AMAZING CZECH FOOD TOUR in PRAGUE! 7 Must-Try Czech Dishes & Best Restaurants

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welcome back to our Channel today we're in  the Czech Republic joining our friends at   taste your way around in the beautiful  capital city of Prague we're going to   go on a culinary adventure around amazing  and historic Old town let's see what we find it's bigger than my face mmm yum first stop we going is a little dumpling stall apparently it's the only one in Prague that does this it's right around the corner I'm excited let's go let's go! they have strawberry and Cherry, Kinder chocolate you know that kind of German   chocolate chocolate, pistachio, coconut and berries,  mango, and apple now the Savory ones roasted duck and sauerkraut or smoked pork and cabbage they  have souvlaki and chicken, cheese, wild garlic and Brie cheese, Thai with shrimp even, ratatouille and burrito  and beef wow so we decided to go Savory and sweet   um classic duck and Sauerkraut and a chocolate very  excited chocolate chocolate oh that's the chocolate that's the duck. it looks like a pie. this is an edible baseball. imagine four of these for a meal oh my God Wow look at that cherry though yeah I'm excited  about it might have made the wrong decision I can   smell the sauerkraut though it smells awesome  how is it? oh it's lovely it's lovely delicious red wine and sauerkraut sour Savory oh  delicious chewy potato Dumpling but anyway this is traditional to   Prague brand. that's a  brewery where you can also go on a tour   thank you breakfast of champions it's so rich my goodness so rich delicious but so   rich wow lots of chocolate there  lots of chocolate. I have diabetes now That's really good it's like wrapped around in  this crispy potato oh mmm Oh it's so good. the purple color is kind of weird  it makes you feel like there's like   purple sweet potato or something but it's actually wine super rich it's like a like a chocolate pudding  inside of a potato dough Ball really really good very heavy all right stop number one was absolutely delicious  we have very high hopes for the rest of this tour   our second is we're going to have what  is it? little bread or Chlebicky yeah let's go to the next   stop we don't know what that is but let's try it  so the streets are pretty wide and there's these giant tall buildings five six stories high but  then in between them there's always these giant   Courtyards and they have restaurants and cafes  and grocery stores and markets so it's hard to   see what's behind the curtains unless you go  on these little tiny Alleyways embedded in the   buildings tgese tunnels and these giant open courtyards  it's very cool it's very unique woo it's so bright so this is what's typically eaten during  holidays New Year's Eve it's a 100y old   tradition this is given out when you have guests  at your house very popular very fresh and   this is one of the best ones in the city  I'm very excited for this so we got the giant caviar flat bread toast and we  get the traditional hard Salami oh my gosh it looks amazing so this is caviar with  creme fraiche some egg, lemon, and this one is   the traditional kind it's got hard salami  and egg and some kind of spread on there so   let's try it out. and our new friends also give us  some wine thanks guys I'm going to start with the caviar yeah is that cavar in there oh my God caviar  with Creme fresh oh my god I didn't even see that   oh Wow it's amazing. is that good? that's excellent  that's so good it's so good it's loaded   there has to be an ounce of caviar in here, a ton of creme fresh it's covered in   butter the bread so it's very very buttery  wow i've never had anything like that holy sh oh so good what about the red stuff though you should try it too it's  also also caviar a different kind i'm so excited for this mmm oh wow that is Rich that  is Rich and salty and Briny   that's amazing it's like a caviar pie on bread it's so good. Unreal. it's good isn't it? that's the best one that's  the best one that's excellent oh my I   I think there's a giant layer of butter  on the bottom too uh traditional cured   meat, potato salad, creme fresh  some eggs this amazing amazing bread how did we not find this place  before? wow it's very simple but flavors   are amazing you see why this is a perfect snack  it's very busy it's very popular and now i see why and it's very affordable I would have never  put those three words in the same sentence before this place. ooh this one looks good too Mmm very simple. do I have it in my mouth? yum this one's  really good with the egg and the Cucumber Super   Fresh this one very flavorful I love it it's  a great snack it's cheap for for what's in it   it's like $4 for this much caviar and this much  meat it's such a good such a good deal definitely   a much try when you come here mmm yum this is the classiest lunch we've  had in a long time caviar and wine in the afternoon it's so good we're not even exaggerating it's  really really good the cured meats good but the