AMAZING A380 Takeoff From John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)- Emirates (HD) (60FPS)
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Channel: Travels Of MK8ITRA1N
Views: 287,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Airbus A380 Takeoff, Airbus A380-800 Takeoff, Amazing A380 Takeoff From John F. Kennedy International Airport, Takeoff From JFK, Takeoff From Kennedy Airport, John F. Kennedy International Airport, JFK Airport, JFK, Kennedy Airport, Emirates (Airline), Airbus A380 (Aircraft Model), Emirates A380-800, Emirates A380 Take Off From New York, Emirates A380, Emirates A380 Takeoff, Airbus A380 Takeoff Emirates, Airbus A380-800, A380, A380-800, Airbus, NYC, New York, New York City, Takeoff
Id: hTT8n6YK5DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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