeard would be proud that you guys watched it vikinglord thank you so much for the 20 super chat congrats nerd very much enjoying your work well thank you viking lord glad you're enjoying the channel paul martin just curious are orcs inherently evil does tolkien explain if orcs can be redeemed in any way um so this is like a really good debate you know slash theory question um like this the simple answer and like i think you know the answer that's easier to live with for sure would just be yes orcs are just evil and we don't need to think any more of it um but it's definitely something that tolkien um i don't know if you'd say struggled with but he definitely you know was thinking about it in his later life um you know whether because because i think as um you know as a catholic um with his faith like it it's it would be um it would probably felt a little backwards to him to uh to say that anyone was beyond hope that and anyone was irredeemable um just because that's so antithetical to his beliefs um so yeah it's a great question we could probably talk for like two hours just on this question um but yeah i kind of like crazy theories that i throw around one of them was like well what if when you know morgoth uh took these elves and tortured them into orcs like what if you know it actually killed those elves and their souls went to the halls of mendoz or something and he instead like trapped spirits in them like you know we know that uh that's how werewolves uh came to be they're they're evil spirits trapped in um like the wolves of morgoth sauron traps evil spirits and the wolves of morgoth um so yeah all that to say sorry we could talk about this like i said for ages if we really wanted to but that's a that's that could be a really uh intense discussion um but yeah it'd be a great discussion so i don't know maybe a future live stream we'll get some philosophers in here and really go to town on that one j lopez 47 recent subscriber thanks for the great content thanks so much jay lopez roy harrison noldorim um also a long time subscriber here it's fun that i you know i i love seeing i love seeing new names i love seeing names that have been around for a long time it's an awesome awesome combination matt my dude congrats on 400k 401k next i guess actually it's up to 402 right now so we already passed the 401. um what's your thoughts on the other tolkien channels and in general the collabs cameos and crossovers man i i honestly i think you know you've uh if you watch any of the other channels you probably hear the same thing from all of them we get along really well like um i i don't have a pulse for like how other fandoms are in terms of uh how channels get along i know i've heard of feuds and some fandoms uh between channels and stuff um but we honestly don't have any of that um in the tolkien channels um like uh all all of us get along really well we're in a group discord together and we're always talking about um all kinds of stuff like uh some of us are parents so we're talking about parenthood we have like um a thread in the the discord that's talking about star wars we have a marvel one so like we're all we're talking about all kinds of stuff um but yeah we get along really good and uh you know we'll do collabs from time to time we do the big the big two i'd say or the tolkien reading day and the uh um hobbit day so we've got tolkien reading day in the spring march 25th every year and then uh hubba day uh september 22nd so yeah we usually do collabs for that and then once in a while we'll you know hop on each other's channel like i was just on fellowship of fans the other day um yeah so um i'm hoping to get get some uh you know get some other channels on to do like a live stream chat sometime um maybe when we get closer to the amazon show or something so yeah all that to say we get along really well it's it's pretty cool i think uh i think it's a good uh it feels it feels right with a a talking crowd that we would get along like we do uh randy l you're a super talented producer love the channel i enjoy your readings and when you do voices thanks so much randy i appreciate that i was really at the beginning of the channel especially i was really super self-conscious about the uh the voices like i enjoy doing them i have fun doing them but yeah i was a little self-conscious about it pytor double-oh-seven thank you so much 20 super chat thank you sir i think we had tree beard would play your videos at .25 speed that's pretty good a friend asked me where did the ant wives go so we know the ant wives went to the brown lands um you know what it only seems appropriate that i bring up a map let's see here let me see if i can do a screen share real quick i mean it's another one of those mysteries so like it's a you know the thing with with tolkien that i think is is kind of a cool thing is that there's all these mysteries all right i should just always have the map pulled up for screen share all right okay so the int wives whoa this got really big all right so here this section here this is lorien back in the second age called lorelindoren say that three times fast so the brown lands are around this area right here and the reason they're called the brown lands is that when the last alliance is marching down the anduin so here we have em ladris that's rivendell so they cross the mountains in two different portions so um one half goes over the pass here by the high pass by rivendell the other goes more south here and then they march down and down here they're joined by uh dwarves from kaza doom and elves from lorien and uh elves from merkwood which at the time would have been uh amon lunk right here you know in the later time thranduil's halls are clear up here but originally when they're under his father aurofair they're here in at aman lunk which becomes dolgodor later on but as the last alliance is marching down sauron has his forces burn these lands right here that were once great gardens of the ant wives so the tree beard and the ants they come back over here and they find just this charred land where their ant wives used to be so all that to say we don't know but i i saw an opening to bring up a map so um i had to um but yeah there's there's rumors i think in my cheer beard video it says like some people