Amazing spiral pour New Swifty Swipey Tool Big Tutti fruiti Gems and feathering

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[Applause] here we go again just kiss them wrong with it people today I am going to do a spiral pour and I'm gonna use I'm gonna bring back the old swifty swipe the very crudely made my swifty swipe I just cut out a piece of the soft plastic file divider in whatever shape you like and used an old spatula which has that shape which is so it's nice and easy then to control a bit so I might use between the spatula and I might have a go with the silicone pastry brush is really lovely to swipe with and yes so I'm gonna do spiral pours I haven't done a spiral pour for a little while okay that was that little paddle that I was poured on I'm going to put resin on that but you will have seen the video for this but I'm just going to put some resin on that after I've done this particular piece of work so that's all exciting I'm using today between the some of the paint's are the Montmartre dimensions and some are the mud studio acrylics all lovely paints and today I'm mixing them with the Montmartre clear PVA craft glue because I found this works equally as well as equally as well as the Elmer's glue-all and gives really a vibrant effect when when the paint's dry because I think it's because it's got no colorant to start with not sure but it's much easier to get in Australia I know if you're in a married car you know you can continue using the Elmer's glue-all because that's brilliant too but that's just a lot easier for us to get and it's just been giving me some marvelous marvelous results so I'm gonna get straight into it I've literally got all the colors of the rainbow made up here that were I've been doing a few different paws with I might not use every one of those but we'll give it a go so I'm going to start doing pouring in a spiral effect just yeah go with it go with the flow so I'm just hoping that putting all these colours together like this doesn't make it go muddy so it's just a wing and a prayer the update in Australia at the moment is that we've had wool we in Queensland right where I am on the Sunshine Coast haven't suffered any of the bad fires not particularly round where I am but obviously other people have but I believe that there's loads of places at the moment having having downpours so that is wonderful but there's lots of others still suffering badly from the fires so that was just a little update because I get so many people ask me for a update from somebody that's actually here so that's as far as I know but of course it's been catastrophic for Australia and the animal population here it's been decimated basically so be very difficult to come back with some of the species that we've lost so it's very sad but I won't dwell on it too much at the moment okay so they're the first color was the sapphire blue in the dimensions and this is a skin tone color that I just made up myself I like having a play with lots of custom colors and this was I just add white in it and then I put a bit of orange and then I put a bit a spot of the burnt umber just too so didn't look so candy color so just going through all these paints here so okay I might put a bit of yeah this is again this was the dimensions paint and it was the yellow in dimensions might keep that away from the blue yeah got a bit of cloudy day today here but it's only been drizzling and of course we're not on tan water where we are we're on a property we're on tank water so we desperately need the rain to fill up our tanks we were hoping for heavier flows but it's not that way so we'll just take what we get so this is the brilliant red actually I think it was the red in the dimensions called brilliant red as well in the dimensions paint so it's very very bright and vibrant and that's black copper - you can hear their which is the very rare in a lot of places listen out for him that's it to say alert you need to look like a dartboard isn't it yeah that's the think that called a yellowtail black copper - they come those that there's like a flock that come over late afternoon they're obviously coming from their day out wherever they've been feeding all day so this is the bright orange did put a bit of the real bright yellow in with it just brightens it a little bit more [Music] I've got that fly appear again shoo fly shoo fly why are we what's going to do the actual middle swipe in bright yellow but I'm not sure that that will be beneficial on this one I might try it I can always go back over it but I'm not sure because I've got a lot of the oranges and reds already in there whether it's gonna be normally do the swipe in a dark Oh dark navy or a dark red the crimson is very nice and purple to swipe with but not sure so we might just have to try one little area and then go from there I mean I could swipe with the purple I suppose I'll keep with what I was thinking off because I was trying to keep the darker colors to the center it's in my head but whether it turns out the way I've got it in my head is always two different things just want to thank you guys so much for your support and your subscribing to my channel I do absolutely appreciate each and every one of you and I'm so excited that I'm fast approaching 30,000 subscribers which for little old me that's absolutely unbelievable and I thank each and every one of you that have subscribed and if you're thinking of subscribing please do so I appreciate it so much and it's free free free free how about that minute so this is lovely turquoise which I always always love might be going overboard here but you know in for a penny in for a pound as they say I think that's an English saying I'm not sure why but I'm sure somebody may