AMAZING FROG ASTRONAUT Space Moon Mission! FGTEEV Caught On Camera! Darth Vader Captain America Pt 7

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another astronaut I'm gonna show her an amazing front you thought I forgot about this game but no I did a little bit come on I'm down here looking for this scientist he's got a special key card that I need to go get up I will tell you what for just a second I just got up okay and oh there's so many zombies oh my goodness look at all those guys yo there's so many of them I don't have any weapon look here he is he's got the key card no I'm tired take a little nap I dig all you zombies get back hot shot my foot all right come on the keycard is right here and you kid okay got it oh no I broke it got down put it on got the keycard you can't catch me hello hey history I said you can't catch me now it's me I gotta get this key card to a locked vault and I'll still I'll explain why wanna get up yeah move boys this RPG what now I got a flamethrower alright hey guys no for calling people names now we have to prance about the sewers oh no good I got all ready so here is the vault I put the card what happened okay and full unlock you have now have access to far tech underground lab well let's go check out this lab whoo for this lab is fancy aw I can't enter this lab dressed like this I must turn into a superhero [Music] you know I am tired Thanks now before we go back down into the stewardess one thing I wanted or I want to get this RPG and then go to sleep again okay wake up got it look at this rocky I got a fire at this parking lot right hello Anne [Music] Oh somebody's blowing up the town I think it's a GTV guy I'll reveal the police why don't you do something about it why don't get paid enough what a jittery you're the superhero I'm not the superhero I just rob banks with this outfit that's my disguise what is so cool already so the reason why I blow up these cars there should be a gas can yes here it is we're going back in the sewer I'm jumping around a lot got a gas can now let's go ahead and bring this somewhere we'll explain it do you see that thing over there huh no not the fault keep watching this thing right here no not the [ __ ] keep watching right here this ladies and gentlemen the whole batter and this right here is a rocket that will allow us to take a little nap I'm just kidding to go to the moon go to the moon although shoot you probably realized that from the title and the thumbnail ah man my surprise is ruined Oh turtle this vertigo that with me so this is why we had to go now that I'm dressed cool let's go in here and the reason why we're in here is probably still on know why the oh is Segway no that's not why we're in here but seriously though a segue this segue doesn't like me going ah stop it there are secret launch codes to get that rocket to take off let's go find it [Music] this isn't it's not as cool as I I thought it was gonna be though watch code are you in there ooh nope just a dinner code looking for a launch code ouch you know what it's much faster right foot let's do their watch I launched something watch coat ooh what is it dear oh wait wait opens it opens I didn't know they'd open don't tell me how do you know how did it happen this door doesn't open whoo this door opens ooh a space you owe a microscope maybe it's time we get dressed up as a blood-sugar not what oh no if I fart inside of this thing it's going to smell what is happen what am I stuck on this is creeping me out I must be one of those things you win at the arcade and throw against the wall down I say I'm stuck yeah we're back okay please return all microscopes oh I need the microscope like a skull like a skull where are you there you are there you are you're lighten up oh I know my callers I don't microscope welcome Oh microscope collected well how many do I have to do oh don't tell me there's lots of microscopes to collect is there oh she's not gonna take me long to find out I wonder if this will work microscope humming ah oh I see a microscope opened up hope it would stick oh yeah what no I didn't want to tell it but what was the point of that I mean a special area I'm not free I don't want to do this right now go back I just came hey wait a minute where the microscope go oh that was a monitor and there's a Tyrannosaur ha have I'm here but no where's this taking me to what is this place no no no no follow I don't want to be in any of these teleports let's go in here whoa Oh Micah scope got it okay right here here you go [Music] hello put three hold on you need three more speedy I've tried all these doors and adults anymore microscope so we're getting teleported Oh what's this area what Oh No well this looks kind of cool though I got this oh yeah I got this straight across a bunch of them except for that one huh oh there actually is a microscope so we do have the form in here Oh what that one seemed pointless okay check this one what is here to be jump let's do it right Wow what is in here I'm just gonna whoa for Finn oh I almost got bull's-eye - boys you know wait what oh there it is I thought I was gonna tell me I had the Bulls either red to get that my guys go but nope I got it Oh microscope cabinet there you go I think this is the last one where am I going I can't see anything I'm just gonna run for it oh that was not very smart the floors lava run and I can't do this maybe chase can chase so how's it going bro go on try it down we got one today I didn't know you was playing run and novo into the fans pretend we just met a subscriber and you want to hug them running jump into the fan you got it you're done right bro thanks for playing all right here I go and stop stop stop stop please stop [Music] all right come on here I go and stuffed-up stop please please thank you now let's try this and go yes come on come on let's go through this oh no I'm not gonna make this oh oh whoa no not yet not yet oh oh yeah what sick oh no there's another I just run into it okay go go go [Applause] if I act like a little tiny slug like this and then get up last minute yes II know you're kidding me today I'll starting this tomorrow this redonkulous okay all right I was playing amazing frog like five hours and had to stop and come on really quick what I told everybody I was getting mad but I pooped in my pants a little bit I was getting so mad at the game didn't hear me are you sure so for real you pooped in your pants yeah how do I set off the camera why did you poop in your band not because the game was frustrating me they're still there they're still there did they smelly no they're on YouTube how can I be now everyone's gonna know I pooped my pants silver disgusting so you paint in the bed and you poop in your pants now oh my gosh stop the camera