Amazing DREAD SAURIAN Play in Competitive! - Top Level Tournament Players - Total War Warhammer 3

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the Far East is around we haven't explored as much as I'd like to there's so much we still don't know about it and so much still have to be added within and without the borders of far Cafe but there's no denying its beauty and that mystery is part of what makes it so intriguing here at the celestial Lake we'll be diving head first into the Waters of competitive multiplayer where some of the best players in the world are training sweating and unleashing Dread sorians on custom battle maps built for the gods the mighty cork along a staple the competitive scene now one of the toughest outs on the planet commands green skins while gamma ghoul brings out the real Cretaceous carnivore the Fearsome Shredder of lustria so mashup that is long favor the lizardmen whose armored dinos healing and Terror bombs can prove difficult to manage for low leadership factions without great shooting but Clark figures he might have a plan to stop its bloody Rampage before things get out of control Celestial lake has a contested VP over on the east side of Point number two while warzag's natural is point number one and the Lizardman natural is 0.0 number three the big play obviously is this Shredder of lustria one of the most destructive and expensive monsters in the entire Trilogy always a risky investment when so much of your funds is tied up in a single unit but it's a calculated risk backed by some solid support the minus eight leadership from dread aversion combined with its natural killing power and Terror can clear and objective of chaff in seconds which should make it a lot easier for skinks and Soros to storm the gaps left in its wake natural play here then is to support it with Ward saves and healing so a Lifeline with regrowth and blood statue out of spite will always be in casting range as you might expect a lot of infantry and support on the other side carc is built extremely wide perhaps in anticipation of the Shredder or at least some kind of armored Dino you can try to drag it through the muck hitting it from all kinds of angles with cheap Archer fire slowly plunk away at its armor and massive HP pool AP wolfrinder archers tons of air boys his opening build has nothing expensive for the saurian to generate value again but of course that will make them all the more acceptable to morale shocks there's one secret place gonna try and employ the start though Goblin goons are back in town looking to stab something two common big bosses on wolves alternating debuffs may look to go after the Mage priest now our opening engagement will center around the contested VP at objective number two where the shredder is gonna do something I really like instead of wasting time attacking orc boys on the point it will walk right past everything and head for the Ridgeline this is not only going to cut down on the time it's exposed to missile fire it will stop additional units from contesting the point and potentially secure him that early cap while that massive dinosaur gets Wild and the greenskins back line kind of play is always dangerous you're essentially isolating your super expensive monster but I think ghoul knows how far you can push it and with the shield of the old ones and regrowth in his back pocket should be enough to keep the creature alive in the early game even if it may not be doing a ton of killing at the moment it's kind of bouncing between a bunch of different units just trying to cause a little bit of havoc in the rear but I don't think car is going to bite on that too much you'll focus it down Force out some regrowths and that's the big thing if you're the green skins you want to make sure that you force out some early heels try to get it heel capped and then you can try and strike that killing blow tank with the dredsorian is that it is always going to be a pincushion right that hitbox is Gigantor it's straight up a beacon for missile fire but it is quite literally playing the role of distraction carnifex right now and greenskins don't have the burst damage to just delete it from the game outright in the same with the High Elves or dwarfs could Savage orc board boy big guns have reinforced in response went right for the dread sorian fist of gork activated on the orc boys currently fighting for their lives on the point and a banishment to buy more time for the shredder as it attempts to escape the clutches of those poor boy big guns carc did indeed attempt to goon up on the Mage priest with those big bosses but one is completely encircled by Sora Spears and a few munches from the dyno should markets end well offended there but I do need to point out here why exactly Clark has decided to go this wide why there's so much chaff on the field and it's not just because of the obvious reason of cat power right remember that Synergy of wa and warzag's bond with staff let's amplify it even further in Dom where grandsons can feel easily 30 plus units so when all these squigs and boys and goblins are hitting like big guns it starts becoming very difficult for lizardmen to trade effectively especially when fists of gork and air we go are being thrown into the mix and that's not to say anything of the green skin Skirmish power which while I said not very focused on burst damage still quite impressive