know not too worried about the very far reaches of it because we will be swiping out that way where doesn't that look the color colorful bunch there well no no I'm not sure this little bit of Navy here I'm not sure just put a bit on the outer reaches maybe go all the way around and a big spiral just enjoy it it's all Sarah Peck cheap therapy this is very cheap therapy actually abstract painting and especially this fluid art it is when you consider the price of their up there so you need something to calm your mind just relax when you do it and don't absolutely don't take yourself too seriously it's just paint just paint I'm gonna just put in a dribble of I'm not sure if this black was not sure just a bit of black maybe don't want to send it to dark just pray that it won't go muddy in where are we okay I think I really have done the whole kaboodle of colors in their whole caboodle I never put my white in oh okay crazy I do want some white in I think no I've got a I've made a mistake I never put the white in and it's over laden with paint as it is so I'm not going to I'm just gonna risk it for us we skip just try and give you the gentle tilt around the joint and the place it's relaxed when you're doing it it's all good no need stressing out no my dear friend Julie who painted with me when she visited Australia she came over from the UK she said when she paints it just stresses the right out when she's about to she gets really anxious but as I said to her when she was painting with me or what's the to get anxious about it's just paint it's just paint relax about it and enjoy it nicer process so I'm still trying to keep that spirally look but I also want the paint to which call it ionic to level a self level so you just run your fingers just underneath the very edges and finger pop any little bits that you've got nothing has to be perfect you don't have to use a special tool and lose all your paint trying to cover a little bit so just finger puppet it looks absolutely beautiful now that looks like a whole motley but actually no they usually turn out good so we just winged in a prayer like just put a little swizzle swizzle over the white because I didn't get it in there but I should have put more white in this one so that's my mistake but you make mistake and you just just go with it just roll with it that's the that's the plaque says just roll with it okay that will do I'm going to I'll do the try with the I was gonna swipe with this really really bright yellow so I'm gonna keep with that not sure I don't think I should do a circle I think I should do a cross like that hopefully there's a method in my madness or my just mad but I will try to and I better put some around like that and we'll go from there I'm using my swifty swipe this is my crudely made homemade Duva just a bit worried that I'm gonna send this muddy but got to just try it I think that that's gonna go a bit dark but we'll just try that's the wind pushing something about like crazy out there just finish this one corner and then I will use my little heat one just to see what we bring up and hope that it's not gone muddy so no what's going on there lot of noise my dog might be playing with something okay looks crazy hey looks it looks as though the colors are not gelling nicely but I'm gonna put the heat wand on yeah so if you haven't seen my heat one that I recently found from my art supply of my online art supplier I'm calling my magic wand so it's instead of using the butane torch so far safer far easier no changing of gas cylinders for those that are a bit frightened when you first started off I'll tell you now before I turn it on because it can be obviously can't hear me over this but when you first turn it on takes a few seconds to get the heat up so but does a wonderful job just definitely equal to the gas so here we go they are available on eBay and Hammerson in the US Canada and UK and they're a little heat one that's normally used for embossing like in card and craft making so [Applause] thanks Lilith made up today are very thin but I'm not liking the way those colors are going not sure if I should swipe diagonally would probably be a little bit better might try that one but the cells coming up look at those are gorgeous oh they'll come up once once this heaped on the seats of that paint look at them they're going to don't want to do anymore but the cells are broke see the cells are breaking through all crisp and clear so that is gorgeous but I might because I want to continue with this yellow I think I might do a yellow I might I might pour the yeah I might pour this white color down like this to there and then go that way and then I might even change the color of my swipe back this way we'll we'll see we will see I'll discover any other side rather than try to turn the whole of my canvas around I just finish off this side with the yellow and then I might change the color on the other side but the cells are coming through crisp so that's all good getting some nice little cells break through there but yeah I've got sort of I think I've got three different mixes of paint in there I've got I've got the onus of two mixers I've got the dimensions and the studio acrylic so it's all good no no will I or won't I shall try just a I might try just this side with the white doing a white swipe not that I like white as you know but just like we are like doing something that's out there those are coming through beautifully that a lot of that is turned green which I'm not that keen on I do like greens but I don't didn't really want it in that particular I know these colorful white yeah this colorful paints that I've got underneath will probably pop through the white really nicely too so so so so might just give