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what the amazing digital circus in the sua watermelon game in this brand new game we have to combine amazing digital circus characters together to make a pomy we'll combine kingers to make ragas combine ragas to make jaxes combine Jax to make Kan and we're going to combine canes to make a pomy this is such a satisfying game and we actually unlock pomy in this game and beat the whole thing are you ready to see lanky bod beat amazing digital Circ sua watermelon game let's go today we are playing the sua watermelon game but it's the amazing digital circus yo it's a Glo so guys this is so awesome we got to make a pomy now guys for those of you guys who haven't seen before we'll put a clip on screen this is game where you got to drop normally they're fruits and you drop them and they merge right but now it's amazing digital circuit so guys check this out if I put two GLS together if you put two of the same thing these GLS you can see right here two GLS make a sun right here so that's going to turn into a sun no way yes now if the two suns here touch they turn into a moon so let's let's see if I can get the oh there bubble okay so let's see if I can get him to touch Bonk it yep yep yep yep now we get two moons and if the two moons merge they turn into a bubble so you guys can see the way it goes like this we got to get all the way to aomy now guys we are going to beat this game right here it's going to be awesome guys this amazing digital circus but it's swea game yep guys we're going to put together two canes and make a pomy boom we got two bubbles can I combine the bubbles please this going to make a gangle it's going to make a gangle going make a GLE gangle gangle gangle time oh and we made a moon dude yeah we got a gangle gangle time gangle time guys this is going to be so awesome we got to unlock pomy guys and we got to get ja Kane and pomy guys okay oh another bubble nice easy I got another bubble right away okay so now I got to be smart guys now guys the way you lose is if you fill this whole box up and you get to this line you lose so guys this game is very very very hard we're going to try and do our absolute best to win this first trying to warm up okay guys here we go okay yeah oh oh wait they're giving us another one of these W we're about to get zubo Zub Zub Zu Zub awesome and we got another Moon guys we will beat this game and when we get a pomy that means we win we're going to do it in this video guys this is going to be so awesome see yeah if you make it from a Glo all the way to a pomy that's how you know you won the game I'm going go drop this right here now guys as I play I I really think there's some Hidden Lore about the amazing digital circus hidden in this game's code because think about it why wouldn't Kane be the final level that must mean that pom's energy level power level is higher than Kane's and like the way she's looking with one of her eyes kind of like closed she looks a little bit evil like you think that behind this is actually pomy as the evil one it's possible and she trapped everyone there uh it's pomy possible M look at P look at P you know what I mean okay let me go over here okay so guys now this game is a lot harder because I'm trying to like learn all the pieces okay so I'm going to go here with the GLS oh yeah oh yeah please please no if those had merged that would have all merged maybe I can like oh I I'll just drop this here okay now guys I have a lot of big items over here oh man maybe I can push it with this oh no no wait I I should just be careful cuz I can I can oh no so close I'll drop the GL right here please please please please please yes yes oh there we go okay I'll go here now I got wait this is a big oh we got a kinger check yes sir yes sir okay I got another zubal I'm just drop this right here and wait for another gangle and then this is all going to combine oh oh L okay can this go in there yes all right two times okay I got um just like our mom has yes sir me and Justin yes sir and she has a bunch of sisters yeah what no we have a bunch of sisters right that's true of our twin sisters wait what do I drop this here and it rolls rolls Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll yes yeah we got a ragi this game is so awesome now guys you can see we're right here ragi we need to make a pomy guys this is not going to be easy oh wait they're being really nice and just giving us another zubal right here or another kinger actually she okay let me drop this right here I cannot mess this up drop yes K another kinger okay now I got to be really smart because now they're just giving us like these not super high level things to drop I'll drop this one over here you think maybe the person dropping these is the queen of the GLS or maybe even kmo oh I think it might be the king of the the queen of the glink oh that's why she's probably going to try to give you a bunch of GLS later in the game dude they're giving us really good items okay okay I got a bubble bubble I should drop here oh no I'm going to drop that here sick okay now I'm going to drop gangle right here I'll drop the moon over here because maybe it can make another uh bubble no it rolled okay it's okay it's okay it's okay I got another bubble oh now we're getting GLS we're getting small pieces so guys see this game is really difficult okay nice this should be big right here yes got a kinger bubble bubble bubble bubble toil and trouble drop this right here so it can mix with the glink right here mix with the glink yep there it is Boom whoop there it is and I'll go right here boom okay nice oh now they're giving us small pieces oh no okay oh no I dropped the glowing oh no guys it's it's random what they give you next it's totally random yep that's true this is not good this is not I'm going to be honest this is not looking good oh no they're giving us a lot of small pieces oh nice here yes here yes nice I go here yes this is going to make a Zub oh there's so many kingers how are they not touching andem merging we need two rias we got to try to Bonk that kinger on the left if I Bonk this one into this one that's going to make a ragi and the ragi will combine with this one so I got to drop this like right here okay YOLO Bonk yep yeah we got a jack