told them that they went saw them going north some said west and some said south um but nobody nobody really knows like we have the later accounts of uh um the hobbits you know they kind of say like they kind of allude to that maybe there was ants or ant wives they talk about like the trees um being alive in the old forest and stuff so um there's kind of that opening but um yeah we don't we don't really know i think in in one of the later um i think there's an illustrated version or the annotated an annotated version of lord of the rings but there there's a map somewhere where it has like a possible location and uh supposedly tolkien tolkien said yeah that could could be but we don't know they might have all died they who knows hey matt congrats on 400k been watching since like 100k it's awesome to see the growth thanks so much yeah 100k that was back in january which seems like a long time ago like i mean it was nine months ago but like nine months for 300k is crazy so crazy never would have imagined like i was in i was in awe because that was huge growth i mean gosh in january hitting a hundred thousand after being at 5 000 the previous october that was insane enough and then to go on top of that to go another 300 000 in the meantime crazy all right oh so i see i don't i don't see the question but i see the answer paul says frodo still dies normally was just fully healed of his wounds um so yeah that was probably the very another very common question about you know when frodo sails west does he become immortal and he does not so you still die if you go to the undying lands as a mortal you still die but it does heal him from the wounds that had plagued him you know when he on the anniversary of getting stabbed by the witch king for example um he would fall ill so he wouldn't have to deal with that anymore ethan wolfe but like how excited are you for the new show are you interested to see how close they get to the books um yeah so like i said earlier i am pumped overall i'm excited for the new show um like i said when there when there was like the the nudity rumors i got kind of nervous um and then i heard the those rumors were probably false so i got less nervous and then i kind of got to a point where i was like you know i'm just gonna judge the show when it comes out like that sounds like a lot less stressful of a way to approach it instead of worrying about what it's gonna be like before we see anything i thought the image that came out the first image looked really good um like it looked like middle earth to me i mean technically it's not middle earth it's valinor but you know what i mean it looked like tolkien's world um it looked like what i would expect a frame of you know and a film adaptation to look like like if you know peter jackson if he would have uh had a scene set in valinor then it probably would have looked something like that which is which is really cool i think i think uh um you know i love the films the peter jackson films so i'm not gonna complain at all if it has a similar look and feel to it at all um but yeah overall i'm really excited i'm excited for the show i'm excited for the war the rohirrim movie um yeah there's like i said earlier the golem game is coming out like stuff's happening and it's exciting you know it's i feel like it's uh it's exciting to know that we could have years of new tolkien adaptations coming out as opposed to here's a trilogy okay now wait like 10 to 12 years here's another trilogy now wait another 10 to 12 year like yeah i'm excited that uh you know maybe we'll have a streak of years of stuff happening instead of like these little short bursts is there going to be a new lord of the rings movie so there is a war of the rohirrim it's called werther o'hara and it is an anime movie um yeah so it's it's about uh helm hammerhand i did a whole video around the time that movie was announced i brought a uh i created a helm hammerhead video when that was announced so you should go check that out because i think it covers basically what this movie will cover what i would expect it to cover but it's a pretty awesome story so i'm pretty pumped for that one as well all right i hope the show and animated movie will be in the same peter jackson universe so the designs stay consistent yeah i could see um like i i feel like there'd be benefit right in uh in the show you know kind of um i don't even know if it necessarily has to be in the same universe um but if it has a similar look and design we know john howe um the one they just recently uh tweeted out and uh posted that john howe is officially listed as the only he's the only concept designer listed um for amazon's show so it's all john howe designs um which he and alan lee were the two that did uh the peter jackson film so i mean that's a good sign john howe's art is amazing um so they're definitely starting with good source material there for sure ethan wolff thoughts on the new golem game will you play it oh for sure yeah it has lord of the rings in the title so pretty much uh pretty much locked in to play it for sure yeah i'll definitely try it out i might do some streams here on the channel um when it first comes out maybe we'll do a launch day stream um or launch week maybe probably shouldn't commit to the very day but it'd be fun too we'll see we'll see what happens um but yeah a launch day stream would be really fun uh to do do the gollum game um but yeah i'll give it a shot i i wasn't 100 like sold on um like a fully stealth game like i'm i'm usually kind of stealthy in my games like a shadow of mordor shadow of war i try to be more of a stealth archer type you know usually when i go into a big crowd and try to fight them all off bad things happen so i'm i'm more of the sneak around kind of person anyway so so who knows this game might be right up my alley all right we'll do a couple more questions we're to wrap it up here in five minutes um she's on top 17. hobbits are men uh yes so hobbits are considered men so they are thought to have branched out from men sometime in the third age early third age but yes so they they also have the gift of men which is mortality and they they have the most in common with them by far more than dwarves or elves fingolfin underhill that's a pretty awesome name i like the