Amazing story! | Memorized the entire Quran while being Left to Die

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bismillah from the LA assalamu alaykum we're going from the streets to the studios of Bosnia the D show must go on we got to continue delivering this message and helping you connect with different Muslims from all over the globe and particularly we found one actually he found us I locked it up Nadeem how are you so don't let go I like for salami nice to meet you lady nice against you again let's start we got it we got a unique connection we made I'm walking in bed over that's a big of a jamia death let's start there what's Becca vagina is like the main rony is the main mosque in Bosnia it's over 500 years old and its location is in the center of Australia the same the city centre of sorry yeah okay so I'm over there going about Prelude her I think it was something like that or coming out with your father and what happens from there very very interesting story I I came up and I when I introduced myself and we hugged and I said something about myself about my story and then you pull out the camera and you said just said this is the trailer and we will record full movie full studio interview soon you took a chance yes right you were telling me that you know you had recognized me and then should I approach him should I not but that that you know just by doing that look at what the what potential of good open up now people get to hear your story I right there you know listening to the struggle you went through right you later on you ended up memorizing together so we got like a I want to get people a little glimpse right and from what you were telling me you went through some health issues some struggles let's start from there let's start from the beginning again and then go through that journey of your life to where you are today I met him but it I was born in small town in the north of Bosnia it's called Boston scheduled pizza it's a small town of around eight thousand Muslims lived eight thousand Muslims and around 20,000 Serbs when the war began in 1992 the bosses Katowice became under the syrup of control and all the Bosniaks fled you know running for their lives and all the mosques were burned down the religious life was zero you know all traces of existence of Muslims and Islam in that in that place was destroyed so after a few years after the war include would come to Bosnia was Katowice you would think that they're employed in that place no Muslims ever lived and yes dub it because my mother my aunt my grandmother they lived there and we couldn't flee it couldn't be we we have stayed in that city during the war and after the war and I can't explain how these days how those days well show you around that time I was 80 years old they usually called multi-ball began and I remember some some of the the stuff from that from that times for example the first time I remember nights when the night came and you as a child you would you would fear and I would always think is anybody going to come to us tonight is anybody going to come to us and take my mother take my grandmother thank my uncle I was afraid I was afraid from myself and I was afraid for for my family and the worst feeling in that times was the helplessness you feel helpless you feel small you're only a child and you know and you feel these things I went to the elementary school in the bitsa or - all through the war and of course there was no Islamic religious education there was only Orthodox religious education and I didn't want to stand out of the crowd because if you stand out and you were a Muslim you would be molested in school bullied and again nobody nobody could help so I went to the Orthodox religious education and I learned there about the Christianity and after the in 1995 there was some with equality war conflict going on in do bitsa because the Vita is on the border with Croatia and during that time there was a war war action called louia or the storm when the crow had pursued syrups all through the altar disturbia and so the croquettes they attacked do pizza and they went into the city and during these hard times our out house was destroyed it was hit with a grenade and it was never rebuilt we are actually rebuilding it right now yeah so I grew up in that house it is a house I can't explain it for viewers who live in normal places who live in security we don't feel for their lives who have what to eat what to drink because many people involved even now they don't have luxury of these things and even tonight last night in my hometown the beats up the Bosniaks came to they are called public needs they returned to their home ground and they built mosques and they are living there but they don't have any money that they don't have any salaries so they are basically begging for food and there's an action humanitarian action to give those people one meal at a day Emily and I saw one monk Rani who who received it's a culture party it's a traditional meal the sonica basically was the inversion of bird and in the yogurt and see she health holds this into her hand and she she cries some such small thing but some to someone it's such so big and that was like that like that was my childhood because I didn't have those things that normal children have actually I didn't have almost anything to eat I remember of my mom my mother I will I grew up only with her and she was a real warrior basically she she did everything to protect me and to give me care and I remember one day she couldn't give me anything I didn't eat all day and when the night came she borrowed from the neighbor she borrowed bubbles basically bowers from bowers from sheep do you cook it you cook those vowels and you eat them you fry them because you don't you don't have oil you don't have flour but just - you just boil them on fire and you eat them you don't have any luxury than that I couldn't when I went to school after the war I only had the cheapest things basically the cheapest shoes the cheapest clothes I only wore t-shirts and simple