and it's shall we say accuracy by volume you get four or five air boys and Goblin archers and Wolf Riders and spider skirmishers all shooting in it gets very annoying to deal with same without emphasis on physical resist not a lot of magic attacks a little German roster that's why preying on their morale can be so important that's exactly what the dread story is doing right now the shredder has been awesome over the contested VP it is already caused all kinds of chain routing for the green skins out on that side and now it is pushing the Ridgeline and trying to force them back off the overhang looking over the point if the air boys can't shoot into the scrum there that's a big win from Lizardman regrowth overcast we'll ensure it is topped off and ready to go so we are now entering the second phase of battle players in competitive Dom typically either go have you on the amphetry or bring out the big toys in phase one but phase two is when the mobile elements come out to play which means fire each bowl of pterodones Squig herd cold ones Mass War boys all duking it out in the beaten zone between the two Naturals law activating for the second time already huge value for carc so many cheap units engaged all over the battlefields Kingston even Soros will feel that pain trading into the orc boys and such but that's so Dorian after having two regrowths including an overcast toss its way it's right as rain and it's a problem for the green skins they cannot seem to bring it down now into the air boys and eliminating a huge section of the Skirmish power for the greenskins sole reason they've made no Headway over at that contested VP big time and we go from carc plus 40 melee attack in a large area of effect and the Squig herd the bore boys everything in that scrum ripping and tearing to the Lizardman lines and in the shadow of the temples the cathayan hillside in the background idyllic landscape absolutely drop dead gorgeous now being marred by 110 violence transorean covered in blood causing all kinds of Carnage now stopping its way over to help out against the Cavalry component no the drugstorean can catch Cav it can rip them up in seconds don't expect Park to spend too much time trying to surround it with Cavalry though he wants to stay away from that thing kite it around ensure that it is not on objective number two at that contestant VP and now that's why we're seeing the green skin surging there moving back onto the Ridgeline charging downhill with Squig herd they might be able to make a play on that point swigs are an amazing domination unit they are so cheap to field they can quickly charge in from a reinforcement Point that's far off I mean this map is Big the units have a ton of ground to cover I think that's why in phase two we've seen so many mobile troops feral cold ones spear riders coming out certainly all these Spider Riders board boys and squigs both players just need to get troops in the thick of the fighting and the speedsters are aligning lizardmen and green seems to cover that ground and join the scrub third regrowths at the way of the Shredder that should put it close to the heel cap not sure we'll see any more heels tossed its way it's got to be super close now fully surrounded by born boy big guns a cold one spear Rider charge should overlapped that engagement and immediately precipitate a route there they will Retreat dread sorian is looking okay but it's starting to get dragged down I mean it's been the focus of so much missile fire this game and that is reflected on the damage value at the top left of your screen you can see ghoul is at 5500 damage value carc is almost 2 000 ahead but that's a bit misleading because the dread story is still fighting at Peak Effectiveness right so while the damage it's a crude is certainly important if you're the grand skins especially because you've now heeled Captain essentially there's still the whole you know there's still a dinosaur running around in your back line Terror routing and murderizing everything that gets close so that damage value number tells you some of the story certainly doesn't tell you the whole story what is important for Clark right now though is that he has secured the two to one and has actually captured the lizardmen natural don't need to respond with some skinks and source to recap that point quickly while they do that and invest more time defending their own home turf greenskins can now surge on this side and secure the contested VP so it'll be a three to one for at least a little bit here for Clark it's 574 285 in favor of the lizardmen in terms of cat points and all that time the dread sorian bot for this measurement over near the contested has really helped them secure a large lead on the VPS but if they lose the dread sorian then their ability to push green skins off of these objectives is going to be taking a large hit regrows at the way of the salon Mage priest try to keep him in the fight in his casting doesn't deal a lot of damage but probably still has some blood statuettes of spite really good spell actually to cast on the Savage orc board boy big guns because just bypass their physical resistance entirely dread saurian is in the center of everything now and wants to dive into those Arab boys love this play from ghoul comes in with the pterodon writers from behind who have already had some quite impactful Rock drops and fireledge bowl