caviar is out of this world. Come to prague 10 out of 10 second stop better than the first the bar is set very high for the   third stop. we don't know where we're going we  don't know where we're going next but we'll   let you know when we get there. see you there. we are on our way to our third stop still don't know where we're   going but we're getting really excited because the  first two have been so amazing so far there's so   many things to see the buildings are beautiful  the streets are clean it's just a super nice   place to explore just look at that gorgeous  gorgeous gorgeous. where are we? I think I'm underdressed there's a giant line outside to get in this place and we walk up we have reservations hahaha we are so excited about this place  it looks super popular there was like a huge line   out the door waiting to get into this place  and we just kind of walked in because our tour   had reservations so we felt very posh and very  special but it does look like a very fancy place   and apparently this is where they go for the best  pastries here in Prague. there's there's no servers   they're all pastry chefs. awesome so they're making  pastries and then they're bringing them out to you it's phenomenal. cheers cheers cheers! i feel like someone's getting married. Na Zdravi! interesting unfiltered sparkling  that's interesting thank you.welcome. we got the windmill cake  whipped cream I think it's chantilly cream   and then these small caramel cakes on  top this one's called a Koule so two   sponge cakes looks like hazelnuts and a  bit of chocolate if I'm not mistaken let   and then we get this lovely czech sparkling wine it's  almost like a prosecco but it's unfiltered it's delicious so I'm wondering if  it's apples not grapes to be honest hmm it's lovely mmm it's like a toffee  covered biscuit with whipped   cream and chantilly it's very good it's  very light surprisingly light delicious wow it's really good  super light it's not super sweet though the   sweetest part is like this glaze on top but other  than that the pastry is nice and chewy   and then the The Filling is super light and fluffy  it's not overly sweet or overly powerful it's like   just super simple I could could eat this with  like a simple cup of tea in the afternoon it's so good i'm very excited for this one [laughing] it's pretty it's incredibly good. really? the windmill cake is good this is ridiculous it's a light chocolate super fluffy sponge cake covered in chocolate and it's peanuts  it's amazing it's like A resse's pieces cup done right outstanding wow. and caramel there's a layer of caramel on  each side. Exquisite mmm I was expecting it to be like super   chocolatey but it's not. so good mmm you're right that was amazing it's like a Snickers bar  mixed with um Ferrero chocolate mmm that was amazing that was amazing that  was really good especially with the sparkling   wine yeah that was pretty cool very excited to see  our third third and final no fourth fourth fourth   stop. we don't know where we're going but we'll  see you there let's go on our way to our next   stop we just had to drop by the Subway real quick  to get there and then we'll see where we end up so we have ended up in a completely  different part of the city not very sure   where we ended up or where we're going but  we're very excited about it. for our last   stop we stopped at a beautiful little Pub  for a few pints and a few snacks so we have   some pickled marinated stuffed cheese  with pepperoncini, tomatoes and onions   traditional rye bread we have fried cheese as  well with some potatoes and I think we ordered   some Entrees too that we're going to do family  style. wuhoo stuffed pickled cheese this makes me super nervous what does it taste like? extremely it's very strong isn't it liquidy brie. very unique. should I  just put this whole thing in my   mouth no I'm going to do half and  half i like it. yup yeah there is an after taste at first it was very mild now it's like I can taste it but it's good I could eat it. definitely unique nothing I've ever  had before but I'm glad I've tried it   but I probably wouldn't order it again.  but it's nice to try ooh and we got our beers fried cheese so we got fried  cheese, boiled potatoes and some tartar   sauce and they said you put the tartar  sauce on both so we're going to try it   all together potato ,cheese and sauce mmm fried cheese is a lot better than  the pickled cheese [laughing] it tastes just like fried cheese fried cheese it's delicious yum not sure what we got for entrees we'll see and  of course beer is cheaper than water here so Na Zdravi so you got a choice between  a Pilsner or a dark beer and you   can choose both so I chose a mix of both and look at this woah. I think I made the wrong decision I know  this looks so cool it's bigger than my face! Na Zdravi one two three Na Zdravi Na Zdravi wuhoo so this is stewed cabbage with pork like fatty pork and potato dumplings then this is goulash  in the Czech Republic we make it thicker than   in Hungary, in Hungary