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today we are in munich germany and we're about to do a german future just a quick heads up we've just got a new camera literally like three days ago so we're still learning how to use this thing but please do let us know in the comments down below if you can notice any sort of a difference in quality compared to our previous videos and now it's time to find breakfast we are sarah and marek in october 2020 we left our home country of south africa and set out to see the world using budget travel strategies to make our travels last as long as possible from working on a traditional winery in georgia to a sailboat in turkey to attempting to hitchhike over 1 800 kilometers in four days our budget travels have by no means been boring or uneventful we can't wait to see what's next all right we've just arrived at our first spot you ready [Applause] joe it's not really [Music] we've been walking for half an hour already can you just get there ready i'm hungry it's already 20 past 11. we kind of had a late start today [Music] after a full 40 minutes of walking we have just arrived [Music] we're starting the day off right by ordering a classic bavarian breakfast which consists of rice fruit which is basically white sausage a pretzel [Music] let's hope i can carry on the food tour after this beer [Music] now when we ask people about this force what's inside of it all they said was don't worry don't think about it just eat it and the traditional way that you're supposed to eat it is by basically sucking the meat out from the casing [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'll be the first to say this does not look appetizing but when you put it with the sweet mustard sauce it doesn't taste like what it looks like that's what i'll say it actually tastes really good all right but now it's time for the pretzel [Music] the only way i can describe what this tastes like is you know those pretzels that you buy in the shops like in the classic packets so it's almost like biscuit type things well it tastes exactly the same except it's all nice and fluffy and like bready on the inside this is also so so good with a little bit of a little bit of salt sprinkled over the top of it it is excellent [Music] it felt a bit strange at first ordering a beer for breakfast but then you have a look around you and you see that every single person is having a beer as well so it definitely makes you feel a whole lot better but otherwise that was a very good start to this future i'd say that my favorite bottle is definitely the pretzel or the bretzel is it's very good there's no other way to describe it funny enough i actually really enjoyed the sausage i think since traveling and trying all these weird and unusual foods it's definitely opened me up to trying more things because previously i would have taken one look at that white looking strange sausage and just been like hell no but i actually quite enjoyed it especially with that sweet mustard it was really really good but seeing that we're spending such a little bit of time here in munich instead of this just being a food tour we thought that we would turn this one into a bit of a sightseeing tour as well we saw a pretty cool statue on the way here let's take a quick walk over there and before you show you that statue we just walked past a restaurant with an item that's not necessarily on a list but he saw a picture of it and it looks pretty cool and that's the place right there we just have to give it a little try now this is something called bradford it's basically like a smoked grilled sausage in a row with some mustard very simple but it looks delicious [Music] oh my goodness that is so good oh what's it like no time for talking i honestly think that's better than the meal we just said and then it was at like proper restaurants and this is a little hole-in-the-wall type restaurant this is so nice so simple so full of flavor the mustard and the sausage all this works together so well the sausage is very like heavy and rich but then the the mustard just brings a nice little flavor a little bit of tanginess and you get the roll over here as well that just like keeps it all together amazing i also want to taste some i agree with your verdict this is really good okay put stuff over time to get back to that statue [Music] that is huge so this statue behind us right here cast entirely of bronze and standing at 18 meters high is bavaria and she's the patroness of the states of bavaria which is the province of the state that we are in currently something pretty interesting is that she was ordered to be created by king ludwig first and she actually took so long to be made that by the time she was finished he was no longer king and the original creator had actually passed crazy something that's also pretty crazy is that we're here in munich during the time of oktoberfest like oktoberfest was supposed to be happening right now and we're in munich which is the center of oktoberfest in germany and here in this huge open field around us would usually be masses of beer tents and people and just carnival rides and now all that it's home to really is just this pcr test center behind us and this just shows the times that we're in currently another long walk but i'm really excited for this one this stuff is more of a sweet treats kind of stuff which i'm very excited about and the first item that we'll be trying is called a kruppen which is basically a donut without a hop let's give it a try [Music] that's a yum donut light fluffy nice and sweet from