Amazing 3ds Max projects! Free Scripts! And more!

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[Music] foreign this is the first episode for 2023. it's January and we will see the news that happened around 3 this month during this month for starters we have that all thin box plugins are now open source we announced that it will happen and yeah finally are now available so we have Krakatoa X mesh Frost and a stock all the code for these plugins are now on GitHub so everyone can download it can modify it can do republishes and modifications on it so it's pretty amazing the community can make it better and it's possible now to Port it to different 3D Max versions without depending of thin box we have Phoenix 5 update 1. this popular plugin for fluids now it's able to add the formats to any volume or particle as you can see here they are adding a Twist modifier over the fire and you can do the same applying band modifiers or whatever over the fluids in our support for real-time interaction with Blu-ray CPU interactive render it has Focus absorption color and fog face and in 3ds Max we received an update for the UI for faster feedback and more control final fluid as well receives the service pack one final fluid is a fluid simulation from service technology that allows for real-time uh simulations using a Nvidia graphic card and on this version It's improving the VDB exports and it has a nicer looking smoke render Stacks has been updated to version 2.66 it has now a new material map parameters modifier where you can control any material or map parameter per pass as you can see here it's adjusting the color on the diffuse map and you can switch so you can have each render rendering a different material color it has a new generate batch it allows to generate a batch file for local rendering instead of using the current session so 3ds Max can render without 3ds Max open and this will allow you to render or do any type of operation like saving files on the background as well it has different improvements and fixes on the UI and other stuff a stack up is a free max3 by cine software allows to very easily distribute and randomize objects over a spline it's a very simple and cool tool to create all types of buildings for example you can Define different bases intermediate and roof type meshes and this Max script will stack them totally procedurally applying different textures and variations on them cinecity created 10 different tutorials where you will be able to see how you can use a stack up this Max script as well Cyclone other of their modifiers to generate procedurally a street with buildings totally procedural if service Max is not loading after a Windows update can be related over a Wacom driver make sure to update to guacam tablet 6.4.1 that addresses specifically a problem of the previous driver preventing Max or Maya to open rapid tools showcase a teaser of this and grab juvitals for 3ds Max it's not yet available but it will come soon it allowed to have opened the UV editor while performing mesh operations and an open Beta will be available very soon you can see as well that as they showcase will be really fast compared with the ungroup in 3ds Max or comparing it with other softwares we all like free stuff and Norberto Aguilera shares for free the rig that he created with the help of Rami Muhammad using fossil controls and 3ds Max biped you can download the file in a stack the group in Facebook and yeah it's awesome to have this free uh stuff so thank you a lot Norberto on a stack on Facebook as well they share this very cool YouTube playlist with academic course discovering all the steps to rig and animate a character in 8 different videos it's really complete really professional very cool playlist we close effective technical detectors store but we decided to make free all the courses that we had on the store so right now we had a lot of different tutorials covering mostly thinking particles you just need to register we don't collect any type of information or anything we simply share it for free you need to register to be able to be on the platform but yeah you have thinking particles 0 to 0 AP procedural Road creation one in Spanish that is called crucial thing in particles basico intermedi en espanol that in Spanish singing particles chain tool and from my friend Gordon pablas that is a very technical course to create interactive studies in thinking particles the tutorials allows you to go from a very basic level in thinking particles to an intermediate Pro level so it covers all types of range and I think that can be useful to a lot of people for the people supporting me on patreon this month we had exclusive tutorials as well I did one where I do guided simulations in Thai flow so I use a low poly deforming object that will transform or it will drive a more high-rise object that will be destroyed following this motion it's very use in production a lot of times and I think in typo it's very easy to do and as well I shared with my patrons as I flow setup that I create to create DeVries blast in the ground so imagine that you have a gun shooting in the ground and creating this blast