simple clothes first time when I wore trousers real chowder's in a nice suit was in 2009 when I was much older and I didn't have one Vanka ham that's half a dollar yeah I didn't have that to buy myself a can of coke really really are really hard times and I group grew up in a family that didn't know much about religion basically no one was practicing religion in my family and it was something very strange was all especially no no one practice on your mother your father nobody nobody nobody knew anything about well you were going to school and you were learning about Christianity yeah I was reading about that so you were more you were more educated and Christianity than Islam yes yes because but I didn't find appealing the Christianity because I didn't find practical and find anything I didn't find anything that would give me practical solutions to my to my problems because I have health issues I have poverty I have problems in family I have all those issues what is this going to help me so can we say you're a man without religion at this point yes yes right so your neutral car yes I'm kind of neutral yeah I didn't know I didn't know what what to do next and when I was 8 degree 8 years eighth grade of elementary school the disease began the the problems of my stomach began I didn't know what was happening the first symptom was anemia my blood was very very very weak I don't levels were very weak and I didn't have energy I didn't I didn't have energy to eat that I couldn't eat when I would eat I would get diarrhea and blood was flowing out of my body and in Bosnia you don't have such a good healthcare like in the Western countries so this disease this problem that I had went undetected for around ten years from my eighth year of elementary school until my second year of faculty nobody recognized the disease nor the nor was the diagnosed put it has it was like a hell basically I know what are some of the symptoms that you started to experience you let me mention a couple yes with your stomach and the blood flowing and the other things yes I had the problem when I would eat yeah for example everything that I did with my what may would make my problems worse for example I would eat well I would drink water just water immediately I would have to go to the toilet and in the in the beginning there could be be around 15 times I went to toilet today I day yes I then I spent I spent around five hours daily at at a toilet what was this condition called again what are they it is also Rosa or or Crohn's disease basically the same condition the same time of treatment but my disease disease in my case it affected my large bowel gotcha yes and when I I now see the pictures when I was a child and I was in that toilet and I was screaming screaming of pain it was excruciating thing blood was running from from my how to call it and I would make what I just just my less to just to remember what what to say no worries yeah so from your from your English and I don't know if I say community yeah from your area that you excrete yeah yes I can against basically the blood was flowing out of the page of the area where i excrete form it was very painful and a lot of blood I was losing a lot of blood and that made my knee knee even worse and the main problem I had during that disease was not the same no it was not the only only the symptoms what was the problem that my bowels my intestines couldn't take anything from the niche inside taking for example about everything every anything I eat nothing will be stored no minerals no proteins no carbs will be taken into my blood body that's the main problem you can give me infusion but any tablet any vitamin any supplementation my body won't take it so it is the disease is depleting my reserves of nutrients and it's going to one point which I which I reached eventually when everything broke broke loose when the body couldn't take anything anymore and it's just it basically exploded and I hardly finished my high school because I was so sick I had almost 1,000 absences from from from lectures I always would have to come after month of absence and trying to catch up with the other students but the other pupils I would fail at that times I wouldn't I wasn't very good in maths and many other subjects because I couldn't couldn't keep up when I was in the fourth year of high school I was thinking what would I do in my life next and I asked my teacher I said my teacher of German language I said to her and one day I will enroll in a faculty and she said you're not for that this is not for you you should you should just stay home you were not for the faculty or not do you know don't have the capacity the capacity to become someone you're not that that shows really the power that the teachers have I mean instead of inspiring you she was actually like blocking you yes and I remember those years and I even questioned myself is she right maybe she's right you know she's older more experienced maybe I am that guy maybe I will be a failure maybe I won't succeed in anything and I lived in a small in that house it was hit with head the grenade during the war and we lived in in in horrible conditions I grew up in there and I went to spent my teenage years in that house you know if I only show you the picture then you would understand what kind of man kind of problems I was leaning in the case basically our electricity was cut off we couldn't have the money to pay the bills so it were a cut-off of fact tricity we don't have water we didn't have normal toilet we didn't have heating the house was old broken-down and it was very hard it was really very hard but that disease I was talking about and these conditions I lived in when I take my picture or my take my memories to that to that to that childhood that disease that house these problems were my biggest blessing wow that's really for somebody you know and I said that before when we met for people they think they're going they got the latest iPad they got the latest car and they think they got some you know troubles you're saying that that