combo uh hey love your channel how do you consider the role of numenor will be in the future films compared to what should be in what tolkien intended um so is that like like how do i think numenor will compare to the books i guess um i mean so the thing with the amazon show that's interesting is you know there's not a ton of dialogue it's not like lord of the rings where we have this huge like cohesive story that um you know where where we know what characters say to each other and stuff um there's no dialogue between isildur and olendil for example like we don't know what isildur would say to his dad when it's like hey uh i have a bad feeling about this arfarzon guy going to attack the valar so maybe we should leave the island and get out of here and then a sealed is like yeah that's probably a good idea pops you know it's probably not that that's i wouldn't recommend those that for the script but um yeah but it'll be interesting because they're gonna have to create a lot of dialogue especially but we know the outline of things that are happening um and i think that's probably why they picked this uh this period of time because they could have some freedom and they wouldn't you know um they would they would have a bit more freedom to to create dialogue and to um you know play with the uh the structure of the show you know like you can like you could make the entire fall of numenor happen over the course of like three episodes or you could do it over the course of three seasons um because it's flexible because we don't have this big um work like the lord of the rings that is very very much laid out ethan wolfe became a member welcome ethan okay so this is another thing i've heard a lot with the seal door news that they're skipping so much lore so um if you didn't hear it i'll i'll go over it very briefly because i went over it more in depth at the beginning of the stream um but i think that they're probably gonna condense the timeline a bit so that we still see the rings of power being forged and the war of the elves and sauron i don't think they're totally skipping that because that's some really good stuff too like i don't see them just skipping it um so yeah whether that's flashbacks or uh condensing of the timeline i think i think we're still gonna see it that's my hunch again i know nothing but i guess a lot of stuff so that's my guess alicia i love your videos man started watching a couple months ago at 250 k looking forward to 1 million what are what other things from tolkien's world would you like to see brought to life wars of angmar yes that's a good one yeah i had that question earlier and i didn't think of that um but yeah the angmar wars would be awesome because it explains the fall of arnor there's a lot of things that fall you know fall of gondolin fall of numenor fall of arnor um yeah lord of the rings is kind of like the uh the uplifting one everything before that it's like here's a story of how this once great thing isn't so great anymore so yeah there's a lot of those but they're really compelling like i would love to see the angmar wars can you imagine having the witch king is the main villain of a show or a film that'd be awesome yes sign me up i love all these anytime i get a question like would you like to see an adaptation of and then it's just like yes absolutely give it give it all to me give me the tolkien leah says i predict a seal door becomes a time traveler and just tours all the interesting events in history lol you should screenshot that in case it comes true then you can brag to everybody rory rory's enjoyed the lego lord of the rings and lego hobbit streams not as babyish like i thought really fun dude lego games are awesome i play them with my kids all the time they're fantastic yeah horan's sons series yeah turin the story of turin children of whorin would also be an awesome series all right well that is gonna do it for me tonight guys um thank you so much andrew carlisle 402k thank you so much andrew thank you everybody um for joining me on this stream this was fun we haven't done it in a while i'm hoping to do more in the future um if you have ideas for what you'd like to see here on the channel definitely uh leave them in the comments um yeah like i said i read the comments a lot so don't be shy um yeah i'm excited to see what 2022 brings um i know we still got a couple months of 2021 but i'm kind of looking forward to uh 2022 just to try to integrate more things in the channel and help it grow um and yeah i'm gonna try to do some cool giveaways for 500k whenever 500k happens we'll have some cool giveaways here on the channel because that will be a huge milestone half a million i can't even imagine the day when we can say that there's a half a million of us here on nerd of the rings um so yeah we'll have some cool giveaways for that for sure um in the meantime uh everybody stay safe uh and um yeah i love talking to you guys about uh this world like i said earlier um love this community um love all you guys and uh yeah uh thank you so much for watching the channel for turning it into um the big channel that it's become it's amazing um i don't even know what else to say at this point um uh alicia said she's about to go become a patreon that's awesome thank you so much uh thank you to all my patreon supporters honestly this channel would not have stuck around during those early days if it weren't for those first patreon supporters and ongoing those patreon supporters helped me do cool things uh here on the channel and um i just thank you so much to everybody who's watched everybody who's been involved in this channel in any way shape or form you guys are the best and that'll be it for me so we'll see you on saturday for the easter ling's video and we'll see you next time on nerd of the rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 63,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nerd of the rings, livestream, lotronprime, #lotronprime, amazon lotr, amazon lord of the rings, lord of the rings, tolkien, jrr tolkien, isildur, nature of middle-earth, nature of middle earth
Id: 6uOGodlijHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 54sec (7434 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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