Jack this is going great guys wow two Jax's is going to make a cane and then two canes makes a pomy guys this is going to be so lit I love this game this is so lit guys we love making videos and hanging out with you guys thank you so much for watching lanky box yeah thank you all for just watching these videos and hanging out we make the video cuz we love making them and it's just hanging out it's fun and we won't let you guys down we're going to get a pomy in this game oh for sure I can't I can't letay everyone down and especially not my best friend and brother Adam cuz has a huge crust on pomy so he really wants to meet her in this game that is true and thank you thank you for being an awesome wingman for me yes and but most importantly I'm your brother right that's true that's true I'm your brother my twin brother for life no oh no why would it roll like that why did it do that oh wait but I can make another bubble don't roll don't roll don't roll stop rolling okay still good okay that's still good okay that's good that's still good okay now I got another one of these I put it right here okay I'm going to try and work and build up right here okay right here yes oh it's going to make a ah if it landed okay oh man oh see now it's getting sussy wussy now it's getting sussy wussy guys yes oh it's getting sussy wussy see guys we're almost filled up and we don't even have a cane yet now you got it don't ever be a sussy Gussy guys oh oh Two Moons boom boom boom yes that's big that's yes that's big okay we got three kingers they're all just sitting there waving at us but they're not combining oh wait the GLS right here yes and this is going to be big right here this should be big right here are you serious it's going to be a Raga yes two ragas I didn't even know that happened we got a double ragi situation a boy we got a double ragi situation on our hands can we like uh Bonk the Raga on the oh okay never mind I'm trying I'm trying to just merge everything nice oh this is going to be another zubble okay guys this is so addicting I love this game go yes huge oh if we can get those to touch that was kind of close that's a jack I need to get rid of that glink somehow I don't know how like this we just B rag there somehow like this yeah I just put stuff here no I don't think so so close here it's going to be a moon yep okay here okay yeah okay we got another zubal already we'll take that okay I'll put this here I'll put this here so I can combine the zubo later guys I'm literally using 200% of my brain I'm overclocking my CPU right now yeah we got Kane we got a cane if we can get one more cane we're going to get pomy but you guys can see we're like halfway filled and we're we're we're not quite thereo this is awesome this is almost this is as fun as the normal sua game guys this is I would say this is even more litty cuz it's amazing dudel circus yeah I got a kinger oh bro okay I got another kinger yes okay so these are really good the the gangles are really good okay wait wait this is huge right here yes okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me cook let me cook let me cook let me cook let me cook let me cook let me cook let him cook let me cook wait this is huge I'm going to have a ragi ragi ragi ragi yes sweet oh wow oh yes oh yes sir and oh this is huge this is huge this is huge okay now I just got to build up to another um something over there you got it guys I'm really focused right now I'm locked in nice right here yes yes I drop this here please don't fall what I'm an idiot I crossed the line I was doing so well oh man okay guys we are going to get that W okay and we got lucky we start with the GLE guys that first round was a fail we are going to beat this I promise guys I'm I'm going to zoom I'm I'm absolutely zooming right here all right you got it man two gangles we almost had a Zub already guys this game is so addicting guys and make sure to stick around we will get pomy I I I promise we will get pomy I have to do it for my brother Adam because he is a huge cross honor yep we're not going to give up until wait what huh no we're not going to give up until we get her oh nice okay got that oh we got a kinger already ready let's go that's great hey guys ker is very weirdly shaped he he can get in the way oh no why' that bounce that way no that's good then we have a GLE next no I wanted that one next to uh gangle okay oh nice nice nice wait okay we got a Zub we got a zubble right here we got a zubble guys so we're on our way to a Raga already over here yep two kingers oh wait what there nice nice dropped a bubble I got another gangle nice oh the little glink is in the way that's all right we got it oh why why do things bounce like that red Zub yep yep mix come on come on come on no no no a that's all right the little Moon got in the way but guys we promise we will win I I promise I made a promise to my brother Adam and I will beat this I will unlock pomy cuz he has such a big cross on her now let me go over here and we got Zub oh oh that's cool all the little GLS are getting in the way guys we will win oh how did those not combin okay oh nice nice nice nice okay nice put that there oh yes yes yes we got a zubble yes we're about to get a r why did that roll like that okay nice just just drop now we have two kingers but they're separated by a moon at the bottom which is not great oh yep y y y yep ragi lit oh nice and and the moon's out of the way it's kind of out of the way ragi and kinger are touching get him bubble okay nice okay now we get another oh yes no the bubble no bubble OH Close bubbles in way guys we will beat this I promise I promise yes oh yes oh that was a big move I didn't even expect that I didn't plan that can we Bonk those yep oh ball yep yep oh we already got a jack okay we got Jacks in the middle guys this is all planned guys this is actually a really really really good start I cannot mess this up we won't we will never fumble guys we're not going to quit until we get pom guys don't fumble never fumble guys this this must be possible come on nice GLE there yes yes yes yes Jus is playing out of his mind right now I'm going nuts guys I'm really I'm going nuts like some peanuts like some like a fresh jar skip I'm going nuts like fresh Skippy all right let's go nice nice