was the biggest blessing how's that because I later when when Alec I get me to the Islam and I event first time for them to the mosque and I experienced a penis I experienced happiness like never before and if anybody told me ten years ago because ten years ago or 12 years ago while it was my first time I went to the mosque if anybody told me then something you will be this this this and you really healthy that I wouldn't believe them and when I look and now look when I look from this perspective to my childhood and teenage years and my growing up I wondered my I I asked myself where would I be if I didn't have that disease if I was healthy I had everything in my life would I ever come to the mosque when I ever would I ever question myself about this life did I question my my religion would I question everything the other people were doing would I would I change my life today if it didn't if I don't have that disease would I still be in my hometown maybe in some coffee shop drinking alcohol going after girls like all the all the other boys were doing would I ever read Quran but would even entice me to read the Quran but we my motivation to read Koran back because everything is drawing me away from that and I can't thank Allah enough for that disease and for those tribulations and those problems I had because they brought me back to him and when I came back to him I got everything ever I ever needed I was on my way here to this studio and filming I was thinking about the stuff I don't you and the one thing I came was Allah he sees me now and Allah knows where I have been before and that that idea that's knowing that you know that Allah sees you that Allah take care of you it just makes you feel warm around the heart and you know you are not alone you maybe you don't have father maybe you'll have a problem trouble trouble of problems in childhood maybe you had this problem that problem this and that but all to that when Allah takes he takes you out of that problems you see he was there all the time just you weren't there you didn't know that and my first contact with Islam basically was in Belgrade that's the that's your first contact good as new yes basically it was when I'd as in Belgrade after I finished my high school and can't remember 2002 and 2003 I made a three-year absence from anything else because I was so sick and then he didn't have any money to enroll in faculty so I just stayed home and in 2003 I had an opportunity to go to Belgrade for some short time and there I for the first time I have seen something that is today pretty more than a pretty standard thing it was a PC and internet it's the first time I saw that and on that one brother he was reading something from Islamic magazine and I Ronnie being taught was that what are you reading why are you reading that and I read the sentence about Sarah how said that frustration is something the most beautiful thing the world prostrating your frustating yourself house again yes I was wondering what is so special about that let me see that and so I went to the sujood and something clicked I can't explain attach something I was I was I felt yearning in my heart for this that something that my heart was wanting this yeah so I hiding Lea secretively I found a copy of the Quran and I start started reading it copy of the Quran in translation of the Quran and in the start I didn't understand much but I didn't want to but I didn't want to give up I didn't I wanted to find out what is this book talking about because in my hometown I said all the most were broken destroyed there was no practicing Muslims at that time I couldn't ask and it's anybody because there was no Imams there were no che is there were no religious authorities there I couldn't ask anybody where I will or on the contrary I would be maybe laughed at ridiculed I didn't want to go through that so I hid the book and I brought it back to do pizza and I started reading it reading it and I started memorizing I started memorizing the translation of the Quran now sometime somehow I was drawn to that to memorization and the Quran and in 2003 the first mosque in Maui was rebuilt it's called Graz Katowice the town mosque of dough pizza it's located in the very center of this town and that's the first time as an was killed in that town after 11 years 11 years something came to me and I I I was thinking about going to mosque a shaytans usually stopped me there because you don't want to go there somebody will see you somebody will speak up badly about you why are you going there these are the like 2002 that was reserved yes that's the visitors of Shaitan liked I got in that period the you neighbors will see you that you are going to mosque they will tell you that your this and that they will make fun of you you you are all your friends are Serbs Orthodox if they see you coming coming to mosque nobody be going to know nobody will ever sit down with you nobody will ever drink coffee with you never they will be your friend anymore he will be alone and the problem is that those were whispers that had some true connotation because that was the real fact and I came back to Dean and I came back to the mosque that was friends most of them vent what of the previous friends left but alhamdulillah I knew who were the real friends they want the ones who loved me before and after and when I came back to do bitsa I started to memorize the Quran the memory I memorized the translation of the last sutras it was a philosophy like and nos and I used to recite it whenever I would go besides that mosque and that was were some rituals by I for that was my my my when you now you actually so you went through this ailment at this time we only got a few more minutes and I want to get these get these questions in because I mean this is amazing like at this time when you start to look in Islam was your condition cured no not yet no I basically did like this first time I went in most gamers in 2004 yeah it was something something the most beautiful moment in my life was that if there's the Ramadan twenty years