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back the teacher just got a huge new update and in this video you will get to see all the new teachers new items and all the newest ending cutcenes hey yo in this game you make your teachers super angry and when you do you get to watch hilarious cut scen we'll show you all new cut scenes and even unlock the final teacher in the game and make them quit their job she quit yes we beat it are you ready to see all the new updates in Bast the teach let's go today we are showing you all brand new teachers in bash the teacher they've just updated this game with super crazy new teachers including a zombie nurse oh it's Mr nerdburger now guys this is one of the teachers that was added to the game recently we're going to defeat him really really really fast and then show you guys all brand new teachers this guy's going to get out of here then it's two brand new teachers Goodbye Mr nerd Berger and quits guys let's see who's next okay guys this is a super funny game where you just tap the screen and you make the teachers mad and they quit let's see who's next guys it's going to be a brand new teacher new teacher unlocked let's see who it is let's see who it is no way who is it who is it who is it okay it's a brand new day it's a brand new day at school okay let's see who it is oh oh oh mour bristle it's like a painter guy okay so guys maybe we're in like art class right now let's start messing with them we're throwing TNT like Minecraft now guys you can see at the top when that little bar fills up he's going to get super mad we're going to get a new ending let's see what he does okay first time let's see what he does what is he doing is he going to paint something he's drinking some exe don't do that what he he's an art teacher so he turned into like uh green paint or something okay let's keep clicking guys let's see what we get okay guys we can level up our weapons and stuff later let's see it our items oh yo his mustache was like a worm he got so mad his mustache fell off dude I must ask you a question okay let's see what he's got okay oh what ew e wait that was really gross that's like under his hat the whole time so this teacher is actually over okay so now we can upgrade our items let's buy a a clock so now there's an alarm clock you guys can see we can upgrade our items let's upgrade our pet also Let's see we got here let's get what's that a little piggy okay next up is a seahorse so we upgraded guys when you upgrade your items you get new ending so let's upgrade our our item to now it's a flower in a flower pot oh so now we're going to throw that flower pot at them yes guys and now you can see all of our items are new we should be getting new endings let's e this item let's see what we get guys and we get more points with all of our new items guys this is super funny okay let's see what he does oh wo wait that's sick they painted the teacher wait that ending was was cool it was like a 3d hand came in and like got rid of them that was a definitely rare ending guys guys this is so awesome we're going to show you guys all the gr new teachers including that zombie nurse don't miss out okay oh he painted himself doing like uh the scream bro this is so funny dude all right let's keep going let's keep going let's get all the endings guys we can get all the endings here get all the endings oh a baby what was that is that a wait what was that a student that was an ending what was that just amaz wait what was that an they put ly box him in the game no it wasn't me oh hey yo what all of these endings are so funny it turned into Mr Potato Head that was insane dude what was that he got a Potato Head what was that bro oh he's drinking the exe is he going to turn to green paint again oh H yo oh his eyes grew so the the potion only went to his eyes guys his eyes like fell out that was crazy was that bunch of T they think he's an egg okay let's upgrade let's get a let's get an umbrella here and uh let's upgrade here from the piggy to a seahorse oh nice and then a new weapon yeah get a new weapon I think it's we get a punching glove no way please yeah we get a punch a glove nice wa we're going to punch the teacher or throw punching bags at him oh cool we throw it at him that's pretty cool so guys we got all new items we should be getting new endings here this is so lit guys okay we got all what is that an arrow what who does that belong to wait one of them's going to hit him watch out buddy no watch out be careful oh oh right in the eye guys and you guys can see at the top when we fill up the frownie meter then he'll quit and we'll get the final new teacher yes guys that zombie teacher is close so keep watching oh he threw paint at us that's crazy guys like Splatoon he covered the oh guys we're about to get him fired right here he's about to quit right here he's about to quit right here get out of here teacher he's going to quit I quit yep we filled up that bar guys this is the secret zombie nurse teacher let's see it right here let's see it guys let's see it this is who we've been waiting for guys this is the brand new teacher and we're going to show you guys what happens when you beat this teacher guys this is crazy this never before seen footage oh oh what are they going to look like brand new day we got a zombie nurse oh oh nurse Mangler oh she looks so evil guys do not do not go to the nurse's office if she's the nurse and why does she have purple hair that's what I'm saying dude I don't know that's what I'm saying oh was that penguin on an ambulance we wo weoo what was that what kind of ending was that let's keep