Amazing MCM Jewelry Designer Estate Sale! Thrift With Me For Resale!

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I'm here at yet another million dooll estate sale this one's very exciting to me because their father or their grandfather was one of the designers at Monae jewelry company which is right up my alley I'm a vintage jewelry expert and I go to estate sales and thrift stores looking for vintage jewelry to collect and resell so I'm very excited about this one let's get inside are hello oh I love the couch look so couch is sold oh these are great look at [Music] those uh I'm here for the jewelry this is nice looks like the clasp has been replaced okay some swatches there's that put my little bow here I like this looks like silver maybe costume costume oh a mood ring this one's cool a adjustable I'm going to find the better stuff I think first I think it's probably in this case yes okay so ooh I see some cool things what's the story with this this is a three-piece paror yeah he designed them these also it's the so is this Monae or another company it looks like another company no yeah but he did design them so yeah how much is it they're each priced um set I think it says I think it says 75 for the the safe set yeah okay it says what does it say something Miller these are from his own jewelry line pink K his name is Pinkus Miller he was an artist and a scul SC he graduated in sculpture from pooper huitt in 1939 his greatest success was as a jewelry designer for the Monae Jewelry Company MH oh those look like oh I'd like to see the price I I mean I need I need to like check on this is 35 oh yeah so that's a yes I'd like to see these those look um they're beautiful these look to me like another company um but old old old yeah he did all this this this is 45 this is a fur clip oh these are gorgeous okay those are those are yeses oh what's the rooster okay um yeah pink K pink K okay it's 18 I feel like I can I feel like I want to look at everything else first so you can put that one back okay oh the earrings yeah he did a lot with all the jewels yeah these are awesome these are in good condition okay those are a yes the uh the um yeah and oh that that heart with the Stars is fabulous okay that's a yes this is silver 925 oh yeah that's these I don't know if his if that's his you know I like it though I'm a heart girl look at my necklace yeah this is 25 okay that let me check this with my Loop um the bracelet that's old Monet that's classic old Monae love that oh it says 12 karat gold oh that's a yes that's definitely a yes um is that another one which one that oh no that one yeah mon yeah yeah yeah that's okay actually that one I feel like I don't need I'll put that one back I I have that not oh my gosh you have the original tassels this is awes see this is exactly what like I'm here this is why I'm here because of this collector this is amazing look see this is adjustable okay that's a yes um the tassel I think I have to do it if it says 25 uh 35 35 okay it's kind of a famous piece and it did come from the right estate right I think I have to do that one too and then um what are oh that's a charm bracelet with all the charms love oh no it's not oh yes it is okay all right that's kind of fun I love this heart thing I don't know if I've ever seen that before this long yeah that's very unusual okay let me get it away from the glare of the light oh that's beautiful that's also Monae does that say 20 yes 20 okay that's a yes and I'm going to look at this little silver ring this one or this one that oh both of those sorry okay so this one is silver 25 and this one is also silver 18 that's a heart oh that's sweet that's like a little mother of pearl okay you can have that one back this one I will get I love that okay now let's see I don't want to miss anything that's like important collectory I feel like the keyhole okay uh it's 18 and yeah it's the right era it's on its yeah you know what this is amazing this is also very much my thing this excites me okay I'm going to get that that and that all three of those actually this one is looks like it's 20 20 or 28 okay um this one is 25 that's got an old Mark I never took my Loop out I still have to look at the other I should take my Loop out this is I know what this is this is dur this is World War II all right I'm going to get my Loop out so this is old uh duration World War II Monae and it is 20 or 28 it's a yes I will hope I will try and negotiate for the 20 since I'm getting a lot I will get that and then this is beautiful this is PK and that is uh I don't know I don't know what it is this is Another World War II um this looks like it's 18 okay all right this um I think I have to I think I have I don't know I put that one back for now but this one's definitely a yes yeah this was Sterling I know I just I'm I'm I'm getting the other one and I'm it's like it's I'm keeping in mind my budget um you can put this little guy back actually all right so all of those things are definite yeses for me oh I didn't look at this oh no this is a yes yeah that's a yes this is not oh thank you you don't want this no oh thank you thank you not right now I might go back to it okay I'm going to look at this now so this is not vintage enough it's PK Sterling and it's beautiful but it's not vintage enough so I'm going to say no to that mhm all right this is that's a pretty pendant on a Monae chain and that is 18 that's an oldie