Amazing Lasagne In The Air Fryer

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hiya folks here's another one  of our airfryer recipes we're   going to do everything mostly in  the airfry apart from the mince   we're doing one of Sharon's favorite  dishes and that is lasagna lasagna right so we've got our dual trade uh Ninja air  fryer at the moment but um we do when we cook   stuff in now we like to cook in these glass dishes  and a lot of people ask where we get them from   so these are them they do come with lids but you  can buy them without the lids as you can see there   we've got quite a few of these and these actually  come from Ikea I've actually wrote down because a   lot of you do ask where we get from and if I can  I'll put a link in the description below it's the   Ikea 365 food container and they're made of glass  and they are the one liter version which is the   34 fluid ounce version and at the moment all I  care if you're buying without the lids they're   coming in at two pounds 50 which is very very  good so that's where we get them from folks so   all Sharon does is get these little bits of foil  paper folded over and that's how we actually put   these bowls in our ninja air fryers you can  see it's just about the right size and just   fold damages over like that and then when you come  to lift them out all you're going to do is unfold   the tabs give it a second because they will be hot  and then just lift them out like that and that's   how we get these glass bowls which are the laser  version the 34 fluid ounce version into our is it   is it the Dual Zone yeah it's day of 400 we got  yeah so this is the one we're using at the moment   folks right so there are lasagnas and they're  all lasagnas at the end of the day this is our   little version of a lasagna we put a few more  ingredients in slightly different ingredients   than a bog standard uh normal one which they  call a normal one so don't shoot us but we're   going to show you exactly what we got in these  ingredients one kilogram of beef mince a pack   of pakistania sheets 500 grams of passata a desert  spoon of red pesto a tin of chopped tomatoes a   desert spoon of tomato puree one chopped green  bell pepper one chopped large onion a few chopped   mushrooms three cloves of garlic one mozzarella  ball some mature cheddar grated cheese one pint of   milk a tablespoon of white flour and some Italian  seasoning right so we've just got our little   little camping stoves here folks you might have  a normal cooker that's fine so we're just going   to take this mince and we're just gonna Brown  this off first of all you can't do this in your   airfryer so we just break it down and then we'll  start adding all the other ingredients there right   that's nicely browned off now folks as you can see  but I just want to show you the amount of fat and   liquid that you can get coming out of your mint  uh we don't really need all that in there so we're   gonna be draining some of that off and now I'm  going to do that folks it's just literally just   hold your your main mince back and you can just  tip that out into a bowl if you want there you   go and as you can see we're just draining that off  now there we go so we got rid of most of that now   and some people actually say that I don't save  that don't you put that in a little Ramekin   puts it in the fridge and uses  that as a fat or a lard or whatever   so we will keep that and just to make our life  a little bit easier folks we're just going to   transfer the mints into a saucepan because  we're going to be adding now all the rest   of the ingredients to that baby and it's just  easier to operate and stir in a saucepan so we   could have done the mince in the saucepans right  from the beginning but we like washing up don't we right so now it's time to add all the other  ingredients now don't forget you don't have to   put a pepper in if you don't want this is just  our version and we've got some finely chopped   tongue in there as well they're going in look  at that cools good shot hey that cool it's not   fine right well they're chopped on they're chopped  onions in with the garlic folks that red pesto a   bit of flavoring this is optional yeah again you  don't need to put the pesto in but we again it   just imparts a nice little flavor in there Sharon  doesn't it so you'll put it in a dessert spoonful   of that as well just give that a mix round right  so in with the old uh passata this is Sharon and   we're going in with a whole 500 gram container  there folks so we like to also put in some um   what's that stuff called tomato pure and it just  adds a bit of depth to the color a bit more folks   good squirt yeah and this is basically like like  a Bolognese mix shower in it it is a Bolognese   really isn't it yeah just Sharon's version this  is why we like it yep right so next thing in is   the tomatoes chopped tomatoes chopped in tomatoes  we'll wet them in we'll also put in the mushrooms in with those and we'll just give that a little bit of a stir up  first and then we'll let our Italian seasoning and   then we'll put some salt and pepper in now you  can put as much as this or as little as this as   you want I suppose you can put oregano in these  are that's got it all in there that's some mixed   Italian seasoning so it's got everything in  there that's probably got a bit of Rosemary in   there as well yeah oregano that sort of stuff  so get it going right the way through folks   incorporating all them flavors now as you can  see there look and that's why we put the bits   of green pepper in folks as you can see there just  has a few little colored flecks in there as well   right we're going to put some pink Himalayan rock  salt in folks I won't call it Seashore anymore   because I keep getting told off for calling it  that even though it was mine from an agency Sharon   that uh isn't there anymore so put plenty in folks  you want to really taste the bit of this and this   is not like your white salt you get the table salt  this is um uh got loads of minerals in this as   well now again loads of plenty of cracked black  pepper in there folks and of course you've got   ever beaten Pepper Mill like what we've got to put  it in as well well no you can buy them like that   now what already of course you can