This creepy piece literally gave me the goosebumps!!! Estate Sale Shopping • Attic finds

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hey guys I am headed to this estate sale I'm not sure if it's at this house or this church over here but the pictures looked amazing and this place looked packed so I am super excited okay I think it's the house because I see some people back there digging ooh there's sheds involved let's go look at the porch how cute ooh the swings are for sale oh never mind not for sale all right let's check out this room cute little bunny planter right here I don't know he has a little bit of a creepy eye some Halloween ooh I like him look at this bunny pillow it's heavy so it's probably a door stopper he's cute I want him what about this little this little guy I think I'm going to leave him here little handmade Santa Claus oh look at the house right there look this cute little fat cat right here he's ceramic probably hand painted absolutely adorable I think I need him look at his face look at all of the Crocs number three number three look at these little blue and white spoons this would be perfect to add to some little white ceramic pieces that I'm going to have in my white would not say all I've been collecting a bunch of white pottery to have um a big white sale and then so you can imagine like a cute white piece with a spoon like this in it they have a ton of false craft pottery I don't see a price on the whole set all right the lighting is not great but check out this milk glass Scot have y'all ever seen one like this I feel like the shade definitely doesn't go with it that is beautiful I wonder if there's one on the other side of this cabinet this cabinet is not for sale look how beautiful this cabinet is I don't see another Scot it looks like they is there's just one of them here's a whole little bin of blue and white pottery Merry Christmas 1997 that is is adorable o I love this has a little chip right there William Simona Sonoma Blue Harvest still think I need that is this the same yes there's two of them we're going to get those I think I'll leave that one here oh look there's um some plates to go with them perfect all right we're going to grab all of the William Sonoma bowls and little plates I love this pattern super cute what else is in here just these pieces but I think I'm just going to get these I really like this pattern y'all look at these absolutely gorgeous chairs they have that black wash that I love on my antiques they are $500 each but they are amazing and they actually have four of them let's see what they have out here in the shed old trunk some baskets oh look this big raggedy doll cute little stool looks like they have some old beds right here some furniture and ironing board lots of wood bowls look this typewriter they stairs I wonder what's up there oh this is beautiful this goes in front of a fireplace it's a little rusty that's cute and it even has a screen there's a fireplace Manel dang it's sold I'm actually on the lookout for a fireplace Manel but I think I want something a little more or neat look at this precious little tin I think it's hand painted and it's filled with little cookie cutters all right I'm headed upstairs they said it is super hot up here and they were not lying I feel like I'm in south Louisiana right now feels like home all right let's see what kind of cute stuff they have here that we are going to need it's definitely loaded up which is exciting o look at this cute little basket right here with the Christmas trees hanging we need that all right guys I found the creepy doll collection look at this my gosh I think I need them just cuz they're look at this mad baby all right guys do I need these what y'all think look at the face on this one I think I have to get it I think I have to get it I hope that y'all are enjoying today's thrifting Adventure so far we're going to get back to it in a minute but first I want to tell y'all about what not which is an online shop shopping app that I am currently obsessed with it so all day long they have live selling auctions going on anything and everything you could be interested in from clothing to plants to beautiful vintage home decor that we love and that's what I'm going to be selling in my next show is going to be the mystery box sales that y'all absolutely love so I don't know what's in these boxes you don't know what's in these boxes but we do know that it's filled with amazing home decor and that auction is going to be June 26th at 300 p.m. Central Standard time and if you are new to whatnot guess what I have a $115 credit that you could get by clicking the link in the description I love whatnot I know y'all are going to love whatnot as well so definitely come check it out and if you are watching this video later on still come over and follow me because I have whatnot sales almost every single week so I will see y'all over there now let's get back to our shopping Adventure y'all look at this precious little set right here it's a table and like a little half stool I've never seen one like this that is absolutely adorable oo look at these baskets right here those are so cute to me $30 on that little set right there so oh I'm thinking about it it's really cute got some books right here little hand painted Santa Claus little doll what is this I have no clue what this is some little wood thing I just noticed this Clos oh love the bubble top on this definitely need that look at this precious little thing hand painted little snowman picture the paint is chipping off but that makes me love it even more that is definitely going in the Ikea bag we have quite a few little wooden iring boards there a bunch of Christmas stuff right here hopefully y'all can see it the lighting is not the best up here what is that I like the Santa but it's attached to this pine cone that is interesting some more Christmas stuff oh Lord how you even get there look at that stuff over there there's a we I'm going to get back there let's do it guys oh my gosh they're not lying it is hot it is hot what is this I'm very interested in this little snowman he's missing an arm I can't tell if he's cute or not it's so dark here's some snowmen right here oh these are the little I okay I didn't break nothing these are the little hand painted fabric Christmas snowman oh I love them and that one has the dangly feet too I'm getting both of these the baskets are good here look at the unique shape of this one I think you could put a hanger on it as well all right my first bag is pretty full what is this little girl oh I don't know if I like this or not it's definitely hand painted it's a little quarky I don't know I kind of like her what y'all think found some more good Christmas items I love these little stuffed Santas look at this this one is a red accordion rack shelf found another cool basket look at this magazine holder you could also put Floral in one side some tall florals and then magazines and books on the other I just noticed this very large long drop leaf table look how pretty that is they also have this very long bench right here I see a sticker on it I'm not sure what that means oh I think that's $2200 for this long bench right here all right I am back home and thankfully out of that very hot attic but it was really fun digging up there I didn't get a ton of stuff at that estate sale but what I did get I really like I love these Santas you see how their arms and their bodies are painted fabric absolutely love that these Christmas stuffies are so good they're just perfect to put in a basket and we got a little rabbit which is great for year around I love this little hand painted tin and I found some vintage cards look how cute these are there was a ton of them there so I just tried to find some that I really liked and thought were really unique and different so I have a little stack of those I don't think I showed y'all this but I did get these little turkey dishes I don't know if it's for candy or what we got the pretty glossy white one and this beautiful kind of yellowish amber color y'all know I love this look how good they look stacked up and then with a little basket in the background absolutely love the blue and white and this pattern is amazing cool basket cute cat I just couldn't leave him there he was adorable okay I have to show y'all something guys I just noticed this I ain't going to lie it gave me the chills it gave me the chills I did not know this when I bought it I just put these items out y'all this baby has several faces hold on there's another face let me get it cry face sleepy cute face creepy weird face oh my gosh have y'all ever seen a doll like this never have I I literally got to chills when I saw it and then look it's tiny little hands and these tiny little feets who is buying this doll because it has got to get out of the house it is giving me the creeps and then this one she just looks mad she's mad so that is everything that I got at the sale y'all leave a comment below let me know was your favorite item all of these will be available on my next vintage drop which is the first Wednesday of every month on my website Julie's designsand and don't forget to come follow me over on whatnot where I also have beautiful home decor up for auction every single week so I will see y'all over there bye guys
Channel: Julie Thrifts
Views: 14,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #vivavideo
Id: KjnhFI2Asg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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