that um some heat don't want to see what the the wall that's showing you the difference white colours and what a huge difference it can make to your work they're nice and easy to use so simple not dangerous it's got a little do be lucky to rest it when you put it down too much too much sickness right there but I can do something with that I'm not worried about that okay well the white obviously looks crisper than these the greenie effect there it does look crisper so I think I might continue on with the whites rather than the yellow so that's if I'm going to continue with the white okay I might just try the little silicon brush I'll just try it on the edge here see if it makes any difference silicon brush gives a great effect upon I've done lots of other work with the silicon brush just give us a whole different effect then the just the silicon sheet but yeah you've really got to keep wiping off your brush or probably best because you can end up getting my day obviously on something this size it's easier and beneficial for me to keep swiping with my sweetie swipe so I will keep going with that just taking it nice and easy yeah this swifty swipes turned out good it's obviously better as well on it probably only people are smaller canvas as well go through that area again you can see these the cells are popping against the white background more so than when I swiped with the yellow but it's all good it's all swings and merry-go-rounds and you've got to try everything don't don't be scared to try an experiment I mean some of the best things come out of experimenting I could very well go back over that with white which I might do to show you not to be scared of reef swiping because I'm not I'm not happy with that particular I prefer the white holdin on the but Lord which is easy because I've just got it plugged in on an extension yeah much prefer the white because those colors are standing up nice and crisp the turquoise there I'm gonna do it people how might completely make a big pig's ear with the whole lot by Reese wiping over it but I think that the white is the go up the white is the go ah give me a minute though I don't want the video to be too long for you guys but I'll try with the white that's probably too much but when it dries off the little I could balloon embellish the center now hopefully bubblies turned up again what I like to go behavior sample just made it go big muddy little dots dots there cells darling cells so much cell mates that's where me saying comes from cell mates so am I ever gonna send that really Monday or I'm gonna save it but I can balloon embellish it down through that Center to make it look really pretty pretty pretty I think that I think that's gonna be better in that color look at that layer yeah I've gone a bit of a boo-boo here I thought the yellow would be nice but swiped in yellow first and it didn't turn out so good but I'm sure I can embellish that come on yeah yeah but look at these are nice so just give it another hit with me yeah go on and took me don't want this video to be too long for everybody just what John went out you bought me more gas cylinders for my torch and then I got sent these and I've been using it ever since so I'm not saying that I'm not gonna use me up my gas torch but must admit I haven't picked to the gas shop since I've had this one in the lips yeah a bit safer and my own son who's the fireman reckons it's a lot safer and wanted me to recommend that more so to everybody it looks like it looks like reminds me of in England we Adam the bag of sweets or lollies and they were called jelly tots behinds me jelly tots everywhere jelly tots jelly tots maybe that's where I'll call this video this piece is my jelly tots you see when you're looking through the camera John then it comes so much duller than the actual work but okay that's long enough 27 minutes I will put you pictures on at the very end of the dry version and if I do decide to just embellish it through the center with my little balloon which will be after about an hour because there's so much paint on there I will put the photos on at the end so I hope you enjoyed this one thank you so much for subscribing to my channel really appreciate it and until next time bye for now just just giving you a quick finish at the end of this I obviously decided to come in with my balloon because those beautiful colors were all under there so it is a really nice idea to lift them all out and show them off and what better way than with your balloon rolls and kisses so I've done some balloon rolls and kisses through it I was saying I don't want to do too much but of course I got carried away and look at the colors that just show up through that I mean you can really go crazy but it just it just really looks gorgeous and of course no two paintings are ever the same so if you're doing them for your own home for a gift or for selling there's no two people are going to say all the mines exactly the same as that one because look at the gorgeous effects even if the paint's fall in it still creates so much movement and color because you've got all that beautiful color underneath so look look at what it does it just makes it pop it is really such a wonderful thing the blue now I know I'll keep saying this and it's one of my favorites because every time it comes out looking so different and now that's beautiful I'm really happy with that and I'm gonna step away truly but I just wanted to add this quickly on to the end of this video to show you what I do thanks guys you
Channel: Gilly Kube acrylic pouring art Creations
Views: 191,018
Rating: 4.8540096 out of 5
Id: 5Tk65h9MCCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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