nice nice nice got a kinger yes okay and the ja guys is perfect he's right in the middle that's right where we want him we got him right where we want him why did that GL fall that way oh that's actually kind of good what oh oh roll it's like Plinko okay I can't believe that didn't go in there okay nice drop this here okay drop okay I'm going to go left side bubble getting a little bit sus it's filling up it's getting a little Su oh the GL yes please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes perfect yes okay yes take that yes yes nice okay okay okay okay it's looking really good guys drop the glink right here I want to keep Jackson in the middle that's the most important thing if Jackson ice we combine the GLS yes right here oh this is a zuil that's a kinger oh no it's not oh close okay guys we need another zubble right there and then we'll get a ragi once it combines with the kinger that'd be huge guys now we have gotten a cane before okay we got we got to the cane but that that's it so ah how did not come M yep here K yes ragi oh and we got so many bubbles this is looking good really good yeah oh GLE GLE I'm going to drop it over here because I want to combine on this side not the left yes oh little moon is in the way again okay drop yes that's fine that's fine yes there's so much stuff that can combine it just won't I'm going to try and push it oh here here this is big okay oh it's not it's not I need another gangle but they'll give me one they'll give me a gangle yeah come on just got to as nicely always say please and thank you please give me a gangle Petty please yes yes K what happens when you ask nicely bro Adam asking his mom for mil okay okay that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine don't panic yes right here right here right here right here yes boom boom yes right here okay we need another zuil right there and then it's huge guys all four of those big ones are touching this could be huge it's going to free up a bunch of space if if I get one more zubal we're going to make a cane on on that side because zubble turns into kinger kinger turns ragi ragi turns into Jax and Jax turns into Kane come on this is stressful I need to put this right here this cannot roll if this rolls left side we're OED don't move yes that was close oh okay I need another I need to just save up for another uh gangle on the left side okay maybe I'll put this here because this might build into a gangle yep I'll put this on the left side yeah I'm not going to oh oh I shouldn't have done that oh up here it is here it is here it is yes yes oh we got Kane now guys all we have to do is get one more Kane and we will have pomy Adam's giant Crush we got this no way are we actually going to beat sua amazing digital circus amazing digital circus but it's sua watermelon game oh please come on yes that's good don't roll don't roll don't roll nice yes no that rolled the wrong way it's okay it's okay yes perfect perfect perfect perfect yes perfect we got a ragi okay guys the ragi is touching the cane this is the biggest play we've done so far okay guys I got to be really careful to not touch the line because if you just touch it you lose oh that gangle is really close going right in the middle yeah risky there's nowhere else to put it nice nice okay I just got to build on this side I got a GLE I got a gangle coming in I should be able to combine through here oh oh I misclicked it fell that's all right it should fall it should fall you're good you're good blonk it yep two Zues okay I'm trying to move it over there it's not going to move ah funk I need I need another um gangle I really need another gangle I really need another gangle we need this I really need another gangle there it is lit Oop There It Is okay I need I really need another gangle I really need another gangle yes wait I can bounce that in oh nice I knocked them together yes okay guys this is getting really intense it's getting intense like I'm camping okay drop this here drop this here drop this here drop this here drop that yes drop that yes drop this yes yes oh please right here yes I got yes I got ragi yes oh but the ragi is not even close the other rag guys we will win right here I promise yes nice oh we got a kinger we got a kinger I didn't even see that coming guys we can win this we can win this amazing digital circus but it's Sak a watermelon watermelon s a game but it's amazing digital circus pomy Jax Kane kinger everybody ragi please CMO abstraction this is a big abstraction moment come on oh I'm running room that ragi is getting really close to the top yes come on touch come on every time they touch I get this feeling bro come on come on GLS all right that's fine we'll keep them separated I don't want these little GLS everywhere that's not going to help oh stash that here yes why did that roll like that it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay don't panic Don't Panic Don't Panic don't I'm not worried never Panic guys just never Panic bubble yes yep oh no I'm running out of room I got to a GLE though I got a Zu guys we have so much stuff if it just combines I think we can win we're getting to the top come on GLE that's good two Zu ra come on combine come on please ragi lit come on please yes okay we got a zubble if I can make another zubo right there it'll be huge we got a gangle it's coming in please don't touch the top don't touch the top no it it rolled you troll me two G okay please give me a gangle I I need a gangle I need a gangle I need a gangle I need a gangle I need a GLE oh oh we won the game we got P yeah you was cing
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 1,306,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox suika, amazing digital circus suika game, suika watermelon game but amazing digital circus, suika game, lankybox suika game, lankybox amazing digital circus suika game, lankybox amazing digital circus, suika amazing digital circus, lankybox suika amazing digital circus, amazing digital circus suika, custom merge ball amazing digital circus, customer merge ball, lankybox plays suika amazing digital circus, suika watermelon game, amazing digital circus lankybox
Id: TtPA_BXhBfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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