Jacket Baked Potatoes In An Air Fryer Is It Posible?

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hi folks here's a little fast one for you baby  we've had a few requests haven't we oh yes   and this is to do a jacket potato in the airfryer  well we've never done them before we know you can   do them because stacie does them all the time  so we've got two average sized potatoes here   probably enough to fill one one per person  so we're going to do two of them and uh   yeah we're gonna have one each how about that so all we're gonna do is with the first one  we're just going to cut this put a cross on it not going all the way through   so we've basically just crossed about halfway  through the potato and the second one sharon's   just going to prick the surface of the potato  this is the way i do it and that's sweet yeah   be careful she's a bit of a yeah right so  once we've done that baby what we're going   to do we're going to cover these in oil put a  little bit of oil on there and a bit of a bit   of savory salt and pepper on the tray so let's  get that salted now right so all sharon's got is   a little drop of olive oil we're just going to put  that into a bowl and all she's going to do is turn   them over in the oil just to give them a light  coating of oil and then just put some seasoning   on the top we're using some himalayan sea salt  and also a little bit of black pepper as well and that's the one is that your one on my one  that's my one so that's my one with the split in   so we'll just take it and draw from our  ninja and she's gonna just plug that in there   and the second one is exactly the same folks  a bit olive oil just wrap around it and the   seasoning is still in that bowl so she  might just want to put a little bit of   salt on there baby no it's already in  there okay i can fill it on my fingers   right so that one was just pricked and all we're  going to do literally is just put it in our tray turn the onions on 20 minutes and then we'll turn  yeah we'll do it for 20 minutes and just see what   happens and then just press go so in one of these  folks we're going to have some merch tin chili   con carne you can make your own this is purely  from convenience and we add it in the cupboard   and in the second one we're going to have some  grated cheese with onion on the top as well   so as you saw probably in the last  video we had the kasoori dual blaze   airfryer which was a big single tray jobby and  uh we've actually given that to our daughter and   she's over the moon in it we've just come  back from scotland we've been up there for   five or six days and uh she was cooking with  it all the time and she absolutely loves it   that's got an extra element on the bottom so you  don't really have to turn stuff over to or shake   or shake stuff yeah anyway so we've just had a  look online for some ways of doing jacket potatoes   some people put pre-put them in the microwave  first about 10 minutes then put them in the   airfryer yeah but we're not even going to bother  with that because at the end of the day by having   this airfryer it's actually saved us money on  our energy bills consistently for the last three   months and that gas bill has gone down as well  now we all know what's going on at the moment   with the energy prices here in the uk so any  way of making a saving is a bonus so this thing   is definitely proved it's worth for saving money  using the air fryer over the big conventional oven   and the gas pumps as well for the gas hobs as  you well know that's what our chili's going to be   going in we've been cooking on these little things  these little things just 15 pound camping stoves   and all they got is these little gas bottles in  them you can pick these gas bottles up for a pound   and they last quite a while actually as i said  we bought the job a lot of them and all we do now   we just cook on this surface here we don't turn  that on them big jets on that are far larger than   the jets on this little don't even use my electric  kettle anymore yeah we we've got the same kettle   we've gone back to an old whistling cattle folks  so this is the way we're combating the energy   price rises which again are going to go up again  so we've been told and the only way to do it is   either to pay their money or you may know usually  make some active changes in your life to reduce   your usage and that's what we've done anyway money  for yourself we'll put that cut over there baby   yeah i'll get a little sauce for that we'll do  that a we'll get the chili on yeah so these are   our little cookers folks you just push down the  button turn them on and they strike up in no time   so we're just going to tin of chili into this  is it not today is it no this is just a little   just turn it around there shall we so it smells  all right but it looks good when it comes out   i don't know about it no i'll just say that  one actually looks better this one actually   looks nice which makes a change they normally  don't look like they look on the team smell that   it smells not chilly you can buy your things no  yeah that one actually looks all right so it is   you like the macaroni cheese and to me it's  like baby food yeah but if you've seen the   oh peter bimoney what matt love metal metal  yeah people moan about that's a bit high   yeah look how quickly these start  cooking folks these little those look   so we'll just put that literally on a little  flip and we'll let that cook away and as i say   for the other one we've just chopped up some  onion quite finely and we've grated up some   strong cheddar cheese there and that  will be our little meal for today right folks we've actually put them  on for 40 