all the sugar everywhere i don't think there's anything inside [Music] i was wrong i think it's jam gotta get some jam in there [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] our next item on the menu is something called melt noodle honestly i have no idea what it is but we've been advised to taste it so we're going to give it a go in english it is called a fat noodle interesting very light but crispy on the outside it doesn't seem to be a filling [Music] i'm gonna have to think about that one it doesn't really taste like much it's kind of like a deep fried piece of bread really a piece of dough it's not bad but it's just it's different there's nothing to it there's nothing much to it i think that's the best way to describe it already it's a deep fried pizza dough very laughter but it's little the deep-fried piece of it so we're just sitting here thinking about this and by itself the schmaltz noodle is actually very plain there's really nothing much to it but we think paired with something like a very strong coffee or a pretty sweet tea will actually go down very nicely i would say the whole draw of that restaurant in particular is that they literally make these fresh deep fried bundles of joy right there where you order you can watch them making it you can watch them manipulating the dough deep frying it and then they bring it out to you freshly made and the donut i loved it was fresh and soft and fluffy and just the perfect mixture of sweet and savory although we can't say much well i call it a donut it's a cuppin so the kruppen was really good and although we can't say much for the smells noodles the smells noodle i would say you just if you feel like something on the side with a cup of coffee something that's not really that flavoursome just sort of there and depressed something to nibble on that's the perfect stuff yeah but it's actually getting pretty cold the half of today is only 12 degrees celsius so we're on the way to find something that can refer to as german comfort food that sounds yummy [Music] we just walked just over a kilometer i'm about to walk into our next restaurant we opted to sit outside at the last restaurant and i definitely regretted that so we're feeling pretty cold and ready for some nice german comfort food and we're definitely sitting inside this town if we can just as an extra little nugget of information here in germany in terms of covert regulations they use something called the 3g rule and the 3gs stand for vaccinated recovered or tested and for us luckily we were able to get fully vaccinated and then in germany we downloaded the cove pass app and we used this barcode to get into public spaces to freely move around go into every restaurant we've been going to today so it's good to know that if you are interested in coming to visit germany it's a good thing to keep in mind this little delicacy is called kashish pretzel and when they first put it down and it's onto the table all you could smell was just a poof of heavy heavy cheese so this is basically eggs noodles german cheese and caramelized onion that is put into the oven baked until it gets this nice brown crispy topping and then delivered to you for your enjoyment together with that you get a nice little salad as well it smells beautiful [Music] it is actually so so good so the word is actually a german noodle now they make it here specifically in germany and you can see it's quite a nice thick this is this length it's it's very very good more than just like the cheese that you taste initial but you get the nice chewiness of this noodle and it tastes very freshly like homemade it's very good and together with this you get the nice parts of the chives and the parsley and the nice crunchiness from being baked and the cheese hardening it's all together a very very good dish and it definitely is comfortable together with the cauliflower it's tradition to eat together with straight back out into the cold [Music] that kashish parcel is actually one of the best dishes actually the best dish that we had the entire day it was so so good but we are starting to feel quite full now but luckily we have our longest walk of the day to get us hungry for the next part let's go every person that we spoke to and said that we're coming to munich said that we had to check out this one thing this is a rat house glockenspiel [Music] [Music] [Music] wow that was a long song and very interesting to see honestly it's worth coming out here to see and making sure you come at the right time of day what i will say is the music sounds kind of like it could have come straight off the soundtrack of a horror movie okay time to go find our next restaurant after all the food you would think that we would be done with eating but i'm still just as excited about the next one [Music] time for something nice and sweet i didn't know i was most excited to try this one until it arrived it looks incredible it's called something like [Music] you're leaving me out of my onion it's called kaiser schmaden and it's basically a big pancake and then it's also got some raisins in there and it's first baked in an oven and then it's fried up in a pan and i just can't wait to taste it it also comes along with some apple and some more plum how do i do this i just take a chunk like that [Music] what am i even eating the pancakes got a little bit crunchy in some places but squishy mushy warm in other places the raisins flavor that adds to it wow amazing i just got the ram there's also a little bit of ram in here [Music] it's a little bit sweet it's a little bit eggy it's a