still recording [Music] good-morning [ __ ] vers I am back and this time I decided I'm going to use a remote to run through this I knew it would work get up you silly frog Oh Mike scope alright got my microscope now we're going to teleport back and finally put this to rest this microscope should be the last one needed if I know how to count correctly if the microscope oh yes it a lot we did it we did it we did it [Music] let me say this using this remote actually makes the game easier like a crazy amount of easy earnest all right you guys I've been waiting to see if I can ride them can I do you want to go play this prisoner think so is that the only one we can ride jumping it doesn't look like I can ride any of these except for this one let's check it out what I forgot the real reason we're here though we're supposed to find a launch code what's this spaceship simulation whoa whoa whoa oh I'm oh I'm the spaceship wow hyperspace ah shoot how do I shoot am I taking pictures of rocks stop taking pictures oh this looks much better I just blast through it yeah Oh God whoa what is that can't go this way whoa are these monsters how did little pink monsters Ernie or if they're not pink how did it little purple monsters hurt me what's that thing a DVR sweet this looks like an exit can I make it can I make it oh wait no whoa where am I whoa what I'm getting I'm getting into a fight with another astronaut is he fighting me oh that is it buddy rematch fire at the purple monsters or fire at the pink monsters no I'm seeking better Pinkle still though I can't forget about my rematch all right nothing let's go outside let these rocks come back blast them oh my goodness I'm like creating holes in the rocks all those are my bullets when I do a hyper speed there's the dog on the moon oh I can't die oh I just keep floating oh this is gonna take forever can I land on a rock there's a TIE fighter or a satellite getting something hit me please oh yes finally here it goes here it goes here it goes boom jinda oh I can't what happens if i press Woodstock oh my gosh it sounds so dangerous I'll get it I'm not quite sure how to get out of here make it make it oh do I just I just stick oh there's like a glass wall here I had to restart to get back here I've been looking for the launch codes and they've been nowhere this is the last room I'm thinking has to be who what's that wait a minute I'm just gonna stop what I was talking about frog fader I'm frog there I have a joke for you what did puke Skywalker call his father barf Vader ha ha ha yes thank you ladies and gentlemen I'm pretty sure I made it up I did not Google it so if it is made-up it doesn't matter because I thought of it without gurus ha is this a Lance code right here who are red button what does this button do Oh launch codes you got the launch codes now all you need is fuel for your space rocket guys I told you I'm a little backwards man here are 2 10 steps backwards ahead of you my launch code is Quatro which in English stands for four million four hundred and forty four thousand two hundred and forty four dólares let's remember that what black black black black put two and so I don't forget it let's get out of here guys now I really have to say playing with a remote is like 20 times better wait who's could I let me out of here Oh automatic doors sophisticated sewer Carol I see you know know why exit it what was that bending oh my goodness that's bendy go whoa whoa whoa what's that button what is that point I can't see with this No put it there what is this a ballerina bad Elena bad Elena where are you oh my gosh ever hope telescope right here I could have used this and look at that beauty oh my goodness it's uncovered it's gorgeous it's magnificent with my king of games weena oh that's so messed up I had a can of gasoline here I even gave her a name gasoline be on come on let's go get some more yo this bus is awesomeness like the funky points bus pieces uh what I think that gasoline can't just went flying right here come with me Oh No the villagers are after me you'll never get my gasoline Deon ha ha ha even when I run out of gas my fart Oh guys you gotta see this I just figured out how to fart ready it was a cop fight Oh guys that's an awesome thing all right here we go yes ten wait what is that good enough hello there's hardly any fuel in there also know if I said this but look at this new update when you step on those things right there boom automatic what weapon giver and then when you go back it's something else and then it's another thing and then it's a bow I wanna pet dole alright so we have to bill up a car and the best way to do that is to aim correctly right on top of one okay a ship give me a can of gas there or did you see it go flying wait that's a tire I didn't even see you go flying Oh BOM and vanilla yes did that give me a can of gas no I wonder because I got them already oh my goodness seriously what do we pay you police in town for they literally do nothing and throw at this bus oh no I'm sorry come alright here we go here we go here we go here we go yes there's one let's go alright I'm back more gas fueling station why you need a lot of gas can we still oh we can still go yes we can what it's a toilet I need more gas what is this learn colors huh what do you do oh my goodness I can draw whoa that is cool pour out a little paint for the homies why we're getting sidetracked geez I just wanna get this base who is this they're like a crazy dog in there Oh puppymonkeybaby oh yeah RPG rocket that should do I 1 & 2 & 3 I can't see no gasps not that kind of gasps you sir okay danger medium explosive does that gasps can I just use that Wow all right guys you know what I think we're just gonna we're gonna pause it there oh yeah I know you're probably all mad at me stuff about the whole space thing but you'll get over it you will and you'll forgive me and you'll still watch the next bit and you're still gonna thumbs up this one and if you're not subscribed you're gonna consider doing that and like three two one and then I'll see you guys next time here after tivan stuff alright feel it follow the bubble this time we are changing our special star power token to the ghost power oh my goodness how do you reset this now let's change the power to lights out whoa oh no that's not right bubbles
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 30,151,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, youtube kids, kid friendly videos, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, Family Gaming, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, kids gaming, amazing frog fgteev part 8, amazing frog
Id: u9pvOxyiQLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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