going guys guys we got to fill up her frowny meter bar and see if we can get her to quit Mr nerdburger came back what and he gave his brain to her and then she's going to put medicine on his brain to make it bigger and then put it back in his skull what does that work that way she's like a evil evil evil nurse guys oh who's next what is that the Grim Reaper oh dude that's actually kind of cool she like saved us from the Grim Reaper and she just bonked him nice okay let's go let's upgrade our stuff let's get was it heha heha little horn nice yeah let's get a new pet guys we're almost went max level okay let's get was that panda bear yeah panda panda panda yeah yep and the weapons we're going to get guys we're going to get the max level weapons oh was that tomato oh eyeball is the last item the last item is eyeball now we're throwing stuff at a little panda bear that's not nice we're making ketchup we're throwing tomatoes everywhere maybe we're feeding oh she has eyes in the back of her head oh almost look like race when she did that oh my goodness not the girl sh what is she oh she's drinking exe too oh cool what's going to happen ew wait that's so gross she's still alive yeah she's still alive and her head just rolled off icky very very icky very big no no guys don't ever do that okay she's drinking what's going to happen now oh my goodness oh she turned into pudding bro ew that's so icky dude oh what is hey yo is that our husband oh no this is one of the other teachers okay me and Adam need that yeah guys we're both bald yo this is crazy all right let's get the max level stuff what's that Fishbowl okay nice go to pets let's see we got here Max pet Max pet oh we got was that squat like a eagle and then a weapon we're going to get a eyeball ooh that's the max level weapon guys so we should be getting a ton of points when we throw these all right guys now we're going to unlock the secret ending yep it's filling up the anger meter very very very fast it's cool if the eyes have different colors what is that lay egg laying egg hey y it turned into a t turn into a turkey okay okay oh ew oh her eyes turned into like yo-yos her eyes fell out of her head this is insane guys okay we're going to get to the end guys and show you guys all the max level endings and what happens when she quits guys this going to be super awesome oh dude there's so many endings why did she do why wait why did she do that to her own head what was that that was really weird I don't think she can o dude cuz I feel like she already would have OED by now cuz she's a zombie oh exactly cuz zombies already o they just came back to life ew almost look like granny there oh my goodness bro this is so sus bro guys let us know who your favorite teacher is in this game okay the penguin ambulance guys we got to defeat this and see all the rarest endings guys this is the brand new teacher nurse Mangler yes sir super super rare guys no one's ever seen this teacher before oh she doing the thing why would she do that I don't understand that that's crazy she's like she's like taking a bow or something yes sir that must be what it is MHM what is this ye what she oh she drinking the exe she going to turn it into pudding please please please please please please please please okay nice squ okay let's keep going guys we got to fill up that frowny meter and see if she'll quit we got it we got it drinking it again she's drinking it again and her head is rolling off her head but don't worry guys there's going to be some top secret endings some of them are more rare than others so you only get to see them like once guys this is going to be so nuts we got to do this oh man she's yelling at us again we got jump scared dude we got to keep going until we get new endings guys that's what's addicting about the game I'm I'm so addicted dude I we we cannot stop honestly yep we can't stop and we're going to keep it going come on oh the jump scare ending again okay yeah she does look like granny from um the game granny yeah when she hits you with the baseball bat yeah oh that's the worst bro oh it's this guy again she going to give him some hair hair hair hair this guy is actually a teacher in a different video guys it's awesome that's so cool man I'm so jealous Oh Yeah man you'll get there Adam maybe one day guys our mom bought us uh some wigs to wear when we're making videos oh man this little cha turn into a turkey gobble gobble let's see what's next guys we got to get a new ending bro I feel like we've gotten the same ending oh it's the Chen turning into a little turkey again it's pretty rare to get the same ending multiple times though it is yeah like some of the endings are super super rare some people haven't even found all the endings yet all right oh another Penguin on the [Music] ambulance okay nice keep going pretty lit come on bro we got to get a new ending it's been a while since we got a new ending it's got to be soon oh New Ending ah it's the jum scaring again it's okay guys those are all the common ones we are going to get a couple of those come on dude we got to get a new ending come on bro come on bro come on bro we're tapping we're tapping come on bro ah this one again it's all right we got it these endings are still really funny though guys we got to get a new ending what do you think nurse Mangler is teaching us about is like health class M well she is a nurse so she would probably be teaching us like doctor class ah or science ah yes you're right you're right or or math yeah that would make sense too or geometry I don't even know what that is okay it's the study of um maps and stuff like where stuff