day yeah I went to the mosque in debita I asked the mom can I come to mosque he just said to me yes you can go back to home and take we do I didn't know what was we do I didn't know anything not one half and I but I just wanted to go to the mosque and I went to home I washed all of myself everything because they didn't know what was we do it what would I miss trans I splashed water all over myself and I invented the mosque in might get my shoes on yeah good people saw me in the shoes go out go out I came back and a guy when Imam appointed one guy to show me how to pray and he showed me but I didn't understand so it's sad to myself this first Salah it won't be good but I'm another my other we were community yes I were committed but when I came to the mosque and when I just planted and day into the praying area I was like yeah Here I am I came to you I came to you Allah it was it was the success in my eyes it's so much so much success all the whispers were gone all the whispers were beaten 2005 I enrolled in the Islamic faculty in be Hajj that's the only play the name is placed to me and that that's the first time in my life I I have been in a place where Muslims live majority Muslims live and I didn't have any money to buy the the tuition but I was hard hard hard working I don't hold her you at this time 22 yeah and then I was 21 when I vented in musk 22 when I roll in the faculty but some good people they paid my tuition and they financed me during my dream eyes during my student years into in 20 when I had when I was 22 years old in the faculty I starting to learn Arabic letters yeah and I started to learn to read and I started to memorize the last truth of Quran because that was the exam you had to learn the entire last juice and you recited to get a grade in the exam that was the exam it took me around 3 to 4 months to finish Arabic letters to read and memorization of the last juice 2006 was a pretty normal year I was a good student I finished my first year I resolved in the second year of the faculty the 2007 was the hardest really hardest year of my life because in that year the disease returned and this time it took no casualties because it wouldn't stop usually before I had these internals and when the disease would appear and then would retreat but this time I was in the faculty I didn't retreat and I was scared I was really scared because the blood was again going out and saliva was going out everything combined and I had fevers I had problems with eating I had I I lost weight a lot of late and I did everything to do to heal myself but I it would wouldn't go away the disease wouldn't go away in April of the 2007 I went to home in - Bitzer my mother saw me she was like all what was happening I went to the doctors and they gave me a wrong diagnosis this hey they treated my kidneys for around six months from that April there I finished the second year of faculty I gave all my exams and then I've at home I couldn't move I couldn't walk I feel something heavy in the left side of my body like a like a rock this in this place yeah in my left part of the large bowel like rock and it wouldn't move I didn't know what was what was happening what is this first day of Ramadan came I I fasted then I couldn't move then I couldn't any do anything else during one of those nights I was woken up with a large pain excruciating pain pain like never anything else I felt before I can't describe it and I woke up that paint broke me up and I felt something pop basically when I woke up the next morning I saw a large tumor in this part of body later I found out that my large bowel it popped it exploded in me and I asked the doctor what was happening she said this the kidney stone is moving through Halawa and I prefer to from my faculty sonic that Islamic pedagogical faculty from B hatch another faculty permit of faculty for Islamic pedagogy and because they came to my town to give lectures in mosque and the last Imam did it Nadine and he said he is at home he's sick and I didn't have health insurance then birthday so the professors helped me to get health insurance and be fast so the Imam of the term suffered the gun which he drove me to be Hajj they put me into hospital I was just drawn from man from an apartment to vote the second apartment from gastroenterology to qiraji trip basically idea the car nobody could help me again I couldn't take any nutrients nutrients in and I had around that time I had 40 kilos and all my levels of everything I had were on the on the brink my are Island levels were one I had 14 different diagnoses because the thing is attracted my my stomach I had ulcer cavities I had problems with clients eye problems with heart problems with kidneys problems with the liver problems with prostate problems with leg because this leg which I'm standing now I could have moved that leg I couldn't remove that leg I promise had problems with depression generalized anxiety problems with dizziness everything was falling apart basically my body was falling apart and nobody could help me nobody people were just looking like this and I was left to die basically there to cut the shorter this to cut the story short I was left to die in that hospital that was December of 2007 I was taken off all of all meds of all of all medicines yeah and just waiting for me to die and then I called the Imam of do pizza the heavy mom of Boston's Katowice shaft began which to help me to go to Sarajevo the few other two together I wanted to pursue healing and somehow alhamdulillah Allah K me that I was moved from be Hajj to sorry in the that's called Connecticut center salvo clinical center of Sarajevo it's the biggest basically the biggest hospital in Bosnia the biggest and the best Hospital in Bosnia I draw a right there and 14th of December in 2000 seven and when they saw me the doctors were afraid I remember when they saw me like what is this I stand there 19 days before the operation the operation took place at 3:30 January of 2008 and remember today is malarkey I couldn't sit I was a young man 25 years old