minutes after 20 minutes   she had a look they're probably  half cooked you did turn them over   so she's turned them over and now we've got about  a minute to go and she's just brought the chili   back up to the boil again and i don't know what  it is baby but every time we start cooking food   someone turns up over there look look  yeah you keep turning up unbelievable   so there you go folks again it only takes  literally minutes for that to heat up right let's come over here folks look  let's just say this is 40 minutes   here we go let's have a little look oh look  at that babies and can you see the one that   i've split there folks that's the difference  sharon's prodded that one as you well know   right baby you're going to get them out  passing the tongue so well there you go baby right so let's put that away first   switch it off now can we give it a  little tap now do we test if the skins   what you mean yeah can you hear that folks  all right okay now okay baby cut yours open we'll do your one first can you see  that phone that's very hot showering oh yeah it's definitely got  a crispy skin that one folks now what you can do if you hold either side  you squeeze the potato i know you do baby   i'm telling the people there you go look at  that look look now get your knob of butter actually we like to if you if you disturb  it folks and mash it up a little bit inside   oh look at that that's it match it in there  shall see what happens folks now get some   salt and pepper baby going off you go this is  your you do it how you want chocolate thanks oh look she's gone for the white  pepper folks oh look at that oh you're going over the  onion first that's unusual out comes the grated cheese this is a  strong cheddar folks this is really strong   and just whack it on there oh i see  you've made like a sandwich of it   i love what you've done there i love what you've  done with that well done baby right you're just   gonna let that mature aren't you you're gonna  let that melt into the actual potato aren't you   oh yeah baby right folks here we go now mine's  already split as you will know so i'm just gonna   oh look look at that and i'm just gonna chop it  up with a knife look how soft that is folks look   40 minutes these are average sized spots i'd  say and they've cooked completely through and   the way we test them obviously you can  put a probe in there but all you do when   they're cooking just stick a knife in and if it  goes in nice and easy you know they're cooked   so out with the old butter folks now don't try  this with larger in it's got to be bar folks   just whack a nice nice dollop in and  i like to massage it through it so   spin it around different angles just get  that butter running through all that potato   look from every single angle look i'll put a  top in spinach hey it'll be cold and about no i don't swear i didn't see you this  way baby i just sounded different baby   now look at that look and then i'm gonna  go for some lovely salt on there oh lovely   tease it in there look at that  pepper look i like plenty on oh look folks look now you can make it look  nice if you want it's entirely up to you   i'll just plonk it on look oh look and i'm gonna go one step further sharon what  a surprise i'm gonna go mad look i'm gonna even   do that i had a bit of that of what what you call  everything on there that's a loaded one now sharon now we've tasted this chili and this chili  is actually one of the better ones sharon   very nice right do you want to go first can  you tell me what that's like you've let that   ooze in there now baby definitely  my favorite jacket potato this is   oh do it again i want to see you so i  want to see the enjoyment on your face go on cut that sting well it's this thing is the skin  crispy sharon can you taste my skin very nice nice can i have a go can't leave my  permission move over baby this needs a bit of   room i'm going to go in for everything  here folks i'm going full metal jacket it's all on there everything's there look oh a lot of people think you're actually putting  this on but actually when he enjoys that i'll tell you what that airfry  so far has never let us down yet stasis is over there dribbling  and we've left a little bit in the pan with uh honestly folks it does jacket potatoes fine and  the thing is 40 minutes normally in our big oven   that's on for between an hour and an hour and a  half shower nothing so if you want a jacket potato   you want to save energy get yourself an air fryer  it seems to do everything doesn't it anyway i hope   you've enjoyed this video folks don't forget if  you're something else you want to see us cook in   the airfryer leave a comment below and also hit  that subscribe button if you do like our videos   this is all new to us but we're finding this  airfryer as a fantastic piece of kit that thing   is now redundant shall we mr was redundant  why baby sit down i'll always need you baby   thank you very much folks don't forget to join us  on sunday when we got a lovely vlog for you this   weekend we went up to scotland we had a bit of  fun up there and it is a premiere of that premiere   at thrift no 8 o'clock in the evening as with all  our vlogs and there's a chat box there and you can   talk to us live we're in that chatbot and there's  a good fool in it thank you very much folks we'll   see you in the next video and until then bye  bye bye for now oh sharon that's fantastic
Channel: butlersempire
Views: 267,847
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Id: PklBRq8c84U
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Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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