is oh cool oh it's the grimmest one again yeah let's see if we get a new ending oh it's this one again the hair [Music] one oh wait is it hair yes it is nice look how happy he is when he has hair that's awesome real cool that's awesome who's next Who's Next let's see oh it's him again no way I feel like with nurse Mangler her special abil is like we get a bunch of the same endings over and over wait I just realized we've been on this level for like 10 minutes I only realize right now why does she have o on her or is that ketchup no that's got to be ketchup it has to be you think she was eating some fries or she was doing like an operation on someone and then like I don't know it could be o it could be oh my goodness guys be careful guys be careful all right here's the turkey ending wait but why does it turn into a turkey you think she like microwaves it yeah I think she went KFC on them oh my goodness where's the biscuits oh it's the jump Scar and guys there got to be new endings man I I feel like this is the newest teacher but like there's not that many endings which is kind of surprising You' think there would be a lot cuz it's super new super rare yeah that's true maybe the game developers are going to put him in that was really creepy for some reason I don't like it priz turn into yogurt oh you're right man oh yeah yoyo yogurt okay she staring oh my goodness and she's yelling at us okay let's keep going come on dude the eagle kind of te- poses squ squ here's the brain ining again I wish I could do this in real life I would literally make my brain so much bigger than it already is this is literally guys you know how you can do that by reading books and what book should people try to read Adam H I don't really know maybe the lanky box epic adventure book which you guys can get at Target and Walmart guys that book is awesome it is awesome it is Foxy and boxy and Rocky and they go on an epic adventure because our YouTube channel actually almost got hacked and deleted it is insane it is based on a on a real story oh he's back again he's back pretty crazy huh yeah his brain keeps shrinking so fast it's cuz he's using it all so she has a potion to make your brain bigger and make you have hair again that's really cool so I guess she's the school nurse like that's how the teachers got so smarted she would make their brains bigger but I don't know why she just screams at us like that that's not very nice yeah always be nice to people guys yeah guys especially School teachers and School nurses and stuff they work very hard their jobs are very difficult yeah oh here's a here he is again man he's he's coming in for that higher IQ and it's working man that potion's cool that potion would be like if Adam Bor g a shake on himself which he did guys we have we have it in 4k right guys that was a very sus lanky Box video yeah one of the most sus okay man okay let's keep going dude I wish you would stop trying to jump scare us dude me too all right all right her uh unhappiness meter halfway though oh stop doing that [Music] bro H let's keep going dude oh we got it let's keep let's keep going dude oh she drinking the potion no way oh and turn into pudding bro it's a pudding potion that's that's a pudding potion situation instead of a potion it's a potion I don't get it oh it's the bright what you don't get it I don't get it oh okay but if my twin brother Adam says it's funny it must be okay guys we're coming up on the ending you guys can see the frowny meters almost all the way there nice we are so close bro we we got to get this ending bro oh my goodness just rolled off come on bro come on our frowny meter's halfway guys we got to get her out of here we can do it come on I Believe in Us this was a rare one yeah that one was actually pretty rare huh so we only seen that once I think that means that the nurse is helping us because the Grim Reaper tried to come in ofas but she saved us wow so like the Grim Reaper is coming in because we're like being like naughty and we got it again guys I feel like with this teacher you get a lot of duplicate endings like right next to each other mhm that would make a lot of sense okay let's see what we get this time Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh oh it's the penguin they look so happy okay guys we here it is the teacher's going to quit let's see what happens come on we're so close this is it max level all new teachers she quit yes she quit we beat it secret ending of the game what happened here what happens here she quit defeated defeated defeated and yeated all teachers defeated did we do it what do we got what do we got new day it's a new day it is a new dawn see what happens oh and we got the punch bag all the teachers quit so now we just have a punch bag for Teacher you guys can see at the top all the teachers that we've defeated guys there are so many teachers in this game and we've defeated them all let's go calling your
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 270,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox bash the teacher, bash the teacher, lankybox playing bash the teacher, bash the teacher game, bash the teacher lankybox, lankybox plays bash the the teacher, bash the teacher gameplay, lankybox bash the teacher gameplay, lankybox bash the teacher game, lankybox bash the teacher game play, lankybox plays bash the teacher game, bash the teacher game lankybox, bash the teachers unlocked, lankybox beats bash the teacher, lankybox playing bash the teacher game
Id: NagGU1VEuTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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