I couldn't move I couldn't sit up because I would sit up my because my stomach is exploded I couldn't breathe it was pushing me pushing my lungs and I was just if I would sit up that was a success I couldn't move I couldn't walk the doctors told my mother that I won't live she was prepared for that that I want to survive the operation but during those days during those days the Dean Islam that was the only thing that kept me alive a normal basic that was the only thing that gave me hope how many how many years passed now that you finally got cured nine years so nine years and are you officially today yes so you went from being diagnosed yeah pretty much left to die yeah - now how's your health now I was just thinking about with that but I I don't I I went out from the hospital in Sarajevo in 28 February of 2008 I was I had 48 kilos yeah I was how many kilos you have now 19 - yeah 92 yes night so rump rotate - 90 - yeah so wrapping up work yeah we're out of time tell us now so you you made it and in that time you actually memorize the entire Quran yes yes it took me two months of rehabilitation process to get my leg moving to get my health private like a baby I've or diapers for two months so you're like a you're like a living miracle yes why couldn't it just Allah this is the I'm speaking about this not about my it's not so much about myself but it is about the religion but the power of the Deen the power of Allah and Mei I believe that anybody can have such things in their life if they put their trust in Allah if they pray if they see beyond the borders of this of this temporary world and you committed to that you didn't give up hope right because I I would give hope but Allah gave me strength in that times I can't describe it any any emulous it took me one year to fully recuperate from the disease and after that I started memorizing the Quran I finished my faculty I finished my faculty as the best student in the history of the faculty i from the guy who was told that he would never finish the faculty I finished my tennis in 2010 as it did the highest grade average in the history of faculty and round in the master's degree I started to learn the memorization of the Quran I had stops I had pauses I finished the memorization of the Quran I married in 2013 I've moved to Sarajevo and dentals the the time when I started to prepare for the Commission of the for the hips you see in the Bosnia we have a unique way of approving or getting ajasa or to prove that you have to prove that your hips of the Quran is strong enough and you have to recite in 15 days in from the Commission of the seven for us in the Islamic community so you passed all that yes it took me it took me a while my wife helped teach is my biggest support and my MA Hafiz and I recited the entire Quran from memory by heart in during the 18th of May and the 1st of June last year and there's the the ending of the story what advice now we got a crapper what advice do you have for people who think their struggles are hard to listen to years you were almost left to die you're here with us today my my special memory is when I received the Diploma the time heart is in my hometown in this in the same mosque when I've where I first came to the mosque that's the same mosque that I received in Java when I mother my mom came to me and she had hugged me that was like something I I can't explain it to go from one one extreme to the something that is the most beautiful thing in the world and I have learned from my life that's that's easy to say but not easy and it's not always easy because shaitaan' works you have you are employed by other people society etc no don't ever give up don't give up don't give up and you have to rely on Allah you have to see that this deen everything this deen is for your own good if you don't drink alcohol if you don't do this if you don't gamble if you are if you don't do these horrible things you are doing good to yourself you are doing good to your health you are doing good to your body because if you don't put harm things in it if you don't if you eat it if you pray if you if you live according to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu taala basically if you go to sleep after Isha we go to sleep early wake up early if you leave productively if you are in company of good people if you love if you have a lock if you read if you eat healthy and you live healthy your body will will be healthy that's the main that's the mind my combination for for healing basically I the religion prohibited me from eating pork for hitting bad needs from drinking alcohol and example I never drank out I never did Cena I never did never went to gambling shops I never went to night clubs etc so it was the disease helped me also in that feel because I couldn't do those things yeah but I don't have effects of those things today and just you just give yourself the best meal eat rest pray and I believe anybody can have a healthy body and a healthy mind in many ds in these tough days well and with that never give up keep the hope alive and rely on Allah yes thank you thank you very much is know cannot hide thank you for being with us here on today's show inshaallah your story can reach so many hearts so many people's so the people who are struggling out there and they compared their struggles to yours where you almost left to die and they're like well I'm still alive and I'm healthy and I'm strong and I got all the latest gadgets yes I don't think my struggle is as bad nowhere near as bad as hit I'm not going to give up I'm gonna what rely on the creator of the heavens and the earth and keep pushing forwards just local heart and thank you guys for tuning in hope you enjoyed this week's show from Bosnia count 5 so I'll make them peace be with you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 80,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, deenshow, eddie, Amazing story, Amazing, Left to Die
Id: e8kfJV9aSjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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