of volleys into all this low armor greenskins chaff but with them in the rear pinning the Wolf Riders in place who by the way were the mogrubs mainji Marauders the armor-piercing variants that could have dealt a lot of damage to transorean now the shredder can come in from the front they're gonna classic hammer and Anvil off essentially and while those Wolf Riders attempt to escape they cannot fire into the single entity monster that will keep it alive because a couple volleys from those Wolf Riders I think I got dread story and we get perilously close to death you can see Clark is actually pushing up his error boys kind of nasty it'll play the green students can employ in terms of capture weight because normally you're going to be capped out on how many infantry you can bring you can bring Cabos you can bring big guns you can bring black Orcs or Earth boys what have you but if you add archers into the mix suddenly they have a lot more bodies you can throw onto objectives and it's not really coming into play right there it may in the late game in a battle like this one that's so close 674 to 478 favorite VPS on the lizardmen side they're only slightly ahead two to one in favor of Clark right now greenskins have their natural and the contested pterodon's diving in the rear and where's that to Great green profit doing his little Jay's casting here we go and ensuring that bonewood staff continues to proc across the entire Battlefield now there aren't a ton of units on the field for the green skins right now most of them have rounded due to this amazing Shredder of lustrial play the way that thing has bounced in between units causing Terror routes causing Havoc it's been really impressive I love to see this unit get utilized to its fullest potential and may not have insane damage value simply because it's just fighting a bunch of chaff but it has more than paid for itself at this point and even if it is brought low now completely fine if you are the lizard man when as the children of the old one secure that two to one and a regrowth is sent the way of the spear Riders who are fighting a whole host of greenskins Cavalry expect another Surge from the green skins momentarily everything that's routing at the moment can't be de-summoned which means pushing forward with new waves of foot troops will be challenging for maybe a minute or two but Clark has plenty of value and plenty of funds to pull from and send more troops out onto the field soon and I think ideally he loved to wait until he reaches a critical mass of infantry where it can push everything off objective number two now but that shredder has caused so many problems with the green skins out there that with the two to one in favor of lizardmen now I don't think Clark can actually afford to wait around too long here it's 800 to 634 lizardmen are going to be able to maintain that double cap for at least another minute or two Clark needs to make a play for one of the objectives right now he needs to secure himself the double cap very soon or this may slip out of Rage for the green skin so we're seeing Crocs scores now coming out of Spawn for the children of the old ones another air we go but a bubble of note going down from the salon Mage priest to kind of counteract that plus 40 melee attack Shredder of lustria being committed once again up to 381 kills around 2 700 damage value and every time the greenskins have tried to make a concern effort to take objective number two they have been met by that terrifying dinosaur Skirmish volley seems like it'll be enough to push it off down to 1200 HP those men have secured their home the crocodilians saw to that so that means the green Skins are forced to charge objective number two it does not look like they have enough bodies anywhere near enough bodies to take the natural of the lizardmen so everything's being sent towards objection number two now but at 9 45 to 700 that margin for error is quickly closing for Clark he needs to make a play right now every time he's tried the shredder has been the game changing Factor but the Behemoth is on death's door at this point it has put the team on its back like Greg Jennings and his broken leg but even a creature the size of a building has its load-bearing limit and if Clark can eliminate it with an Archer volley or two that road may be open for now lizard men are keeping the dread Story in real far back and waiting for the right opportunity to push it back into the scrum price scores did a great job of protecting their home turf But Here Come the Savage orc boar boy big guns and this duel could change the outcome of the battle I do think Savage work poor boy big guns have the advantage here their armor piercing and a bonus first large and can be supported by the bonewood staff and other melee attack Buffs like wa from across the map whereas the salon Mage priest would have to be close to support the crosstagors I think they might have missed their charge because they really didn't deal very much damage to the Cross scores initially but now with lot activated I think we're gonna see those cross scores start melting and the salon mainspiration is also on life support now 300 HP in that volley might be enough to finish it off for good yes the Mage priest is down the drencoreion is soon throughout as well and Clark may have just found an opening here to take that objective but is it too late 11 