of debris you have this set up in my patreon and it's time for our favorite section 3ds Max is only for large width we start very strong turn 10 presented in developer detect his new iteration of Forza Motor Sport forsa is a very popular racing car game for Xbox and they showcase on a video some gameplay footage of his new version of Forza and some behind the scenes and the interesting stuff is that you can see how they are developing the game how they are creating the assets but you can see that the 3ds Max UI is in different displays whether they are filming this stuff yeah turn that using 3ds Max for creating assets for for uh for some other sport created this cool Apocalyptica scene on his spare time he used some kid badge for environment a scattered with Forest Park and we can see some findings on the viewport play blast I assume it's Phoenix Muhammad gademi created the vehicle you can see here that as you can see is as well a pretty amazing model by itself done in 3ds Max and render it in v-ray Hashem and shared shared this commercial for a lawyer client he used typhlow Phoenix FD and real Maya and 3ds Max and from a lot of action to a very calm Rocky Forest stream done by Massimo Verona use it to experiment with a scattering workflows using 3ds Max and Forest pack rendered in v-ray and Photoshop for the final grading created a very cool building generator using railclone for 3ds Max it creates this silver Power buildings with very few clicks the goal was to create to select a spline and then ask how many levels he wants this was used for the free fire double trouble that is a production that we already covered some months ago and the result yes you can see will clone for Fitness Max can create very cool procedural assets masayuki koyama created an impressive personal work just for practice it's a huge environment with a flying boat masijuki did everything from a scratch he used Maya and Houdini for modeling substance painter for texturing and 3ds Max using Forest pack and v-ray for layout lighting and rendering are now awesome project from only one guy and yeah amazing grooming cow created this image a static image but it's amazing with this he win the Humphrey d challenge it's about a grandfather that was a racer and this grandfather is talking with his child to try to remember the the things that he did very cool it has a personal style he used 3ds Max Marie Photoshop substance painter zbrush rice designer and fusion 360. AJ Jeffries created this cool typography for a comedian podcast he used a combination of tie flow with VDB sphere packing and Phoenix particle Shader for the bubbles in the bath ornatrix to room the 4 on the teddy bear and all has been rendered with Blu-ray another very cool and different project trying to combine a lot of different styles on this section and if you like it so far wait because we have still two more shots that I think they are awesome a lot of content this January make released procedural light and it's a series of shorts exploring the sculptural quality of light exporting the materials that generate capturing or reflecting the light and the unique gestures that they can create excuse description not mine and all done in 3ds Max anti-flow detected by Danny roboshkin a lot of cool different concepts playing with lights and yeah all has been done in Thai flow and let's remember that January 28th typhlow Pro made one year anniversary uh science after release for the type flow version the timeflow pro version and yeah so many cooler stuff has been created in Thai flow so far it's hard to believe that has been only one year since that pro version and yeah I can't wait to see what will come next and we will end this first month of 2023 with a short film from us cameos the Giant and is selected by Pedro conti and Dennis sisma it has a very interesting aesthetic as you can see I already covered this studio some months ago and they have this really interesting and good look that I really like cool illumination and effects I can see on the credits that Alvaro moreda was doing the effects so I will assume that Houdini was used for the liquids and as you can see on the making of all the scene assembly and lighting has been done in 3ds Max awesome project I like a lot this studio and that's it for the month of January I hope that you like it a lot of stuff and if you like it please give a like give a comment subscribe if you are not subscribed and thanks a lot to all my patrons that it helps a lot seriously guys uh all the people helping me on patreon I love all of you guys but if you are on patreon it helps me a lot to keep doing these videos it's quite some work and as well I have a specific unique tutorials for All My patrons every month I try to have one or two exclusive tutorials for them so yeah thank you so much guys see you soon and goodbye
Channel: Eloi Andaluz Fullà
Views: 22,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: effective, 3ds, max, 3ds max, 3dsmax, vfx, fx, effects, andvfx, tds, particles, animation, tutorial, artist
Id: XOnTpan72m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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