little bit doughy there's a little bit of rum in it there's just such a lot of flavors and all of it so complex but just working together so nice you can see just how thick it is it's a proper bite it's a proper mouthful and it doesn't even look like a pancake anymore it's just amazing honestly you can eat this all day as you can see we struggled to finish that behemoth of a dish and as such we needed to get a takeaway also our waiter said that this dish is really nice in the morning so we're looking forward to this for breakfast it's time to make our way and start heading out towards our last restaurant and honestly this is the one that i'm the most excited for it has got dark so fast now we need to try and catch the subway to get to the last restaurant u3 u6 design and yes [Music] well that was easy expensive but easy let's go it's all and our final stop is the world famous hofra house [Music] that is world famous for a reason that took us probably 25 minutes honestly this burger had no chance of getting his voice above the immense amount of noise that was coming out of that place it was intense so we thought that we'd just talk about our experience while showing you the dishes that we ate and drank now you can't come to the hofbrau house and not have a traditional german beer and a one liter stein this thing is huge and weighs so much but cue the first of a couple of thumbs ups okay but the style of the show is something called a schweinster which is basically a roast poor can you just take a second to appreciate this massive layer of cracking that we had to cut through to get to the meat itself again but meat is cut we are ready to go and it goes waiting waiting oh the reaction says it all that was amazing this little bite of love is something called a canoodle which is basically a potato dumpling it is amazing it is soft it is stretchy and together with that rich dark sauce that you can see on the plate is absolutely amazing and it's something that i'll forever remember fondly the truth too much that it is something that i will forever remember fondly but lest we forget that blessed old crack then let's listen for the cry [Applause] oh touchdown and now it's my turn to try this after all the hype let's see if it lives up to that okay okay wow yes yes that is delicious oh definitely double thumbs up for an amazing meal i was trying to capture the impressive skills of the staff at the hofra house and little did i know i was about to see one of the most impressive beer delivery handling things i have ever seen and probably ever will see in my entire life just bear in mind that each one of these stands weighs about 5 pounds or about 2.2 kgs each and we counted anywhere between 10 and 13 of them and he was trying to carry all of them by himself he could barely fit them into his hands is he no he's playing around with it no he can't possibly no don't mess with us oh my gosh real heroes don't always wear capes what an atmosphere it was crazy in there oh my goodness and that wraps up our future so my favorite dish for the day hands down was definitely the kashish puzzle contrary to popular belief i also thought that my favorite would be the shrine haksa that we just had now that was very good don't get me wrong but the kashish puzzle was just so much better and my favorite has to be oh damn it the name goes on my head every time schneizer schmutten kaiser schmuck kaizen that is just one of the most unique desserts i've ever tasted and it's just delicious and i'm so stoked because we have leftovers that we'll be eating for breakfast in the morning now this is definitely hands down our most expensive foods were here but it was such a good experience we can save without doubt that we walked all over munich today everywhere we walked over 30 000 steps which is about 25 kilometers crazy that is ridiculous we've actually had people comment on some of our food videos in the past and ask how we manage to eat so much in one day and all i can say is walking from place to place really up to your appetite so i mean we were ready especially after today yes every time we got to a new restaurant or the next restaurant we were ready for the next meal we didn't we didn't anticipate that we'd be walking this much today no and it wasn't all planned we definitely had some missteps in there but if you enjoyed this video please do give it a big thumbs up it really really helps us out a lot and it lets us know what videos you guys enjoy please let us know in the comments which of the foods we tried you would want to try or you think would be your favorite and of course subscribe so you can join us on all our adventures and food adventures in the future and in all the countries we plan on going to and we'll see you guys back this coming tuesday can you tell i forgot what i was saying i was like never got something [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sarah & Marek
Views: 152,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOUTH WATERING German Food Tour In MUNICH 🇩🇪, german, munich, trying bavarian beer, oktoberfest, munich bier, bavarian food tour, Rathaus-Glockenspiel, Bavarian breakfast, Weisswurst, Brezl, Bratwurst, Käsespätzle, Hofbräuhaus München, Kaiserscharrn für, Schweinshaxe, munich food tour, german food, hofbräuhaus munich, germany food, german food taste test, german food culture, ultimate food tour, traditional german food, german food tour, mouth watering german food, sarah and marek
Id: 1mZHmTKbizc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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