and as you can  see Folks by the amount left in that we use quite   a lot of it oh look that's Jamie Oliver's one  Sharon I wonder if he put him in near himself of   course he did right we're just gonna flip this  away folks and make it come to a little bit of   a boil for a bit and then we'll let it sit just  so everything Cooks the tomatoes yeah always put   a lid on folks if you can because that keeps the  steaming and it increases or shortens this cooking   time believe it or not right so we've put that  bowl over the side now that saucepan full of The   Bolognese she's had a little taste of it what's it  like very nice right so that's over there I've got   to go yeah I'll ever go later folks I can wait you  see so she's going to do the white sauce now now   most people make or they've seen out of dual wipes  also make a roux you do your slightly different   didn't you yeah right so let's have a look and  see how she does that right so we're going to   start off with the milk so you just pour the milk  straight in didn't you don't mess about how much   you got there better point that pint there so pint  of milk goes in there folks and the flour this is   uh any flour flour we've just got self-raising  flour here folks and we're just going to throw   that straight in there's no Roo here but you've  got to keep it mixing and we use a balloon whisk   to break up all the little bits of flour so you  don't get any clumps so just keep whisking that   folks and at the at the flowering as you go but  you must keep it moving and you will find that   will start to thicken up right should be going for  a couple of minutes now folks I don't know if you   can see it's actually getting a bit thicker now so  uh again don't have that gas up too high because   you will burn it at the bottom and you must keep  turning it and stirring it around and you'll see   the difference now and see that coming thicker now  look right so it's been about three minutes folks   it's thickening up nicely and all we're doing is  putting a little bit of that grated cheese that   is mature cheddar we got there just just going to  drop a little bit of that and we're not going to   put too much in because that is the um cheese we  got for the topping don't forget so it just adds   a little bit of a Cheesy flavor to it and as you  can see now that's thickening up really nicely now   so don't forget folks that was one  tablespoon of flour we use self-raising   it don't really matter whether you use plain or  self-raising and that goes into a pint of milk   and if it doesn't thicken up folks  just add a little bit more flour   there we go folks thickened up nicely so we'll  set that to the side now and let that cool down   and then we'll start to assemble our glass dishes  with the lasagna sheets and bring it all together   well done baby thank you right folks so it's now  time to build your lasagna now as you can see our   white sauce is nice and thick now but don't  forget as I said to you before depending on   what your quantities are if it is a bit thin  add a bit more flour in if it's a bit thick   then just add a little drop one more milky but  it will thicken up as you can see there as it   stands although this is still hot at the moment  it has got a skin on the top so just keeping it   stirring there so we've got our white sauce  There we've also got our mix of uh the the   the mince mix there we've got our pasta sheets  and those of you who don't know what a pasta   sheet is they literally are sheets of dry pasta  and that's how you're going to be laying them   on top of your dishes when you're building  it so we've got our mozzarella ball there   that again we're going to be putting on just  pulling apart just ripping it you ain't got   to cut it just rip it apart it's a lot further  believe it or not if you just rip it and we've   also got our cheese there as well folks so let's  get Sharon to start building this lasagna there we   go so there's our two little dishes folks and all  we're going to do is put some on the bottom first   just to line the bottom of our ramekins there so  to speak are they around the kids what are they   oven proof dishes yeah it is a little round  thing yeah so we're going to start with two   first of all and if we've got any left over  we've got a third one which we're gonna make   up if you need to cut them and break them you  just break them in half and just it doesn't   matter if they they break in segments or what  just lay them on fill the bottom foreign we're   using probably one and a half to two you probably  even do that Sharon yeah that don't matter some   people pour the white sauce on but this is so  runny this sauce I don't need yeah why sauce in   between so we're just going on again with another  layer of our lovely Savory Bolognese minced there there we go yet again another two pasta sheets there you go so as I say it doesn't matter if  they're broken up because they're all going to   just mold into it and get lovely and soft go  ahead and get the third one going baby and the   beauty of having them Lids folks is that we can  put a lid on that and freeze it so if you buy   them with the lids on the plastic Lids they are  a little bit dearer but um it looks like this   mixed weave made is going to make three of these  little bowls again with the final one just put two   more sheets on the top oh I've got to push that  down it's doing my head there we go there we go   white sauce and now with the white sauce folks  again just slide it over the top make sure you   get into the corners oh that lovely cheesy  white sauce and don't forget folks you could   use that sauce if you were making a fish pie as  well it'll be perfect for a fish pie that sauce   just put it over the top folks so right okay so  I've got a white sauce on now folks and all we're   going to do with the remainder of that grated  cheddar make sure you get it all over there folks put plenty on because that's going to  be lovely and tasty on the top of that   white sauce and that'll go golden brown  as well so that's what we're looking for   and then get your mozzarella folks comes with  a little mozzarella ball and literally just   pick at it and just dot it about the uh the top  of the lasagna and it does actually go a long   way when you do it like this