I like this silver tone almost reversible see that that's actually the front how much is this 20 all right I'm going to leave that one I am on a budget right um oh I love this chain this is early yes that's a yes um I have here these are fabulous don't need them those would be good like for anybody else if you're wondering why I'm not picking this up it's because I don't need it I have already ooh look at that glass okay let's let's check that oh this is nice this is old $12 yes please yes yes yes I think these are really pretty these are more 8s but they're so beautiful oops where' they go how much are they oh $5 that's a yes these are older don't really need those these are fun an old one I will get those yeah those are definitely like 80s to yeah oh look at these These are marvelous I can't resist them you're pricing everything right like the $4 okay yes that's a yes all right and now let me go through here oh these look like Panetta actually no they're a little light for that all right let me check these are nice I don't need these I have tons of these so that I don't need the little shrimps are fun oh these are great $8 I'm going to check those with my Loop can't resist oh these these look [Music] like those are faux they look real but they're faux yeah they look they do look real we got it right on that I think this is um also this as well this little Tri oo how how are you okay so I just have to check this with my Loop and then I'm going to look at everything else in the house and negotiate a price okay so I'm going to put these back I think they were here wait no they were here they were there and let me check just that's 880s these are fun Pulsar okay all right oh this is old Giani oh I like this it's very 80s all right should I not ignore okay all right I think okay I'm going to look at the rest of the house now okay purses I like the one with the studs it is oh it's bakir 50 that's a good price for bakir yeah that's like the nicest one probably this is natural tanned okay I'm going to ooh this is beautiful this looks like a looks like a lever looks like a lever oh no it's 120 okay even better okay that's that's built in that's gorgeous look at this furniture what's on here CH glass I love this don't need it love it though this is 25 this one's 20 this says Marie bone oh Marie Robin that is 15 beautiful oh I like the outdoor furniture it's already sold okay I would have maybe considered that couch is great not for sale o look at the nestings these are 150 oh they're acrylic they're purple acrylic I don't need that um I would do clear this is a nice piece of art they were glass collectors ooh jeels oh wow this is fun this is so fun I don't need it I don't need it Mexico $8 it was telling us yeah they like the the stud Hardware I like that too o look at that I like a bamboo it's Gucci that's what I thought it's Gucci and it's 50 all right I'm going to have to take a look closer that a closer look at that okay this is a no the inside is very worn so I don't do condition like that I try and stick to better condition I love this beautiful inlay table isn't that nice little lilac it's gorgeous I might want that I might take that come on is it could I offer a 100 on it or you can give me a big oh okay I will yeah yeah what's the price on it it says1 125 it's so pretty oh it's a little it's a little okay let me get I will I will offer 100 for that I think it's beautiful okay slipper chairs are gorgeous they are sold two Candlestick 25 pretty pretty art glass it's 275 it's nice quite nice Waterford Evolution 55 that's beautiful love okay they say there's lots of clothing up here beautiful dress oo this is nice sort of tux kind of thing what does it say two-piece tux Canada 35 all right this is gorgeous this looks vintage it is vintage it's a little yellowed so we'll say no this is vintage o what is this this is pretty oh Flying Tomato not vintage the puff the puff is great oh that's a beautiful mirror that's loose sight for $8 we will say yes to that look how pretty it is the Frosted and the clear gorgeous then in here we've got Linens oh IC see clothing on the other side [Music] okay that's nice for $20 forl box 12 oh not attached I could use this $2 yes I have something I got from um I have a giant um artart bowl that I want to put above my mantle and I was hoping to find an old one and I just did so that's awesome anything else okay this is the dressy stuff don't need to do that let's go in here oh the shoes that's right I saw all the shoes this is sold nice Chase two pillows yeah very nice very very nice have a custom denim jackets these are valuable ooh that's adorable see it's not my thing I know it's valuable but it's not my thing I don't do oh those are awesome the rainbow sunglasses this isn't just a nice old one baby clothes look how beautiful the baby clothes are also not my wheelhouse but adorable so sweet oh I love this bench look at this bench 95 it's fabulous it's fabulous it's too early for that there is a basement oh the table that's sold this looks like this looks like it could be kind of important you see that that is very Paul Evans looking or Curtis Jay it says brutalist mixed metal yeah they don't know it's a good one oh has some damage but it's 250 look at that shoe shine Turkish shoe shine 150 that is 150 it's says Turkish shoe shine peacock masasa that's glass that says Detroit glass company $7 I do like these robot macraes these are