31 to 800 green Skins are making concerted effort to take objective number three and objective number two it may come down to a Triple cap requirement on the green skin side more Spider Riders pouring in crossovers straight up melted due to those board boy big guns and the law activation great engagement from the Lizardman Cavalry though full surround off on the bore Cav and he's just straight up preventing every single greenskins unit from getting on that contested point that has been really impressive and maybe the story in the game so far ghouls has invested so much in ensuring the green skins cannot take it but he hasn't over committed he hasn't traded poorly and a lot of the times when people are trying desperately to keep you off and objective they're taking bad fights in this situation I don't think coolest has really taken very many bad fights at all and I think that's reflected pretty well in the top left with essentially even value on both sides both both players at about 13 000 and I think that means that ghoul says a really good shot to win this game unless Clark can command a Triple cap right now he has taken objective number three crash the Gore's rallied but with rear charge from The Savage orc board boy big guns I think they will melt away like the summer snows and of ghouls can just avoid taking a really catastrophic fight which would be challenging at this point because Warzone doesn't have a big game-changing spell like foot a gork or something like that just instantly delete a Cavalry unit or all the Infantry still in his way then I think the lizard men should be able to hold on here we've got a 400 VP lead we're 15 minutes in you can see Clark is just desperately throwing Archer bodies into the meat grinder and immediately it's getting cohort to capitate the front ranks Savage orc board boy big guns pushed through they'll be able to get the skin cohort off the point and the objective is swinging in the green skins favor now but with the home base secured for ghouls lizardmen have their natural I think this one is over Kirk will make a desperate last push but he's simply not gonna get there in time work boys will receive the charge from I would assume some feral cold ones momentarily but yeah 16 minutes in this battle is over and super well played to both players really I loved Clark Strat here just going super wide activating why as much as possible combining that with the bonewood staff so that is orc boys and squiggard could trade really well into sources can't cohort even the addition of the Savage org poor boy big guns really like that armor-piercing bonus versus large of course they're really not known for their survivability but against lizardmen who are severely lacking on the magical attack component outside of blood statue out of spite this game it's her hard for lizardmen to trade into them and get rid of them when the boat went staff and while are activating all the time so really well constructed thought out and frankly sweaty build from the green skins but I mean this is a tournament game you expect to see SWAT from both players and while you wouldn't traditionally consider the dread saurian to be a sweaty kind of competitive pick I think it was honestly exactly what the doctor ordered for the lizardmen and it's easy to say that of course after the battle is over and we've already seen it make a huge impact for them but that Shredder and that Shredder version that minus eight leadership penalty really was the Difference Maker in this game and really a great counter to what Clark was trying to employ here with all that chaff basically anytime orc boys or error boys got close they were routing and if they're routing they cannot capture objectives and just that initial push walking past the orc boys diving into the rear to tie up that side of the army for a good portion of time while secure the objective gave him the early VP he lead and he really wrote that to Victory all the way through warzag was hilarious this game 30 damage value looks like five kills but it didn't matter because we know what kind of impact he had on this battle his bonewood staff while activations is there he goes his fists of gork he was the quintessential support caster and he was a big reason why the orc boys and the Savage or poor boy big guns performed as well as they did so really enjoyable Tournament game there Ghouls and carc well played to both players thank you for sending that one in and if you'd like to see some more competitive multiplayer do let me know we have some other ideas coming up momentarily plenty of great videos coming this week and Beyond and I will see you all in the next video any Pride signing out for now have a going guys
Channel: milkandcookiesTW
Views: 2,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dread saurian, amazing dread saurian play, competitive tournament, total war warhammer 3, warhammer 3, warhammer 3 tournament, warhammer 3 competitive, lizardmen dread saurian, top level tournament players, shredder of lustria, dread saurian gameplay, shredder of lustria lizardmen, warhammer 3 immortal empires, immortal empires lizardmen, lizardmen dinosaurs, shredder of lustria dread saurian, dread saurian lizardmen, dread saurian dlc, warhammer 3 dread saurian, total war
Id: N53PjzeVVFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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