Oddly SATISFYING Video Compilation - ASMR , Slime Pressing and more! (part 5)

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welcome to another satisfying video oh it's such a beautiful cake looking thing ah what they just burst my bubble we're looking a good way on the noise I love it how did he make it it look like a legit cake did you guys see how beautiful it was look at that this is all pieces of glass and they're about to crush them oh it looks like it's going pixelated it's like on 360 feet yeah and it just shattered why was that so satisfying I never knew shattering glass be so amazing Oh Oh sugar already Justin gulps four hands yes I can watch this a million times and it's such a pretty color agreeing to look at it why is she doing oh what is is that hair what is that guys I don't know what this is but I want to do it too like Lady Jane you can we be friends who throw hair on needles I don't know why but like don't lie you guys want to do this too whoa guys look that's not water that is smoke literally falling down this is something I do know smoke could do it's like defying the laws of what I thought physics were well we've got some messy looking paint and then oh it's so perfect how do you do that so perfect I can't even walk and these people are making masterpieces oh these are my favorite videos guys these are the golden noodles like what is this it's so cool I just wanna like play with them are they slippery they looked a little slippery like they go oh dear no toes I think I think that's what rich people eat whoa guys look at how much slime there is a onesie on this is a knife slime for a whole city how are they now attempted to just dive into it like I want to put my body into that slime bathtub full of slime we need to do this why is this it looks like it's making like a black hole oh it's getting even prettier oh my is this like a paint paint be mixed this is so cool guys it looks like the galaxy oh oh it's a good touch they're gonna touch guys I need this this river of I don't know whatever color that is it's so cool I want this in my house oh it gets even cooler Wow Oh when they polish it the true beauty comes out Wow can i order this somewhere I want like my walls been made of this galaxy stuffs so cool now this is art this dude is rolling snow I don't know how he's doing it but you can't lie it is extremely satisfying Wow I wanted to see the beginning like they started too late I wanted to see how he started the rolling and like what is he gonna do just take it home with him this video totally looks like it's on a loop but then you look at the counter and you realize it's not this person got so many tickets imagine all the prizes all the tickets is it ever gonna end I swear it doesn't look like it's on a loop it's a puzzle why wouldn't I see I want to see when it slides in I love when they slide in push the puzzle in ohh what it's like the way when it was so seamless I wasn't even expecting it to be so good we got another cake slime huh how do you even make this it's so fluffy it's like a dream on the sounds guys the sounds get me every time like I love all the sounds mmm I saw these like my favorite video system cuz I just feel so relaxed out there and like happy yes poke your fingers in there no I wouldn't see more fingers I just want to poke my little fingers I come on okay book your fingers yes it's just like too beautiful to break he's making a glass sculpture I wonder what he's gonna make okay kind of looks like a tulip right now okay it's transforming it's transforming they are so talented and it's kind of scary that thing is hot hot hot hot what is it gonna be wait is it a horse it looks like yours you just call me fat how is he so good at this he's just like holy to pieces and making a horse I did not even see that coming I saw a tulip guys this is impressive it just gets better every second it how are people so talented amazing this is like mesmerizing he's literally doing this in a second - I would have already like burnt my like my arm off and there would be no horse well I'm as he is impressed this cookie is made for dunking and milk look at how it just gets filled up with the milk it's it's like so even and it's so pretty guys almost too good to eat but nothing this you're good to eat guys honeycombs are so beautiful I love them so satisfying watching all the honey pop out of the combs you see that yes oh it's so perfectly smooth how do they make the cake so smooth okay the design it's gonna be spectacular I can feel it okay okay how is his hand so steady like you really you're not gonna make it like you he gets the Lions perfectly doesn't mess up even once Wow the precision but imagine has sad it'd be like if you did mess up Wow everything is perfect like the timing and the circles and the swoops almost too good to eat but like I said nothing secret eat it's a big strawberry oh oh what are you gonna do with it oh yes break that strawberry in the most satisfying way possible this line makes me kind of weirdly hungry it just looks good oh is that foam it's so tall ah melting there with chocolate oh wow I mean you're making a little bit of mess but I'm still here for it I'll lick that off the table if I need to her hair is blue but then it's a rainbow and then it's another rainbow guys this one is so satisfying I love it so much Wow why can't I have unicorn hair that doesn't got poop hair oh they're cutting down the tree they're cutting the tree oh it's falling oh my god the weight shattered into a million pieces why was that satisfying am i weird did anybody else find that satisfying wow these sheets of glass are so perfect my only regret in life is that I can't hear it why can't I hear the beautifulness of it it's so pretty guys nature's crazy why the bed I cannot do that I'm impressed it was so smooth oh he's lived in his collar so perfectly okay that's cute but like also is it they're gonna fall off his neck when you're walking him okay these painters are crazy I don't know what they're doing but I just want them to take my money because this is awesome why it's like the painting is alive it's moving by itself it's painting itself almost but it's not guys am i easily amused or are you amused right no - I hope you are that's my goal in life okay he's driving backwards I don't see how this is gonna be satisfying why okay that was satisfying that was the most perfect parking job I've ever seen in my life this is a portable heat pack so you like pop it and has a little explosion on the inside and then it turns hot so you can put these in like your gloves if you're cold and keep your hands where I love it I used to have one of these and then I lost it and I think I only used it once but it was awesome it really works whoa that's a huge piping tool for cakes or the way it makes the icing on it it's so nice honestly guys I just want someone to hold that piping tool above my face and just fill me up because I need that in my life I'm always thinking about food I've said it before and I'll say it again but lava is so satisfying like look how smooth it looks it looks so smooth it just makes me wanna jump right in but that's a bad idea guess it's lava and it's dangerous it's probably the most dangerous satisfying thing I have ever ever I've ever talked about I've ever seen tell me one thing more dangerous but also as satisfying as lava now this has to be the most perfect snowball I've ever seen every time I make a snowball it looks it looks like it has issues okay but this is so perfectly round and smooth I actually don't even know how they made it also it probably would hurt if you threw it at somebody cuz it's so compact this is an ice ball press let's see what happens oh oh the ice is getting pressed it's melting a little bit I'm curious like what's gonna happen okay I see the water trickling down anticipation is growing oh they're gonna lift it they're gonna lift it Wow is this how the ice the other one was made the snowball wow it looks like a marble a giant shiny marble but that's just ice imagine getting that like in your Pepsi like wow how is this even possible this piece of snow has twisted and is now hanging upside down on a fence science explain this I've never seen this ever in my life and I live in Canada okay we got snow and I've never seen snow like this okay this one is pretty satisfying because they wrap the present and somehow they've lined up these lines perfectly how do they do that this must be like an expert present wrapper so apparently Japanese yogurt lids are hydrophobic which means the yogurt doesn't stick to the lid ever so you don't have to lick it off the lid which I always do look how cool it just slides down like it's like not don't wanna be here don't want to be here anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice other bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 31,375,601
Rating: 4.7094703 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, oddly, satisfying, video, compilation, asmr, slime, pressing, and, more
Id: 4FtpqYYn6fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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