kind of crazy cuckoo artistic from the era oh that's Stone very very cool very very cool I think it's a man and a woman fabulous they're a little stiff and from being here for so long so I'm going to leave them so this is all also his work he is the Monae jewelry designer uh pen P Miller oh I love this one 80s art 25 happy home lots of [Music] love it's another one she is fabulous I really love her she's 550 the screen is kind of fabulous too and that is 75 I'm going to have lots of fun shopping for my new house at estate sales they have a sense of humor I love these signs prices have been pre-aged for your shopping convenience Thou shalt not steal it's a commandment not a suggestion and just a friendly reminder price tag switching and price tag removal is still theft please don't do it love it okay they took my offer for $100 for the table that's going in my new bathroom can't wait uh stay tuned for that subscribe if you haven't already you're going to see everything that I do with the new house oh there she is I didn't know if you want to be on this is this is Brenda everybody she's running the estate sale what's the name of the company the The Real McCoy The Real McCoy Shameless plug oh and here's the jewelry stay with me full full recap Haul coming up right now full whole recap with everything that I got what I paid and the average cost per item stay with me to me it feels like an only I only paid $445 there are 20 pieces here if you count the peror separately that breaks down to $22.25 for each piece or if you count the peror as one piece then it's $445 divided by1 19 which is still only $23 42 okay maybe I paid a little bit more than I should have because of the provenance you be the judge let me know in the comments also everything will be for sale coming up I have auctions on Wednesdays on this channel I have sales on Fridays on the KNE Shopping Network all the links are below I also have a Halls channel for consigner hauls and unboxings this I fell in love with because of the pendant I didn't even realize that it was on a different chain this chain is marked Germany and it is a watch fob chain with a swivel clasp it's a long one so happy to see that when I got home because it just adds to you know the total at the end like what a great thing to find these are not marked in any way I think they might be prototypes okay and they're outrageous um I'm going to continue looking they might be the only ones look at how amazing these earrings are look at them look left and right kind of a a climber unworn condition these are beautiful these are not marked I bought them because I loved them these are fun old Monae can't go wrong this is reflecting the light like Blue Star Sapphire I've never seen a costume version that does that so well so very excited about this this also has no no marks whatsoever and it's in perfect condition this to me is also another unbelievable find look at this marked Monae Sterling that is Circa World War 2 when they were using Sterling look it's three colors there's rose gold yellow gold and Sterling and it is the most beautiful sort of Art Deco influence and since it's stamped this way I'm going to say that it was supposed to be oriented like this but you could also do it this way this is 12 karat gold filled I loved the clasp on this look at it look how great this is this is a traditional link bracelet that they used for charms but now it's just a gorgeous flat link chunky you know looks this is timeless this is timeless elegant to me that is an amazing amazing score this is an amazing score this is original Monae Sterling from the man who designed it in unbelievable condition I'm sure it was not really worn look at the size of that that is gold over silver these comment below if you thought they were hoby I thought they were hoby the jury is still out these are not marked they are not marked so I will be taking the time to research them further look at the construction you see how that is a white metal okay it does look guilt it looks very much like Hobe none of these three pieces are marked yes I know it's not vintage but I love it it's beautiful it was a good price I know someone will love that that's it for me this week if you enjoyed this video check out last week's video that's this video right here I went to my friend's shuttered antique store it hadn't been open in a long time and I spent $400 there and I did really well so check out that video I'll see you next week [Music] bye don't forget I have auctions and sales twice a week sales on Fridays on the N Shopping Network at 700 p.m. and auctions on this channel Wednesdays at 7 p.m. text 91789 725 to get free alerts when I go live with an auction or sale or drop a video also the links are below this video in the description thank you for watching see you in the next one bye [Music] oh
Channel: HUDSON VINTAGE - How To Collect And Sell It
Views: 13,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift with me, estate sale, estate jewelry, Vintage Jewelry Haul, thrift to resell, source with me, come thrift with me, antique jewellery, antique jewelry, thrift to treasure, thrift with a vintage expert, how to find vintage jewelry, jewelry, Hudson Vintage, vintage jewelry finds, hudsonvintage, Hudson vintage jewelry, hudson vintage youtube, vintage jewelry
Id: Nb6PgL6uqN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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