it's more like soup then  potato dumplings and yeast dumplings and this   is our traditional sauce called Svickova and  it's traditionally served with these yeast   dumplings this is what we made the other day. I'm excited it was very good then and this is a new version not a new version but a different one so very excited so in  case you missed it our last episode was we   did a cooking class and we cooked this dish the  Svickova and it looks a little bit different so   we're super excited to see what the differences  are and um how they compare. I'm going to try the   one we made yesterday so potato dumplings, beef and our celery root carrot parsnip cream sauce Svickova it's like a pot roast with  a sweet parsnip cream it's very good   I'm just going to shove everything in my mouth at the same time mmm tastes just like the dish that we  made the other day if you didn't get   to watch that it's our previous video  tastes pretty much the same the bread   pudding is different though. the Svickova is  very good very very tasty actually the goulash so usually I'm accustomed to goulash  more as a soup much more brothy a lot of red cabbage   this one's not it's more Braised beef um again  with your potato dumpling and this deep red gravy it's braised beef in a super rich thickened  au jus very good very similar to some things we have   in the states. beef with gravy. it's very good though  they use different bits of the beef so each one   has a little bit different texture too this  is very nice. beef goulash mmm the goulash is  really really good the goulash is my   favorite that was really good mmm amazing yum. now  stewed cabbage with pork belly and of course potato dumplings braised crispy pork belly really  nice sweet tart cabbage with the potato   dumpling and the juice beautiful it's  my favorite it's definitely my favorite   the pork Belly is my favorite excellent  great flavor combination salty, sweet, sour, rich it's so hearty Pretty heavy like you can tell  that they ate for cold weather it sticks to the bones   you'll definitely notice that a lot of their  old world meals are like a big piece of meat a   huge chunk of sauce and either potato dumplings or  bread dumplings like they all pretty much have the   same elements to the dishes so you can see like  the kind of recipes the kind of ingredients that   they had when they were making the cuisine the  actual Czech Cuisine so it's very interesting what was available, what kind of cattle they had around  and how they made it more palatable it's very hearty stick to the bones kind of food yeah um  and a lot of certain ingredients are used because they   have health benefits a lot of caraway seeds a lot  of eggs a lot of wheat flour no white flour lot of   wheat flour was involved too. very rich very delicious  yeah it's very everything tastes like a homecooked   meal even at fine dining restaurants it tastes  like a homecooked meal yeah it's very satisfying very hearty oh my goodness that was so amazing  not a lot of people come to Prague for the food   which is understandable because they don't really  have you know that many dishes that are known worldwide   mostly known for the beer I guess yeah but it's  a really good foodie City if you know where to go you can find some amazing food here it's super  comforting everything tastes like a home-cooked   meal round and round every meal we've had tastes  like grandmother's recipe it's so hearty so   delicious yeah so if you are planning to visit  Prague or any other City we definitely recommend   a food tour it's like the best way to get to know  a city and the people and the culture it's such   an amazing way to walk your way around the city  and kind of hear the story through the food like   taste your way around the city it's amazing and  um it's one of our favorite things to do. this is   definitely one of the highlights is the food yeah  everyday is at Grandma's house yeah so we're going   to finish up our drinks and try to find a way back  maybe see a castle but we did we did see a lot of   the city while going through all these food places  so we did a good amount of exploring already and   of course if you want to book with them which we  highly recommend the link will be down there we're going to go finish our drinks um hang out with our  new friends and we will see you guys next time bye bye
Channel: The Traveling Chefs
Views: 15,414
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Keywords: czech food, prague food tour, czech food tour, best food in prague, prague food guide, where to eat in prague, czech republic, traditional czech food, prague food, prague travel guide, food vlog, prague restaurants, food in prague, travel guide, visit czech republic, best restaurants in prague, food travel, prague street food, what to do in prague, prague food vlog, czech cuisine, best food czech republic, best food prague, czech food in prague, best czech food
Id: PRdr4a0hc24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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