if you cut it into  slices it won't go as far so just dot it about   so there you go folks that's the mozzarella cheese  on the white sauce and the lasagnas now built   right folks so as you can see Sharon's  just lifting that into the uh basket there   with our little method we use with them  bits of Silver Fall cut out turned over and that makes life a hell of  a lot of easier folks when you   were lifting them out so into the air fry they go   I'm gonna do put them on together right so first  of all we're going to press match and then we're   gonna put it on airfryer which is 200 degrees  centigrade and we're going to go for the time   which is the default time the full 20 minutes  and just press start there we go we'll come   back in 20 minutes but we will keep a check on it  okay folks we're coming up to the 20 minute mark getting ready now there we go cooking time has just ended let's  just pull these out and have a little look   oh look at that folks can you see that  bubbling in the corner there look at that get the other one out oh they look fantastic we  want to be above 75 degrees Centigrade there on   the uh inside of that and then we see we're up to  82 there and there we go on that one there we're   up to about 79 80 degrees just under 80 degrees  on that one Happy Days I'm gonna let them cool   down a bit folks just before we take them out and  then we'll plate them up right and just to show   the ease of getting out folks with these little  fins we've just stuck them outside as you can see   just a cool off and literally you can literally  just pull them out and plonk them down like that   and that's why we make these little thin strips  just to do that and happy days you've got no mess   inside your airfryer containers as you can see so  now you can literally go back in and Sharon will   just put this one in now yeah and don't forget  folks if you want to make these a little bit   wider so that you're not balancing so much feel  free to make them a little bit wider just to make   your life a lot easier right folks we're going  to try and cut a segment out now and shower's   just loosened in the edge off first of all just  to make sure nothing's stuck around there and   then just cut through it oh yes look at that make  sure you get the right food in pasta sheets folks   and then she's going to just spoon  it out get out oh look at that   oh look superb look at that and you  covered in white sauce as well folks look so there's the inside of it there oh that looks  absolutely lovely look and there is our homemade   lasagna baby better than any shop bought  one that you can buy let's give it a taste well this is it folks that looks absolutely  fantastic it's been standing for about five   minutes now because it was piping hot when it  bubbling away and that's normal baby I'll tell you   what let's get some of that cracked back pepper  on it because they come up in a restaurant and   they go black pepper sir so we just put a bit  of that well if they're talking to me they're   going to be they're going to call me Madam baby I  had a baby that's a new name for you there you go   let's get that down your gullet going in here  guys let's see what you think that tastes like   get a bit of everything on it yeah I could smell  the pepper it's like toilet pepper coming in well cooked in the middle pasta's cooked yep very very tasty a lot more flavor than my  favorite which was little but yeah she likes   the little one folks but looking at this oh  you're right here she's got Daddy wrong with it   can I have a go full of flavor oh I can  see all that tomato sauce in there baby I'm getting a bit of the bottom first of all  going in for the bottom bit oh here we go oh I've got a guy in for that cheesy goodness  on the top baby cutting through that crust   I don't care for that white sauce  now that bottom is a delight   look at that folks look it's  not my fault at home faint oh   drowning by yourself now you wanna be a junior so  that mozzarella I'm not a strong trailer on the   top together with that white sauce which has got  a hint of cheese in it as well the onions I could   see little flecks of pepper in there then bell  peppers what a great idea that is folks if you   like them put them in if you don't don't put them  in so let's see your taste leave them out put them   in it's entirely up to you and when you hit a bit  of tomato add in that passata and also the pesto   gives it a nice acidity I know I'm taking control  of this baby oh no I'm usually eating while he's   going on I've got going again he won't put the  plate down but don't forget folks these timings   what we give you just guidelines you might have  to put it for a little bit longer you might have   to cook it for a little bit less depending on the  size container you're putting in and your makeup   airfryer and obviously you'll make of airfryer as  well so there you go that is our homemade lasagna   far better than any shop bought one you'll get and  it is so much more tasty we've had quite a few of   them salad and garlic bread and you're away yeah  we did a review on a couple of shop bought ones   and this is by far in excess of it anyway thanks  very much folks don't forget check out our other   food videos we've got plenty of airfry recipes  there and we've got more coming up as well uh we   put three videos out a week Monday Wednesday  and Friday at 5 p.m UK time in the evening   and also our Sunday Vlog where you can just  basically see what we get up to during the week   that were there on Sunday yeah because there is  a live chat box so do come in have a little chat   with us in the chat box and also the other people  as well that goes down at 8pm on a Sunday evening   and as I say me and Sharon are in the chat box  as well so we're going to finish this off now put   our feet up watch the Telly watch your butt hey  you know what's telling we watch YouTube channel   and one of the channels we  watch is Butler's Empire bye for now you have that little bit  shell I love that bit share that folks
Channel: butlersempire
Views: 121,598
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Id: -uTEcVHyr28
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Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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